714 research outputs found

    Possible penal consequences from ETA disarmament process

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    Hace tan solo unos meses, ETA decidió proceder a su completo desarme. Esta decisión, que supone el fin a 60 años de violencia, plantea la cuestión relativa a qué papel debe tener el Derecho penal ante el fin de ETA. A lo largo del presente artículo procederé a analizar los diferentes tipos de delitos de terrorismo y las consecuencias que podrían derivarse del proceso de desarme en relación con un Derecho penal definido por un marcado autoritarismo y la flexiblización de ciertos principios legalesA few months ago, ETA resolved to disarm itself fully. This decision, which means the end of the violence 60 years after its beginning, raises a question that needs to be answered: what role should criminal law have in the end of ETA? Throughout this article I will proceed to analyze the different types of terrorist offenses and the consequences that could result from the disarmament process in relation to a criminal law defined by its marked authoritarianism and the flexibilization of certain legal principles

    BAT-7, TEA abilities battery: description and psychometric

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    El BAT-7 es una nueva batería que permite estimar la inteligencia (factor general, g; inteligencia fluida, Gf; e inteligencia cristalizada, Gc) y evaluar 8 aptitudes cognitivas: razonamiento verbal (V), de razonamiento espacial (E), atención (A) y Concentración (Con), razonamiento abstracto (R), razonamiento numérico (N), razonamiento mecánico (M) y ortografía (O). Se compone de tres formas o niveles de dificultad creciente (Elemental, Medio y Superior) y está diseñada para la evaluación intelectual colectiva e individual de los estudiantes de E. Secundaria y universitarios, así como adultos con diferentes niveles educativos. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una descripción del desarrollo de la prueba y de las principales características de la misma así como un resumen de sus propiedades psicométricas, fundamentalmente de su fiabilidad y validez. La muestra de tipificación española estuvo formada por 4.263 alumnos (de 1.º de ESO hasta 2.º de Bachillerato) y 1.507 adultos de diferente nivel educativo y edad. La fiabilidad fue estudiada por medio de las funciones de información y de los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y alfa ordinal. La validez se exploró mediante análisis factoriales confirmatorios multigrupo (ACF). Los ítems que componen cada prueba muestran un buen ajuste al modelo TRI de tres parámetros utilizado. Los valores del alfa ordinal variaron de 0,79 hasta 0,91 para las puntuaciones de la prueba y 0,91-0,97 para las puntuaciones compuestas o índices. El modelo factorial basado en la teoría CHC mostró un buen ajuste a los datos observados (RMSEA = 0,034 ; SRMR = 0,026 ; CFI = 0,981). Los resultados obtenidos en términos de ajuste al modelo de TRI, fiabilidad y validez indican que el BAT-7 es una medida útil, flexible y altamente fiable para la evaluación de las aptitudes cognitivas y aportan evidencias que apoyan el uso de la batería para la evaluación de las aptitudes intelectuales en escolares y adultos. Igualmente, mediante su aplicación puede obtenerse una estimación de la capacidad general (g), de la inteligencia fluida (Gf) y de la inteligencia cristalizada (Gc).BAT-7 is a new psychometric tool for assessing three intellectual domains, general factor (g), fluid intelligence (Gf) and crystallized intelligence (Gc), and eight cognitive abilities: Verbal (V), Spatial (E), Attention (A) and Concentration (CON), Reasoning (R), Numerical (N), Mechanical (M) and Orthography (O). It consists of three forms of increasing difficulty (E, M and S) and it is focused on the assessment of school and college students, as well as adults with different educational background. The present study aims to provide a description of the BAT-7 development and the main features of it, and a summary of its psychometric properties, mainly its reliability and validity. BAT-7 was administered to a Spanish standardization sample of 4,263 students (age between 12 and 18) and 1,507 adults. Reliability was studied with ordinal alpha, Cronbach’s alpha and tests information functions. Validity was explored by multigroup CFA. 3P IRT model showed a statistical fit for all items. Ordinal alpha ranged from .79 to .91 for test scores and from .91 to .97 for composite scores. The model based on CHC theory showed a good fit to the observed data (RMSEA=.034; SRMR=.026; CFI=.981). The results, in terms of TRI model fitting, reliability and validity, suggest that the BAT-7 is a useful, flexible and highly reliable test for assessing the cognitive abilities, and provide evidences supporting the use of the battery for the assessment of intellectual abilities in children and adults. An estimate of general ability (g), fluid intelligence (Gf) and crystallized intelligence (Gc) also can be obtained by applying the BAT-7.peerReviewe

    A Bayesian framework for verification and recalibration of ensemble forecasts: How uncertain is NAO predictability?

