28 research outputs found

    Complex interplays between phytosterols and plastid development

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    Isoprenoids comprise the largest class of natural compounds and are found in all kinds of organisms. In plants, they participate in both primary and specialized metabolism, playing essential roles in nearly all aspects of growth and development. The enormous diversity of this family of compounds is extensively exploited for biotechnological and biomedical applications as biomaterials, biofuels or drugs. Despite their variety of structures, all isoprenoids derive from the common C₅ precursor isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP). Plants synthesize IPP through two different metabolic pathways, the mevalonic acid (MVA) and the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathways that operate in the cytosol-RE and plastids, respectively. MEP-derived isoprenoids include important compounds for chloroplast function and as such, knock-out mutant plants affected in different steps of this pathway display important alterations in plastid structure. These alterations often lead to albino phenotypes and lethality at seedling stage. MVA knock-out mutant plants show, on the contrary, lethal phenotypes already exhibited at the gametophyte or embryo developmental stage. However, the recent characterization of conditional knock-down mutant plants of farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS), a central enzyme in cytosolic and mitochondrial isoprenoid biosynthesis, revealed an unexpected role of this pathway in chloroplast development and plastidial isoprenoid metabolism in post-embryonic stages. Upon FPS silencing, chloroplast structure is severely altered, together with a strong reduction in the levels of MEP pathway-derived major end products. This phenotype is associated to misregulation of genes involved in stress responses predominantly belonging to JA and Fe homeostasis pathways. Transcriptomic experiments and analysis of recent literature indicate that sterols are the cause of the observed alterations through an as yet undiscovered mechanism

    Structural and functional analysis of tomato sterol C22 desaturase

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    Background: Sterols are structural and functional components of eukaryotic cell membranes. Plants produce a complex mixture of sterols, among which β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, and cholesterol in some Solanaceae, are the most abundant species. Many reports have shown that the stigmasterol to β-sitosterol ratio changes during plant development and in response to stresses, suggesting that it may play a role in the regulation of these processes. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), changes in the stigmasterol to β-sitosterol ratio correlate with the induction of the only gene encoding sterol C22-desaturase (C22DES), the enzyme specifically involved in the conversion of β-sitosterol to stigmasterol. However, despite the biological interest of this enzyme, there is still a lack of knowledge about several relevant aspects related to its structure and function. Results: In this study we report the subcellular localization of tomato C22DES in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) based on confocal fluorescence microscopy and cell fractionation analyses. Modeling studies have also revealed that C22DES consists of two well-differentiated domains: a single N-terminal transmembrane-helix domain (TMH) anchored in the ER-membrane and a globular (or catalytic) domain that is oriented towards the cytosol. Although TMH is sufficient for the targeting and retention of the enzyme in the ER, the globular domain may also interact and be retained in the ER in the absence of the N-terminal transmembrane domain. The observation that a truncated version of C22DES lacking the TMH is enzymatically inactive revealed that the N-terminal membrane domain is essential for enzyme activity. The in silico analysis of the TMH region of plant C22DES revealed several structural features that could be involved in substrate recognition and binding. Conclusions: Overall, this study contributes to expand the current knowledge on the structure and function of plant C22DES and to unveil novel aspects related to plant sterol metabolism

    Emerging roles for conjugated sterols in plants

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    In plants, sterols are found in free form (free sterols, FSs) and conjugated as steryl esters (SEs), steryl glycosides (SGs) and acyl steryl glycosides (ASGs). Conjugated sterols are ubiquitously found in plants but their relative contents highly differ among species and their profile may change in response to developmental and environmental cues. SEs play a central role in membrane sterol homeostasis and also represent a storage pool of sterols in particular plant tissues. SGs and ASGs are main components of the plant plasma membrane (PM) that specifically accumulate in lipid rafts, PM microdomains known to mediate many relevant cellular processes. There are increasing evidences supporting the involvement of conjugated sterols in plant stress responses. In spite of this, very little is known about their metabolism. At present, only a limited number of genes encoding enzymes participating in conjugated sterol metabolism have been cloned and characterized in plants. The aim of this review is to update the current knowledge about the tissue and cellular distribution of conjugated sterols in plants and the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis. We also discuss novel aspects on the role of conjugated sterols in plant development and stress responses recently unveiled using forward- and reverse-genetic approaches

    Tomato UDP-glucose sterol glycosyltransferases: A family of developmental and stress regulated genes that encode cytosolic and membrane-associated forms of the enzyme

