40 research outputs found

    Survey for the Four Major Viruses in Potato ‘Poluranka’ Local Cultivar in Herzegovina

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    Potato production is directly influenced by various biological factors among which the most important viruses take the place. There are more than 20 known viruses that affect potato causing malformation in growth and yield reduction. In order to preserve the native potato cultivar ‘Poluranka’, which is historically dominant cultivar in the mountainous region of Herzegovina (western part of BiH), it is necessary to take phytosanitary measures. Many other indigenous plant genetic resources are gone forever from this region and this cultivar should not share the same fate. A main aim of this research was identification of some viruses that cause infections on this native potato tuber since there are no such official results. The first step in achieving this was testing the existing plant material for the presence of four economically most important potato viruses. The paper presents the results of DAS ELISA on samples taken from two locations in Herzegovina (Jasenica and Rakitno) that showed 100% infection with viruses PLRV and PVY on all 180 collected samples of seed tubers of ‘Poluranka’. Until this research, health quality of ‘Poluranka’ was not tested and adequate measures to preserve this useful breeding material were not taken. Propagation in vitro should be used to gain healthier propagation material for better yield, preservation and maintenance of Herzegovina native potato ‘Poluranka’

    Incidence of viroses in autochthonous grapevine cultivars in Herzegovina vineyards

