Peach twig borer moth (Anarsia lineatella, Zeller), significant pest in almond plantations in the area of Herzegovina


Područje Hercegovine pruža idealne uvjete za uzgoj različitih voćnih vrsta. Iako je to područje poznato po uzgoju breskve, nektarine, trešnje i marelice, u posljednje se vrijeme sve više podižu nasadi badema. Upravo na bademima, breskvin moljac uočen je kao značajan štetnik izboja, a to do sada nije zabilježeno na području Hercegovine. Naime, u znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi, navodi se da se breskvin moljac ubušuje samo u izboje breskve i nektarine, a uopće se ne spominje kao štetnik badema. S druge strane, tijekom praćenja štetnika i obveznog zdravstvenog pregleda rasadnika uočena je njegova nazočnost na sadnicama breskve i nektarine - ona se uvijek kretala u granicama dopuštenih 2% napadnutih mladica. Međutim, breskvin moljac nije zabilježen kao štetnik izboja na sadnicama badema (u rasadniku), već je pronađen u izbojima badema u proizvodnom nasadu na lokalitetu Gnojnice. Riječ je o mladom nasadu badema (3 i 4 godine starosti), u kome je zastupljeno pet različitih sorata s ukupnim brojem od 110 stabala. Pregled stabala i mladica badema na prisutnost gusjenica breskvinog moljca obavljen je tijekom 2010., u četiri navrata, pri čemu je obuhvaćeno 110 stabala, odnosno 200 mladica kod svakog pregleda. U radu će biti prikazane osnovne morfološke odlike vrste, biologije štetnika, lokaliteti na kojima je obavljen monitoring štetnika, intenzitet pojave te štete na bademima u 2010. godini.The area of Herzegovina offers ideal conditions for growing different fruit crops. Even though this area is famous for peach, nectarine, cherry and apricot, almond plantations have been established recently as well. Peach twig borer moth has occurred in these almond plantations as important shoot pest, which hasn’t been recorded before in the area of Herzegovina. Although this pest is reported to be appearing in peach and nectarine orchards exclusively, it has also attacked shoots in almond orchards in Herzegovina. On the other hand, during the pest monitoring and obligatory sanitary nursery examination this pest has been reported on the peach and nectarine shoots. The official threshold is 2 % and we have never found more than 2 % in the nursery. However, the peach twig borer moth hasn’t been reported as shoot pest of the almond seedlings in the nursery, but was found in the almond shoots in the production orchard in the area of Gnojnice. We are going to present a young almond orchard (3 or 4 years old), with five different varieties and total number of one hundred and ten trees. The examination of trees and almond sprouts on the presence of peach moth larvae was made four times in 2010; 110 trees and 200 sprouts were observed during each examination. In our paper we are going to present the basic morphological variety characteristics, pest biology, localities of the pest monitoring, intensity of pest occurring and damage of almond shoots in 2010 as well

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