2,334 research outputs found

    Development process of a web platform to promote health literacy among young people – Your PEL

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    artigo apresentado em Coimbra no Annual Meeting 2019The project Your PEL - Promote and Empower Literacy in health in the young people in the areas of healthy diet, sexuality and tobacco and alcohol use, presenting the "ICT applied to Health" as an area of activity, shows the information diffusion as one of the axes of the National Health Plan, enabling the creation of tools and communication channels supported on the Web. The activities development aimed to innovation, makes use of the creative potential that the presente generation young people have in this domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Determinants of nursing homes performance: the case of portuguese Santas Casas da Misericórdia

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    This study aims to evaluate the economic efficiency of Nursing Homes owned by 96 Santas Casas da Misericórdia (SCM) and the determinants that influenced their efficiency in 2012 and 2013. The SCM are the oldest non-profit entities, which belong to Third Sector in Portugal, provide this social response and receive significant financial contributions annually from the state. The study is developed in two stages. In the first stage, the efficiency scores were calculated through the non-parametric DEA technique. In the second stage, Tobit regression is used to verify the effect of certain organizational variables on efficiency, namely the number of users and existence of Nursing Home chains. The results of the DEA model show that the efficiency average is 81.9%, and only 10 out of 96 Nursing Homes are efficient. Tobit regression shows that the number of users has a positive effect on the efficiency of Nursing Homes, whereas the existence of Nursing Home chains affects their efficiency negatively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arqueologia de Transição: O Mundo Funerário

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    Apresentam-se os resultados da primeira campanha de escavações efetuada no sítio da Torre Velha (Castro de Avelãs, Bragança), durante o verão de 2012, referentes ao seu espaço funerário. A análise será feita de forma integrada, articulando os (novos) dados de natureza arqueológica (cronologia, contexto estratigráfico e materiais associados) e antropológica (antropologia funerária e estudo paleobiológico da amostra exumada), a par de uma breve contextualização histórica do sítio – um dos mais referidos na bibliografia arqueológica de Trásos- Montes, identificado habitualmente como a capital dos Zoelas em época romana. No domínio antropológico serão caracterizados 19 indivíduos, bem como três ossários (um dos quais associado a um enterramento) e duas reduções, ambas com apenas um indivíduo. Os esqueletos recuperados representam quatro não adultos, um adulto jovem e 16 adultos. Destes últimos, seis pertencem ao sexo feminino, sete ao masculino, sendo que em quatro este parâmetro não pôde ser avaliado.Here we present the results of the first campaign of excavations made in the archaeological site of Torre Velha (Castro de Avelãs , Bragança) , during the summer of 2012, in its funerary space. The analysis will be done in an integrated way, articulating the (new) archaeological data (chronology, stratigraphic context and associated material) and anthropological (paleobiological study of the burials and funerary anthropology), along with a brief historical background of the site - one the most reported in the archaeological literature of Trás-os- Montes, usually identified as the capital of the people “Zoela” in Roman times. In the anthropological study, will be characterized 19 individuals and three ossuaries (one associated to a burial). The skeletons recovered represent four children, a young adult and 16 adults. In the group of the adults we have six females, seven males and four individuals that were impossible to determinate the sex