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    Vinova loza važna je kultura kojoj infektivne bolesti virusne prirode mogu drastično skratiti razdoblje eksploatacije. Najvažnija je strateška metoda u kontroli virusnih bolesti vinove loze preventiva i provodi se korištenjem certificirana sadnog materijala pri podizanju novih vinograda. Da bi se uspješno kontroliralo rasprostranjivanje viroza, neophodno je provođenje specifičnih i pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda: enzimski imunotest na čvrstoj fazi (ELISA) i reverzna transkripcija uz lančanu reakciju polimeraze (RT-PCR). Primjenom navedenih dijagnostičkih metoda na ukupno 1332 testiranih trsova dobiven je uvid u pojavnost devet virusa na šest ekonomski najvažnijih autohtonih kultivara u hercegovačkim vinogorjima. U šest autohtonih kultivara serološkim metodama detektirani su: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) u 884 trsova (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) u 500 trsova (37,5 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) u 293 trsova (22,0 %), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) u 197 trsova (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) u 90 trsova (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) u 17 trsova (1,2 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) u 3 trsa (0,2 %), dok virusi: Grapevine virus A (GVA) i Grapevine virus B (GVB) nisu detektirani. Od svih je testiranih Vinova loza važna je kultura kojoj infektivne bolesti virusne prirode mogu drastično skratiti razdoblje eksploatacije. Najvažnija je strateška metoda u kontroli virusnih bolesti vinove loze preventiva i provodi se korištenjem certificirana sadnog materijala pri podizanju novih vinograda. Da bi se uspješno kontroliralo rasprostranjivanje viroza, neophodno je provođenje specifičnih i pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda: enzimski imunotest na čvrstoj fazi (ELISA) i reverzna transkripcija uz lančanu reakciju polimeraze (RT-PCR). Primjenom navedenih dijagnostičkih metoda na ukupno 1332 testiranih trsova dobiven je uvid u pojavnost devet virusa na šest ekonomski najvažnijih autohtonih kultivara u hercegovačkim vinogorjima. U šest autohtonih kultivara serološkim metodama detektirani su: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) u 884 trsova (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) u 500 trsova (37,5 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) u 293 trsova (22,0 %), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) u 197 trsova (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) u 90 trsova (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) u 17 trsova (1,2 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) u 3 trsa (0,2 %), dok virusi: Grapevine virus A (GVA) i Grapevine virus B (GVB) nisu detektirani. Od svih je testiranih trsova, 1153 (86,5 %) uzoraka nosilo barem jedan virus, dok je 179 (13,4 %) uzorka bilo zdravo, bez prisustva testiranih virusa. Zdravi trsovi predloženi su kao potencijalne biljke kandidati za proizvodnju sadnoga materijala ‘testiranog na viruse’. Analizom rezultata virusnih infekcija utvrđeno je da je 546 (40,9 %) uzoraka zaraženo samo s jednim virusom, 423 (31,7 %) s dva, 155 (11,6 %) s tri, 28 (2,1 %) s četiri, 3 (0,2 %) s pet što je ujedno i najveći broj analizom utvrđenih kombinacija. Od 90 uzoraka koji su serološki bili pozitivni na grupu virusa GLRaV-4-9 (GLRaV-4, -5, -6, -7, -9), izabrano je njih 27 kod kojih je metodom RT-PCR i korištenjem para početnica utvrđena prisutnost GLRaV-5 kod šest uzoraka kao i GLRaV-9 kod sedam uzoraka. Ostali virusi iz grupe GLRaV-4-9 nisu registrirani. Prisutnost GLRaV-2 u uzorku, u kojem je metodom ELISA detektiran, uspješno je potvrđena primjenom metode RT-PCR uz korištenje GLR2CP1/GLR2CP2 para početnica. Tijekom dvije vegetacijske sezone (2011/12 i 2012/13) vršeno je vizualno praćenje analiziranih trsova. Dominantni simptomi na šest autohtonih kultivara bili su: zastoj u kretanju vegetacije, skraćeni internodiji, različiti poremećaji u rastu i razvoju, uvijenost lišća, nejednolično odrvenjavanje i dozrijevanje grozdova, rehuljavost. Prema raspoloživim saznanjima, provedeno istraživanje predstavlja prvi nalaz GLRaV-2, GLRaV-5 i GLRaV-9 u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen molekularnim metodama, dok GFkV, GLRaV-2 i grupa virusa GLRaV-4-9 predstavlja prvi nalaz u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen serološkim metodama.Grapevine is an important species in which infectious diseases caused by viruses can drastically reduce the period of exploitation. The most important control strategy of grapevine viroses is prevention and consists of the use of certified planting materials in the establishment of new vineyards. In order to successfully control the virus spread, the implementation of specific and reliable diagnostic methods is essential: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Using the above mentioned diagnostic techniques from the total number 1332 grapevine, an insight into the incidence of nine viruses in the six most important autochthonous cultivars grown in Herzegovina was gained. In the six autochthonous cultivars, using serological methods, the following viruses were detected: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) - in 884 grapevines (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) - in 500 grapevines (37,5%), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) - in 293 grapevines (22,0%), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) - in 197 grapevines (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) - in 90 grapevines (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) - in 17 grapevines (1,2%), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) - in 3 grapevines (0,2 %), while viruses Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Grapevine virus B (GVB) were not detected. Of all tested grapevines, 86,5 % specimens (1153 grapevines) had at least one virus, while 13,4 % specimens (179 grapevines) was free of tested viruses. The virus-free grapevines are proposed as a potential candidate plants for production of virus-tested planting material. The analysis of results showed that 546 grapevines (40,9%) were infected by only one virus, 423 (31,7 %) by two, 155 (11,6 %) by three, 28 (2,1 %) by four, 3 (0,2 %) by five, which presented the highest number of viruses in mixed infections. From 90 specimens positive on GLRaV-4-9 (GLRaV -4, -5, -6, -7, -9) viruses, 27 are chosen, and, by using RTPCR method employing pair of primers, the presence of GLRaV-5 in 6 specimens and GLRaV-9 in 7 specimens is detected. The other viruses belonging to GLRaV-4-9 group were not detected. The presence of GLRaV-2 in ELISA positive specimen is successfully confirmed using RT-PCR method with the use of GLR2CP1/ GLR2CP2 pair of primers. During two vegetation seasons (2011/12, 2012/13) visual observation of analysed grapevines was carried out. The dominant symptoms on 6 autochthonous cultivars: delayed start vegetation., reduced internodes, different disturbances in growth and development, leafroll, irregular lignification and ripening of grapes and, poor fruit set. According to our knowledge, this is the first report of GLRaV-2, GLRaV-5 and GLRaV-9 in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the genome (nucleic acids) based methods, and GFkV, GLRaV-2 and group of GLRaV-4-9 associated viruses on the basis of serological methods

    Incidence of viroses in autochthonous grapevine cultivars in Herzegovina vineyards

