24 research outputs found

    Mechanical and physical characterization of composite bamboo-guadua products: Plastiguadua

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    The bamboo species Guadua angustifolia Kunth (Guadua) was subjected to different fibre extraction processes, chemically treated and used in combination with a set range of polymers to form various composite materials. Novel technologies and artisan methods for veneer production and fibre extraction were explored. Extensive experimental work was undertaken on the composites manufacture, mixes and arrangements to form flat sheets. Physical and mechanical properties of these sheets were assessed on two material configurations: Plastiguadua-L and Plastiguadua-P. The former was a laminated material with 70% by weight of thin veneers of Guadua and 30% thermoset polyester resin. The latter had a 1:1 ratio by weight of short fibre bundles and resin content respectively. For the mechanical characterization, bending, tensile and impact-Izod tests were undertaken. Rockwell hardness, UV, condensation and water absorption were carried out to assess their physical properties. Values obtained for the elastic properties of Plastiguadua-L were lower than those of Plastiguadua-P, whilst strength values showed the opposite response for both bending, tension and impact. Bending and tensile modulus of elasticity for the former were 3.96 GPa and 2.21 GPa respectively, and 4.61 GPa and 2.38 GPa respectively for the latter. Tensile and impact strength values obtained were 38.3 MPa and 20.73 MPa respectively for Plastiguadua-L and 157 J/m and 55 J/m respectively for Plastiguadua-P. Improved resistance to degradation was observed through the UV/condensation test on samples embedded on resin when compared to those with none or slight preservation treatments. Overall, the research project showcased a range of products manufactured by mixing different forms of Guadua fibres and mats with polymers and assessed the mechanical and physical features of two of them. The project focused on a holistic approach to the use and manufacture of bamboo products for engineering applications and as potential substitutes for wood applications

    Bamboo hybrids can bolster UK timber supplies

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    A relatively common material is not being embraced fully for building supplies. Interest in bamboo is growing, through research and media campaigning about the material’s environmental benefits, properties and its ability to replace wood, steel and carbon-fibre. But bamboo is not commonly used in high-performance applications or permanent structures, and its potential in construction remains untapped. Academic and industrial research carried out in the UK aimed to address the challenges associated with using bamboo in durable, safe and cost-efficient structures. Further combining the grass with UK-grown wood could maximise use of this material and make economic sense for the domestic forest secto

    Low carbon construction using Guadua Bamboo in Colombia

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    Limeboo: Lime as a Replacement for Cement in Wall-Framing Systems with Bamboo-Guadua (Bahareque Encementado)

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    Traditional construction systems with the bamboo species Guadua angustifolia Kunth (Guadua) are standardized under the Colombian code for seismic-resistant buildings '1'. These systems are regarded as highly environmentally friendly due to their intensive use of Guadua in the supporting structure and walls. In particular, the plastered cane building system or 'bahareque encementado', which provides a low-cost and low-technology alternative for two-storey dwellings, commonly uses round Guadua for the frame and riven Guadua boards (esterilla) for covering the frame. However, this wall-framing system relies heavily on cement renders for providing combined structural action to resist lateral loads, protecting the material against weathering and ensuring a flat surface for construction finishes. Thick cement renders contribute greatly to the wall mass and together with the foundations result on the highest negative environmental impact in traditional wallframing construction with Guadua. Therefore, the reduction of the use of cement or its complete replacement for alternative binders in the wall-framing 'bahareque' system is a key point for environmental improvement. Widely available materials such as lime, which have less energy intensive production-processes present an alternative to cement. Moreover, lime offers improved breathability within the building and behaves more elastically than cement. This paper explores the potential use of lime as a replacement for cement mortars in 'bahareque' systems and analyses Guadua's anatomical and chemical features when mixed with lime. The paper describes a 'cold process' in which no high temperatures are involved for the improvement of the bonding between lime and bamboo

    Bamboo construction inspired by vernacular techniques for reducing carbon footprint: A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

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    Whilst upcoming innovations on digital technology and renewable energy can have a significant impact on the reduction of operational carbon emissions in the construction industry, readily available fast-growing building materials like bamboo are already proving reductions in the embodied carbon of dwellings above 60% when compared to traditional brickwork in Colombia. This paper presents a like-by-like comparison of the environmental impact of a conventional clay brick house (CBH) and a bamboo house for social housing in Colombia, which was built using adapted vernacular technologies. The bamboo house uses bamboo species Guadua angustifolia Kunth as the main structural support for the light cement bamboo frame (LCBF) system, a.k.a. ‘cemented bahareque’, whilst the CBH combines clay bricks and steel for the load-bearing walls. Traditionally built Guadua angustifolia Kunth bahareque (GaKB) houses are a key part of the vernacular architecture in the ‘coffee cultural landscape of Colombia’ (CCLC) recognised by UNESCO. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed to calculate the carbon footprint of the houses following four phases: (1) definition of objective and scope; (2) inventory analysis; (3) impact assessment; and (4) interpretation of results. The results show that the carbon footprint of the GaKB house accounts for about 40% of the CBH, i.e., the GaKB generates a carbon footprint of 107.17 CO2-eq/m2 whilst the CBH results in a carbon footprint of 298.44 kg CO2-eq/m2. Furthermore, from a carbon balance calculation, the carbon footprint of the GaKB house is further reduced to about 36% of the CSB house. LCA results for the built GaKB house demonstrate that vernacular housing projects that preserve cultural heritage can also be resilient and climate-neutral. This paper sets a precedent for the establishment of targeted government policies and industry practices that preserve the cultural heritage and vernacular technologies in the CCLC region and in other emergent economies worldwide whilst promoting future-proof and net-zero carbon construction

    Industrial or traditional bamboo construction? Comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of bamboo-based buildings

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    © 2018 by the authors. The past five decades have witnessed an unprecedented growth in population. This has led to an ever-growing housing demand. It has been proposed that the use of bio-based materials, and specifically bamboo, can help alleviate the housing demand in a sustainable manner. The present paper aims to assess the environmental impact caused by using four different construction materials (bamboo, brick, concrete hollow block, and engineered bamboo) in buildings. A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out to measure the environmental impact of the different construction materials in the construction of single and multi-storey buildings. The LCA considered the extraction, production, transport, and use of the construction materials. The IPCC2013 evaluation method from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC2013 was used for the calculations of CO2 emissions. The assessment was geographically located in Colombia, South America, and estimates the transport distances of the construction materials. The results show that transportation and reinforcing materials significantly contribute to the environmental impact, whereas the engineered bamboo construction system has the lowest environmental impact. The adoption of bamboo-based construction systems has a significant potential to support the regenerative development of regions where they could be used and might lead to long-lasting improvements to economies, environments, and livelihoods