2,024 research outputs found


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    The Évora 3D project was born from the collaboration between the Municipality and the University of Évora, through the two research centres of CIDEHUS1 and CHAIA2, with the objective of completing a virtual reconstruction of the city in a longtime frame. In the national and international context, the use of new technologies has led to the diversification of this type of proposal, both at the urban level and in the reconstruction of concrete spaces. The application of this same model to Évora, contemplating several chronological layers, seems to impose itself in a city that, in the medieval and modern periods, was one of the most important of the kingdom, as Court city, and that today is classified as World Heritage Site

    Optimization of production of anti-cancer vaccines based on dendritic cells

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    Cancer remains as one of the top killing diseases in first world countries. It’s not a single, but a set of various diseases for which different treatment approaches have been taken over the years. Cancer immunotherapy comes as a “new” breath on cancer treatment, taking use of the patients’ immune system to induce anti-cancer responses. Dendritic Cell (DC) vaccines use the extraordinary capacity of DCs’ antigen presentation so that specific T cell responses may be generated against cancer. In this work, we report the ex vivo generation of DCs from precursors isolated from clinical-grade cryopreserved umbilical cord blood (UCB) samples. After the thawing protocol for cryopreserved samples was optimized, the generation of DCs from CD14+ monocytes, i.e., moDCs, or CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), i.e, CD34-derived DCs, was followed and their phenotype and function evaluated. Functional testing included the ability to respond to maturation stimuli (including enzymatic removal of surface sialic acids), Ovalbumin-FITC endocytic capacity, cytokine secretion and T cell priming ability. In order to evaluate the feasibility of using DCs derived from UCB precursors to induce immune responses, they were compared to peripheral blood (PB) moDCs. We observed an increased endocytosis capacity after moDCs were differentiated from monocyte precursors, but almost 10-fold lower than that of PB moDCs. Maturation markers were absent, low levels of inflammatory cytokines were seen and T cell stimulatory capacity was reduced. Sialidase enzymatic treatment was able to mature these cells, diminishing endocytosis and promoting higher T cell stimulation. CD34-derived DCs showed higher capacity for both maturation and endocytic capacity than moDCs. Although much more information was acquired from moDCs than from CD34-derived DCs, we conclude the last as probably the best suited for generating an immune response against cancer, but of course much more research has to be performed

    Upper Jurassic dinosaur bonebeds at Ten Sleep, Wyoming: stratigraphy, preliminary results and field reports of 2016 and 2017

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    The Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation that outcrops throughout the Western Interior of the United States is well known for its diverse environments and for its vertebrate, invertebrate and floral biodiversity, in great part fueled by the numerous paleontological expeditions focused on extensive fossil record of the formation’s dinosaurian fauna, since late 19th century. In 2014, plans started to be made for a new expedition into the Morrison Fm. outcrops close to the town of Ten Sleep, where digs have been carried out in private land since 2006. This expedition represented the return of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) to the Big Horn Basin since Barnum Brown’s Howe Ranch expedition in the early 1930s, however this time, work would be under taken in public land. As such, a project was submitted to the Bureau of Land Management in order to obtain permission to dig and survey two distinct localities between the towns of Ten Sleep and Hyattville: Cosm and Dana quarries. The expedition counted with elements from AMNH and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), and was carried out between the months of August and September, of 2016 and 2017. At the end of two years, the yellowish to tan massive cross bedded sandstones that outcrop along the hills of the Ten Sleep-Hyattville area, have proven to rich fossiliferous riverbank deposits, both in quantity and diversity, mainly preserving dinosaurian remains (some preserving cranial elements) representative of the upper levels of the Morrison Fm. such as Allosaurus sp., Apatosaurus sp., Camarasaurus sp., and unidentified diplodocids, ornithopods, and stegosaurid. This information, along newer stratigraphical data for the area, and the detailed description of the digging season, are here reported as to record the first steps taken in what is to be a long term project

    Métodos de análise da complexidade no problema de empacotamento de paletes do distribuidor