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    Vinova loza važna je kultura kojoj infektivne bolesti virusne prirode mogu drastično skratiti razdoblje eksploatacije. Najvažnija je strateška metoda u kontroli virusnih bolesti vinove loze preventiva i provodi se korištenjem certificirana sadnog materijala pri podizanju novih vinograda. Da bi se uspješno kontroliralo rasprostranjivanje viroza, neophodno je provođenje specifičnih i pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda: enzimski imunotest na čvrstoj fazi (ELISA) i reverzna transkripcija uz lančanu reakciju polimeraze (RT-PCR). Primjenom navedenih dijagnostičkih metoda na ukupno 1332 testiranih trsova dobiven je uvid u pojavnost devet virusa na šest ekonomski najvažnijih autohtonih kultivara u hercegovačkim vinogorjima. U šest autohtonih kultivara serološkim metodama detektirani su: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) u 884 trsova (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) u 500 trsova (37,5 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) u 293 trsova (22,0 %), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) u 197 trsova (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) u 90 trsova (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) u 17 trsova (1,2 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) u 3 trsa (0,2 %), dok virusi: Grapevine virus A (GVA) i Grapevine virus B (GVB) nisu detektirani. Od svih je testiranih Vinova loza važna je kultura kojoj infektivne bolesti virusne prirode mogu drastično skratiti razdoblje eksploatacije. Najvažnija je strateška metoda u kontroli virusnih bolesti vinove loze preventiva i provodi se korištenjem certificirana sadnog materijala pri podizanju novih vinograda. Da bi se uspješno kontroliralo rasprostranjivanje viroza, neophodno je provođenje specifičnih i pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda: enzimski imunotest na čvrstoj fazi (ELISA) i reverzna transkripcija uz lančanu reakciju polimeraze (RT-PCR). Primjenom navedenih dijagnostičkih metoda na ukupno 1332 testiranih trsova dobiven je uvid u pojavnost devet virusa na šest ekonomski najvažnijih autohtonih kultivara u hercegovačkim vinogorjima. U šest autohtonih kultivara serološkim metodama detektirani su: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) u 884 trsova (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) u 500 trsova (37,5 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) u 293 trsova (22,0 %), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) u 197 trsova (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) u 90 trsova (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) u 17 trsova (1,2 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) u 3 trsa (0,2 %), dok virusi: Grapevine virus A (GVA) i Grapevine virus B (GVB) nisu detektirani. Od svih je testiranih trsova, 1153 (86,5 %) uzoraka nosilo barem jedan virus, dok je 179 (13,4 %) uzorka bilo zdravo, bez prisustva testiranih virusa. Zdravi trsovi predloženi su kao potencijalne biljke kandidati za proizvodnju sadnoga materijala ‘testiranog na viruse’. Analizom rezultata virusnih infekcija utvrđeno je da je 546 (40,9 %) uzoraka zaraženo samo s jednim virusom, 423 (31,7 %) s dva, 155 (11,6 %) s tri, 28 (2,1 %) s četiri, 3 (0,2 %) s pet što je ujedno i najveći broj analizom utvrđenih kombinacija. Od 90 uzoraka koji su serološki bili pozitivni na grupu virusa GLRaV-4-9 (GLRaV-4, -5, -6, -7, -9), izabrano je njih 27 kod kojih je metodom RT-PCR i korištenjem para početnica utvrđena prisutnost GLRaV-5 kod šest uzoraka kao i GLRaV-9 kod sedam uzoraka. Ostali virusi iz grupe GLRaV-4-9 nisu registrirani. Prisutnost GLRaV-2 u uzorku, u kojem je metodom ELISA detektiran, uspješno je potvrđena primjenom metode RT-PCR uz korištenje GLR2CP1/GLR2CP2 para početnica. Tijekom dvije vegetacijske sezone (2011/12 i 2012/13) vršeno je vizualno praćenje analiziranih trsova. Dominantni simptomi na šest autohtonih kultivara bili su: zastoj u kretanju vegetacije, skraćeni internodiji, različiti poremećaji u rastu i razvoju, uvijenost lišća, nejednolično odrvenjavanje i dozrijevanje grozdova, rehuljavost. Prema raspoloživim saznanjima, provedeno istraživanje predstavlja prvi nalaz GLRaV-2, GLRaV-5 i GLRaV-9 u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen molekularnim metodama, dok GFkV, GLRaV-2 i grupa virusa GLRaV-4-9 predstavlja prvi nalaz u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen serološkim metodama.Grapevine is an important species in which infectious diseases caused by viruses can drastically reduce the period of exploitation. The most important control strategy of grapevine viroses is prevention and consists of the use of certified planting materials in the establishment of new vineyards. In order to successfully control the virus spread, the implementation of specific and reliable diagnostic methods is essential: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Using the above mentioned diagnostic techniques from the total number 1332 grapevine, an insight into the incidence of nine viruses in the six most important autochthonous cultivars grown in Herzegovina was gained. In the six autochthonous cultivars, using serological methods, the following viruses were detected: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) - in 884 grapevines (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) - in 500 grapevines (37,5%), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) - in 293 grapevines (22,0%), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) - in 197 grapevines (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) - in 90 grapevines (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) - in 17 grapevines (1,2%), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) - in 3 grapevines (0,2 %), while viruses Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Grapevine virus B (GVB) were not detected. Of all tested grapevines, 86,5 % specimens (1153 grapevines) had at least one virus, while 13,4 % specimens (179 grapevines) was free of tested viruses. The virus-free grapevines are proposed as a potential candidate plants for production of virus-tested planting material. The analysis of results showed that 546 grapevines (40,9%) were infected by only one virus, 423 (31,7 %) by two, 155 (11,6 %) by three, 28 (2,1 %) by four, 3 (0,2 %) by five, which presented the highest number of viruses in mixed infections. From 90 specimens positive on GLRaV-4-9 (GLRaV -4, -5, -6, -7, -9) viruses, 27 are chosen, and, by using RTPCR method employing pair of primers, the presence of GLRaV-5 in 6 specimens and GLRaV-9 in 7 specimens is detected. The other viruses belonging to GLRaV-4-9 group were not detected. The presence of GLRaV-2 in ELISA positive specimen is successfully confirmed using RT-PCR method with the use of GLR2CP1/ GLR2CP2 pair of primers. During two vegetation seasons (2011/12, 2012/13) visual observation of analysed grapevines was carried out. The dominant symptoms on 6 autochthonous cultivars: delayed start vegetation., reduced internodes, different disturbances in growth and development, leafroll, irregular lignification and ripening of grapes and, poor fruit set. According to our knowledge, this is the first report of GLRaV-2, GLRaV-5 and GLRaV-9 in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the genome (nucleic acids) based methods, and GFkV, GLRaV-2 and group of GLRaV-4-9 associated viruses on the basis of serological methods

