223 research outputs found

    Information and data literacy skills development in Creative Industries Adult Education: the Digiculture project

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    This paper aims to analyse, from a theoretical point of view, the promotion of digital skills, in particular Information and data literacy (Carretero, Vuorikari & Punie, 2017), in a Creative Industries (CI) Adult Education context. Gaining digital skills and abilities, the promotion of which is often inadequate (European Commission, 2017), could improve the career opportunities of workers in the CI sector, providing access to new distribution markets, such as e-commerce, or adding new forms of digital expression (European Commission, 2018). The analysis of the literature promoting digital competences for CI workers aims to identify, from a pedagogical point of view, the most effective teaching and learning methodologies, didactic tools and evaluation practices for Information and data literacy development, defining the theoretical elements for the construction of future educational training paths in international education contexts. The content of the paper originates from the Erasmus+ KA204 “DigiCulture” project (Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries, 2018-2021).Il presente contributo propone una revisione sistematica della letteratura di riferimento sul tema delle competenze digitali, in particolare quelle di Information and data literacy (DigComp 2.1, 2017), in percorsi educativi destinati a chi opera nell’industria creativa. L’acquisizione di competenze digitali, la cui promozione è spesso inadeguata (European Commission, 2017), potrebbe migliorare le opportunità di carriera dei lavoratori delle industrie creative, attraverso l’accesso a nuovi mercati di distribuzione, quali l’e-commerce, o a nuove forme di espressione digitale (European Commission, 2018). L’analisi sistematica delle ricerche empiriche pubblicate in letteratura nel campo della promozione delle competenze digitali per adulti operanti nell’industria creativa, qui descritta, si propone di identificare, in un’ottica pedagogica, le modalità di insegnamento e apprendimento, le metodologie, gli strumenti didattici e le pratiche valutative più efficaci per lo sviluppo delle competenze suddette, definendo la linea teorica per la costruzione di futuri percorsi educativi di formazione in contesti internazionali. I contenuti del contributo derivano dal progetto Erasmus+ KA204 DigiCulture (Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries, 2018-2021)

    Virtual Museum Experience for Critical Thinking Development: First Results from the National Gallery of Art (MOOC, US)

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    In recent years, the use of innovative learning strategies within museum education contexts has been considerably supported by the use of digital technologies, especially in terms of critical thinking enhancement. As underlined by several studies in the field, the aesthetic experience is particularly effective in terms of reflection skills promotion, critical interpretation and analysis, both at individual and group level, as well as personal and creative reinterpretation (Biasi, Patrizi, & Fagioli, 2020). The present paper describes a research conducted within the MOOC «Teaching Critical Thinking through Art», created by the National Gallery of Art in Washington (DC), under the scientific supervision of the Harvard Project Zero researchers, pioneers of Visual Thinking Strategies within the museum context. The paper is aimed at illustrating the results of a content analysis conducted on the forum section of the above-mentioned MOOC during the 2020 edition. In particular, 163 posts from the «See/think/wonder» activity were assessed by two human evaluators using two different Critical Thinking evaluation tools (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2001; Poce, 2017). In addition, specific analyses were carried out selected users’ writing activities in order to identify possible positive correlations between the characteristics of forum posts and the critical thinking skills solicited

    Dal capitale culturale a quello socio-economico: l’esperienza del corso “Standards for Museum Education”

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    Esta contribución tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de un proyecto de investigación llevado a cabo por el Centro de Didáctica Museística de la Universidad de Roma Tre, destinado a promover, analizar y evaluar el uso del patrimonio cultural en contextos de educación universitaria. El proyecto se llevó a cabo dentro del curso internacional de postgrado “Estándares para la Educación de los Museos”. Los resultados proporcionaron una orientación útil sobre el diseño e implementación de caminos de aprendizaje universitarios que pueden integrar el patrimonio artístico y cultural con actividades dirigidas a la actualización profesional y promoción de las competencias transversales.Il presente contributo si propone di presentare i risultati di un progetto di ricerca realizzato dal Centro di Didattica Museale, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, e volto alla promozione, analisi e valutazione della fruizione del patrimonio culturale in contesti educativi universitari. Il progetto è stato realizzato all’interno del corso post lauream internazionale “Standards for Museum Education”. I risultati ottenuti hanno fornito indicazioni utili circa la progettazione e la realizzazione di percorsi di apprendimento universitari che sappiano integrare il patrimonio artistico e culturale ad attività mirate all’aggiornamento professionale e alla promozione delle competenze trasversali

    Teacher Online Qualification Framework

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    Implementation of digital technologies into education process is nothing new, distance and online education has been present for the decades. But with the COVID-19 pandemic educational institutions, teachers and educators had to move suddenly to fully online teaching and learning. And many of them has not been prepared for that, especially lacking skills in digital pedagogy. How to implement digital technologies skilfully, equitably and effectively to support high quality and inclusive education is one of the most important issue now