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    Sterol glycosyltransferases (SGTs) catalyze the glycosylation of the free hydroxyl group at C-3 position of sterols to produce sterol glycosides. Glycosylated sterols and free sterols are primarily located in cell membranes where in combination with other membrane-bound lipids play a key role in modulating their properties and functioning. In contrast to most plant species, those of the genus Solanum contain very high levels of glycosylated sterols, which in the case of tomato may account for more than 85% of the total sterol content. In this study, we report the identification and functional characterization of the four members of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom) SGT gene family. Expression of recombinant SlSGT proteins in E. coli cells and N. benthamiana leaves demonstrated the ability of the four enzymes to glycosylate different sterol species including cholesterol, brassicasterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, and β-sitosterol, which is consistent with the occurrence in their primary structure of the putative steroid-binding domain found in steroid UDP-glucuronosyltransferases and the UDP-sugar binding domain characteristic for a superfamily of nucleoside diphosphosugar glycosyltransferases. Subcellular localization studies based on fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and cell fractionation analyses revealed that the four tomato SGTs, like the Arabidopsis SGTs UGT80A2 and UGT80B1, localize into the cytosol and the PM, although there are clear differences in their relative distribution between these two cell fractions. The SlSGT genes have specialized but still largely overlapping expression patterns in different organs of tomato plants and throughout the different stages of fruit development and ripening. Moreover, they are differentially regulated in response to biotic and abiotic stress conditions. SlSGT4 expression increases markedly in response to osmotic, salt, and cold stress, as well as upon treatment with abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate

    Inactivation of UDP-glucose sterol glucosyltransferases enhances Arabidopsis resistance to Botrytis cinerea

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    Free and glycosylated sterols are both structural components of the plasma membrane that regulate their biophysical properties and consequently different plasma membrane-associated processes such as plant adaptation to stress or signaling. Several reports relate changes in glycosylated sterols levels with the plant response to abiotic stress, but the information about the role of these compounds in the response to biotic stress is scarce. In this work, we have studied the response to the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea in an Arabidopsis mutant that is severely impaired in steryl glycosides biosynthesis due to the inactivation of the two sterol glucosyltransferases (UGT80A2 and UGT80B1) reported in this plant. This mutant exhibits enhanced resistance against B. cinerea when compared to wild-type plants, which correlates with increased levels of jasmonic acid (JA) and up-regulation of two marker genes (PDF1.2 and PR4) of the ERF branch of the JA signaling pathway. Upon B. cinerea infection, the ugt80A2;B1 double mutant also accumulates higher levels of camalexin, the major Arabidopsis phytoalexin, than wild-type plants. Camalexin accumulation correlates with enhanced transcript levels of several cytochrome P450 camalexin biosynthetic genes, as well as of their transcriptional regulators WRKY33, ANAC042, and MYB51, suggesting that the Botrytis-induced accumulation of camalexin is coordinately regulated at the transcriptional level. After fungus infection, the expression of genes involved in the indole glucosinolate biosynthesis is also up-regulated at a higher degree in the ugt80A2;B1 mutant than in wild-type plants. Altogether, the results of this study show that glycosylated sterols play an important role in the regulation of Arabidopsis response to B. cinerea infection and suggest that this occurs through signaling pathways involving the canonical stress-hormone JA and the tryptophan-derived secondary metabolites camalexin and possibly also indole glucosinolate

    Inactivation of UDP-Glucose Sterol Glucosyltransferases Enhances Arabidopsis Resistance to Botrytis cinerea

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    Altres ajuts: Universitat Jaume I (UJI-B2016-43)Free and glycosylated sterols are both structural components of the plasma membrane that regulate their biophysical properties and consequently different plasma membrane-associated processes such as plant adaptation to stress or signaling. Several reports relate changes in glycosylated sterols levels with the plant response to abiotic stress, but the information about the role of these compounds in the response to biotic stress is scarce. In this work, we have studied the response to the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea in an Arabidopsis mutant that is severely impaired in steryl glycosides biosynthesis due to the inactivation of the two sterol glucosyltransferases (UGT80A2 and UGT80B1) reported in this plant. This mutant exhibits enhanced resistance against B. cinerea when compared to wild-type plants, which correlates with increased levels of jasmonic acid (JA) and up-regulation of two marker genes (PDF1.2 and PR4) of the ERF branch of the JA signaling pathway. Upon B. cinerea infection, the ugt80A2;B1 double mutant also accumulates higher levels of camalexin, the major Arabidopsis phytoalexin, than wild-type plants. Camalexin accumulation correlates with enhanced transcript levels of several cytochrome P450 camalexin biosynthetic genes, as well as of their transcriptional regulators WRKY33, ANAC042, and MYB51, suggesting that the Botrytis-induced accumulation of camalexin is coordinately regulated at the transcriptional level. After fungus infection, the expression of genes involved in the indole glucosinolate biosynthesis is also up-regulated at a higher degree in the ugt80A2;B1 mutant than in wild-type plants. Altogether, the results of this study show that glycosylated sterols play an important role in the regulation of Arabidopsis response to B. cinerea infection and suggest that this occurs through signaling pathways involving the canonical stress-hormone JA and the tryptophan-derived secondary metabolites camalexin and possibly also indole glucosinolates