    Incidence of viroses in autochthonous grapevine cultivars in Herzegovina vineyards

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    Vinova loza važna je kultura kojoj infektivne bolesti virusne prirode mogu drastično skratiti razdoblje eksploatacije. Najvažnija je strateška metoda u kontroli virusnih bolesti vinove loze preventiva i provodi se korištenjem certificirana sadnog materijala pri podizanju novih vinograda. Da bi se uspješno kontroliralo rasprostranjivanje viroza, neophodno je provođenje specifičnih i pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda: enzimski imunotest na čvrstoj fazi (ELISA) i reverzna transkripcija uz lančanu reakciju polimeraze (RT-PCR). Primjenom navedenih dijagnostičkih metoda na ukupno 1332 testiranih trsova dobiven je uvid u pojavnost devet virusa na šest ekonomski najvažnijih autohtonih kultivara u hercegovačkim vinogorjima. U šest autohtonih kultivara serološkim metodama detektirani su: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) u 884 trsova (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) u 500 trsova (37,5 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) u 293 trsova (22,0 %), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) u 197 trsova (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) u 90 trsova (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) u 17 trsova (1,2 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) u 3 trsa (0,2 %), dok virusi: Grapevine virus A (GVA) i Grapevine virus B (GVB) nisu detektirani. Od svih je testiranih Vinova loza važna je kultura kojoj infektivne bolesti virusne prirode mogu drastično skratiti razdoblje eksploatacije. Najvažnija je strateška metoda u kontroli virusnih bolesti vinove loze preventiva i provodi se korištenjem certificirana sadnog materijala pri podizanju novih vinograda. Da bi se uspješno kontroliralo rasprostranjivanje viroza, neophodno je provođenje specifičnih i pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda: enzimski imunotest na čvrstoj fazi (ELISA) i reverzna transkripcija uz lančanu reakciju polimeraze (RT-PCR). Primjenom navedenih dijagnostičkih metoda na ukupno 1332 testiranih trsova dobiven je uvid u pojavnost devet virusa na šest ekonomski najvažnijih autohtonih kultivara u hercegovačkim vinogorjima. U šest autohtonih kultivara serološkim metodama detektirani su: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) u 884 trsova (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) u 500 trsova (37,5 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) u 293 trsova (22,0 %), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) u 197 trsova (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) u 90 trsova (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) u 17 trsova (1,2 %), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) u 3 trsa (0,2 %), dok virusi: Grapevine virus A (GVA) i Grapevine virus B (GVB) nisu detektirani. Od svih je testiranih trsova, 1153 (86,5 %) uzoraka nosilo barem jedan virus, dok je 179 (13,4 %) uzorka bilo zdravo, bez prisustva testiranih virusa. Zdravi trsovi predloženi su kao potencijalne biljke kandidati za proizvodnju sadnoga materijala ‘testiranog na viruse’. Analizom rezultata virusnih infekcija utvrđeno je da je 546 (40,9 %) uzoraka zaraženo samo s jednim virusom, 423 (31,7 %) s dva, 155 (11,6 %) s tri, 28 (2,1 %) s četiri, 3 (0,2 %) s pet što je ujedno i najveći broj analizom utvrđenih kombinacija. Od 90 uzoraka koji su serološki bili pozitivni na grupu virusa GLRaV-4-9 (GLRaV-4, -5, -6, -7, -9), izabrano je njih 27 kod kojih je metodom RT-PCR i korištenjem para početnica utvrđena prisutnost GLRaV-5 kod šest uzoraka kao i GLRaV-9 kod sedam uzoraka. Ostali virusi iz grupe GLRaV-4-9 nisu registrirani. Prisutnost GLRaV-2 u uzorku, u kojem je metodom