    Improving Mild to Moderate Depression With an App-Based Self-Guided Intervention: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders and frequently co-occurs with other mental disorders. Despite the high direct and indirect costs to both individuals and society, more than 80% of those diagnosed with depression remain with their primary care physician and do not receive specialized treatment. Self-guided digital interventions have been shown to improve depression and, due to their scalability, have a large potential public health impact. Current digital interventions often focus on specific disorders, while recent research suggests that transdiagnostic approaches are more suitable. Objective: This paper presents the protocol for a study that aims to assess the efficacy of a self-guided transdiagnostic app-based self-management intervention in patients with mild or moderate depression with and without comorbid mental disorders. Specifically, we are investigating the impact of the intervention on symptoms of depression, quality of life, anxiety symptoms, and mental health–related patient empowerment and self-management skills. Methods: The intervention under investigation, MindDoc with Prescription, is a self-guided digital intervention aimed at supporting individuals with mild to moderate mental disorders from the internalizing spectrum, including depression. The app can be used as a low-threshold psychosocial intervention. Up to 570 adult patients will be randomized to either receive the intervention in addition to care as usual or only care as usual. We are including adults with a permanent residency in Germany and mild or moderate depression according to International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, criteria (F32.0, F32.1, F33.0, and F33.1). Clinical interviews will be conducted to confirm the diagnosis. Data will be collected at baseline as well as 8 weeks and 6 months after randomization. The primary outcome will be depression symptom severity after 8 weeks. Secondary outcomes will be quality of life, anxiety symptom severity, and patient empowerment and self-management behaviors. Data will be analyzed using multiple imputations, using the intention-to-treat principle, while sensitivity analyses will be based on additional imputation strategies and a per-protocol analysis. Results: Recruitment for the trial started on February 7, 2023, and the first participant was randomized on February 14, 2023. As of September 5, 2023, 275 participants have been included in the trial and 176 have provided the primary outcome. The rate of missing values in the primary outcome is approximately 20%. Conclusions: Data from this efficacy trial will be used to establish whether access to the intervention is associated with an improvement in depression symptoms in individuals diagnosed with mild or moderate depression. The study will contribute to expanding the evidence base on transdiagnostic digital interventions. Trial Registration: German Registry of Clinical Trials DRKS00030852; https://drks.de/search/de/trial/DRKS0003085

    Your PEL questionnaire development - evaluation of the impact of health education programs in schools.

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    Artigo apresentado em Coimbra no âmbito do Anuual Meeting 2019 da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da SaúdeThe Your PEL project emerged in response to requests from regional school groups and community care units that have identified the need to assess the impact of interventions on developing attitudes and behaviors that reflect health gains. In this context, the need to construct an instrument for the impact evaluation of health education programs in schools in the areas of healthy diet, tobacco and alcohol use, and sexuality at the the secundary school level of education, which allows to monitorize the determinants of health and the effectiveness of the strategies developed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    A preocupação com o meio ambiente vem sendo uma preocupação de todas as empresas no mundo inteiro. Com isso, a Logí­stica Reversa (LR) está sendo abordada com maior frequência, conhecida também como logí­stica inversa é uma fração da logí­stica que trata do retorno dos produtos, resí­duos e/ou materiais utilizados na produção. O presente artigo através de entrevista em uma grande empresa da região norte do Paraná tem o propósito de analisar as dificuldades e desafios enfrentados pelas empresas em realizar a logí­stica reversa de modo a cumprir com a legislação pertinente bem como em manter seus custos e encontrar na região empresas que atendam às suas necessidades no descarte de materiais

    Pressupostos Teóricos para o Estudo de Política Criminal: Propostas para uma Análise Tipológica

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    Este artículo tiene como objeto la presentación de marcos teóricos para el estudio de la política criminal. Para ello expone dos propuestas de modelos de análisis de tendencias político-criminales: una que desarrolló David Garland (en “The culture of control”, 2001), que utiliza las categorías político-criminales “moderación” y “punitivismo”; y otra que desarrolló José Luís Díez Ripollés (en “Derecho penal y política criminal”, 2013), que se contrapone a la primera y propone, por otro lado, la utilización de las categorías de política criminal “inclusiva socialmente” y “exclusiva socialmente”. Con ello se busca posibilitar el desarrollo de análisis comparativos rigurosos entre las políticas criminales de Estados diferente o incluso de un mismo Estado en el transcurso del tiempo. Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar pressupostos teóricos para o estudo de política criminal. Para tanto, expõe duas propostas de modelos de análises de tendências político-criminais: uma desenvolvida por David Garland (em “The culture of control”, 2001), que utiliza as categorias político-criminais “moderação” e “punitivismo”; e outra desenvolvida por José Luís Díez Ripollés (em “Direito penal y política criminal”, 2013), que se contrapõe à primeira e propõe, por outro lado, a utilização das categorias de política criminal “inclusiva socialmente” e “exclusiva socialmente”. Com isso, pretende-se possibilitar o desenvolvimento de análises comparativas rigorosas entre as políticas criminais de Estados diferentes ou, até mesmo, de um mesmo Estado no decorrer do tempo