    Nerolidol production in agroinfiltrated tobacco: Impact of protein stability and membrane targeting of strawberry (Fragraria ananassa) NEROLIDOL SYNTHASE1

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    The sesquiterpene alcohol nerolidol, synthesized from farnesyl diphosphate (FDP), mediates plant-insect inter- actions across multiple trophic levels with major implications for pest management in agriculture. We compared nerolidol engineering strategies in tobacco using agroinfiltration to transiently express strawberry (Fragraria ananassa) linalool/nerolidol synthase (FaNES1) either at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or in the cytosol as a soluble protein. Using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GCMS), we have determined that FaNES1 directed to the ER via fusion to the transmembrane domain of squalene synthase or hydroxymethylglutaryl - CoA reductase displayed significant improvements in terms of transcript levels, protein accumulation, and volatile production when compared to its cytosolic form. However, the highest levels of nerolidol production were observed when FaNES1 was fused to GFP and expressed in the cytosol. This SPME-GCMS method afforded a limit of detection and quantification of 1.54 and 5.13 pg, respectively. Nerolidol production levels, which ranged from 0.5 to 3.0 μg/g F.W., correlated more strongly to the accumulation of recombinant protein than transcript level, the former being highest in FaNES-GFP transfected plants. These results indicate that while the ER may represent an enriched source of FDP that can be exploited in metabolic engineering, protein accumulation is a better predictor of sesquiterpene production

    Emerging roles for conjugated sterols in plants

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    In plants, sterols are found in free form (free sterols, FSs) and conjugated as steryl esters (SEs), steryl glycosides (SGs) and acyl steryl glycosides (ASGs). Conjugated sterols are ubiquitously found in plants but their relative contents highly differ among species and their profile may change in response to developmental and environmental cues. SEs play a central role in membrane sterol homeostasis and also represent a storage pool of sterols in particular plant tissues. SGs and ASGs are main components of the plant plasma membrane (PM) that specifically accumulate in lipid rafts, PM microdomains known to mediate many relevant cellular processes. There are increasing evidences supporting the involvement of conjugated sterols in plant stress responses. In spite of this, very little is known about their metabolism. At present, only a limited number of genes encoding enzymes participating in conjugated sterol metabolism have been cloned and characterized in plants. The aim of this review is to update the current knowledge about the tissue and cellular distribution of conjugated sterols in plants and the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis. We also discuss novel aspects on the role of conjugated sterols in plant development and stress responses recently unveiled using forward- and reverse-genetic approaches

    Emerging roles for conjugated sterols in plants

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    In plants, sterols are found in free form (free sterols, FSs) and conjugated as steryl esters (SEs), steryl glycosides (SGs) and acyl steryl glycosides (ASGs). Conjugated sterols are ubiquitously found in plants but their relative contents highly differ among species and their profile may change in response to developmental and environmental cues. SEs play a central role in membrane sterol homeostasis and also represent a storage pool of sterols in particular plant tissues. SGs and ASGs are main components of the plant plasma membrane (PM) that specifically accumulate in lipid rafts, PM microdomains known to mediate many relevant cellular processes. There are increasing evidences supporting the involvement of conjugated sterols in plant stress responses. In spite of this, very little is known about their metabolism. At present, only a limited number of genes encoding enzymes participating in conjugated sterol metabolism have been cloned and characterized in plants. The aim of this review is to update the current knowledge about the tissue and cellular distribution of conjugated sterols in plants and the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis. We also discuss novel aspects on the role of conjugated sterols in plant development and stress responses recently unveiled using forward- and reverse-genetic approaches

    Emerging roles for conjugated sterols in plants

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    In plants, sterols are found in free form (free sterols, FSs) and conjugated as steryl esters (SEs), steryl glycosides (SGs) and acyl steryl glycosides (ASGs). Conjugated sterols are ubiquitously found in plants but their relative contents highly differ among species and their profile may change in response to developmental and environmental cues. SEs play a central role in membrane sterol homeostasis and also represent a storage pool of sterols in particular plant tissues. SGs and ASGs are main components of the plant plasma membrane (PM) that specifically accumulate in lipid rafts, PM microdomains known to mediate many relevant cellular processes. There are increasing evidences supporting the involvement of conjugated sterols in plant stress responses. In spite of this, very little is known about their metabolism. At present, only a limited number of genes encoding enzymes participating in conjugated sterol metabolism have been cloned and characterized in plants. The aim of this review is to update the current knowledge about the tissue and cellular distribution of conjugated sterols in plants and the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis. We also discuss novel aspects on the role of conjugated sterols in plant development and stress responses recently unveiled using forward- and reverse-genetic approaches