ELISA detektiran, uspješno je potvrđena primjenom metode RT-PCR uz korištenje GLR2CP1/GLR2CP2 para početnica. Tijekom dvije vegetacijske sezone (2011/12 i 2012/13) vršeno je vizualno praćenje analiziranih trsova. Dominantni simptomi na šest autohtonih kultivara bili su: zastoj u kretanju vegetacije, skraćeni internodiji, različiti poremećaji u rastu i razvoju, uvijenost lišća, nejednolično odrvenjavanje i dozrijevanje grozdova, rehuljavost. Prema raspoloživim saznanjima, provedeno istraživanje predstavlja prvi nalaz GLRaV-2, GLRaV-5 i GLRaV-9 u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen molekularnim metodama, dok GFkV, GLRaV-2 i grupa virusa GLRaV-4-9 predstavlja prvi nalaz u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen serološkim metodama.Grapevine is an important species in which infectious diseases caused by viruses can drastically reduce the period of exploitation. The most important control strategy of grapevine viroses is prevention and consists of the use of certified planting materials in the establishment of new vineyards. In order to successfully control the virus spread, the implementation of specific and reliable diagnostic methods is essential: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Using the above mentioned diagnostic techniques from the total number 1332 grapevine, an insight into the incidence of nine viruses in the six most important autochthonous cultivars grown in Herzegovina was gained. In the six autochthonous cultivars, using serological methods, the following viruses were detected: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) - in 884 grapevines (66,3 %), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) - in 500 grapevines (37,5%), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 (GLRaV-1) - in 293 grapevines (22,0%), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) - in 197 grapevines (14,7 %), Grapevine leafrollassociated virus-4-9 (GLRaV-4-9) - in 90 grapevines (6,7 %), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) - in 17 grapevines (1,2%), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) - in 3 grapevines (0,2 %), while viruses Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Grapevine virus B (GVB) were not detected. Of all tested grapevines, 86,5 % specimens (1153 grapevines) had at least one virus, while 13,4 % specimens (179 grapevines) was free of tested viruses. The virus-free grapevines are proposed as a potential candidate plants for production of virus-tested planting material. The analysis of results showed that 546 grapevines (40,9%) were infected by only one virus, 423 (31,7 %) by two, 155 (11,6 %) by three, 28 (2,1 %) by four, 3 (0,2 %) by five, which presented the highest number of viruses in mixed infections. From 90 specimens positive on GLRaV-4-9 (GLRaV -4, -5, -6, -7, -9) viruses, 27 are chosen, and, by using RTPCR method employing pair of primers, the presence of GLRaV-5 in 6 specimens and GLRaV-9 in 7 specimens is detected. The other viruses belonging to GLRaV-4-9 group were not detected. The presence of GLRaV-2 in ELISA positive specimen is successfully confirmed using RT-PCR method with the use of GLR2CP1/ GLR2CP2 pair of primers. During two vegetation seasons (2011/12, 2012/13) visual observation of analysed grapevines was carried out. The dominant symptoms on 6 autochthonous cultivars: delayed start vegetation., reduced internodes, different disturbances in growth and development, leafroll, irregular lignification and ripening of grapes and, poor fruit set. According to our knowledge, this is the first report of GLRaV-2, GLRaV-5 and GLRaV-9 in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the genome (nucleic acids) based methods, and GFkV, GLRaV-2 and group of GLRaV-4-9 associated viruses on the basis of serological methods

