36 research outputs found


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    During the children’s development, they will encounter a stage called the golden age. This stage is the most vital stage in children’s improvement since they will develop and grow quickly. This stage is the establishment for creating psychological, motoric, socio-emotional, religious, moral and language capacities. As to improvement of youngsters' language skills, it will be ideal on the off chance that it is led with incitement from the encompassing both from the guardians or family and the teachers. This literature study talks about the significance of directing and fostering the youngsters' language abilities from early childhood and exercises that can bolster the incitement procedure of early children’s language skills. The result of the literature review demonstrate that childrens’ language skills must be coordinated and supported since early childhood. An individual's language skills demonstrate his insight in communicating certain words and sentences normally and absolutely. For early childhood, the best stimulation is given by singing activities. Singing activities cannot be isolated from social relations, both with the surrounding, society, friends, and family. By singing activities, children will be acquainted with how to regard others, to place themselves in another condition, and train their capacity to communicate

    Developing English Textbook Material for Islamic Primary Education Program: a Participatory Action Research

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    English material for primary students has long been considered distinctive and specific. Unfortunately, the material given to the students is not always in accordance with their context. Consequently, the teaching and learning activity often fail to meet the targeted competence. As needs and situational analysis are already proven to be effective for composing specific learning material for particular students, they are proposed by many educational experts and practitioners to be implemented. The basic concept of needs and situational analysis which emphasize the involvement of all related participants become the reason to integrate them with Participatory Action Research (PAR) method which in fact has the same concept. This is the ground reason of this research. This research discusses the importance of combining PAR methods with needs and situational analysis and integrates it with Islamic context, as PGMI is attached with Islamic nuance. The procedures of conducting the whole process from the very beginning until the last are presented. Lastly, further researches on different field of study are also suggested

    The Relevance And Implications Of Metacognitive Strategy To Reading Comprehension In EFL Classroom

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    Metacognitive strategy plays a significant role in solving students’ problem in learning English as a foreign language by being applied to some teaching and learning activities. Its strength is on realizing and optimizing students’ awareness upon their own learning. By perceiving their own knowledge, students have control of what they have in mind and can regulate it to achieve certain purposes. This is how they can maximize their learning. In reading skill, students are always demanded to understand the texts they are reading. Thus, applying metacognitive strategy to reading activity will foster the students’ comprehension respectively. This literature review discusses the relevance and implications of metacognitive strategy to reading comprehension in EFL classroom


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah kemampuan berbicara siswa meningkat setelah belajar berbicara melalui teknik Jigsaw. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sample penelitian ini mencakup 30 siswa kelas XI Bahasa dan Budaya di SMA Negeri 1 Sumberejo Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Tes berbicara yang mencakup pretest dan posttest digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengumpulkan data.Tes tersebut digunakan untuk melihat sejauh mana peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa setelah diadakan perlakuan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan t-test dengan tingkat signifikan level p0.05 menggunakan SPSS versi 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan berbicara siswa meningkat secara signifikan setelah diajarkan menulis menggunakan teknik Jigsaw. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa menggunakan teknik Jigsaw dalam pembelajaran teks hortatory exposition dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara. The objective of this research was to find out whether students’ speaking improved after they have been taught by using Jigsaw technique. The approach of the research was quantitative. The subjects of the research were 30 students of XI Language and Culture class at SMA Negeri 1 Sumberejo in academic year 2018/2019. The speaking skill tests consisted of pretest and posttest to collect the data. The tests were given to see how far the students improve their speaking skill after the treatment. The data were analyzed by using T-test with the significant level p0.05 through SPSS 16.0. The result showed that there is a significant improvement of the students’ speaking skill after they had been taught by using Jigsaw technique. This suggests that teaching speaking by using Jigsaw technique in teaching hortatory exposition can be used to improve the students’ skill in speaking. Keywords: hortatory exposition text, jigsaw technique, speaking skill. 

