150 research outputs found

    Grafit Takviyeli Etil Vinil Asetat (Eva) Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özelliklerine Termal Çevrimin Etkisi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Bu çalışmada, eriyik harmanlama yöntemi ile farklı grafit miktarlarına sahip grafit/EVA kompozitleri hazırlanmıştır. Grafit/EVA kompozitlerin mekanik özelliklerine termal çevrimin etkisini incelemek için, kompozit numuneleri -25 ile 60 °C sıcaklıkları arasında 50 ve 100 defa termal çevrime tabi tutulmuştur. Yapılan 50 ve 100 termal çevrim sonucunda Grafit/EVA kompozitlerin elastisite modülleri artmıştır.In this study, Graphite/EVA composites having different graphite content were prepared by melt blending process. To investigate the effect of thermal cycles on the mechanical properties of graphite/EVA composites, the composite samples were subjected to the thermal cycle processes for 50 and 100 times between temperatures of -25 °C and 60°C. The moduli of graphite/EVA composites at the end of thermal cycle of 50 and 100 increased

    Importance and Risk Prediction of ABO Blood Group and Rh Factor in Papillary Thyroid Cancer

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    Objective: There are limited data in the literature regarding the potentialrelationship between thyroid cancer and ABO blood types and Rh factor.The aim of our study was to investigate whether papillary thyroid cancer(PTC) is associated with blood type.Materials and Methods: The present study included patients who presented to Dicle University Faculty of Medicine between June 2009 andDecember 2020 and were diagnosed with PTC as a result of postoperative(thyroidectomy) histopathological analysis. The control group consisted ofindividuals whose blood type was analyzed at a random blood center.Results: Of the 223 patients diagnosed with PTC, 163 (73.1%) were females and 60 (26.9%) were males. In the comparison of patients based onABO blood types and Rh factor, A Rh positive blood type was found 31%less frequently in the PTC group compared with the control group, and thusit was associated with a lower risk of PTC (OR:0.69; 95% Confidence Interval: 0.50–0.96, p=0.029).Conclusions: In our study, we found A Rh positive blood type to be significantly less frequent among patients with PTC. A Rh positive blood type canbe considered as a protective factor indicating a reduced risk of PTC

    Yüzeyi Fonksiyonelize Edilmiş Nanoparçacıklar ile Kararlı Nanoakışkan Hazırlanması ve Isıl İletkenlik Değişiminin Belirlenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje01.04.2019Çok çesitli uygulama alanına sahip olan nanoakıskanlar, ısı transferi sistemlerinde, kullanılanakıskanların ısıl iletkenlik katsayısını arttırmak amacıyla baz akıskanın içerisine, ısıl iletkenligiyüksek nano boyutlarda parçacıklar katılmasıyla üretilirler. Nanoakıskanların hazırlanması,hazırlanan nanoakıskanın ısıl iletkenliginin arttırılması her ne kadar basit görünse de çokkarmasık bir sistemdir. Nanoakıskanların ısıl iletkenliginin artması ve ısı transferiuygulamalarında kullanılabilirligi, hazırlanan nanoakıskanın kararlılıgından, viskozitesinekadar birçok önemli parametre ile baglantılıdır. Isıl iletim katsayısı ne kadar artmıs olursaolsun, kararlı olmayan nanoakıskanların kısa sürede çökmesi ve viskozitesinin baz akıskanagöre fazlaca artıs göstermesi, ısı transferi sistemlerinde basınç düsüsüne, korozyona vetıkanıklıklara neden olmaktadır. Tüm bunlar göz önüne alındıgında, hazırlanannanoakıskanların pratikte kullanımı için bu parametrelerin incelenmesi ve birbiri ile olanbaglantılarının ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu projede kararlı nanoakıskanlarınhazırlanması ve ısıl iletkenliklerinin belirlenmesinin yanı sıra bu parametrelerin birbiri ilebaglantısının aydınlatılması hedeflenmistir.Baz akıskan olarak su, etilen glikol (EG) ve kompresör yagı kullanılan bu projede,nanoparçacık olarak farklı yüzey alanlarına sahip grafen nanoplateletler (GNP) ve tek duvarlıkarbon nanotüpler (SWCNT) kullanılmıstır. Nanoakıskan kararlılıgının saglanması amacıyla,polietilen glikol türevi polihedral oligomerik silseskuokzan (PEG-POSS) nanoakıskanlarda ilkkez yüzey aktif madde olarak bu projede kullanılmıstır. Ayrıca hazırlanan akıskanlarınkararlılıgının artması için pH ayarlaması yapılmıstır. SWCNT içeren su bazlı nanoakıskanlarınhazırlanmasında 50 dk ve 100 dk olmak üzere iki farklı ultrasonikasyon süresi kullanılarak ısıliletkenlige etkisi incelenmistir. Kararlılık degerlendirmesi için UV-Vis Spektrofotometrisi veZeta Potansiyeli ölçümleri yapılmıstır. Bu projede örneklerin santrifüj edilmesi gibi farklıislemler sayesinde nanoparçacık konsantrasyonunun zeta potansiyeline etkisi basarıylaincelenmistir. Isıl iletkenlik ölçümleri 3-omega yöntemiyle gerçeklestirilmistir. Ayrıca farklıyüzey alanlarına sahip nanoparçacıkların kullanılması, farklı konsantrasyonlarda yüzey aktifmadde kullanımı ve farklı baz akıskanlarla çalısılması; bu örneklerin reolojik davranısı, ısıliletkenlik ve yüzey gerilimi ile temas açısı gibi ısı transferi sistemlerinde önem tasıyanözelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu özellikleri etkileyen parametrelerin incelenmesi, bu projeyi çokyönlü ve basarılı bir çalısma haline getirmistir.Nanofluids, which have a wide range of applications, are produced by the addition of nanosizedparticles having high thermal conductivity to the base fluid to increase the thermalconductivity of the fluids used in heat transfer systems. Preparing the nanofluids andincreasing the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid are very complex process. The increase ofthermal conductivity of nanofluids and its usage in heat transfer applications are related withmany important parameters from the stability of the nanofluids to their viscosity. No matter howmuch the thermal conductivity is increased, the rapid sedimentation of unstable nanofluids andthe increase in viscosity of nanofluids over that of the base fluid lead to pressure drop,corrosion, and clogging in heat transfer systems. Considering all these, it is necessary toexamine these parameters and to make connections with each other for the practical use ofprepared nanofluids. In this project, it is aimed to prepare stable nanofluids and determine theirthermal conductivity and to clarify the connection of these parameters.Distilled water, ethylene glycol (EG), and compressor oil were used as base fluid. Graphenenanoplatelets (GNP) with different surface areas and single walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNT) were used as nanoparticles. Polyethylene glycol-derived polyhedral oligomericsilsesquioxane (PEG-POSS) was used for the first time in literature, as a surface active agentin nanofluids in order to ensure their stability. In addition, pH value was adjusted to increasethe stability of the nanofluids. In the preparation of water-based nanofluids containing SWCNT,the effect of two different ultrasonication times, 50 min and 100 min, on thermal conductivitywas investigated. UV-Vis Spectrophotometry and Zeta Potential analyses were performed forstability assessment. In this project, the effect of nanoparticle concentration on zeta potentialhas been studied successfully through different processes such as centrifugation and dilutionof samples. Thermal conductivity measurements were carried out by 3ω method. In additionto the usage of different carbon based nanoparticles, various concentrations of surface activeagent, and 3 different base fluids; studying the other factors (e.g. pH, ultrasonication time etc.)affecting the thermal, rheological, and surface properties of nanofluids in heat transfer systemhas made this project a multi-faceted and successful work.Key Words: GNP, SWCNT, nanofluids, 3ω thermal conductivity, viscosity