    Overview of the harmful entomofauna in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) production in the world

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    Intenziviranjem uzgoja šipka javljaju se problemi sa štetnicima i bolestima. Štete se očituju smanjenim urodom i kvalitetom ploda, ali do sada toj problematici nije posvećivana potrebna pozornost te nema potpunih podataka o pojavi štetnika i gospodarskoj značajnosti šteta koje prouzrokuju. U radu je na temelju literaturnih izvora opisana sistematska pripadnost najznačajnijih štetnika šipka. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati štetne vrste u nasadima šipka i štete koje uzrokuju na temelju pregleda znanstvenih i stručnih rezultata stranih istraživača.Intensification of pomegranate production has resulted in problems with pest and diseases. Damage is manifested in reduced yield and fruit quality, but so far this issue has not been given the necessary attention and there is no exact data on the incidence of pests and the economic significance of the damage they cause. In the paper, based on literature sources, systematic affiliation of the most important pomegranate pests is described. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of harmful entomofauna and the damage they cause based on scientific and expert results of foreign researches

    Languages for Different Health Information Readers: Multitrait-Multimethod Content Analysis of Cochrane Systematic Reviews Textual Summary Formats

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    Background: Although subjective expressions and linguistic fluency have been shown as important factors in processing and interpreting textual facts, analyses of these traits in textual health information for different audiences are lacking. We analyzed the readability and linguistic psychological and emotional characteristics of different textual summary formats of Cochrane systematic reviews. Methods: We performed a multitrait-multimethod cross-sectional study of Press releases available at Cochrane web site (n= 162) and corresponding Scientific abstracts (n= 158), Cochrane Clinical Answers (n= 35) and Plain language summaries in English (n= 156), French (n= 101), German (n= 41) and Croatian (n=156). We used SMOG index to assess text readability of all text formats, and natural language processing tools (IBM Watson Tone Analyzer, Stanford NLP Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) to examine the affective states and subjective information in texts of Scientific abstracts, Plain language summaries and Press releases. Results: All text formats had low readability, with SMOG index ranging from a median of 15.6 (95% confidence interval (CI) 15.3–15.9) for Scientific abstracts to 14.7 (95% CI 14.4–15.0) for Plain language summaries. In all text formats, “Sadness” was the most dominantly perceived emotional tone and the style of writing was perceived as “Analytical”and “Tentative”. At the psychological level, all text formats exhibited the predominant “Openness”tone, and Press releases scored higher on the scales of “Conscientiousness”,“Agreeableness”and “Emotional range”. Press releases had significantly higher scores than Scientific abstracts and Plain languagesummariesonthedimensionsof“Clout”,and“Emotional ton

    Restructuring of Croatian Shipbuilding Industry within the Context of Accession to EU

