818 research outputs found

    Martine Lavaud, Théophile Gautier, militant du romantisme

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    L’ouvrage de Martine Lavaud s’inscrit dans le mouvement de réévaluation de la pensée de Gautier et de la place de son œuvre dans la littérature, engagé depuis quelques années déjà. Aucune étude n’avait abordé jusqu’ici la question du «militantisme» de Gautier à travers l’ensemble de sa création: le corpus comprend l’œuvre narrative et poétique, d’Albertus à Histoire du romantisme, mais aussi l’œuvre polémique et journalistique. Un tel champ d’investigation peut surprendre a priori, au regard ..

    Childhood height, adult height, and the risk of prostate cancer

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    PURPOSE: We previously showed that childhood height is positively associated with prostate cancer risk. It is, however, unknown whether childhood height exerts its effects independently of or through adult height. We investigated whether and to what extent childhood height has a direct effect on the risk of prostate cancer apart from adult height. METHODS: We included 5,871 men with height measured at ages 7 and 13 years in the Copenhagen School Health Records Register who also had adult (50–65 years) height measured in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health study. Prostate cancer status was obtained through linkage to the Danish Cancer Registry. Direct and total effects of childhood height on prostate cancer risk were estimated from Cox regressions. RESULTS: From 1996 to 2012, 429 prostate cancers occurred. Child and adult heights were positively and significantly associated with prostate cancer risk. When adjusted for adult height, height at age 7 years was no longer significantly associated with the risk of prostate cancer. Height at 13 years was significantly and positively associated with prostate cancer risk even when adult height was adjusted for; per height z-score the hazard ratio was 1.15 [95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.32]. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of height at 13 years on the risk of prostate cancer was not entirely mediated through adult height, suggesting that child height and adult height may be associated with prostate cancer through different pathways

    Multilocus analysis of SNP and metabolic data within a given pathway

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    BACKGROUND: Complex traits, which are under the influence of multiple and possibly interacting genes, have become a subject of new statistical methodological research. One of the greatest challenges facing human geneticists is the identification and characterization of susceptibility genes for common multifactorial diseases and their association to different quantitative phenotypic traits. RESULTS: Two types of data from the same metabolic pathway were used in the analysis: categorical measurements of 18 SNPs; and quantitative measurements of plasma levels of several steroids and their precursors. Using the combinatorial partitioning method we tested various thresholds for each metabolic trait and each individual SNP locus. One SNP in CYP19, 3UTR, two SNPs in CYP1B1 (R48G and A119S) and one in CYP1A1 (T461N) were significantly differently distributed between the high and low level metabolic groups. The leave one out cross validation method showed that 6 SNPs in concert make 65% correct prediction of phenotype. Further we used pattern recognition, computing the p-value by Monte Carlo simulation to identify sets of SNPs and physiological characteristics such as age and weight that contribute to a given metabolic level. Since the SNPs detected by both methods reside either in the same gene (CYP1B1) or in 3 different genes in immediate vicinity on chromosome 15 (CYP19, CYP11 and CYP1A1) we investigated the possibility that they form intragenic and intergenic haplotypes, which may jointly account for a higher activity in the pathway. We identified such haplotypes associated with metabolic levels. CONCLUSION: The methods reported here may enable to study multiple low-penetrance genetic factors that together determine various quantitative phenotypic traits. Our preliminary data suggest that several genes coding for proteins involved in a common pathway, that happen to be located on common chromosomal areas and may form intragenic haplotypes, together account for a higher activity of the whole pathway

    Visuelle læringsprocessers betydning for studerendes kompetencer i innovation og kreativitet

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    Selv om professionsuddannelserne de senere år har haft fokus på at udvikle de studerendes innovative og kreative kompetencer, uddannes de studerende alligevel ofte i en undervisningskultur, der indirekte opfordrer til passivitet, konformitet og fantasiløshed og hvor skabelon- og metodetænkning præmieres.   I forsøget på at løse dette dilemma har vi på Ergoterapeutuddannelsen i Holstebro, under overskriften ’Projekt Visuel Læring’, eksperimenteret med at inddrage forskellige visuelle elementer for at skabe en undervisningsform, der fremmer de studerendes aktive læringsprocesser og derved øger deres kompetencer i innovation og kreativitet.   I denne artikel vil vi give et indblik i de didaktiske processer, og de bagvedliggende refleksioner der har været gennemgående før, under og efter projektet. Vi vil desuden give et bud på hvordan et projekt, der i første omgang er drevet af få ildsjæle, implementeres og forankres til en læringskultur, hvor kreativitet, innovation og entreprenørskab nu er en naturlig del og bagvedliggende tanke i uddannelsesplanlægningen på alle niveauer

    Expression of full-length p53 and its isoform Δp53 in breast carcinomas in relation to mutation status and clinical parameters