    Creative writing and Critical Thinking Enhancement at Higher Education

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    [EN] Currently, educational policymakers identify Critical Thinking (CT) as an essential aspect of progress and knowledge growth in any field and in the broad society. Peer interactions and individual writing are helpful pedagogical strategies for CT development that could be enhanced by the use of technologies (Guiller, Durndell, & Ross, 2008). Starting from the above-mentioned evidence, a university module was designed by combining collaborative and creative writing with the critical analysis of literary texts and the fruition of figurative arts. 123 students worked in groups and their CT level was assessed at different times of the course. Most of the students’ groups showed an increase in their CT level whilst a few did not. The difficulties in the management of group dynamics corresponded to the decreasing CT level. On the contrary, groups able to organize their work improved their CT throughout the course. Additionally, students’ work modes had an impact on their performance at different CT tasks. The research results could be used to improve university course design for CT education.Poce, A.; Amenduni, F. (2019). Creative writing and Critical Thinking Enhancement at Higher Education. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 459-467. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9221OCS45946

    Rethinking high-tech tools for cultural heritage education. In-training teachers’ reflections on Musetech web app

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    MuseTech is a web app implemented in the frame of DICHE Erasmus + Project. The aim was to train teachers on new methods to develop 4Cs through the use of cultural heritage education and technologies. In this paper we investigate how much in-training teachers are interested in 3.0 web technologies proposed in the MuseTech app, and which kind of opinions and expectations they have about the use of 3.0 technologies for cultural heritage education. Teachers showed a strong interest for high tech cultural heritage educational resources, especially because of the following affordances: ubiquity, multi-sensoriality experience, and immersivity. Through a self-assessment of their skills they declared to develop their research and design skills while stimulating their IT, creativity and critical thinking skills. The MuseTech case has provided teachers with the opportunity to discuss their ideas with peers and to employ technologically tools. Ripensare la tecnologia nell’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Riflessioni di futuri insegnanti sulla web app MuseTechMuseTech è un’applicazione web realizzata nell’ambito del Progetto DICHE Erasmus +, che permette agli insegnanti di essere formati sui nuovi metodi per sviluppare capacità comunicative, di collaborazione, di creatività e di pensiero critico (4Cs) attraverso l’educazione al patrimonio culturale e l’uso delle tecnologie. Abbiamo indagato quanto gli insegnanti in formazione siano interessati alle tecnologie web 3.0 proposte nell’app MuseTech, e che tipo di opinioni e aspettative abbiano circa l’uso di tali tecnologie per l’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Gli insegnanti hanno mostrato un grande interesse specialmente per le caratteristiche di: ubiquità, multi-sensorialità e immersività. Autovalutando le proprie competenze, hanno inoltre dichiarato di aver sviluppato le proprie capacità di ricerca e progettazione stimolando al tempo stesso quelle di IT, creatività e pensiero critico. MuseTech ha inoltre fornito agli insegnanti l’opportunità di discutere le proprie idee con i pari e di utilizzare strumenti tecnologici

    Professional development of in-training museum educators: an experience of curriculum improvement in time of a pandemic

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    [EN] The present paper aims to illustrate the reorganization of two post-graduate courses, “Museum Education. Theoretical aspects” and “Advanced Studies in Museum Education” promoted by CDM (Center for Museum Studies) - Dept. of Education at Roma Tre University, carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, and to analyze the education strategies adopted in terms of museum professionals development to face the Covid-19 museum and universities 2020 Italian lockdown.The results emerging from the quantitative evaluation of the module “Museum and Social Networks”, taking into consideration the activities and digital tools proposed, show the efficacy of the courses reorganization, in terms of transverse and professional skills development in university students, critical thinking and collaboration in particular. Moreover, the data analysis give useful indications in term of university online lectures, laboratory activities and practices in e-learning mode, evaluation tools and methodologies aimed at solliciting professional development of in-training museum educators in university learning context.Poce, A.; Valente, M.; Re, MR.; Amenduni, F.; De Medio, C. (2021). Professional development of in-training museum educators: an experience of curriculum improvement in time of a pandemic. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1377-1384. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12881OCS1377138

    Using different learning methodologies and tools to exploit the educational impact of a University Art Collection: a pilot phase at Roma Tre University (IT)

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    The Centre for Museum Studies based at University Roma Tre (IT) has designed and implemented a museum educational programme aimed at promoting the “Tito Rossini” contemporary art collection donated by the artist in 2017 to the Department of Education. The educational programme foresees the use of innovative and digital education methodologies and tools (e.g. Digital Storytelling, Augmented Reality and Gamification) and is addressed to university and external users. A pilot study with university students was carried out in order to verify the achievement of some objectives of the programme designed for the exhibition. This experience addresses the need for personalised educational museum paths in view of promoting social inclusion and transverse skills, focusing on critical thinking in particular

    Supporting Virtual Mobility Skills in a MOOC: Preliminary Results

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    In the last years, the concept of Virtual Mobility has receiving a growing attention from educational policy makers and institutions, because it has the potential to make more accessible and effective students and teachers mobility in Higher Education. Virtual Mobility could be defined as institutional ICT-supported activities that trigger or facilitate international collaborative experiences in the context of teaching and/or learning. Despite the interest, there is still a few empirical researches regarding actual effectiveness of Virtual Mobility implementation and which technological solutions could be adopted. The present paper describes a research project aimed at designing an Open and Accessible Virtual Mobility Massive Open Online Course, by involving students and teachers from six European countries and higher education institutions. 716 participants completed and assessed the Open Virtual Mobility MOOC. Participants expressed a positive evaluation of different MOOCs features: (a) Badges; (b) Technical features; (c) Gamification. Four out of eight MOOCs obtained the highest evaluation: (a) Collaborative learning; (b) Autonomy-drive learning; (c) Open-mindedness; (d) Intercultural skills. Future research trajectories would be described
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