198 research outputs found

    Medicine and Illnesses in the Private Correspondence of the Spanish Bourbons (1731-1785). The Debate in the Royal Family on the Inoculation of Smallpox from the Letters of Charles III of Spain

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    En la correspondencia familiar, conocer el estado de salud del corresponsal es habitualmente el motivo principal del intercambio epistolar. La falta de conservación de estos epistolarios ha impedido estudios más amplios en algunos sectores sociales, sin embargo, se han preservado en buena medida los protagonizados por la élite. Nos centramos en las misivas privadas de la familia real española, concretamente las intercambiadas entre Felipe V e Isabel de Farnesio con sus hijos y los epistolarios de Carlos III con sus corresponsales napolitanos, entre ellos su hijo Fernando IV. Desfilan en estas cartas todas y cada una de las enfermedades padecidas, su proceso de recuperación y los remedios utilizados. También los consejos que los corresponsales daban según las creencias más extendidas en la corte o las argumentaciones de los diferentes monarcas ante la polémica sobre la inoculación de la viruela. Esta correspondencia refleja las creencias médicas no solo de dos individuos de la misma familia, sino de dos cortes ante la variolización.One of the most recurrent themes in family correspondence is to know the physical condition of the correspondents, even being the main reason for the epistolary exchange. The lack of preservation of this type of correspondence has prevented more extensive studies in some social classes, however, those of the elite have been preserved to a great extent. We focus on the private letters of the Spanish royal family, specifically those exchanged between Philip V and Elisabetta of Farnese with their children and the correspondence of Charles III with his Neapolitan correspondents, among them his son Ferdinand IV. These missives show each one of the diseases suffered, their recovery process and the remedies used, as well as the advice given by the correspondents according to the most widespread beliefs in the court, in addition to the arguments of the different monarchs in the controversy over the inoculation of smallpox. This correspondence reflects the medical beliefs not only of two individuals of the same family, but of two courts in the face of variolization

    Límite y percepción en la arquitectura: el caso del IVVSA

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    Sulfite activation changes character of ferrate resultant particles

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    The activation of ferrate with sulfite increases oxidative transformation of recalcitrant organic compounds; however, it also changes the characteristics of the iron particulates that result from the ferrate reduction. In this study, particles resulting from ferrate reduction both with and without sulfite were compared in a laboratory matrix simulating water treatment conditions at the bench-scale. Characteristics examined included magnetization, morphology, size, and surface charge. The activation of ferrate with sulfite changed the characteristics of resultant particles in several important ways. Activated ferrate resultant particles were less magnetic, more polydisperse including a higher fraction of nanoparticles, and exhibited a less-crystalline morphology compared to particles resulting from ferrate self-decay. Surface charges between the two particle types were similar, and negative. The relatively rapid formation of Fe(III) from Fe(VI) activation leads to particles of different character, likely though a greater supply of precursory low molecular weight iron hydroxo-species. Particles resulting from activated ferrate used as a preoxidant will impact downstream processes in important ways, such as gravimetric or magnetic separations and contaminant adsorption. Ferrate activation presents a possible trade-off between improved oxidation and impeded downstream physicochemical processes, and formation and fate of formed particles warrants consideration

    The correspondence of Charles III of Spain as a source for climate research (1759-1782)

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    El presente artículo analiza la información climática contenida en la correspondencia del monarca Carlos III con tres de sus principales corresponsales italianos: su hermano Felipe de Parma, el ministro napolitano Bernardo Tanucci y el príncipe de San Nicandro. La homogeneidad y la continuidad de los comentarios del rey han permitido crear una serie de casi un cuarto de siglo que contribuye a conocer el comportamiento del clima durante las décadas de 1760 y 1770, coincidentes con el inicio de la Anomalía Maldà. Con el fin de cuantificar y tratar serialmente una información que es de naturaleza subjetiva, se han aplicado y comparado los resultados que ofrecen dos diferentes métodos (sistemas de índices y análisis de contenido).This article analyses the weather information contained in the correspondence between King Carlos III and his three main Italian correspondents: his brother Felipe de Parma, the Neapolitan minister Bernardo Tanucci and the Prince from San Nicandro. The homogeneity and continuity of their comments has contributed to the development of a series that lasts for over a quarter of a century. It has also revealed the behaviour of the weather from 1759 to 1782, when also Anomalía Maldà started. In order to quantify and manage this subjective information in a serial way, the results provided by two different methods (index systems and content analysis) have been applied and compared.Este estudio forma parte del proyecto HAR2017-82810-P, incluido en el Plan Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia promovido por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Gobierno de España), la Agencia Estatal de Investigación y los Fondos FEDER