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    BACKGROUND: The tumor suppressor gene p53 (TP53) controls numerous signaling pathways and is frequently mutated in human cancers. Novel p53 isoforms suggest alternative splicing as a regulatory feature of p53 activity. RESULTS: In this study we have analyzed mRNA expression of both wild-type and mutated p53 and its respective Δp53 isoform in 88 tumor samples from breast cancer in relation to clinical parameters and molecular subgroups. Three-dimensional structure differences for the novel internally deleted p53 isoform Δp53 have been predicted. We confirmed the expression of Δp53 mRNA in tumors using quantitative real-time PCR technique. The mRNA expression levels of the two isoforms were strongly correlated in both wild-type and p53-mutated tumors, with the level of the Δp53 isoform being approximately 1/3 of that of the full-length p53 mRNA. Patients expressing mutated full-length p53 and non-mutated (wild-type) Δp53, "mutational hybrids", showed a slightly higher frequency of patients with distant metastasis at time of diagnosis compared to other patients with p53 mutations, but otherwise did not differ significantly in any other clinical parameter. Interestingly, the p53 wild-type tumors showed a wide range of mRNA expression of both p53 isoforms. Tumors with mRNA expression levels in the upper or lower quartile were significantly associated with grade and molecular subtypes. In tumors with missense or in frame mutations the mRNA expression levels of both isoforms were significantly elevated, and in tumors with nonsense, frame shift or splice mutations the mRNA levels were significantly reduced compared to those expressing wild-type p53. CONCLUSION: Expression of p53 is accompanied by the functionally different isoform Δp53 at the mRNA level in cell lines and human breast tumors. Investigations of "mutational hybrid" patients highlighted that wild-type Δp53 does not compensates for mutated p53, but rather may be associated with a worse prognosis. In tumors, both isoforms show strong correlations in different mutation-dependent mRNA expression patterns

    Social policies, separation and second birth spacing in Western Europe

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    The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement no. 320116 for the research project FamiliesAndSocieties. We also acknowledge funds from the Academy of Finland (decision number 275030 and 293103) and the German Science Foundation (KR 2855/3–1 and TR 457/7–1).Objective: This paper studies postseparation fertility behavior. The aim is to investigate whether, and if so how, separation affects second birth spacing in Western European countries. Methods: This analysis makes use of rich survey data from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, as well as from Finnish register data. We thus cover the behavior of a large proportion of the population of Western Europe. We also use descriptive measures, such as Kaplan‒Meier survival functions and cumulative incidence curves. In the multivariate analysis, we employ event history modeling to show how education relates to postseparation fertility behavior. Results: There are large differences in postseparation fertility behavior across European countries. For Spain and Italy, we find that only a negligibly small proportion of the population have a second child after separating from the other parent of the firstborn child. The countries with the highest proportion of second children with a new partner are the United Kingdom, Germany, and Finland. In all countries, separation after first birth leads to a sharp increase in the birth interval between first and second births. Contribution: Our study is a contribution to the demographic literature that aims at understanding birth spacing patterns in Western Europe. Furthermore, we draw attention to the role of postseparation policies in explaining country differences in fertility behavior in contemporary societies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    DNA methylation profiling in doxorubicin treated primary locally advanced breast tumours identifies novel genes associated with survival and treatment response

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women and consists of a heterogeneous collection of diseases with distinct histopathological, genetic and epigenetic characteristics. In this study, we aimed to identify DNA methylation based biomarkers to distinguish patients with locally advanced breast cancer who may benefit from neoadjuvant doxorubicin treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We investigated quantitatively the methylation patterns in the promoter regions of 14 genes (<it>ABCB1</it>, <it>ATM</it>, <it>BRCA1</it>, <it>CDH3</it>, <it>CDKN2A</it>, <it>CXCR4</it>, <it>ESR1</it>, <it>FBXW7</it>, <it>FOXC</it>1, <it>GSTP1</it>, <it>IGF2</it>, <it>HMLH1</it>, <it>PPP2R2B</it>, and <it>PTEN</it>) in 75 well-described pre-treatment samples from locally advanced breast cancer and correlated the results to the available clinical and molecular parameters. Six normal breast tissues were used as controls and 163 unselected breast cancer cases were used to validate associations with histopathological and clinical parameters.</p> <p>Aberrant methylation was detected in 9 out of the 14 genes including the discovery of methylation at the <it>FOXC1 </it>promoter. Absence of methylation at the <it>ABCB1 </it>promoter correlated with progressive disease during doxorubicin treatment. Most importantly, the DNA methylation status at the promoters of <it>GSTP1</it>, <it>FOXC1 </it>and <it>ABCB1 </it>correlated with survival, whereby the combination of methylated genes improved the subdivision with respect to the survival of the patients. In multivariate analysis <it>GSTP1 </it>and <it>FOXC1 </it>methylation status proved to be independent prognostic markers associated with survival.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Quantitative DNA methylation profiling is a powerful tool to identify molecular changes associated with specific phenotypes. Methylation at the <it>ABCB1 </it>or <it>GSTP1 </it>promoter improved overall survival probably due to prolonged availability and activity of the drug in the cell while <it>FOXC1 </it>methylation might be a protective factor against tumour invasiveness. <it>FOXC1 </it>proved to be general prognostic factor, while <it>ABCB1 </it>and <it>GSTP1 </it>might be predictive factors for the response to and efficacy of doxorubicin treatment. Pharmacoepigenetic effects such as the reported associations in this study provide molecular explanations for differential responses to chemotherapy and it might prove valuable to take the methylation status of selected genes into account for patient management and treatment decisions.</p

