41 research outputs found


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    This research discussed the issues of discrimination occurred toward the black female characters in The Hidden Figures movie. It aimed to describe the types of discrimination and to explain the impacts toward the black female characters. The researcher used the qualitative research as the method and feminist literary criticism as the approach of this research. The data derived from narrations and dialogues in the movie script related to the research questions. The findings of this research showed that there were two types of discrimination portrayed in the movie; those are derogation and denial. The findings also showed that the impacts of discrimination toward black female characters emerged in psychological and economic fields


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    Pendidikan seksualitas menjadi hal yang penting untuk dikuasai dan diimplementasikan oleh masyarakat terutama oleh para orang tua agar dapat menjalankan fungsi keluarga sebagai pendidikan dengan baik. Agar para orang tua dapat mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai pendidikan seksualitas, diadakan kegiatan fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas yang diberikan oleh Kader PKK di Desa Sudi. Tujuan utama dari program fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat Desa Sudi dalam mengawasi dan mendidik anak. Kader PKK merupakan roda penggerak yang memberikan fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas kepada masyarakat Desa Sudi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas terhadap kesadaran fungsi pengawasan oleh orang tua kepada anak dalam keluarga rentan. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 32 orang tua yang telah diberikan fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas oleh Kader PKK. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik snowball sampling dengan alat pengumpul data yaitu, kuesioner. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa 1) pemberian pemahaman pentingnya pendidikan seksualitas dalam keluarga memperoleh skor sebesar 86,67%. dapat diartikan bahwa fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas oleh kader PKK berjalan dengan sangat baik di tengah-tengah masyarakat. 2) Tanggapan keluarga rentan mengenai pendidikan seksualitas dan pemberian motivasi kepada anak dalam kegiatan belajar memperoleh skor sebesar 89,40%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa kesadaran fungsi pengawasan oleh orang tua kepada anak dikategorikan sangat baik.3) Fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kesadaran fungsi pengawasan oleh orang tua kepada anak dalam keluarga rentan. jika fasilitasi pendidikan seksualitas mengalami kenaikan satu satuan, maka kesadaran fungsi pengawasan akan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,534 atau 53,4%. Kata kunci: Fasilitasi, Pendidikan Seksualitas, Kesadaran Fungsi Pengawasan, Keluarga Rentan Sexuality education is an important thing to be mastered and implemented by the community, especially by parents so that they can carry out the function of the family as education properly. For parents to gain knowledge about sexuality education, sexuality education facilitation activities were held by PKK cadres in Sudi Village. The main objective of the sexuality education facilitation program is to increase the knowledge and skills of the Sudi Village community in supervising and educating children. PKK cadres are cogs that provide facilitation of sexuality education to the people of Sudi Village. This study aims to determine the effect of facilitating sexuality education on awareness of the supervisory function of parents towards children in vulnerable families. The approach in this study uses a quantitative approach with an analytic descriptive method. The sample in this study was 32 parents who had been facilitated by PKK cadres. Data collection in this study used a snowball sampling technique with a data collection tool, namely, a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that 1) Providing an understanding of the importance of sexuality education in the family obtains a score of 86.67%. it can be interpreted that the facilitation of sexuality education by PKK cadres goes very well in the community. 2) Responses of vulnerable families regarding sexuality education and motivating children in learning activities obtained a score of 89.40%. From these results, it can be interpreted that the awareness of the supervisory function by parents to children is categorized as a very good, 3) Facilitation of sexuality education has a positive and significant effect on awareness of the supervisory function of parents on children in vulnerable families. if the facilitation of sexuality education increases by one unit, the awareness of the supervisory function will increase by 0.534 or 53.4%. Keywords: Facilitation, Sexuality Education, Awareness of Oversight Function, Vulnerable Familie