    Contrasting Innovation Competence FINCODA Model in Software Engineering: Narrative Review

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    [EN] Purpose: Innovation competences are expected both in businesses and in higher education. Software organizations, in particular, require engineers that collaborate to deliver better services and products. Staff recruitment and training are human resource management tasks that are crucial to insuring that applicants and job holders have the competences that will facilitate quality output in software development processes. This paper narrates the results of the mapping review accomplished to determine the competences that describe high-performing, innovative professionals in software engineering and weighs them against the FINCODA model on innovation competences devised to assess and enhance individuals' capacity to innovate; a core outcome of the Framework for Innovation Competences Development and Assessment Project. Design/methodology/approach: A review protocol was followed to examine the literature on software engineering to identify the innovation competence and behavioral indicators that are required in individuals. Findings: According to the literature, the innovation competences required of the staff in software companies are creativity, critical thinking, initiative, team work and networking, dimensions that are contained in the FINCODA model. Findings also support the inclusion of the thirty-four behavioral indicators that constitute the five dimensions of the FINCODA model. Originality/value: Business organizations need tools to assess innovation competences in employees. Universities, as well, lack the instruments to measure development of innovation competence in undergraduates that teaching/learning methods should enhance before students reach the workplace. This research sheds light on innovative workplace behaviors of software engineers and on feasible designs of training programs for staff and undergraduates by using the FINCODA model and its behavioral indicators. Future research will focus on ratifying the validation of the model and the online assessment tool derived from it.This work has been conducted as part of a European project financed by the European Union ["FINCODA" Project 554493-EPP-1-2014-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA] (http://bit.ly/FINCODA-EUsite01). (The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein).Andreu Andrés, MA.; González-Ladrón-De-Guevara, F.; García Carbonell, A.; Watts Hooge, FI. (2018). Contrasting Innovation Competence FINCODA Model in Software Engineering: Narrative Review. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 11(4):715-734. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2656S71573411

    Regular Dimpled Nickel Surfaces for Improved Efficiency of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction

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    Persistent bubble accumulation during the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) can effectively block catalytically active surface sites and reduce overall system performance. The OER is an essential half-reaction with relevance to metal–air batteries, fuel cells, and water electrolysis for power to gas applications. The renewable energy sector could benefit from the identification of surface morphologies that can effectively reduce the accumulation of bubbles on electrocatalytic surfaces. In this work, regular dimpled nickel (Ni) features were prepared to investigate how electrode morphology and therefore its roughness and wetting properties may affect the efficiency of the OER. The dimpled Ni features were prepared using spherical poly(styrene) (PS) templates with a diameter of 1 μm. The electrodeposition against regular, self-assembled arrays of PS templates was tuned to produce four types of dimpled features each with a different depth. Enhancements to the OER efficiency were observed for some types of dimpled Ni features when compared to a planar electrodeposited Ni electrode, while the dimpled features that were the most recessed demonstrated reduced efficiencies for the OER. The findings from this study emphasize the influences of electrode surface morphology on processes involving electrocatalytic gas evolution

    Sensibilidad de los líquenes a la deposición atmosférica y su uso como bioindicadores en Aragón.

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    Este trabajo analiza la conexión entre la deposición atmosférica de aerosoles y las comunidades liquénicas epifitas (desarrolladas en los árboles) de 3 emplazamientos de la provincia de Huesca que muestran gradientes de deposición atmosférica contrastados: el Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido, la ciudad industrial de Monzón y el entorno agrícola próximo a Almudévar. En las tres zonas se identificaron las diferentes especies de líquenes epifitos y se obtuvieron los valores de diversidad liquénica (LDV).<br /

    Límite y percepción en la arquitectura: el caso del IVVSA

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