    TRAIL and Taurolidine induce apoptosis and decrease proliferation in human fibrosarcoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Disseminated soft tissue sarcoma still represents a therapeutic dilemma because effective cytostatics are missing. Therefore we tested TRAIL and Tarolidine (TRD), two substances with apoptogenic properties on human fibrosarcoma (HT1080).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Viability, apoptosis and necrosis were visualized by TUNEL-Assay and quantitated by FACS analysis (Propidiumiodide/AnnexinV staining). Gene expression was analysed by RNA-Microarray and the results validated for selected genes by rtPCR. Protein level changes were documented by Western Blot analysis. NFKB activity was analysed by ELISA and proliferation assays (BrdU) were performed.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>The single substances TRAIL and TRD induced apoptotic cell death and decreased proliferation in HT1080 cells significantly. Gene expression of several genes related to apoptotic pathways (TRAIL: <it>ARHGDIA</it>, <it>NFKBIA</it>, <it>TNFAIP3</it>; TRD: <it>HSPA1A/B</it>, <it>NFKBIA</it>, <it>GADD45A</it>, <it>SGK</it>, <it>JUN</it>, <it>MAP3K14</it>) was changed. The combination of TRD and TRAIL significantly increased apoptotic cell death compared to the single substances and lead to expression changes in a variety of genes (<it>HSPA1A/B</it>, <it>NFKBIA</it>, <it>PPP1R15A</it>, <it>GADD45A</it>, <it>AXL</it>, <it>SGK</it>, <it>DUSP1</it>, <it>JUN</it>, <it>IRF1</it>, <it>MYC</it>, <it>BAG5</it>, <it>BIRC3</it>). NFKB activity assay revealed an antipodal regulation of the several subunits of NFKB by TRD and TRD+TRAIL compared to TRAIL alone.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TRD and TRAIL are effective to induce apoptosis and decrease proliferation in human fibrosarcoma. A variety of genes seems to be involved, pointing to the NFKB pathway as key regulator in TRD/TRAIL-mediated apoptosis.</p

    Age independent survival benefit for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) without metastases at diagnosis: a population-based study

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    OBJECTIVE Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major cause of death worldwide and its incidence is expected to increase globally. Aim of this study was to assess whether the implementation of screening policies and the improvement of treatment options translated into a real-world survival benefit in HCC patients. DESIGN 4078 patients diagnosed with HCC between 1998 and 2016 from the Munich Cancer Registry were analysed. Tumour characteristics and outcome were analysed by time period and according to age and presence of metastases at diagnosis. Overall survival (OS) was analysed using Kaplan-Meier method and relative survival (RS) was computed for cancer-specific survival. Cox proportional hazard models were conducted to control for prognostic variables. RESULTS While incidence of HCC remained substantially stable, tumours were diagnosed at increasingly earlier stages, although the median age at diagnosis increased. The 3 years RS in HCC improved from 19.8% in 1998-2002, 22.4% in 2003-2007, 30.6% in 2008-2012 up to 31.0% in 2013-2016. Median OS increased from 6 months in 1998-2002 to 12 months in 2008-2016. However, analysis according to the metastatic status showed that survival improved only in patients without metastases at diagnosis whereas the prognosis of patients with metastatic disease remained unchanged. CONCLUSION These real-world data show that, in contrast to the current assumptions, the incidence of HCC did not increase in a representative German region. Earlier diagnosis, likely related to the implementation of screening programmes, translated into an increasing employment of effective therapeutic options and a clear survival benefit in patients without metastases at diagnosis, irrespective of age

    The Age and Metallicity of the Bootes I System

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    We present Washington photometry of a field central to the Bootes I dwarf spheroidal galaxy, which was discovered as a stellar overdensity in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (DR5). We show that the Washington filters are much more effective than the Sloan filters in separating the metal-poor turn-off stars in the dwarf galaxy from the foreground stars. We detect 165 objects in the field, and statistically determine that just over 40% of the objects are non-members. Our statistical analysis mostly agrees with radial velocity measurements of the brighter stars. We find that that there is a distinct main-sequence turn-off and subgiant branch, where there is some evidence of a spread in chemical abundance. Any evidence of an age spread is limited to a few billion years. The brightest 7 Bootes I members give a (photometric-color derived) weighted mean iron-abundance of [Fe/H]=-2.1+/-0.4, and the best-fit isochrone is the 14.1 Gyr, Z=0.0002 model, with DM=19.11 and E(B-V)=0.02.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the A