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    In the pallet loading problem, one of the main goals is to allocate the highest number of boxes as possible, to minimize empty spaces in the pallet. Those empty spaces are called trim-loss. If all boxes have a rectangular shape, which is the most common one, it is possible to pack them so that their faces are coincident with themselves. By doing that, the trim-loss can be minimized. Although loading a pallet may seem linear to most people, some customers impose restrictions that increase the complexity of the pallet loading. Due to that, to evaluate the complexity of a packed pallet, some metrics were created. They consist in an evaluation of a set of parameters that are inherent to the pallet loading process and affect its complexity. After analysing some of those constraints and loading methods enforced by some pickers in a real company, it was possible to obtain samples where the metrics were applied to learn which parameters add the most complexity in the pallet loading process. In the future, after knowing the relevancy of each parameter, the metrics can be used in pallet generation tools to learn how complex is the loading of a certain pallet and study new and easier ways to load the boxes that reduce the complexity of such process. Two statistical tests were then used to analyse the samples retrieved: the principal components analysis and the multiple linear regression. The first is used to combine multiple variables into a smaller set that represents the most relevant information, while the multiple linear regression uses the variables and respective observations to calculate a model that can predict the value of the complexity of a packed pallet in given circumstances. In the first one, it was learned that three principal components were extracted, but since the third one explained a small percentage of the total data variance, it was decided to retain only two components: the box quantities, which explains 41% of the total variance, followed by the box dimensions, explaining 28% of the total variance. The multiple linear regression revealed that the component representing the box quantities, which contains the Number of Box Types, Number of Column Piles, Number of Boxes, Time Spent Packing, and Percentage of Fragile Boxes variables is the component that mostly increase the complexity of pallet cargo arrangements. Although the model can predict the data that was obtained with an average accuracy, some of the coefficients ended up being small, those being related to the components Box Dimensions, which has the Number of Heavy Boxes, Average Box Weight, Average Maximum Width variables, and Height Between Pile and Worker and Number variables, meaning that they aren’t very significant towards evaluating the complexity of a pallet loading process. Using a multiple linear regression with the 9 variables showed that the variable who adds more complexity is the Number of Column Piles. Overall, the results obtained were acceptable, and showed that the variable that adds more complexity is the ones that the pickers see as adding more complexity, and also that the results of the multiple regression with the components match the one using the original variables. It is worth noting that this variable is subjective, meaning that one worker’s perception on the complexity may not match others’ perception. Despite having obtained only one variable being considered as statistically significant towards explaining the complexity in the pallet loading problem, it doesn’t mean it’s the only one that adds complexity.No problema de carregamento de paletes, um dos grandes objetivos é alocar o maior número de caixas possível, visando minimizar espaços vazios conhecidos por trim-loss. Se todas as caixas possuírem um formato retangular, que é o formato mais comum, é possível arrumá-las de forma que as suas faces fiquem encostadas entre si, minimizando assim o trim-loss. No entanto, apesar do empacotamento de caixas em paletes parecer linear para a maioria das pessoas, certos clientes impõem restrições que aumentam a complexidade do empacotamento. Como tal, para avaliar a complexidade de um arranjo de paletes, criaram-se métricas, que consistem na avaliação de um conjunto de parâmetros inerentes ao processo ou às características do carregamento de paletes que afetam a sua complexidade. Após analisar numa empresa real as restrições e os métodos de empacotamento usados pelos operadores, foi possível obter amostras onde as métricas são aplicadas para tentar saber quais as mais relevantes no processo, para assim futuramente estas métricas serem aplicadas em ferramentas de geração de paletes para poder analisar os resultados obtidos e estudar maneiras onde estas sejam carregadas mais facilmente. Posteriormente, dois testes estatísticos foram aplicados aos dados recolhidos: uma análise de componentes principais e a regressão linear múltipla. O primeiro usa-se para combinar várias variáveis e formar um conjunto mais pequeno que represente a informação mais relevante, enquanto a regressão linear múltipla usa as variáveis e respetivas observações para calcular um modelo que consiga prever valores de complexidade do carregamento de paletes em quaisquer circunstâncias. No primeiro, verificou-se a existência de três componentes principais, mas dado que o terceiro componente explica uma percentagem da variância total dos dados pequena, decidiu-se extrair apenas dois componentes: as quantidades das caixas é o componente que explica maiores valores de variância nos dados (41%), seguido pelas dimensões das caixas, explicando 28% da variância total dos dados. A regressão linear múltipla revelou que o componente que representa as quantidades das caixas, que contém as variáveis Número de Tipos de Caixa, Número de Colunas, Número de Caixas, Tempo Despendido a Carregar Caixas e Percentagem de Caixas Frágeis, é aquele que faz crescer mais substancialmente a complexidade do carregamento de caixas em paletes. Com os vários testes, verificou-se que os componentes Dimensões das Caixas, que possui as variáveis Número de Caixas Pesadas Carregadas, Peso Médio das Caixas, Largura Máxima Média, e a diferença de alturas entre pilhas de caixas e o operador, não acrescentam muita significância na explicação da avaliação da complexidade no problema de carregamento de paletes. A regressão linear múltipla com as variáveis originais mostrou que o Número de Colunas é a variável que adiciona mais complexidade. Apesar do modelo obtido ter significância, quase todos os coeficientes obtidos acabaram por ser baixos e com valores Significância (sig.) acima de 0,05, não sendo essas variáveis relevantes no modelo. Valores baixos de Cronbach’s Alpha e R2 ajustado evidenciam a suscetibilidade da aparição destes valores. No geral, os resultados obtidos nesta dissertação foram satisfatórios, mas os coeficientes baixos da regressão linear múltipla não foram bons. O número de observações retido e o escalamento das variáveis são causas possíveis para esta discrepância de valores ter acontecido. Vale a pena referir que a variável que avalia a complexidade é uma variável subjetiva, pelo que o que um picker considera como sendo complexo pode não corresponder ao que outros trabalhadores pensem. Apesar de, estatisticamente, apenas uma variável ter significância na explicação da complexidade, na realidade todas as variáveis têm alguma influência na complexidade do carregamento de caixas em paletes. No geral, a perceção dos trabalhadores tem semelhanças com aquilo que se obteve nos resultados das regressões lineares