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    Predictability estimates of ensemble prediction systems are uncertain due to limited numbers of past forecasts and observations. To account for such uncertainty, this paper proposes a Bayesian inferential framework that provides a simple 6-parameter representation of ensemble forecasting systems and the corresponding observations. The framework is probabilistic, and thus allows for quantifying uncertainty in predictability measures such as correlation skill and signal-to-noise ratios. It also provides a natural way to produce recalibrated probabilistic predictions from uncalibrated ensembles forecasts. The framework is used to address important questions concerning the skill of winter hindcasts of the North Atlantic Oscillation for 1992-2011 issued by the Met Office GloSea5 climate prediction system. Although there is much uncertainty in the correlation between ensemble mean and observations, there is strong evidence of skill: the 95% credible interval of the correlation coefficient of [0.19,0.68] does not overlap zero. There is also strong evidence that the forecasts are not exchangeable with the observations: With over 99% certainty, the signal-to-noise ratio of the forecasts is smaller than the signal-to-noise ratio of the observations, which suggests that raw forecasts should not be taken as representative scenarios of the observations. Forecast recalibration is thus required, which can be coherently addressed within the proposed framework.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    La nueva ruta de la seda y la inversión china en puertos europeos

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    Este trabajo muestra al lector las ambiciones de China con la puesta en marcha de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda, explicando tanto los proyectos que se llevarán a cabo, como algunos de los inconvenientes que presentan y sus soluciones. Asimismo, se presenta el tema de la inversión china en diferentes puertos europeos y la repercusión que ésta tiene en ellos. Por último, se expone la entrada de capital chino en puertos españoles, explicando los ejemplos del Puerto de Valencia y el Puerto de Bilbao.This work shows the reader China ́sambitionswith the launch of the New Silk Road, explaining both the projects that will be carried out, as well as some of the inconveniences they present and their solutions. Likewise, the topic of Chinese investment in differents European ports and its impact on them are presented. Finaly, the entry of Chinese capital in Spanish ports is shown, explaining the examples of the port of Valencia and the portof Bilbao.Lan honek, Txinako anbizioak erakusten dizkio irakurleari Zetako Bide Berriaren abiaraztearekin, bai burutu diren proiektuak azalduz, bai aurkezten dituen eragozpenak eta hauen konponbidea erakutsiz. Gainera, Txinak Europako potu desberdinetan egindako inbertsioen inguruan hitz egingo da, baita hauek zer nolako ospea daukaten. Amaitzeko, Espainako portuetan kapital Txinatarraren sarrerak izandako eragina adierazten da, Valentzia eta Bilboko portuak oinarritzat hartuta

    Estudio de Fosfuro de Indio mediante catodoluminiscencia de capas de Fosfuro de Indio crecidas por epitaxia lateral (CELOG)

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    El estudio de nuevas técnicas de crecimiento de materiales semiconductores para la fabricación de dispositivos electrónicos es de gran importancia para la industria actual. La obtención de obleas de semiconductores distintos al silicio con una calidad apropiada, así como con un coste comprensible es uno de los retos por los que pasa la electrónica. Esto conlleva una necesidad de poder caracterizar las muestras de una manera exhaustiva que permita ver las cualidades de la oblea creada. Es aquí donde la catodoluminiscencia aparece como la mejor técnica para llevar a cabo su estudio. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se exponen los resultados obtenidos al estudiar mediante dicha técnica una muestra de Fosfuro de Indio crecida mediante una nueva técnica de crecimiento epitaxial (CELOG).Grado en Físic

