353 research outputs found
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan sekolah dengan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas VIII SLTP Muhammadiyah I Pleret Bantul tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SLTP Muhammadiyah I Pleret Bantul tahun pelajaran 2015-2016 yang berjumlah 110 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 82 anak dengan menggunakan teknikquota random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah angket. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif antara kondisi lingkungan sekolah dengan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas VIII SLTP Muhammadiyah I Pleret Bantul tahun pelajaran 2015-2016 dengan diketahui nilai rhitung sebesar 0,394 dengan p = 0,000 lebih kecil dari = 0,05. Dengan demikian semakin baik lingkungan kondisi sekolah maka semakin tinggi aktivitas belajar siswa, sebaliknya semakin kurang kondisi lingkungan sekolah maka semakin rendah aktivitas belajar siswa. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dengan terciptanya kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang baik akan meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa. Diharapkan sekolah dan guru BK dapat meningkatkan fasilitas dan sarana prasarana yang mendukung proses pembelajaran sehingga akan meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa
Peran literasi ekonomi dan impresi masyarakat dalam menghadapi ancaman resesi ekonomi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi impresi masyarakat Indonesia terhadap informasi ancaman resesi yang ada di berbagai berita online dan media sosial serta melihat lebih dalam peran dari literasi ekonomi dalam menaggapi berbagai fenomena ekonomi salah satunya adalah ancaman resesi. penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggali big data di internet khususnya berita online dan media sosial. Melalui metode crawling data dengan dashboard Netray, ditemukan sebanyak 828 berita dari 74 portal media online membahas topik resesi global sepanjang periode 4-11 Oktober 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sentimen masyarakat terhadap isu resesi cenderung positif dari segi berita online dan twitter namun cenderung negatif pada media youtube. Berdasarkan komentar netizen Indonesia tampak bahwa sebagian dari mereka memahami bahaya resesi dan berbagi pengetahuan dalam kolom komentar. Hal ini menjadi bukti bahwa sebagian masyarakat sudah memiliki literasi ekonomi. Untuk itu sangat penting masyarakat kita memiliki kemampuan di bidang literasi ekonomi tanpa harus memahaminya dalam pendidikan formal
Government's Strategy in Minimizing Violence Against Children In Lhokseumawe City
The Government's Strategy in Minimizing Violence against Children in the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning of Lhokseumawe City. The problem that occurs in this study is cases of violence against children that continue to occur every year, especially cases of child abuse (Aged 5-12 years) where in 2016 there were 5 cases, in 2017 it increased by 15 cases and then in 2018 it decreased by 4 cases then in 2019 (Second Quarter) increased to 5 cases, so that reliable strategies from the government are needed to reduce cases of violence. The focus of this research is on how the strategy is carried out by the government and what are the obstacles faced when implementing the strategy. The purpose of this study is to find out how the strategy to minimize violence against children and what obstacles are faced by DP3AP2KB Lhokseumawe City. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. In collecting data, researchers make observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research that have been obtained by researchers explain that the strategy carried out in minimizing violence against children is to carry out prevention and handling efforts and in implementing the strategy experience obstacles, namely the allocation of the budget for child protection is still limited and the strengthening of human resources (HR) is still weak, causing the programs that have been planned to be still less than optimal, and the lack of public awareness and knowledge to report/follow up on violence that occurs which causes perpetrators to experience less deterrent effects. With this problem, DP3AP2KB of Lhokseumawe City must continue to improve its performance optimally and thoroughly so that acts of violence against children do not occur again
A prospective multicentre single-blinded randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of chitosan sponge versus allevyn on exudative wounds
Since its first discovery by Henri Braconnot in 1811, chitosan has attracted a lot of interest among researchers due to its many useful biological properties such as haemostatic, anti-‐microbial and wound healing abilities, as well as being biocompatible and biodegradable. Its parent element, chitin, is abundant in nature and can be found in fungi, exoskeleton of crustaceans and many other animals and plants. One of the potential medical applications of chitosan is as a wound dressing material. Chitosan sponge is produced by lyophilisation of pharmaceutical grade chitosan powder dissolved in 1% acetic acid, 20% glycerol and sodium bicarbonate mixture.
The main objective of this clinical study was to compare the efficacy of chitosan sponge against an already commercialised Allevyn foam dressing on exudative wounds in terms of healing or epithelization. Other objectives include comparison of wound bed preparation, patients’ experience, practicality of the dressing and determination of any adverse reaction to the dressing. The research hypothesis was that there are significant differences in efficacy and healing properties between chitosan sponge and Allevyn as dressings for exudative wounds.
A total of 72 subjects from 3 different hospitals were randomized into the study between July 2012 and August 2014 (24 months). Sixty (83.4%) completed the study and were equally divided into the chitosan and Allevyn groups. Twelve (16.6%) were discontinued, mainly due to non-‐compliant with the study protocol. The subjects were assessed clinically and their symptoms recorded every 3 days throughout the treatment duration. Data such as size of granulation and necrotic tissues, level of exudates, adherence, ease and pain on removal, odour, itchiness, were measured and recorded. Percentages of epithelization were measured by 2 blinded investigators via a series of photos taken at the start, middle and end of the treatments.
