65 research outputs found

    Euapta godeffroyi (Holothuroidea: Synaptidae): Filling the distribution gap between Mexico and Costa Rica, eastern tropical Pacific

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    One specimen of the sea cucumber Euapta godeffroyi (Semper, 1868) is reported from La Entrega reef (15°44´34´´ N, 96°07´35´´ W), Southern Mexican Pacific. The specimen was observed feeding late at night, supporting the nocturnal habits of this species which is a deposit feeder. No specimens of this species had been previously reported for the area extending from Isla Isabel, Mexico (21°51´43´´ N, 105°53´28´´ W) to Golfito, Costa Rica (8°37´02´´ N, 83°09´01´´ W); the new record fills part of its distribution gap in the eastern tropical Pacific

    Network service providing by means of embedded systems

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    In this paper we present an embedded device able to manage the remote boot of network nodes by means of Wake on LAN (WoL) through Internet and wide area network, presenting it as a Web service. The service is known as WoLI and comprises a network device, a group of embedded software applications in that device and an application protocol known as WoLIP. This device is small and requires only minimal maintenance, and is able to communicate via Wide Area Networks through embedded applications, using the WoLIP application protocol defined on SOAP massages and defined by means of WSDL documents. The mechanism used for booting up the devices is compatible with WoL technology. The service can be perfectly integrated with remote management systems based on SO A. The management and control of the device and the service may be carried out via Internet, using a standard Web browser. This approach is an example of the application of a more general proposal for managing network services, based on the use of small embedded network devices which provide specific functionalities for common use, and which are as autonomous and self sufficient as possible

    Modelado semántico de procesos independiente de las infraestructuras de fabricación

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    En este trabajo se propone un modelo de gestión de procesos de negocio que permita diseñar y desplegar procesos de fabricación con independencia de las características físicas del nivel de planta. Para componer los procesos completos de manera automática, la propuesta se basa en el uso de ontologías como fuente de conocimiento, a partir de las cuales se realizan los razonamientos que permiten adaptar los procesos abstractos a las características especificas de una planta sin intervención humana. Para ello se presenta un modelo conceptual y una arquitectura basada en servicios, en la que la maquinaria industrial actúa como proveedor de servicios y el sistema de gestión de procesos de negocio actúa como consumidor de los mismos. A partir de la propuesta se ha realizado su implementación y se ha diseñado un caso de uso junto con un conjunto de experimentos que han demostrado que se obtiene un alto grado de automatismo en la composición automática de procesos de fabricación, validando la propuesta

    Integration of business and manufacturing processes through industrial machinery as a service approach

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    In manufacturing organizations is difficult to reach the requirements of the new business models (agile and dynamic adaptation to changes) due to technological and conceptual constraints between elements located at different levels of the organization, which prevents the integration of business and manufacturing processes. In this paper, a new industrial machinery model that achieves this integration has been proposed. This model, named IMaaS, shows the industrial machinery as a set of business processes, removing the conceptual constraints, and exposed as services, removing technology constraints.This work was supported in part by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, University of Alicante (Proyectos de investigación emergentes 2010: Sistema de gestión de procesos integral en entornos manufactureros. Aplicación a la fabricación ágil)

    Bandas juveniles violentas en España

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    El presente artículo muestra el estudio cualitativo desarrollado por la Universidad de Extremadura como socio del Proyecto Europeo ITACA. La sociedad europea expresa preocupación e inquietud ante el fenómeno de la violencia y la delincuencia ejercida por menores y jóvenes adultos. En Europa no hay muchos estudios y datos cuantitativos que informen sobre las medidas y características de este fenómeno de las pandillas juveniles a nivel europeo, es por esto, que abrir la investigación a otros países da la posibilidad de visualizar un problema real que está extendido a diferentes niveles y realidades. La presencia de este fenómeno en territorio español, ha implicado un análisis del contexto nacional en cuanto a sus definiciones, origen, composición y características de los grupos juveniles en España, como punto de partida para su comprensión y tratamiento, y en la búsqueda de unas buenas prácticas de intervención para disminuir sus riesgos.This paper presents a qualitative study developed by the University of Extremadura as a member of the European Project: ITACA. European society expressed concern and fear of the phenomenon of violence and criminality exercised by minors and young adults. In Europe there are not many studies or quantitative data that report on measures and characteristics of the phenomenon of juvenile gangs at the European level, for this reason, open the investigation to other countries makes it possible to visualize a real problem that is spread different levels and realities. The presence of this phenomenon in Spanish territory, has involved an analysis of the national context in terms of its definition, origin, composition and characteristics of juvenile groups in Spain, as a starting point for understanding and treatment, and in the search for an intervention good practices to reduce their risks