    Penerapan Konsep Green Economy Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan UMKM Tahu di Dusun Tahu Kabupaten Situbondo

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    Micro Small Medium Enterprises Tofu SMEs in East Java, especially Situbondo Regency, which is located in Besuki District, Jetis Village, are SMEs that have high productivity every day. This has a close relationship with the environmental and economic impact of the surrounding community. The purpose of carrying out this research is in accordance with the formulation of the problem that has been prepared, namely to find out the application of the Green Economy and analyze the obstacles to implementing the Green Economy on the productivity of Tofu SMEs in Jetis Village, Besuki District, Situbondo Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative with triangulation data analysis technique. The results of the study show that the application of the Green Economy to Tofu SMEs has not been maximized. The implementation of the Green Economy is only focused on solid waste management. Meanwhile, the processing of liquid waste and MSME gas actors still feel difficulties due to the lack of knowledge they have. This diversification is considered very helpful for MSME actors in increasing income and opening new jobs for the surrounding community

    Using Films to Teach Listening Comprehension

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    ABSTRACTUsing films for classroom activities is often doubted as an appropriate and meaningful way to teach listening comprehension. Since the film is authentic material and far from pedagogical instruction, its use has rarely been paid attention to. This paper aims to prove that using film can be an alternative and effective way to teach listening comprehension. The problems which are commonly faced by the students in film viewing for listening activities and the proposed techniques along with film viewing activities are discussed further in this paper. The result of the discussion shows that using film to teach listening comprehension is motivating, enhancing and appealing for the students.ABSTRAKMenggunakan film untuk kegiatan di kelas sering diragukan sebagai cara yang berarti dan sesuai untuk mengajarkan listening comprehension. Karena film adalah materi otentik dan dianggap jauh dari konten pedagogik, penggunaan film jarang sekali diberi perhatian. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa menggunakan film untuk kegiatan pembelajaran dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dan cara yang efektif untuk mengajarkan listening comprehension. Artikel ini membahas masalah-masalah yang umum dihadapi oleh siswa dalam kegiatan pemutaran film, teknik-teknik untuk memutar film, dan kegiatan-kegiatan dalam pemutaran film untuk kegiatan listening di kelas. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan film untuk mengajarkan listening comprehension sangat memotivasi, menggugah dan menarik bagi siswa. How to Cite: Amalia, E.R., Kusrini, N. R., Ramadhani, P.(2019). Using Films to Teach Listening Comprehension . IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 6(2), 119-132. doi:10.15408/ijee.v6i2.1453

    Efektifitas Cinema Therapy untuk Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Anak Korban Perceraian Orang Tua

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    This study aims to find out how effective cinema therapy is to increase parents' trust. in this study, subjects were given intervention by showing several films that had a storyline that was almost the same as the subject's life. in the film there is a motivation that there is nothing to worry about from parents' divorce. In addition, psychoeducation is also given to families who care for children who are victims of divorc

    Mengasah Keterampilan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini Melalui Kegiatan Bernyanyi

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    During the children’s development, they will experience a phase called the golden age. This phase is the most crucial stage in children's development because they will grow and develop rapidly. This phase is the foundation for developing cognitive, motoric, socio-emotional, religious, moral and language abilities. Regarding the development of children's language skills, it will be optimal if it is conducted with stimulation from the surrounding both from the parents or family and the teachers. This literature study discusses the importance of directing and fostering the children’s language skills from early childhood and activities that can support the stimulation process of early childhood language skills. The results of the literature review show that children’s language skills must be directed and nurtured since early childhood. A person's language skills show his intelligence in expressing certain words and sentences regularly and precisely. For early childhood, the best stimulation is given by singing activities. Singing activities cannot be separated from social relations, both with the environment, society, friends, and family. By singing activities, children will be introduced to how to respect others, to put themselves in a new environment, and train their ability to communicate

    Effective Learning Activities To Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Development

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    Children in their critical period or commonly known as golden age are in their optimal stage where they grow and develop rapidly and absorb anything which is exposed to them. Therefore, this is the period when the parents and older person have the opportunity to give the appropriate influence thus the children’s development can result optimally in all areas. The first and most critical aspect is the cognitive ability. Cognitive ability can become the basis of all input to be processed in the children’s mind, thus its development will affect the children’s ability to absorb anything from their surroundings. This article will discuss about learning activities which are effective to improve early childhood cognitive development. The discussion reveals that children in their early age are more active and effective in activities which are designed as games and will result more in their development as they are engaged in social interaction. Some games are proposed as alternatives for the children and parents to conduct and to be involved in


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    The Montessori method has been gaining more attention in the last five years. Some preschools and kindergarten have been applying the Montessori method in the English learning activity. However, the method is mostly applied by prestigious schools based on several factors: the school’s readability related to the budget, the stakeholders and teachers as well as the parents’ perceptions, the teacher’s competency, etc. This case study is intended to investigate the implementation of English teaching and learning by using the Montessori method in preschool and kindergarten settings. Six teachers participated in the study. The data were collected from interviews and observations. The results indicate that applying the Montessori method in English learning activities can result positively in students' English ability and performance. The findings propose several suggestions related to the issue of English for early childhood education