    Analisa Tekno Ekonomi Pada Proyek Tunjungan Electronic Centre

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    Cepatnya pergerakan ekonomi-bisnis di Surabaya diikuti oleh tumbuhnya sektor properti.. Salah satu pusat perdagangan yang dibangun awal 2005 adalah Tunjungan Electronic Centre yang merupakan pusat perdagangan khusus penjualan barang elektronik. Fasilitas yang terdapat pada TEC-pun terbilang lengkap. Mulai dari lift, AC, Escalator, hingga areal parkir sampai 3 lantai. Penyediaan fasilitas berpengaruh pada kebutuhan listrik dan biaya operasional proyek tersebut. Perencanaan parkir sampai dengan 3 lantai-pun turut menentukan pendapatan dari TEC. Maka, perencanaan teknis dari suatu bangunan akan mempengaruhi aspek finansial dari suatu proyek Ditinjau dari aspek teknis, KDB TEC sebesar 100%, KLB sebesar 794,45% dan tinggi bangunan 32 m hampir menyamai Tunjungan Centre sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku pada kawasan Tunjungan. Kebutuhan listrik karena penggunaan utilitas adalah 528.934,14 Kwh/bln yang menyebabkan biaya Ustrik Jbln sebesar Rp 368.325.465. Ditinjau dari aspek finansialnya, NPV-nya yaitu Rp. 19.712.907.019. IRR-nya 22 % lebih besar dari MARR yang ditetapkan yaitu 18 %. Payback Periodnya menunjukkan investasi kembali pada tahun ke 13. Titik impas TEC dicapai jika tingkat hunian mula-mula sebesar 56 % dengan kenaikan 5 %/5 tahun dan harga sewa jika diturunkan sebesar 23 % dari harga awal =================================================================================================================================== The rapid economic and business movement in Surabaya was followed by the growth of the property sector. One of the trade centers built in early 2005 was the Tunjungan Electronic Center which is a trade center specializing in the sale of electronic goods. The facilities at TEC are also quite complete. Starting from lifts, AC, escalators, to parking areas up to 3 floors. The provision of facilities affects the electricity needs and operational costs of the project. Parking planning for up to 3 floors also determines TEC's income. So, the technical planning of a building will influence the financial aspects of a project. Judging from the technical aspect, the KDB TEC is 100%, the KLB is 794.45% and the building height is 32 m, almost the same as the Tunjungan Center in accordance with the regulations applicable to the Tunjungan area. The need for electricity due to utility use is 528,934.14 Kwh/month which causes Jbln electricity costs of IDR 368,325,465. Judging from the financial aspect, the NPV is Rp. 19,712,907,019. The IRR is 22% greater than the MARR set at 18%. The payback period shows the return of investment in the 13th year. The TEC breakeven point is achieved if the initial occupancy rate is 56% with an increase of 5%/5 years and the rental price if reduced by 23% from the initial pric

    Perbedaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Stad Berbantuan Sofwareautograph Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1)Apakah terdapat perbedaan kemampuan komunikasi siswa pada masing-masing pembelajaran (2)Apakah terdapat peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi siswapada masing-masing pembelajaran.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini seluruh SMP/MTs yang berakreditasi A di kota Padangsidimpuan.Secara acak dipilih dua sekolah sebagai subjek penelitian yaitu SMPN 1 dan SMP Nurul Ilmi. Kelas eksperimen diberikan perlakuan pendekatan kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan software Autograph dan kelas kontrol diberi perlakuan pembelajaran biasa berbantuan software Autograph. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari: tes kemampuan komunikasi dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat validatas dan reliabilitas sebesar 0,73.Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:(1) Nilai thitung = 10.1 > ttabel = 2.019 artinya terdapat perbedaan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa pada masing-masing pembelajaran (2) Nilai Sig N_gain kemampuan komunikasi =0.006< 0.05 maka terdapat peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa pada masing-masing pembelajaran, (3) Proses penyelesaian jawaban siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD yang menggunakan software Autographlebih bervariasi daripada siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran biasa menggunakan software Autograph


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    This research viewed the error analysis of prepositions in dscriptive texts by students of SMKS Karya Utama. It was carried out descriptive’s analysis. Aarts and Aarts’ (1982) concept is used to explain the types of prepositions. The research found out the kinds of error in prepositions made by the students. The concept of the theory is used to explain the types errors in prepositiosn made by the students. The data of the research were taken from the students’ writing assignment. The results of this research showed that there ware three kinds of preposition errors made by the students. First, the omission of preposition-the students drop a preposition in a sentence where it is obligatory. Second, the insertion of preposition-the students add a preposition in a sentence where it is not necessary. Third, the selection of incorrect preposition ended in a sentence.Keywords: error analysis, prepositions, omission, insertion, selectio

    The Portrayal of Liberal Feminism through the Main Character of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Novel

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    This research discusses about the portrayal of liberal feminism experienced by the main character in the Jane Eyre novel. In conducting this research, the researcher used the theory of liberal feminism and the theory of characterization by Reaske. The researcher used qualitative research as the method and mimetic as the approach of this research. The findings of this research showed that there are two aspects of liberal feminism that are portrayed in the novel; namely equal education and equal liberty. Those aspects are portrayed through Jane Eyre’s character when she struggled to get her freedom by being intelligent and progressive to get well education, and being independent and courageous to get her freedom