    Digital inclusion of the elderly : multiple intelligen- ces and ergonomic approach for teaching material development

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo da participação direta de usuários idosos no processo de elabo¬ração de material didático, utilizando o design centrado no usuário com o intuito de deixá-lo mais atrativo, acessível e didático. Procurou-se alicerçar todas as atividades desse material com as inteligências múltiplas defendidas por Howard Gardner. Para o processo de validação desse material didático, utilizou-se a técnica empírica de oficinas de interação, que exige a participação direta dos envolvidos. Assim, foi realizada uma avaliação qualitativa desses materiais pelos usuários, cujos resultados são aqui apresentados. Participaram deste estudo 31 idosos, com média de idade de 65 anos e com grau de escolaridade heterogênea, frequen¬tadores do projeto de extensão “Oficinas de Informática para a Terceira Idade”, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper presents the study of elderly users direct participation in the preparation of teaching material using user-centered design in order to make it more attractive, accessible and educational. We sought to underpin all its activities through multiple intelligences defended by Howard Gardner. For the teaching material validation process we used the empirical technique of interactive workshops that requires direct participation of those involved. In this manner, a qualitative assessment of these materials by users was performed, which results are presented here. The study included 31 elderly users, with a mean age of 65 years and heterogeneous schooling, participants of the extension project of “Computer Workshops for The Elderly” the Federal University of Santa Catarina