The results showed that chitosan sponge had a higher mean percentage of epithelization than Allevyn but the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.072). The rate of granulation tissue formation and reduction of necrotic tissue were also comparable between the 2 groups. No significant difference was found between the groups in terms of patients’ experience and performance of the dressings, apart from wound odour on Day 24, where chitosan was significantly worse (p = 0.02). There was no allergic or serious adverse reaction associated with chitosan sponge.
In conclusion, there is no significant difference in efficacy and healing properties between chitosan sponge and Allevyn as dressings for exudative wounds. Hence, chitosan sponge has the potential to become as good an exudative wound dressing as the commercialised Allevyn
Sistem Deteksi Kebakaran Menggunakan Sensor Asap Dan Sensor Api Berbasis Nodemcu Esp8266 Pada PAUD Mandiri
Fire is a disaster that we often encounter on television news, or direct events that are heard by our eyes and ears so that the impact of this fire will be quite detrimental to the building material sector, to suffer financial losses from the impact of a fire disaster. For this reason, this writing aims to make a fire detection system tool using a prototype method based on the nodemcu esp8266 by providing warning information about a fire on the buzzer sensor and led light. If there is a concentration of smoke or a fire is detected in the PAUD Mandiri. Then the nodemcu esp8266 microcontroller which is connected to Wi-Fi has the role of sending fire warning notification information via email application with the help of the Thinger io platform. In designing a fire detection system prototype using the components of the Nodemcu Esp8266 Microcontroller, Smoke Sensor, Fire Sensor, Buzzer, Led Light, and 16x2 LCD. The expected results in the Fire Detection System Prototype Research Using Smoke Sensors and Fire Sensors Based on Nodemcu Esp8266 in PAUD Mandiri are that the system can function properly and as expected. If the system detects smoke and the appearance of a flame in the PAUD Mandiri classroom, the buzzer sensor, the LED light will light up as a warning indicator of a fire and provide notification information about a fire warning via the user's email.
Keywords: Nodemcu Esp8266, Smoke Sensor, Flame Senso
Analysis of Covariance For Repeated Measures Design with Missing Observations
analysis of covariance might be one of the most miS4nderstood and inadequately taught of all
applied statistical methods. Many methods books do not deQl with it at all (Cullman et. aI., 1982), or
sparingly (Brownlee, J965), and most of those that treat it substantially, such as Federer (1955),
Snedecor and Cochran (J 980), Steel and Torrie (1980), and Winer (1971), concentrate on balanced
data, namely those which have equal numbers of observations in the subclasses. What happens if the
data are not balanced and moreover if some of the observations are missing? The missing observations
complicate computations and affect what is estimable. The analysis of covariance would become more
complex. The application of geometry in the analysis of covariance may of fer an understanding of the
analysis as well as broaden the variety of methods that can be considered. When there are no missing
observations on the repeated measures Factor(s) , computational algorithms can be used (see Henderson
and Henderson, 1979)
Decrease of Free Fatty Acid Levels in Cooking Oil Using Sugar Cane
Edible Oil has a fairly high economic value. Cooking oil is generally used for cooking. With the condition of oil prices increasing so many times it is necessary to recycle again so as not to pollute the environment. Used cooking oil has a lot of high free fatty acid content, so it is necessary to reduce fatty acids by using absorbent ingredients. Sugarcane bagasse can be used as a purification ingredient of used cooking oil by soaking. This study aims to determine the level of soaking bagasse against free fatty acid numbers. Variable immersion for 0 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. The results of the percentage of Free Fatty Acid (ALB) levels after done, soaking time for 0 hours is 0.36%, 24 hours is 0.34%, 48 hours is 0.33%, and 72 hours is 0.29%.©2019 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved
Perspektif Mahasiswa PJKR Terhadap Pembelajaran Daring: Studi Survei Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Pembelajaran daring menjadi solusi terbaik terhadap proses pembelajaran dimasa pandemi Covid-19. Prodi PJKR salah satu prodi yang menerapkan pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran daring. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh mahasiswa PJKR dari angkatan 2018 sampai 2021. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa PJKR dengan menggunakan sampling jenuh. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner melalui Google Form. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif prosentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perspektif mahasiswa PJKR terhadap pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi secara keseluruhan memperoleh hasil 32,7 dengan kategori kurang puas. Maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa perspektif mahasiswa PJKR terhadap pembelajaran termasuk kedalam kategori kurang puas. Dengan demikan jika apabila keadaan normal mahasiswa lebih menginginkan pembelajaran secara tatap muka, hal ini terjadi karena mahasiswa terbiasa melakukan praktek di lapanga
A Geometric Look At Repeated Measures Design with Missing Observations
In this paper, we will provide a geometric view of Repeated Measures Design for unequal number
of subjects per treatment that has missing observations. For our geometric development we restrict our
design to three levels of factor A and four levels of factor B. The purpose of this paper is to develop a test
statistics for hypotheses of interest i.e. no main effect A, no main effect B, and no AB interaction
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