223 research outputs found

    Cerminan Kekuatan Perempuan dalam Album 30 Karya Adele: Sebuah Kajian Feminisme Posmodern

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kekuatan perempuan dalam lirik lagu Adele dalam album 30. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian yaitu lirik lagu Adele dalam album 30 yang merefleksikan feminisme. Objek penelitian yaitu kemandirian perempuan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode simak dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan adanya unsur feminisme posmodern yang menunjukkan kekuatan perempuan dalam lirik lagu Adele dalam album 30, yaitu: kelapangan hati, melindungi, pembelajar, tegar, mandiri, woman support woman (perempuan mendukung perempuan lain), bertanggung jawab, menjunjung tinggi cinta dan kepercayaan, kemandirian, tidak mudah menyerah, percaya diri, perempuan mendukung perempuan lain, berani bersuara, mau mencintai dan dicintai sewajarnya, rumit, kuat

    Intrapreneurship Behavior: The Role of Spiritual Leadership, Religiosity, and Organizational Support

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    Objective: This study tries to investigate the model of intrapreneurship behavior of lecturers. Research Design & Methods: Spiritual leadership, and religiosity are identified as independent variables that influenced intrapreneurship behavior, and organizational support is offered in the model as a mediating variable. The sampling design used simple random sampling technique, from 103 private university lecturer respondents in Yogyakarta, and the PLS-SEM analysis tool. Findings: The results showed that three hypotheses were accepted and the others were not. The impact of religiosity on organizational support, and the impact of organizational support on intrapreneurship behavior is proven to be insignificant. The impact of religiosity and spiritual leadership on intrapreneurship behavior, and the impact of spiritual leadership on organizational support proved to be positive and significant. Testing the mediating variable showed that organizational support was not proven to be a variable mediating the relationship between religiosity and spiritual leadership on intrapreneurship behavior. Implications & Recommendations: This research has implications both practicions and policy maker to build intrapreneurship behavior among lecturers, in particular, according to this finding, a good environment (spiritual leadership and religiosity) will support the lecturer to building intrapreneurship behavior. Contribution & Value Added: These finding contribute to the current understanding about the antecedents of intrapreneurship behavior. This research developed the role of spiritual leadership, religiosity, and organizational support to building intrapreneurship behavior. And as the finding, this study offered the challenge to analyse a good spiritual leadership practices that can build positive perceptions for lecturers and influence intrapreneurship behavior

    Pengaruh Macam dan Takaran Pupuk Kandang terhadap Pertumbuhan Adas (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill.)

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    The experiment was aimed to study the effect of kinds and rates of manure and also find and gain that treatment resulted in the best growth and development of adas. The experiment was conducted at farmer's land in Wukirsari village, Sleman regency, special teritory of Yogyakarta. A factorial experiment of 3x3 factors +1 control was used whereby the treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. The first factor was kind of manure; consisted of 3 kinds, i.e : cow manure, goat manure, chicken manure. The second factor was rates of manure, consisted of 3 levels, i.e : 0,5; 1,0; and 1,5 kg/plant (25, 50, 75 ton/ha). The parameters observed were : plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf area index, shoot root ratio, fresh weight (shoots-roots), dry weight (shoots-roots), net assimilation rate, crop growth rate. The result of experiment showed that there was no interaction between kinds of manure and their rates except for shoot root ratio 8 weeks after plantation. Three kinds of manure gave the same effect as control on plant growth and development. Rates of manure 1,5 kg/plant gave the best influence to adas growth by increasing total dry weight plant and leaf area index 16 weeks after plantation 52,77 % and 27,48 % compared to contro


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    This study aims to develop basic movement model based on interactive multimedia for elementary school students. This research and development presented in the form of interactive multimedia. The research method used is research and development using 10 steps from Borg and Gall While the subject of this research is the first grade students of elementary school. This study begins with the needs analysis, planning,  product development, try out, revision, and final product. The result of this research showed that this product is appropriate for students in grade 1. It was confirmed by the test results of small group and large group that elucidate that the entire of models can be carried well. Consequently, it is showed that this model is essentially and effectively used by the first grader of elementary school students in increasing their ability especially in basic motor skills.Gain score obtained average score 0,59 which means that the comparison between pre-test score and post-test score differences is medium. Keywords: Development, Basic Movement, Interactive Multimedia, Elementary Schoo

    Peran Mediasi Perceived Organization Support Pada Pengaruh Antara Religiusitas Terhadap Intrapreneurship Behavior Pada Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Yogyakarta