    Metode Kooperatif Tipe STAD dan Problem Posing dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Perbedaan tingkat kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi persamaan linier dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan Problem Possing, (2) Hasil belajar kooperatif tipe STAD dan  Problem Possing. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Utara yang berjumlah 418 siswa dengan sampel 2 kelas dengan masing-masing berjumlah 35 orang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data dari penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD adalah 13,97 dan simpangan baku Sˡ = 1,98. Nilai rata-rata hasil belajar, siswa dengan pembelajaran menggunakan tipe problem possing adalah 11,80 dan simpangan baku Sˡ  = 1,53. Oleh karena itu terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD pada kompetensi dasar mendeskripsikan sistem persamaan linier di kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Utara dengan ɑ = 0,05 diperoleh thitung = 5,13 dan ttabel = 1,660, dengan demikian  dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan menggunakan tipe problem possing. Kesimpulannya bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD lebih baik dari pada tipe problem possing

    Recent Echocardiography Parameters for Predicting Better Functional Result after Mitral Valve Correction Surgery in Patients with Primary Mitral Regurgitation

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    Abstract &nbsp; Objectives We analyzed whether some echocardiographic parameters are good predictors of functional result after mitral valve correction surgery.&nbsp; &nbsp; Background Ejection fraction was not the only parameter to decide optimal time for surgery, nor an indicator for a better functional result after surgery. Severity measurement being a main consideration in surgery decision. Reduced left ventricle dimension after surgery reflect a better functional result. &nbsp; Methods In 2019, 67 patients was included in this analysis. Age 53 (17-67) years, male 52,2%. All patients are with severe primary mitral regurgitation and treated by mitral valve surgery (mitral valve repair or replacement). Retrospective echocardiographic analysis was performed, to find the best parameter for predicting better functional outcome after surgery. &nbsp; Results Data was collected from January to December 2019. From 262 primary mitral valve surgery underwent in National Heart Center Harapan Kita, there was 67 patients included, the other was excluded due to probability of secondary mitral regurgitation mechanism, concomitant congenital heart disease and or other significant valves disease, missing post-surgery data due to referral flow to the prior hospital and less complete echocardiographic views for further analysis. In bivariate analysis, end-diastolic volume (EDV) and regurgitant volume (RV) were strong predictor of decreasing left ventricle diameter after surgery (p 0.0001 and p 0.05). End-diastolic volume 133,5 ml or more is predictive for decreasing left ventricle diameter if surgery was conducted (sensitivity 87.3%, sensitivity 66.7%). &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Conclusions EDV and RV found to be good predictors for functional outcome of primary mitral valve surgery than other echocardiographic parameters. Measuring EDV before deciding timing of surgery will be helpful in targeting better functional result after surgery. &nbsp; &nbsp


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    This research was aimed at analysing students’ strategies in giving compliments. This was descriptive qualitative research using a qualitative approach accompanied by descriptive statistics. This research involved 39 EFL students as the participants in the academic year 2019/2020 selected using cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used to collect the data was a DCT (Discourse Completion Test) containing a number of situations where the students were expected to give their compliment. The result showed that the students used many kinds of strategy in giving compliments. Explicit strategy was the most used by the students. Furthermore, the single explicit strategy appeared the most within overall strategies that appeared in the DCT. This implied that the students prefer to give a direct and simple compliment. One strategy in giving compliment appeared out of the classification which is congratulation attached to unbound semantic formula

    Alternatif Protein Pakan Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) dengan Penambahan Tepung Cacing Sutera (Tubifex sp.)

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    Arnando E, Ellya E, Ariani I, Soleh M, Susanto T, Hodifa V, Amin M.  2021. Alternative protein feed for catfish (Clarias sp.) with the addition of silkworm flour (Tubifex sp.). In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang  20 Oktober 2021. pp. 524-533.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Catfish (Clarias sp.) is a fish commodity that has been developed because it has high economic value. The high production value causes demdan to increase, especially maintenance dan feeding with high protein content. Silkworm flour (Tubifex sp.) is a addition of silk worms (Tubifex sp.) as a combination of artificial feed especially to increase the high protein content to support the growth dan development of catfish (Clarias sp.). They studied aimed made deaded silkworms (Tubifex sp.) was reprocessed into fed by made silkworm floured so that the floured could was used as a protein substituted dan could was formulated in othered fed ingredients. The resulted of the studied explained the nutritional contented of silk wormed (Tubifex sp.) in which 57% protein, 13% fat, 4.86% carbohydrates, dan 9.76% water contented. In addition had several important nutritional contented, silk wormed have also been equipped with 13 kinds of amino acids, namely 7 essential amino acids dan 6 non-essential amino acids. So that silk worms (Tubifex sp.) can have a fairly high nutritional content when the nutritional contented was needed by fish seeded for the growth process of catfish. Therefore, the addition of silk worms in feed can stimulate fish to eat which has a high protein content so that it is easily digested dan absorbed to provide optimal utilization of protein intake in terms of growth dan is expected to increase protein in catfish