2,197 research outputs found

    Determinant Factors in The Formation Of Students’ Islamic Personality At Indonesian School Of Bangkok (Sib) 2018

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    Education is a necessity for every human being. In Islam, education is evidenced by changes in attitudes and behavior in accordance with Islamic doctrine that requiresactivities and environment to support its success, so it can be said that Islamic education is the formation of a Muslim personality. This study was conducted at Indonesian School of Bangkok (SIB) located in Thailand with cross sectional design. The results of statistical analysis showed that students who got Islamic Education in the family environment well tend to 7,636 times have a good Islamic personality, while students who got Islamic Education in school well, tend to be 6,238 times have a good Islamic personality. Islamic education in the family environment had most significant relationship with the formation of students’ Islamic personality in SIB Thailand


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    Education is a necessity for every human being. In Islam, education is evidenced by changes in attitudes and behavior in accordance with Islamic doctrine that requires activities and environment to support its success, so it can be said that Islamic education is the formation of a Muslim personality. This study was conducted at Indonesian School of Bangkok (SIB) located in Thailand with cross sectional design. The results of statistical analysis showed that students who got Islamic Education in the family environment well tend to 7,636 times have a good Islamic personality, while students who got Islamic Education in school well, tend to be 6,238 times have a good Islamic personality. Islamic education in the family environment had most significant relationship with the formation of students’ Islamic personality in SIB Thailand

    Local Wisdom Becomes the Commander in Criminal Resolution

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    Settlement of criminal cases through peaceful means is highly recommended, especially in minor criminal cases. This is important so that cases do not accumulate. This method is widely applied in customary law which prioritizes restorative justice. However, not all customs that exist in society can be accepted by Islamic law. Therefore, this research conducted a study of the "tepung tawar" custom that exists in the Ibul Village community. The research uses a qualitative type with a field research model. The data processed consists of primary, secondary and tertiary data. The research was conducted in Ibul Village, Belida Darat subdistrict. The results of the research reveal that in the tepung tawar tradition there is a very high element of forgiveness. This aims to ensure that there are no grudges between the disputing parties, so that they can continue to live peacefully side by side in society. In the Ibul village community, it is customary for "tepung tawar" to be the commander-in-chief in resolving criminal cases of abuse. There are no elements that conflict with Islamic law in this customary practice, so the "tepung tawar" custom is included in the al-‘urf al-shahihah category so it can be accepted as a legal basis

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Smart Tbk (Sinar Mas Agro R&T) Bekasi

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    enelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan objek penelitian adalah PT SMART Tbk (Sinar Mas Agro R&T) Bekasi. Metode penelitian berdasarkan klasifikasinya berjenis kuantitatif yang bersifat assosiatif (kausal). Populasi penelitian yaitu karyawan pada PT Selatan SMART Tbk (Sinar Mas Agro R&T) Bekasi yang berjumlah 117 karyawan, adapun penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik random sampling didapat 117 karyawan digunakan sebagai sampel. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik inferensial berjenis parametris dan statistik regresi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dan pembuktian uji yang dilakukan diperoleh koefisien korelasi berganda, koefisien determinasi, uji simultan dan uji parsial yang terbukti signifikan. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil analisis koefisien (R) sebesar 0.750, yang artinya terbukti signifikan di mana R>0.05 (0.750>0.05) dan berada diarea interval kuat (0.060-0.799). Analisis koefisien determinasi juga terbukti signifikan di mana adjusted R Square > 0.05 (0.555 > 0.05), dengan arti lain gaya kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja berkontribusi terhadap kinerja karyawan sebesar 55.5% dan sisahnya 44.5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. Uji secara simultan gaya kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan terbukti signifikan di mana Sig < 0.05 (0.000<0.05) dan Fhitung > Ftabel (73,302>3.08). Pembuktian uji parsial pertama membuktikan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan didapat nilai Sig<0.05 (0.000<0.05) dan nilai thitung>ttabel (8.065>1.98). Sedangkan uji parsial kedua kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan didapat nilai Sig<0.05 (0.000<0.05) dan nilai thitung>ttabel (5.548>1.98). Adapun pra syarat signifikansi dalam model regresi yang telah terpenuhi didapat persamaan regresi yaitu Y = 13.9292 + 0.418X1 + 0.271X2


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    Masalah yang terjadi pada sinyal suara adalah terjadinya noise yang mengkontaminasi proses pengolahannya. Dalam hal ini, diperlukan suatu proses reduksi noise untuk mengurangi noise yang terdapat pada sinyal suara. Reduksi noise di sini dilakukan dengan menerapkan transformasi wavelet diskri yang terdiri dari tiga langkah utama yaitu: dekomposisi sinyal, proses thresholding dan rekonstruksi sinyal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji metode universal threshold untuk mendapatkan nilai threshold dan aplikasinya pada kasus sinyal suara yang terkontaminasi Gaussian noise. Metode yang dilakukan adalah kajian literatur referensi-referensi terkait transformasi wavelet diskrit dan sinyal suara. Nilai threshold yang digunakan dalam proses thresholding ditentukan dengan metode universal threshold yang dikaji agar threshold yang diperoleh memberikan hasil optimal ketika dibandingkan dengan koefisien wavelet  hasil penerapan aturan hard atau soft thresholding. Hasil aplikasi dan simulasi reduksi noise dengan wavelet menunjukkan bahwa nilai SNR berbanding terbalik dengan nilai MSE, sedangkan nilai nilai threshold sebanding dengan nilai MSE