    La nueva ruta de la seda y la inversión china en puertos europeos

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    Este trabajo muestra al lector las ambiciones de China con la puesta en marcha de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda, explicando tanto los proyectos que se llevarán a cabo, como algunos de los inconvenientes que presentan y sus soluciones. Asimismo, se presenta el tema de la inversión china en diferentes puertos europeos y la repercusión que ésta tiene en ellos. Por último, se expone la entrada de capital chino en puertos españoles, explicando los ejemplos del Puerto de Valencia y el Puerto de Bilbao.This work shows the reader China ́sambitionswith the launch of the New Silk Road, explaining both the projects that will be carried out, as well as some of the inconveniences they present and their solutions. Likewise, the topic of Chinese investment in differents European ports and its impact on them are presented. Finaly, the entry of Chinese capital in Spanish ports is shown, explaining the examples of the port of Valencia and the portof Bilbao.Lan honek, Txinako anbizioak erakusten dizkio irakurleari Zetako Bide Berriaren abiaraztearekin, bai burutu diren proiektuak azalduz, bai aurkezten dituen eragozpenak eta hauen konponbidea erakutsiz. Gainera, Txinak Europako potu desberdinetan egindako inbertsioen inguruan hitz egingo da, baita hauek zer nolako ospea daukaten. Amaitzeko, Espainako portuetan kapital Txinatarraren sarrerak izandako eragina adierazten da, Valentzia eta Bilboko portuak oinarritzat hartuta

    Series de Fourier no armónicas

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2023, Director: Joaquim Ortega Cerdà[en] We study systems of exponentials as subsets of square-integrable functions on an interval, proving that if a set of frequencies is a small enough perturbation of the integers, then the associated system of exponentials is a Riesz basis. We also prove that this result can be extended to complex frequencies that lie in a horizontal strip in the complex plane

    A study on the shallow water effect on a ship's pivot point

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    Information on the pivot point of a turning ship is collected, taking into account practical notes and manuals on ship maneuvering as well as experimental data and simulated results which all together reveal a consistent behavior when varying water depth or some ship particulars. Results from the studies already carried out on the Riverine Support Patrol Vessel (RSPV) of the Colombian Navy are included in this one, in order to estimate the pivot point’s position and to contrast those results with theory and available empirical observations. Linear manoeuvrability theory is tested and its results show poor approximation with respect to the kinematic equations. As to the depth variation effect, by means of fullscale experiments it is confirmed that the pivot point’s position, when going to shallow water, always varies in the same way, proving to be coherent with the available information on this phenomenon

    Mathematical model for manoeuvrability of a riverine support patrol vessel with a pump-jet propulsion system

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    A study on the manoeuvrability of a riverine support patrol vessel is made to derive a mathematical model and simulate maneuvers with this ship. The vessel is mainly characterized by both its wide-beam and the unconventional propulsion system, that is, a pump-jet type azimuthal propulsion. By processing experimental data and the ship characteristics with diverse formulae to find the proper hydrodynamic coefficients and propulsion forces, a system of three differential equations is completed and tuned to carry out simulations of the turning test. The simulation is able to accept variable speed, jet angle and water depth as input parameters and its output consists of time series of the state variables and a plot of the simulated path and heading of the ship during the maneuver. Thanks to the data of full-scale trials previously performed with the studied vessel, a process of validation was made, which shows a good fit between simulated and full-scale experimental results, especially on the turning diamete

    Uncertain Uncertainty: Spatial Variation in the Quality of American Community Survey Estimates

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    The U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) is the foundation of social science research, much federal resource allocation and the development of public policy and private sector decisions. However, the high uncertainty associated with some of the ACS's most frequently used estimates can jeopardize the accuracy of inferences based on these data. While there is high level understanding in the research community that problems exist in the data, the sources and implications of these problems have been largely overlooked. Using 2006-2010 ACS median household income at the census tract scale as the test case (where a third of small-area estimates have higher than recommend errors), we explore the patterns in the uncertainty of ACS data. We consider various potential sources of uncertainty in the data, ranging from response level to geographic location to characteristics of the place. We find that there exist systematic patterns in the uncertainty in both the spatial and attribute dimensions. Using a regression framework, we identify the factors that are most frequently correlated with the error at national, regional and metropolitan area scales, and find these correlates are not consistent across the various locations tested. The implication is that data quality varies in different places, making cross-sectional analysis both within and across regions less reliable. We also present general advice for data users and potential solutions to the challenges identified