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    Brodograđevna industrija od iznimne je važnosti za Republiku Hrvatsku jer je riječ o tradicionalnoj djelatnosti visoke kapitalne i tehnološke intenzivnosti te pokretaču razvoja raznih pratećih proizvodnih i uslužnih djelatnosti. Time je brodogradnja snažan generator zaposlenosti te razvoja lokalnog, regionalnog i nacionalnoga gospodarstva. Trenutno stanje razvijenosti hrvatske brodogradnje može se opisati kao tehnološko zaostajanje, mala razina produktivnosti, nepovoljna kvalifikacijsku struktura radnika, višak radne snage te nizak financijski potencijal. Zbog toga hrvatska brodogradilišta, koja su u većinskom državnom vlasništvu, moraju naći održivo rješenje za restrukturiranje s ciljem da im se omogućiti da posluju na međunarodnom tržištu učinkovito i po tržišnim načelima, a sve u skladu s postojećim pravilima i propisima Europske unije. Stoga je cilj ovog rada sustavno prezentirati dosadašnje rezultate restrukturiranja brodogradnje i privatizacije u Republici Hrvatskoj te daljnje izazove koji su stavljeni pred hrvatsku brodogradnju ulaskom u Europsku uniju. Dosadašnji pokušaji restrukturiranja nisu ostvarili pozitivne rezultate (osim brodogradilišta Uljanik), a punopravnim članstvom u Europskoj uniji, Republika Hrvatska se obvezala dovršiti proces restrukturiranja i privatizacije brodogradilišta. Stoga se u radu sustavno analizira položaj hrvatske brodogradnje u odnosu na europsko i svjetsko tržište, dosadašnji pokušaji procesa restrukturiranja i privatizacije s posebnim osvrtom na državne potpore brodogradnji te buduće smjernice restrukturiranja.Shipbuilding is one of the industries of vital importance for the Republic of Croatia because of its traditional nature of high capital and technological intensity and its driving force present in the development of various supporting manufacturing and service activities. Thus it represents a powerful generator of employment and of local, regional and national development. The current situation in the Croatian shipbuilding sector can be summarized as technological underdevelopment, low productivity, unfavourable workers\u27 qualifications, redundant labour and very low financial potential. For this reason, it is necessary for Croatian shipyards, mainly state-owned, to find a sustainable solution for shipbuilding restructuring in order to enable them to operate effectively on the international market in line with market principles and in accordance with applicable rules and regulations of the European Union. It is therefore the aim of this work to systematically present the results achieved so-far in the process of restructuring and privatization of shipbuilding industry in the Republic of Croatia and to present further challenges that Croatian shipbuilding industry has faced with the accession to the European Union. Previous attempts of restructuring and privatization have not achieved any favourable results (except for the Uljanik Shipyard). With full membership in the European Union, Croatia has pledged to complete the process of restructuring and privatization of shipyards. The paper presents a systematical analysis of the position of Croatian shipbuilding industry in relation to the European and world markets, the so-far attempts of the restructuring and privatization process with special emphasis on state aids to shipbuilding industry and future guidelines for the restructuring process

    Peach twig borer moth (Anarsia lineatella, Zeller), significant pest in almond plantations in the area of Herzegovina

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    Područje Hercegovine pruža idealne uvjete za uzgoj različitih voćnih vrsta. Iako je to područje poznato po uzgoju breskve, nektarine, trešnje i marelice, u posljednje se vrijeme sve više podižu nasadi badema. Upravo na bademima, breskvin moljac uočen je kao značajan štetnik izboja, a to do sada nije zabilježeno na području Hercegovine. Naime, u znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi, navodi se da se breskvin moljac ubušuje samo u izboje breskve i nektarine, a uopće se ne spominje kao štetnik badema. S druge strane, tijekom praćenja štetnika i obveznog zdravstvenog pregleda rasadnika uočena je njegova nazočnost na sadnicama breskve i nektarine - ona se uvijek kretala u granicama dopuštenih 2% napadnutih mladica. Međutim, breskvin moljac nije zabilježen kao štetnik izboja na sadnicama badema (u rasadniku), već je pronađen u izbojima badema u proizvodnom nasadu na lokalitetu Gnojnice. Riječ je o mladom nasadu badema (3 i 4 godine starosti), u kome je zastupljeno pet različitih sorata s ukupnim brojem od 110 stabala. Pregled stabala i mladica badema na prisutnost gusjenica breskvinog moljca obavljen je tijekom 2010., u četiri navrata, pri čemu je obuhvaćeno 110 stabala, odnosno 200 mladica kod svakog pregleda. U radu će biti prikazane osnovne morfološke odlike vrste, biologije štetnika, lokaliteti na kojima je obavljen monitoring štetnika, intenzitet pojave te štete na bademima u 2010. godini.The area of Herzegovina offers ideal conditions for growing different fruit crops. Even though this area is famous for peach, nectarine, cherry and apricot, almond plantations have been established recently as well. Peach twig borer moth has occurred in these almond plantations as important shoot pest, which hasn’t been recorded before in the area of Herzegovina. Although this pest is reported to be appearing in peach and nectarine orchards exclusively, it has also attacked shoots in almond orchards in Herzegovina. On the other hand, during the pest monitoring and obligatory sanitary nursery examination this pest has been reported on the peach and nectarine shoots. The official threshold is 2 % and we have never found more than 2 % in the nursery. However, the peach twig borer moth hasn’t been reported as shoot pest of the almond seedlings in the nursery, but was found in the almond shoots in the production orchard in the area of Gnojnice. We are going to present a young almond orchard (3 or 4 years old), with five different varieties and total number of one hundred and ten trees. The examination of trees and almond sprouts on the presence of peach moth larvae was made four times in 2010; 110 trees and 200 sprouts were observed during each examination. In our paper we are going to present the basic morphological variety characteristics, pest biology, localities of the pest monitoring, intensity of pest occurring and damage of almond shoots in 2010 as well

