1,455 research outputs found

    Are patients with mental disorders agressors or victims?

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2020/2021Stigma is a condition that imposes barriers in the care and integration of people with mental disorders in society. Since historical times, people with mental disorders have suffered the deepest rejection by society. Progressively, their rights and conditions have improved; however, the discriminatory aspect of stigma has ceased insignificantly due to the perception of danger that is had on patients. This social perception produces a worse prognosis in the patient's disorder (greater isolation, depressive symptoms, less job opportunity ...). Therefore, the objective of the following review is to synthesize the evidence on the real index of violence exerted by patients with mental disorders; especially the psychotic spectrum. A bibliographic review was carried out using the Scopus, PubPsych, PsycINFO databases, where 6 articles were finally collected after the exclusion and inclusion processes. After reviewing the scientific literature, it can be observed that people with mental disorders are not dangerous due to their mental disorder by itself, but due to clinical and sociodemographic risk factors: marital status, age, work situation, supportive climate, abuse of substances or lack of adherence to treatment. Furthermore, apart from the fact that patients with mental disorders are non-violent (2%), they are a vulnerable group in the face of victimization and possible crimes suffered. These findings contrast with the widespread myth that many psychiatric patients are violent and dangerous, and this knowledge should be used in policies and campaigns to overcome the stigma associated with mental illness.El estigma es una condición que impone barreras en el cuidado e integración de las personas con trastorno mental en la sociedad. Desde tiempos históricos, las personas con trastorno mental han sufrido el rechazo más profundo por parte de la sociedad. De manera progresiva, sus derechos y condiciones han mejorado; sin embargo, el aspecto discriminatorio del estigma ha cesado insignificativamente debido a la percepción de peligrosidad que se tiene sobre los pacientes. Esta percepción social produce un peor pronóstico en el trastorno del paciente (mayor aislamiento, síntomas depresivos, menor oportunidad laboral...). Por tanto, el objetivo de la siguiente revisión es sintetizar la evidencia sobre el índice real de violencia ejercida por pacientes con trastorno mental; especialmente el espectro psicótico. Se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica mediante las bases de datos Scopus, PubPsych, PsycINFO, dónde finalmente se recogieron 6 artículos tras los procesos de exclusión e inclusión. Tras revisar la literatura científica, se puede observar que las personas con trastorno mental no son peligrosas debido a su trastorno mental per se, sino debido a factores clínicos y sociodemográficos de riesgo: estado civil, edad, situación laboral, clima de apoyo, abuso de sustancias o falta de adherencia a tratamiento. Además, aparte de que los pacientes con trastorno mental son no violentos (2%), son un grupo vulnerable en relación a la victimización y posibles delitos sufridos. Estos hallazgos contrastan con el mito generalizado de que muchos pacientes psiquiátricos son violentos y peligrosos, y este conocimiento debe utilizarse en políticas y campañas para superar el estigma asociado con enfermedades mentales

    «Stilus et Praxis Curiae». Presupuestos para una visión actual del concepto.

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    Empirical distributions of stock returns: european securities markets, 1990-95

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    The assumption that daily stock returns are normally distributed has long been disputed by the data. In this article we test (and clearly reject) the normality assumption using time series of daily stock returns for thirteen European securities markets. More importantly, we fit to the data four alternative specifications, find overall support for the scaled-t distribution (and partial support for a mixture of two Normal distributions), and quantify the magnitude of the error that stems from predicting the probability of obtaining returns in specified intervals by using the Normal distribution. We conclude by arguing that normality may be a plausible assumption for monthly (but not for daily) stock returns

    Alveoli generation on basalts and sandstones of the Meñakoz coastal area (Sopelana, Bizkaia): lithological and environmental controls

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    [EN] In the coastal area of Meñakoz (Sopelana, Bizkaia) outcrop, in mechanical contact, alkaline basalt lavas (upper Albian) and turbidite sandstones of the black flysch (upper Albian-lower Cenomanian) are affected by an intense weathering process. The alveoli formed, in both lithologies, present a typology conditioned by: a) the mineralogical composition (basalts vs. sandstones); b) fabric (massive vs. cross/convoluted lamination); c) the coastal environment in a humid-temperate climate, leading to repeated wetting-drying cycles; d) the different orientation of the surfaces to the prevailing wind; e) biogenic activity (algae and lichens), as a temporary protective surface. The weathering process is in an advanced stage of degradation with destruction and coalescence of cells, although there are also sets of cells preserved in good condition. It discusses the main internal/external factors that have enabled, accelerated and blocked its development, with strong variations in the speed of the process.[ES] En la zona costera de Meñakoz (Sopelana, Bizkaia) afloran, en contacto mecánico, coladas de basaltos alcalinos (Albiense superior) y areniscas turbidíticas del flysch negro (Albiense superior- Cenomaniense inferior) afectadas por un intenso proceso de meteorización. Los alvéolos formados en esas diferentes litologías presentan una variedad tipológica condicionada por: a) la composición mineralógica (basaltos vs. areniscas); b) la fábrica-textura (disposición masiva vs. laminación cruzada/convoluta); c) el ambiente costero en un clima húmedo-templado, lo que produce repetidos ciclos de humectación-secado; d) la diferente orientación de las superficies al viento dominante y e) la actividad biogénica (algas y líquenes), como superficie protectora temporal. El proceso de meteorización que afecta a las rocas se encuentra en un estadio avanzado de degradación con destrucción y coalescencia de celdas, aunque hay conjuntos de alvéolos preservados en buen estado. Se discute sobre los principales factores internos/externos que han posibilitado, acelerado y bloqueado el desarrollo de los alvéolos, constatándose notables variaciones en la velocidad del proceso.Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado parcialmente por el proyecto CGL 2011-2782- C02-02.Peer reviewe