    Taking the census of star clusters in the Milky Way

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    With the advent of Gaia and its all-sky accurate astrometry and photometry for almost two billion sources, a broad interest in open clusters (OCs) has resurged, having become the subject of active research. While in pre-Gaia times, there were two main reference catalogues of open clusters (Dias et al. 2002, and Kharchenko et al. 2013), the wealth of Gaia data together with recent developments in machine learning techniques, availability of open source software, compute power, and a new generation of researchers trained in these methods has brought an explosion of reported OC discoveries. These reported discoveries are usually published in catalogues, in which the cross-identification with previously known OCs is done with various degrees of rigour, leading to "discoveries" of clusters that were in fact known and other situations illustrated in this contribution. Indeed, it is a delicate task to cross-identify OCs, which are often sparse and discrete stellar groups with irregular shapes, different sizes, and without clear boundaries. The universally employed method of relying on a reported cluster centre and (highly uncertain) radius for cross-identification is clearly not producing high-quality compilations of OCs. Moreover, nowadays when hardly a month passes without the publication of a new catalogue of reported discoveries, it has become extremely hard to veto and integrate new discoveries into a carefully curated compilation of all known OCs. To address the issues above, we present a framework being developed for cross-identifying OCs and for building a master list of the known OCs and candidates. Noting that OCs are defined by their members, we develop member-based approaches for cross-identification instead of employing cluster coordinates and radii-based matches. To support the storage and analysis of the growing number of catalogues, we have built a system of two databases. The first is a data warehouse with the original tables of clusters and/or members from the literature (most of which are automatically retrieved from the CDS), and whose formats, fields and other descriptors are quite heterogeneous. The other one is our primary analysis database where cluster identifiers, parameters and stellar memberships are stored in a structured and homogeneous way, allowing an easy integration and analysis of new catalogues as they arrive. In addition to the generated master list, statistical reports are generated which can be used for tuning the matching criteria. Finally, the framework supports optional filters for validating/checking the reality of catalogued OCs

    Criteria for the comparison of usability and accessibility of anatomical 3d web interfaces

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    A utilização de bonecos anatômicos virtuais tem conquistado espaço no ensino das ciências de saúde. Sua utilização auxilia no estudo médico de anatomia e na simulação de pacientes com patologias, doenças agudas e traumas. As tecnologias recentes tornaram possível o surgimento de vários bonecos anatômicos virtuais tridimensionais de acesso Web. Realizou-se, então, a definição de critérios para a avaliação e escolha desses bonecos com o foco no ensino na área de saúde ou aplicações médicas, com o objetivo de auxiliar na escolha do boneco mais adequado conforme cada contexto. Para tal, foram levantados alguns frameworks de avaliação relacionados ao tema e então desenvolvidos os critérios de avaliação e seus níveis de pontuação, até finalmente avaliarem-se os bon¬ecos anatômicos encontrados. Como resultado, foram definidos os critérios de navegabilidade, tridimensionalidade, interatividade e realismo, cada um destes podendo receber pontuação de 0 a 5. Entre os bonecos avaliados, os bonecos BioDigital Human e Anato¬mography foram os que obtiveram as melhores pontuações ao todo, 16 pontos, ou 80%. No quadro geral, os bonecos apresentaram uma pontuação média de 2,78 pontos, ou 55,56%, com desvio padrão de 1,56. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe use of virtual anatomical manikin has reached within the health science education. Its use helps in the study of anatomy and medical simulation in patients with pathologies, acute illnesses and injuries. Recent technologies have made possible the availability of several virtual three-dimensional anatomical manikins in the Web. The next step was the defini¬tion of criteria for evaluation and selection of these manikins with the focus on the education in healthcare or medical appli¬cations in order to assist in choosing the most appropriate manikin as each setting. For this, we collected some assessment frameworks related to the topic and then developed the evaluation criteria and scoring levels, and finally was evaluated the anatomic manikins found. Then, we defined the criteria for navigability, three-dimensionality, interactivity and realism, each of which may receive score 0-5. Among the assessed manikins, the Human BioDigital and Anatomography were the ones with the best scores overall, 16 points or 80%. In the big picture, the manikins had a mean score of 2.78 points or 55.56% with a standard deviation of 1.56

    The use of concept maps in human-computer interaction subject

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    Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência que descreve a busca por uma abordagem para melhorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem utilizando os mapas conceituais na disciplina de Interação Humano-Computador do curso de Engenharia de Software da Universidade de Brasília. Participaram deste estudo 16 alunos dessa disciplina. Esses alunos responderam a um questionário sobre o uso dos mapas conceituais em sala de aula. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados dessa avaliação. Observou-se que os alunos avaliaram o uso dos mapas conceituais como um potencial recurso didático. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article presents an experience report describing the search for an approach to improve the teaching-learning process using concept maps in Human-Computer Interaction subject at the University of Brasilia.Sixteen Software Engineering Course students joined this study. These students answered a questionnaire on the use of concept maps in the classroom. This paper presents the results of such evaluation. It was observed that the students evaluated the use of concept maps as a potential teaching resource