    Effects of Renewable Energy Production and Infrastructure on Wildlife

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    The high levels of human demands of resources—from food to space and energy—are one of the main drivers of global change and are causing large negative impacts on ecosystems functioning worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997 ). Global change components range from climate change to habitat destruction, species invasions, pollution and eutrophication. Although these factors can produce ecosystem changes independently, the final descent is often driven by synergistic processes. The resulting amplifying feedbacks can be disconnected from the original driver of change, leading to a state shift in the biosphere with unexpected consequences (Barnosky et al. 2012 ). Climate change seems to have taken prominence over other drivers of global change, leading to larger funding and attention with respect to other major components of global change (Veríssimo et al. 2014 )

    Effects of Renewable Energy Production and Infrastructure on Wildlife

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    The high levels of human demands of resources—from food to space and energy—are one of the main drivers of global change and are causing large negative impacts on ecosystems functioning worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997 ). Global change components range from climate change to habitat destruction, species invasions, pollution and eutrophication. Although these factors can produce ecosystem changes independently, the final descent is often driven by synergistic processes. The resulting amplifying feedbacks can be disconnected from the original driver of change, leading to a state shift in the biosphere with unexpected consequences (Barnosky et al. 2012 ). Climate change seems to have taken prominence over other drivers of global change, leading to larger funding and attention with respect to other major components of global change (Veríssimo et al. 2014 )

    Administración de servicios de Internet. De la teoría a la práctica

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    El principal objetivo de este libro se centra en exponer y organizar los diferentes conceptos, tecnologías, modelos y herramientas involucrados en el ámbito del desarrollo de sistemas distribuidos en Internet. El libro está organizado en dos grandes secciones: Servicios de red y Servicios avanzados para la red. La primera parte está dedicada a los conceptos y tecnologías asociados con la implantación de aplicaciones distribuidas. Los casos prácticos están más orientados a administradores de sistemas. La segunda parte está dedicada a servicios que suelen proporcionar soporte, no a los usuarios finales, sino a otras aplicaciones y servicios de red

    Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Mortality from Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease and Drinking Water Hardness

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    Previously published scientific papers have reported a negative correlation between drinking water hardness and cardiovascular mortality. Some ecologic and case–control studies suggest the protective effect of calcium and magnesium concentration in drinking water. In this article we present an analysis of this protective relationship in 538 municipalities of Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) from 1991–1998. We used the Spanish version of the Rapid Inquiry Facility (RIF) developed under the European Environment and Health Information System (EUROHEIS) research project. The strategy of analysis used in our study conforms to the exploratory nature of the RIF that is used as a tool to obtain quick and flexible insight into epidemiologic surveillance problems. This article describes the use of the RIF to explore possible associations between disease indicators and environmental factors. We used exposure analysis to assess the effect of both protective factors—calcium and magnesium—on mortality from cerebrovascular (ICD-9 430–438) and ischemic heart (ICD-9 410–414) diseases. This study provides statistical evidence of the relationship between mortality from cardiovascular diseases and hardness of drinking water. This relationship is stronger in cerebrovascular disease than in ischemic heart disease, is more pronounced for women than for men, and is more apparent with magnesium than with calcium concentration levels. Nevertheless, the protective nature of these two factors is not clearly established. Our results suggest the possibility of protectiveness but cannot be claimed as conclusive. The weak effects of these covariates make it difficult to separate them from the influence of socioeconomic and environmental factors. We have also performed disease mapping of standardized mortality ratios to detect clusters of municipalities with high risk. Further standardization by levels of calcium and magnesium in drinking water shows changes in the maps when we remove the effect of these covariates