    Un juego de espejos: Venises

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    In this article, we study the book Venises by the French diplomat, voyager and writer Paul Morand. Using the concept of mixed speech, we will unveil the peculiarities of this work related to the author’s own life (autobiographic speech), to his vocation for books about trips and cities (descriptive speech), and with his perception of Venice as a mythical city, built through memory and the world of art and culture (literary speech).En el presente articulo se examina la obra Venises del diplomatico, viajero y escritor frances Paul Morand. A traves del concepto de discurso mixto, se pondran de manifiesto las peculiaridades de esta obra en relacion con la vida del propio autor (discurso autobiografico), con su vocacion por los libros sobre viajes y ciudades (discurso descriptivo) y con su percepcion de Venecia como ciudad mitica, fabricada a traves del recuerdo, del mundo del arte y de la cultura (discurso literario)

    The limits of material benefits: remittances and pro-Americanism in Mexico

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    We explore how the reception of remittances affects perceptions of the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Scholars have claimed that the economic benefits of the relationship with the U.S. prevail over imperialistic concerns stemming from the asymmetry of power between the two countries. Empirical research shows that Latin American public opinion is indeed more supportive of the U.S. than the theory predicts. We identify, however, two gaps in this literature: first, scholars have explored the determinants of generic expressions of sentiment toward the U.S., overlooking more concrete instances of cooperation between the two countries. Second, scholars have focused on trade and investment and have ignored how the material gains of emigration shape attitudes toward the U.S. Using novel survey data on the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the U.S., our paper fills these two gaps. On one hand, we find that while the reception of remittances correlates positively with good sentiments toward the U.S., those that receive remittances are consistently more opposed to cooperation with the U.S. in the fight against drug trafficking. We argue that this finding can be explained by the different nature of the migratory phenomenon, and the connection between anti-drug trafficking policies and the close scrutiny of illegal flows of money and people

    Financial remittances, trans-border conversations, and the state

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    How does the reception of remittances change the views of those left behind? In this paper, we compare the impact of financial remittances (transmission of money) with the impact of social remittances (transmission of ideas and values) on preferences about the role of the state in the economy (in particular, the role of the state in creating jobs, reducing inequality, and securing citizens’ well-being). Using data from the Latin American Public Opinion Project (2008–2010), we find that social learning via cross-border communication is positively associated with preference for an enhanced role of the state

    Collective Remittances and the State: The 3x1 Program in Mexican Municipalities

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    The Mexican 3x1 Program for Migrants is a matching fund scheme that seeks to direct the money sent by hometown associations abroad (collective remittances) to productive uses. The federal, state and municipal governments contribute to the program multiplying by three the contributions sent by migrants abroad. Using municipal level data on program participation for the period 2002-2006, we evaluate the program’s capacity to target the poorest municipalities. Since migration has a nonlinear relationship with poverty and marginality, a program that unconditionally responds to project initiatives from migrant organizations is bound to be regressive due to self-selection bias. Indeed, poorer municipalities are less likely to participate and they also receive lower amounts and fewer projects than relatively richer localities. Moreover, we find evidence of a partisan bias: states and municipalities ruled by the PAN are significantly more likely to participate in the program, and electoral support for the PAN is associated with more funds or projects awarded. We argue that substantial changes should be implemented for the program to be a truly progressive poverty reduction tool.Latin American Studie

    Glyphosate and AMPA concentrations in wind-blown material under field conditions

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    Agricultural intensification in fragile arid and semiarid environments has led to an increase in soil degradation, mainly through wind erosion. Argentina is an agricultural and cattle-farming country, which has increased its productivity in the last few decades, widening the boundaries of farm land and the use of herbicides to control weeds. Glyphosate, which accounts for 65% of the Argentinian pesticides market, is strongly retained in soil. The World Health Organization concluded that there was evidence to classify glyphosate as ‘probably carcinogenic to humans.’ In this context, the objective of this study was to determine the presence and concentration of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in wind-blown material in 3 areas in Argentine semiarid regions (Chaco, La Pampa, and San Luis). In 1-ha2 plots, left uncovered and levelled, the wind-blown material was collected at heights of 13.5, 50, and 150 cm during 18 erosion events. The wind-blown material carried by the wind at a height of 150 cm had concentrations of 247 and 218 μg kg−1 of glyphosate and AMPA, respectively. This material was enriched 60 times in glyphosate and 3 times in AMPA as compared with the original soil. This shows that the eroded material can, potentially, have a negative impact on the ecosystem and also on human health, depending on the proportion of this material released into the atmosphere in suspension as particulate matter. This study is, to our knowledge, the first to report concentrations of glyphosate and AMPA in wind-blown material under field conditions.Fil: Aparicio, Virginia Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Aimar, Silvia Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: de Gerónimo, Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mendez, Mariano Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Costa, Jose Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentin