50 research outputs found

    Analisis Kepemimpinan Partisipatif dalam Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan

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    Tropical forests in Palangka Rraya city is a tremendous asset givenin view of the forest can provide economic benefi ts as a foreigPendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD ) in addition it is also the sector with the most potentialas a source of livelihood and life for society and private plantationcompanies . However, the existence of forests are currently threatened due to forest areas that were once green became barren and the barren region that is mainly caused by human activity that is that is doing the destruction and land by burningburning the land . Land and forest fi res occur each year into problems and threats faced by the multidimensional impact forests. In order For to supporting local government in realizing the land and forest fi re control, based on the Regional RegulationPeraturan Pemerintah No. 7 of 2003 is related to the preparation of the land and forest fi re control and decision of the Mayor of Palangkaraya No. 11 of 2008 while the duties and functions of the head of Head of the Environment AgencyBadan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) by Peraturan WalikotaMayor Regulation Palangkaraya No. 17 of 2012 on job descriptions positions of Chairman of the Environment AgencyBLH Palangkaraya is formulating operational policy body, controlling, developing, organizinge, coordinating e and providinge technical services in the fi eld of environmental management are integrated with the together-together relevant agencies in accordance with the provisions and applicablelaws.the laws that apply. This study will explore participatory leadership style used by the Head of BLH Palangkaraya in control of land and forest fi res . Eff orts made by the Head of BLH Palangkaraya is to involve members of the organization in BLH Palangkaraya to be active to control land and forest fi res

    Analisis Kepemimpinan Partisipatif dalam Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan

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    Tropical forests in Palangka Rraya city is a tremendous asset givenin view of the forest can provide economic benefi ts as a foreigPendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD ) in addition it is also the sector with the most potential as a source of livelihood and life for society and private plantation companies . However, the existence of forests are currently threatened due to forest areas that were once green became barren and the barren region that is mainly caused by human activity that is that is doing the destruction and land by burningburning the land . Land and forest fi res occur each year into problems and threats faced by the multidimensional impact forests . In order For to supporting local government in realizing the land and forest fi re control, based on the Regional RegulationPeraturan Pemerintah No. 7 of 2003 is related to the preparation of the land and forest fi re control and decision of the Mayor of Palangkaraya No. 11 of 2008 while the duties and functions of the head of Head of the Environment AgencyBadan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) by Peraturan WalikotaMayor Regulation Palangkaraya No. 17 of 2012 on job descriptions positions of Chairman of the Environment AgencyBLH Palangkaraya is formulating operational policy body, controlling, developing, organizinge, coordinating e and providinge technical services in the fi eld of environmental management are integrated with the together-together relevant agencies in accordance with the provisions and applicable laws.the laws that apply. This study will explore participatory leadership style used by the Head of BLH Palangkaraya in control of land and forest fi res . Eff orts made by the Head of BLH Palangkaraya is to involve members of the organization in BLH Palangkaraya to be active to control land and forest fi res

    Analisis Kepemimpinan Partisipatif dalam Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan

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    Tropical forests in Palangka Rraya city is a tremendous asset givenin view of the forest can provide economic benefi ts as a foreigPendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD ) in addition it is also the sector with the most potentialas a source of livelihood and life for society and private plantationcompanies . However, the existence of forests are currently threatened due to forest areas that were once green became barren and the barren region that is mainly caused by human activity that is that is doing the destruction and land by burningburning the land . Land and forest fi res occur each year into problems and threats faced by the multidimensional impact forests. In order For to supporting local government in realizing the land and forest fi re control,  based on the Regional RegulationPeraturan Pemerintah No. 7 of 2003 is related to the preparation of the land and forest fi re control and decision of the Mayor of Palangkaraya No. 11 of 2008 while the duties and functions of the head of Head of the Environment AgencyBadan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) by Peraturan WalikotaMayor Regulation Palangkaraya No. 17 of 2012 on job descriptions positions of Chairman of the Environment AgencyBLH Palangkaraya is formulating operational policy body, controlling, developing, organizinge, coordinating e and providinge technical services in the fi eld of environmental management are integrated with the together-together relevant agencies in accordance with the provisions and applicablelaws.the laws that apply. This study will explore participatory leadership style used by the Head of BLH Palangkaraya in control of land and forest fi res . Eff orts made by the Head of BLH Palangkaraya is to involve members of the organization in BLH Palangkaraya to be active to control land and forest fi res

    Menelusuri Kebenaran Letusan Gunung Merapi 1006

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    Http://dx.doi.org/10.17014/ijog.vol1no4.20064Until now, the large eruption of Merapi in 1006 is believed to take place although the truth is still debatable. Previous investigation proposed that the ”pralaya” of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom in 928 Saka (1006) was due to a volcanic activity. Bemmelen also inferred that impact of the eruption had destroyed and covered the Mendut and Borobudur Temples and dammed the Progo River. However, if the “pralaya” was caused by Merapi eruption, why the deposit that correlates to the the eruption is not recognized. If so, the eruption that covered the temples should have been very large, and left deposits around Merapi and of course easy to find. Historically, the “pralaya“ mentioned in the Pucangan Inscription did not happen in 1006, but in 1016 or 1017. However the “pralaya“ was caused by the attack of King Wurawari, not by the Merapi eruption. According to the history of Merapi eruptions, 11 large eruptions have occurred since 3000 years ago. However, none of those fi t with 1006 eruption. Except the large eruption (VEI 3-4), that produced Selo tephra, dated 1112 ± 73 years BP (765-911)

    KERAGAMAN MOLEKULER PURING (Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph. ex A. Juss) DENGAN PENANDA RAPD

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    Tanaman puring (Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph. ex A. Juss) adalah tanaman hias yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi. Tanaman puring juga memiliki manfaat sebagai tanaman berkhasiat obat dan dapat menyerap unsur timah hitam yang berasal dari sisa pembakaran bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor (2,05 mg/lt). Bentuk, warna, dan corak daun tanaman puring sangat beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya keragaman genetik, menghitung jarak genetik, dan menduga adanya alel spesifik pada tanaman puring. Sampel DNA diektraksi dari daun 20 kultivar tanaman puring. Metode PCR menggunakan 10 primer yaitu OPA-02, OPA-03, OPA-14, OPA-16, OPA-18, OPA-20, OPB-08, OPB-19, OPD-05, dan OPH-18. Hasil amplifikasi menunjukkan tingkat polimorfisme yang cukup tinggi. Persentase lokus polimorfik dan nilai heterosigositas harapan (He) paling tinggi ditunjukkan oleh kultivar tanaman puring dengan daun yang berwarna kombinasi hijau-merah yaitu 56,60% dan 0,190. Kultivar yang berlabel H1 dengan HK1 memiliki hubungan kekerabatan paling dekat diantara kultivar lain, sedangkan kultivar  yang  berlabel HK3 dengan HKM5 dan kultivar berlabel HK5 dengan HKM4 memiliki hubungan kekerabatan paling jauh diantara kultivar lain. Hasil dari dendogram UPGMA dan PCoA (Principal Coordinates Analysis) menempatkan 20 kultivar kedalam 2 klaster dan salah satu klaster ditempati oleh kultivar dengan daun yang berwarna kombinasi hijau-kuning-merah. Dari seluruh kelompok warna pada sampel, alel spesifik yang dapat terdeteksi pada satu kelompok/populasi warna hanya terdapat pada kelompok HKM yaitu pada OPD 05-1400 dan OPH 18-300

    Construction of probabilistic event trees for eruption forecasting at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia 2013-14

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    Eruptions of Sinabung volcano, Indonesia have been ongoing since 2013. Since that time, the character of eruptions has changed, from phreatic to phreatomagmatic to magmatic explosive eruptions, and from production of a lava dome that collapsed to a subsequent thick lava flow that slowly ceased to be active, and later, to a new lava dome. As the eruption progressed, event trees were constructed to forecast eruptive behavior six times, with forecast windows that ranged from 2. weeks to 1. year: November 7-10, December 12-14, and December 27, 2013; and January 9-10, May 13, and October 7, 2014. These event trees were successful in helping to frame the forecast scenarios, to collate current monitoring information, and to document outstanding questions and unknowns. The highest probability forecasts closely matched outcomes of eruption size (including extrusion of the first dome), production of pyroclastic density currents, and pyroclastic density current runout distances. Events assigned low probabilities also occurred, including total collapse of the lava dome in January 2014 and production of a small blast pyroclastic density current in February 2014

    Geological history, chronology and mMagmatic evolution of Merapi

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    This chapter provides a synthesis of the geological history, chronology and magmatic evolution of Merapi. Stratigraphic field and geochronological data are used to divide Merapi into three main evolutionary stages and associated volcanic edifices (Proto-, Old and New Merapi) and eight broad volcano-stratigraphic units to characterise the eruptive activity and structural evolution of the volcano through time. Complementary petrological, geochemical and isotopic data are used to characterise the eruptive products of Merapi and shed light on the geochemical evolution and petrogenetic processes. The data indicate that the eruptive products of Merapi are mainly basaltic andesite of both medium-K and high-K type and support a two-stage petrogenetic model, where primary magmas are derived from a heterogenous, Indian Ocean MORB-like mantle source metasomatised by slab-derived components. Subsequently, these magmas are modified during transfer through the crust by complex magmatic differentiation processes, including contamination by carbonate rocks of the local upper crust. The available data indicate that, since ~ 1900 14C y BP, the lavas and pyroclastic rocks of Merapi are essentially of the high-K type and that regular geochemical variations with systematic shifts in whole rock SiO2 content occurred since at least the Late Holocene, although erupted magma compositions have remained broadly uniform since the mid-twentieth century

    Livelihoods, Wellbeing and the Risk to Life During Volcanic Eruptions

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    A forensic analysis of fatalities and displacements from recent volcanic eruptions (1986–2015) provides insights into factors that influence actions to protect life in high-risk environments. Unlike many other geophysical hazard events, volcanic eruptions may be prolonged, and of variable intensity. This is reflected in patterns of volcanic fatalities. A global survey reveals that 63% of primary volcanic deaths occur after the first week of activity, with >44% of these deaths associated with citizens returning to an established high-hazard zone. Evacuations during volcanic eruptions are protracted and this allows time for competing pressures to arise. Examination of detailed data from three volcanic crises (La Soufriere, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Soufrière Hills, Montserrat and Tungurahua, Ecuador) suggests that the need to preserve livelihoods plays a strong role in protecting life. A dynamic, associated with pull (e.g., protecting assets, place attachment) and push factors (e.g., poor shelter conditions), can draw evacuees to return during high-risk periods. Similar considerations can restrain people with previous experience of volcanic hazards and displacement, from evacuating. Our global analysis shows that these pressures, when coupled with forecasting uncertainties and the rapid landscape change associated with volcanic eruptions, mean that the physical and social vulnerability of populations change significantly during the course of an eruption. Ongoing risk to life is shaped by hazard experience and action; timescales of hazard escalation and their relationship to warning and action; and the timescales over which evacuation conditions are tolerable to livelihood and asset preservation, and mental and physical wellbeing in shelters