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    Intrapreneurship is a form of behavior that appears in a company, with reference to entrepreneurship. Intrapreneurship behavior within the company is reflected in employees with high motivation in their work, who are full of creativity, and innovation, and who look for opportunities to complete work of the highest quality. This study tries to examine the role of the religiosity variable as an antecedent of intrapreneurship behavior of lecturers at private universities in Yogyakarta. By using data from 103 private university lecturer respondents in Yogyakarta, researchers tried to offer four hypotheses as a basis for data analysis tests. By using the PLS_SEM analysis tool, the results of the study prove that religiosity has a positive and significant effect on intrapreneurship and organizational support. Likewise, organizational support has a positive and significant effect on intrapreneurship. The role of organizational support as a mediating variable in the relationship between religiosity and intrapreneurship in this study showed insignificant results. This means that organizational support does not mediate the relationship between religiosity and intrapreneurship

    Analisis Anteseden Variabel Intrapreneurship Behavior Pada Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Yogyakarta

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    Increasing competition for higher education institutions in Indonesia requires internal changes for each organization in preparing a competitive strategy in order to survive in the current environment. Growth and survivability have been the most common goals. Intrapreneurship can be a solution to face competition in the higher education industry. Intrapreneurship is very important and appropriate to be developed among higher education in Indonesia. This research attempts to examine the role of the variable spirituality leadership as an antecedent of the intrapreneurship behavior of lecturers at private universities in Yogyakarta. The population of this study were all lecturers from private universities in Yogyakarta. Samples were taken from the population using simple random sampling techniques, and data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires directly and online to respondents. The data analysis process uses Structured Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS), to test the model as well as to test the hypotheses offered. Overall, among the four hypotheses proposed, there are two hypotheses that are accepted, and two hypotheses are rejected. The research findings show that spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on intrapreneurship and organizational support. On the other hand, organizational support has no direct effect on intrapreneurship, and organizational support is also not a variable mediating the relationship between spiritual leadership and intrapreneurship

    Perancangan Sistem Otomatis Pendeteksi Perawatan Sarana Kereta Api

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    The use of android now not only acts as a means of communication for the community, but also very active role in the dissemination of information quickly and easily. With the current situation which is very practical, in this study, the design of a motorcycle safety history database was designed using android-based QRcode method. Because previously the executor still used the check list sheet, with the design of the Android-based barcode method, the executor did not need to see the data in the archive or add data through the check list sheet. The design of the andoid-based money order motor maintenance database was made in three stages, namely the creation of a database using Firebase. Making android as an interface using Android Studio and making code scanning with QRcode. Data displayed in real time, i.e. data can update data by other devices automatically so that data can be recorded and stored. Data can be opened on more than two devices that have an application installed, provided that the device must scan the QRcode. From the results of testing of the database design that has been made, it can be concluded that the android-based database system can speed up the process of data retrieval compared to taking attendance manually which is the archive of maintenance results. This system can only be used if the device used is on an internet network connection.Penggunaan android saat ini tidak hanya berperan sebagai sarana komunikasi bagi masyarakat, namun juga sangat berperan aktif dalam penyebaran informasi dengan cepat dan mudah. Dengan keadaan sekarang yang serba praktis maka pada penelitian ini dibuat perancangan database riwayat perawatan motor wesel menggunakan metode QRcode berbasis android. Karena sebelumnya pelaksana masih menggunakan lembaran check list, dengan adanya perancangan dengan metode barcode berbasis android maka pelaksana tidak perlu melihat data di arsip ataupun menambah data melalu lembaran chect list. Dilakukan perancangan database riwayat perawatan motor wesel berbasis andoid dibuat dengan tiga tahap yaitu pembuatan database dengan mengunakan Firebase. Pembuatan android sebagai interface dengan menggunakan Android Studio dan pembuatan pemindaian code dengan QRcode. Data yang ditampilkan secara realtime,yaitu data dapat melakukan pembaruan data yang dilakukan perangkat lain secara otomatis sehingga data dapat tercatat dan tersimpan. Data dapat dibuka pada lebih dari dua perangkat yang sudah terpasang aplikasi, dengan ketentuan perangkat harus melakukan pemindaian code pada QRcode. Dari hasil pengujian terhadap perancangan database yang telah dibuat, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa sistem database berbasis android dapat mempercepat proses pengambilan data dibanding dengan pengambilan absensi secara manual yaitu arsip hasil perawatan.Sistem ini hanya dapat digunakan apabila perangkat yang digunakan berada pada koneksi jaringan internet


