122 research outputs found

    Az ómagyar kori településnevekben előforduló ´német´ jelentésű lexémák nyelvföldrajzi vizsgálata

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    Geolinguistic examination of lexemes meaning ‘German’, appearing in settlement names of the Old Hungarian language     In the Carpathian Basin, names incorporating a lexeme meaning ‘German’ form one of the largest groups of Old Hungarian settlement names that refer to ethnicity. Most of the observed names include the ethnic names német ‘German’ and szász ‘Transylvanian Saxon’. The paper examines the relevant toponyms, adopting several distinct geolinguistic points of view, and analyses the structural composition of the various morphological types (i.e. names of one or two constituents), presenting the role of the different name components in the name forms. Furthermore, the author examines the extent to which the regular linguistic research of settlement names contributes to ethnic reconstruction, a question that has been discussed in historical inquiries for almost a hundred years

    Classification of Hungarian medieval silver coins using x-ray fluorescent spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis

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    A set of silver coins from the collection of Déri Museum Debrecen (Hungary) was examined by X-ray fluorescent elemental analysis with the aim to assign the coins to different groups with the best possible precision based on the acquired chemical information and to build models, which arrange the coins according to their historical periods. Results: Principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, partial least squares discriminant analysis, classification and regression trees and multivariate curve resolution with alternating least squares were applied to reveal dominant pattern in the data and classify the coins into several groups. We also identified those chemical components, which are present in small percentages, but are useful for the classification of the coins. With the coins divided into two groups according to adequate historical periods, we have obtained a correct classification (76-78%) based on the chemical compositions. Conclusions: X-ray fluorescent elemental analysis together with multivariate data analysis methods is suitable to group medieval coins according to historical periods. Keywords: X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Multivariate techniques, Coin, Silver, Middle age

    Consistency of QSAR models: Correct split of training and test sets, ranking of models and performance parameters

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    <div><p>Recent implementations of QSAR modelling software provide the user with numerous models and a wealth of information. In this work, we provide some guidance on how one should interpret the results of QSAR modelling, compare and assess the resulting models, and select the best and most consistent ones. Two QSAR datasets are applied as case studies for the comparison of model performance parameters and model selection methods. We demonstrate the capabilities of sum of ranking differences (SRD) in model selection and ranking, and identify the best performance indicators and models. While the exchange of the original training and (external) test sets does not affect the ranking of performance parameters, it provides improved models in certain cases (despite the lower number of molecules in the training set). Performance parameters for external validation are substantially separated from the other merits in SRD analyses, highlighting their value in data fusion.</p></div

    Beszámoló a 2017/2018. tanévről

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    Bérrel való elégedettségi tényező egy elégedettségi vizsgálat tükrében

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    Jelen tanulmányban egy empirikus kutatás keretében született vizsgálati eredmények közlésére kerül sor, melynek során láthatóvá válik a dolgozók bérrel kapcsolatos elégedettségi szintje. A 2019-ben 4 államigazgatási szerv körében lefolytatott empirikus kutatás keretében végzett online kérdőíves vizsgálat azon része kerül bemutatásra, amely a munkahelyi bérrendszer versenyképessége, a bér és a teljesítmény viszonya, valamint a bérrel és az egyéb juttatásokkal való elégedettség tekintetében adott válaszok eredményeit összesíti

    A Kiss Lajos-díj 2020. évi nyertese: dr. Bárth János

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    Winner of the 2020 Lajos Kiss Prize: Dr János Bárth The Lajos Kiss Prize, awarded every two or three years since 2006, is considered to be a highly prestigious award for young onomasticians. The 2020 winner of the prize is Dr János Bárth, senior lecturer at the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He was given this award for his contribution to Hungarian Historical Onomastics, especially for his research on place names

    «Aportar contribución», «experimentar cambios» – Las construcciones con verbo soporte en el español y en el alemán

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    This essay gives an overview about the so called 'light verb constructions' (LVCs) of the Spanish and German languages. LVCs are formed by the combination of a noun as the semantic, and a verb as the syntactic head of the construction. Since the descprition of their Spanish equivalents has gained attention only recently, we consider it important to adapt and apply the findings of the thorough German experiments on Spanish LVCs