12 research outputs found

    Hippocampal damage and memory impairment in congenital cyanotic heart disease

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    Neonatal hypoxia can lead to hippocampal atrophy, which can lead, in turn, to memory impairment. To test the generalizability of this causal sequence, we examined a cohort of 41 children aged 8-16, who, having received the arterial switch operation to correct for transposition of the great arteries, had sustained significant neonatal cyanosis but were otherwise neurodevelopmentally normal. As predicted, the cohort had significant bilateral reduction of hippocampal volumes relative to the volumes of 64 normal controls. They also had significant, yet selective, impairment of episodic memory as measured by standard tests of memory, despite relatively normal levels of intelligence, academic attainment, and verbal fluency. Across the cohort, degree of memory impairment was correlated with degree of hippocampal atrophy suggesting that even as early as neonatal life no other structure can fully compensate for hippocampal injury and its special role in serving episodic long term memory

    Extent of hippocampal atrophy predicts degree of deficit in recall

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    Given the current complexity of global society where elements are experienced gradually changing territorial structures (political, social, cultural, economic and educational) as causing discomfort; fragmentation of territorial units, poverty, unemployment and increased complexity arises need to consider mechanisms for dealing with such problems. These mechanisms sprout from the same base of territory from a capital synergistic, catalyzing, potentially and creating -if not existing nine subjective and intangible capital that enable systemically operate a process of endogenous development. For this reason, it is timely to reflect on the role of humans as territorial species, capable of transforming its own territory, more dynamic, and close it operationally in a way that suits the global context.RESUMEN Ante la actual complejidad de nuestra sociedad pos-moderna, donde se experimentan elementos que cambian progresivamente las estructuras territoriales (políticos, sociales, culturales, económicos y educativos) ocasionando malestares como; fragmentación de las unidades territoriales, pobreza, desempleo y aumento de la propia complejidad, surge la necesidad de considerar mecanismos que afrenten a estos problemas. Dichos mecanismos son propios del territorio que funcionando de manera sistémica le permiten dinamizar su propio proceso de desarrollo. Nos referimos precisamente a la existencia de nueve capitales intangibles y un capital sinérgico que sinergizados y potencializados posibilitan un proceso de desarrollo endógeno, que no es hecho más que por los individuos del propio territorio. Por ésta razón, es oportuno reflexionar acerca del papel de los seres humanos como especies territoriales, capaces de transformar su propio territorio, complejizandolo, territorializandolo  y adaptándolo al contexto global de manera sistémica

    Individual subjects’ results for Experiment 1: Face-name association learning with naturalistic stimuli.

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    <p>Subjects’ learning times (left) and overall recognition scores (right; subjects received .5 points per correctly recalled name). Individual controls are depicted in yellow to red colors, in order to relate their learning times to the respective scores obtained; SMs’ performance is displayed as black (SM1) and blue (SM2) lines and circles, respectively.</p

    Factors increasing efficiency of deammonification process for nitrogen removal from mainstream wastewater.

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    In recent years, the use of Anammox process for wastewater treatment has been thoroughly investigated. Currently, a major challenge is to use this process for the mainstream. The aim of this study is to find factors increasing efficiency of the deammonification process for nitrogen removal from mainstream wastewater in conditions of low ammonia concentration and low temperatures. Two types of lab-scale batch tests were done and obtained results were analysed separately. In the first lab-scale batch test suspended sludge was used and series of OUR tests were carried out. Inhibitors used during experiments were: FNA, FA, NaClO3, fresh UASB effluent and formic acid. The best results, after all tests obtained for using the free nitrous acid as an inhibitor. Results shows that NOB bacterial activity was inhibited, while AOB activity was still high. The second type of lab-scale batch test was used to check interactions between factors which have impact for the NOB suppression. Selected factors were: pH, DO and TAN and these factors were used to plan a series of experiments with MODDE application. After series of 34 experiments, results showed that this method is not effective for low concentrations of TAN and another, more efficient strategy is needed. New strategy should reduce the NOB activity or increase the activity of Anammox. It is difficult to find a good strategy to carry out this process because many factors are affecting it. Using the results, it is necessary to conduct further research, which will give indications to use the deammonification process for mainstream wastewater and will let to achieve good results

    Individual subjects’ results for Experiment 1: Face-name association learning with naturalistic stimuli.

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    <p>Subjects’ learning times (left) and overall recognition scores (right; subjects received .5 points per correctly recalled name). Individual controls are depicted in yellow to red colors, in order to relate their learning times to the respective scores obtained; SMs’ performance is displayed as black (SM1) and blue (SM2) lines and circles, respectively.</p

    Experimental design and results for Experiment 5: Face inversion effect (FIE).

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    <p><b>a.</b> Examples of stimuli presented on a given trial (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0150972#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a>). <b>b.</b> Controls’ average decrease in accuracy related to inversion as a function of face part attended. Individual subjects’ accuracy and RT advantage for upright over inverted face matching when attending <b>c.</b> the eyes and <b>d.</b> the mouth. Note that SMs’ performance decreases (SM1: black; SM2: blue) were not significantly different from those observed for controls.</p

    Examples of stimuli and results for Experiment 4: Other-race effect (ORE).

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    <p><b>a.</b> Examples of stimuli presented. During encoding subjects were presented images of WC and EA identities, which were presented depicting a different facial expression during recognition. <b>b.</b> Controls’ mean d’ (bars represent standard errors) per race with SMs’ scores (SM1: black; SM2: blue) superimposed. <b>c.</b> Individual subjects’ d’ advantage for recognition of same- over other-race faces (ranked normalized difference scores). All subjects, including SMs showed superior performance for old/new decisions of own-race faces.</p