    Peacock’s eye leaf spot (Spilocaea oleagina Cast.) in olive groves in Herzegovina

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    Paunovo oko (Spilocaea oleagina Cast.) je najpoznatija i najrasprostranjenija gljivična bolest masline na području cijelog Sredozemlja. Gljivica je cijele godine prisutna u maslinicima zbog čega je simptome bolesti na lišću moguće zamijetiti u svako doba godine. Napadnuti listovi na sebi imaju karakteristične okruglaste pjege koje izgledom podsjećaju na oči paunovog perja, po čemu je bolest i dobila ime. Zbog bolesti dolazi do intenzivnog otpadanja lišća, slabljenja kondicijskog stanja stabala i smanjenja prinosa masline. Suzbijanje bolesti provodi se fungicidima na osnovi bakra prskanjem u jesen (rujan-listopad) i koncem zime (veljača-ožujak).Peacock’s eye leaf spot (Spilocaea oleagina Cast.) is the most famous and widespread fungal disease of olive tree in the whole Mediterranean area. The fungus is present in the olive groves all year long, so the leaves show the symptoms of this disease during the whole year. The diseased leaves have characteristic round stains which resemble eyes on peacocks’ feathers; thus the disease got its name. It causes intensive falling of leaves, weakening of trunk and reducing the yield of olive trees. The suppression of the disease is carried out with fungicides with copper by spraying during the autumn (September - October) and during the end of winter (February - March

    Diplomatic response to global health challenges in recognizing patient needs: A qualitative interview study

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    BackgroundGlobal health diplomacy is the applied practice of foreign affairs to further national goals that focus on health issues requiring international cooperation and collective action. We aimed to determine how international diplomats and health policy-related professionals in the EU understand the concept of health diplomacy, which impacts both diplomatic relations as well as patients' rights.MethodsIn a qualitative interview study, we used a heterogeneous stratified purposeful sampling to reach participants from different countries and different practitioners from the Pyramid of Health Diplomacy: core, multi-stakeholder, and informal. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to identify the main themes.FindingsWe contacted 131 practitioners of GHD, of which 37 responded, and nine agreed to be interviewed. From 11 interview questions, four main themes emerged from the analysis of the individual interview. The participants reported limited knowledge about the definition of GHD but also that they engaged in daily activities and decisions of inter-governmental bodies. They were not aware of existing special education and training for health attachés and made suggestions for improving the field and practice of GHD. They were not fully familiar with the European Charter of Patients' Rights. There was a consensus from all participants that patient rights need to improve as a fundamental right. They stressed the fact that the hospital lockdown and the right access to healthcare were impaired during the COVID pandemic.InterpretationThe role of health diplomacy in linking public health and foreign affairs is key to respecting patients' rights. Health over other interests is becoming an increasingly critical element in foreign policy. Establishing a clear career path for health attachés is necessary to foster effective global health agreements and coordination across countries