
Overview of the harmful entomofauna in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) production in the world


Intenziviranjem uzgoja šipka javljaju se problemi sa štetnicima i bolestima. Štete se očituju smanjenim urodom i kvalitetom ploda, ali do sada toj problematici nije posvećivana potrebna pozornost te nema potpunih podataka o pojavi štetnika i gospodarskoj značajnosti šteta koje prouzrokuju. U radu je na temelju literaturnih izvora opisana sistematska pripadnost najznačajnijih štetnika šipka. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati štetne vrste u nasadima šipka i štete koje uzrokuju na temelju pregleda znanstvenih i stručnih rezultata stranih istraživača.Intensification of pomegranate production has resulted in problems with pest and diseases. Damage is manifested in reduced yield and fruit quality, but so far this issue has not been given the necessary attention and there is no exact data on the incidence of pests and the economic significance of the damage they cause. In the paper, based on literature sources, systematic affiliation of the most important pomegranate pests is described. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of harmful entomofauna and the damage they cause based on scientific and expert results of foreign researches

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