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    The government through the law makes a policy to aggressively seek rehabilitation for the drug users. This is done in the context of tackling the abuse of narcotics in Indonesia. Thus, it is necessary to study the policy objectives based on the perspective of maqashid sharia by conducting qualitative research using secondary data. From the results of the research, the Indonesian Government has implemented rehabilitation sanctions for the narcotics user because the users are victims of other people's crimes, namely illegal narcotics dealers. If a narcotics user is given a sanction of imprisonment / imprisonment, it will have a worse impact and cannot eliminate his dependence on narcotics. Seen from the perspective of maqashid sharia, this government policy does not conflict with the objectives contained in the maqashid sharia concept, as the goal of rehabilitation which requires the users to be aware of their mistakes, so that they will become better humans both towards their God and those around him


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    This research aimed to prove that work motivation, leadership and career development opportunity influence to employee performance. Due to previous research carried out by Abubakar Watimena, and analyzing which the most influence variable to work performance of PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang. Within this research, population research refers to all of PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang employees about 1213 employees. Sample used about 100 respondents by using purposive sampling technique, data taken by way of interviews and questionnaires The sequence of individual from each variable which most influencing to employee’s performance of PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang was variable of career development opportunity by regression coefficient about 0,359, then leadership variable by regression coefficient about 0,269. Whereas the lowest influence variable was work motivation by regression coefficient about 0,208. This similarities models have f calculation about 35,394 and by signification level about 0,000 whereas F calculation more than table F (2,7) and by signification level which less than α (0,05). That case showed that independent variable within this research that collectively influence to the dependent variable was employee performance


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    This study aims to determine the perceptions of employees about leadership dimensions contained in the leadership model of Bass and Avolio and know the style of leadership they deem effective for a leader. This study used a qualitative method where data collection is done by triangulation models, so as to provide more detailed picture of employee perceptions regarding leadership styles Bass and Avolio and what kind of leadership style desired employees. The population in this study were all employees working in Bank BRI branch Wates. Samples taken as many as ten people who each have a position directly related to their leader. The results obtained from this study is the dimension of transformational leadership style, Inspirational leadership is a leadership style chosen by respondents to the effectiveness of a leader, whereas transactional leadership style as laissez-faire leadership is avoided by employees in Bank Rakyat Indonesia Branch Wates


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    SD Muhammadiyah Kleco merupakan salah satu Sekolah Dasar bagian dari SD Muhammadiyah Kleco terpadu yang berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep dan keterampilan berpikir HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills). Peningkatan kemampuan siswa ini, diupayakan dengan cara menerapkan model-model pembelajaran inovatif, bukan sekedar pembelajaran transmisif yang menyampaikan konsep-konsep matematika secara langsung kepada siswa. Guru berharap dapat menerapkan suatu model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan representasi, berkolaborasi, dan menilai proses pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran Flipped classroom adalah salah satu model pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran dengan berbasis IT. Model ini dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan berbagai pendekatan yang bersifat student centered untuk mengaktifkan keterampilan berpikir kritis maupun kreatif siswa sesuai dengan karakteristik pendekatan saintifik yang disarankan dalam penerapan kurikulum 2013. Salah satu pendekatan yang sesuai adalah pendekatan Problem Based Learning. Implementasi pelatihan terkait model pembelajaran matematika berbasis Flipped classroom dengan pendekatan problem based learning ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif yang mengefektifkan model pembelajaran matematika di SD Muhammadiyah Kleco


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    Basically, kafa'ah in a marriage is equality, compatibility or proportionality between the prospective bridegroom and bride. Kafa'ah in terms of religion is a necessity for a Muslim who is going to get married. One of the important things that must be done before marriage is considering several things such as nasab, religion, belief,  profession, freedom, and property. However, nowadays, many couples do not heed the Kafa'ah criteria,and even many marriages happen between men and women with significant age difference. For example, a marriage between an old woman and a very young man, or vice versa. Considering these phenomena in the society, then the concept of maqasid al-shari'ah or the purpose of Islamic law is an important discussion to look at the marriage practices in the society. This is very much related to the protection of religion, soul, mind, descendant and wealth. This study analyzedlarge age disparity marriage practicesin Karang Endah village, by using the concept of ushul fiqh. The type of qualitative research used was ethnography. Research data were obtained through the use of some references such as books, journals, articles relating to the object under study. The results of this study indicated that a large age gap marriageoccurred in Karang Endah village wasbased on emotional factors of the couple. In Islam, this kind of marriage does not contradict the syari'ah rules, because Islam does not explicitly explain the age limit to be categorized as an adult. Therefore, referring to the concept of maqashid al-syari'ah, it could be concluded that large age disparity marriage occurred in Karang Endah village was carried out to protect religion, lives, and offspring of the couples. Keywords: Marriage, Kafa'ah, Age Disparity, Maqasid al-Syari'a
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