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    Varied symptoms of Systemic lupus erythematosus make its diagnosis challenging. A 40 year old woman was admitted to the Emergency Room for self-talking, rambling and being rowdy. Psychiatric assessment showed an indication of organic hallucination. The patient had been undergoing neurologic treatment for four months due to multiple sclerosis with onset symptoms including of paraperese which was improved after taking steroids. In addition to neurologic symptoms, other conditions including mucous ulcers, malar rash, vasculitis, hair loss, and arthritis were found. The laboratory test indicated the presence of strong positive ANA profile in the RNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A native, Ro-52, SS-B and Ribosomal Protein. Patient’s condition significantly improved after undergoing treatment for Systemic lupus erythematosus flare with a coincidence of multiple sclerosis.Munculnya beragam gejala pada Systemic lupus erythematosus menyebabkan tantangan dalam diagnosis. Wanita usia 40 tahun datang ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat dengan keluhan bicara sendiri, melantur dan gaduh. Asesmen psikiater dikatakan sebuah halusinasi organik. Pasien dalam perawatan neurolog sebagai multiple sklerosis sejak 4 bulan dengan gejala awal berupa paraparese yang saat ini sudah membaik dengan pemberian steroid. Selain keluhan neurologi diatas, ditemukan mucous ulcer, malar rash, vaskulitis, rambut rontok dan artritis. Laboratorium didapatkan ANA profile positif kuat pada RNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A native, Ro-52, SS-B dan Ribosomal Protein. Pasien membaik setelah dilakukan tatalaksana sebagai Systemic lupus erythematosus flare berat dengan koinsidensi multiple sklerosis

    Does the Single Draft of COC in the South China Sea Matters?

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    This paper attempts to elaborate on the impact of the Single Draft of CoC in resolving the South China Sea (SCS) dispute. This paper uses the concept of International Dispute Settlement Procedures (IDSPs), where the parties try to resolve problems based on international law. This paper argues that countries in the region have been trying to have CoC mechanisms since the 1990s. Although in 2018, the ASEAN countries and China agreed on a Single Draft of CoC in the SCS, however the settlement of the SCS dispute is far from over. The CoC Single Draft is only a collection of ASEAN and China proposals. The Single Draft weaknesses in terms of legal status are they do not clearly state the obligations of each country to add or withdraw their respective proposals.  Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk mengelaborasi bagaimana dampak Draf Tunggal CoC dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa Laut Cina Selatan (LCS). Tulisan ini menggunakan konsep International Dispute Settlement Procedures (IDSPs) di mana para pihak berusaha untuk menyelesaikan persoalan berdasarkan hukum internasional. Tulisan ini memiliki argumen bahwa negara-negara di kawasan telah berupaya untuk memiliki mekanisme tata berperilaku sejak tahun 1990-an. Meskipun tahun 2018 negara-negara ASEAN dan Cina telah menyepakati Draf Tunggal CoC mengenai tata berperilaku di LCS, penyelesaian sengketa LCS masih jauh dari kata selesai. Draf Tunggal CoC hanya merupakan kumpulan usulan ASEAN dan Cina. Kelemahan-kelemahan Draf Tunggal terdiri dari kelemahan dari sisi legal status yang tidak menyebutkan secara jelas kewajiban negara-negara anggota dan cenderung tidak ketat karena tiap negara bisa menambah atau menarik usulan masing-masing

    Korosi Pada Ketel-Uap

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    Ketel-Uap adalah pesawat untuk memanasi air hingga berubah menjadi uap. Uap yang dihasilnya uap-jenuh (saturated-steam) atau uap-panas-Ianjut (superheated-steam), tergantung maksud penggunaan uap. Panas yang diperlukan Ketel-Uap berasal dari reaksi pembakaran bahan-bakar. Reaksi pembakaran menghasilkan gas-gas yang bersuhu sangat tinggi. Gas-asap ini sebagai pemanas dialirkan di dalam Ketel-Uap. Setelah diambil panasnya gas-asap bekas dibuang melalui cerobong. Di dalam Ketel-Uap panas dari gas-asap dipindahkan ke air melewati perantaraan bidang-pemanas Ketel-Uap. Bidangpemanas ini dibuat dari plat-plat dan pipa-pipa baja. Satu sisi bidang-pemanas bersinggungan dengan gas-asap, sisi yang lain bersinggungan dengan air. Gas-asap dan air mempengaruhi peristiwa korosi bidang-pemanas Ketel-Uap pada sisi yang berbeda
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