    Thermal-Diffusivity Measurements of Conductive Composites Based on EVA Copolymer Filled With Expanded and Unexpanded Graphite

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    In this research, the thermal diffusivity of composites based on ethylene- vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer filled with two kinds of reinforcement graphite materials was investigated. The reinforcement graphite fillers were untreated natural graphite (UG) and expanded graphite (EG). Composite samples up to 29.3 % graphite particle volumetric concentrations (50 % mass concentration) were prepared by the melt- mixing process in a Brabender Plasticorder. Upon mixing, the EG exfoliates in these films having nanosized thicknesses as evidenced by TEM micrographs. Thus, the thermal diffusivity and electrical conductivity of composites based on the ethylene-vinyl acetate matrix filled with nanostructuralized expanded graphite and standard, micro-sized graphite were investigated. From the experimental results it was deduced that the electrical conductivity was not only a function of filler concentration, but also strongly dependent on the graphite structure. The percolation concentration of the filler was found to be (15 to 17) vol% for micro-sized natural graphite, whereas the percolation concentration of the filler in nanocomposites filled with expanded graphite was much lower, about (5 to 6) vol%. The electrical conductivity of nanocomposites was also much higher than the electrical conductivity of composites filled with micro-sized filler at similar concentrations. Similarly, the values of the thermal diffusivity for the nanocomposites, EG-filled EVA, were significantly higher than the thermal diffusivity of the composites filled with micro-sized filler, UG-filled EVA, at similar concentrations. For 29.3 % graphite particle volumetric concentrations, the thermal diffusivity was 8.23 × 10−7 m2 · s−1 for EG-filled EVA and 6.14 × 10−7 m2 · s−1 for UG-filled EVA. The thermal diffusivity was measured by the flash method.Indisponível

    Improvement the thermal performance of Myristic acid

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.This study mainly focus on two aspects; the first one is to increase the thermal conductivity of Myristic acid with graphene additives and the second one is to determine the influence of this increment on the melting duration of a particular encapsulated thermal energy storage system with PCM. As a result, thermal conductivity of composite myristic acid increased by 8%, 18% and 38% after graphene loadings of 0.5%, 1% and 2% into the pure MA, respectively. Besides, one-dimensional spherical computational domain has been considered, and the conduction dominated phase change process simulated with implementing temperature transformation method. Validity of the current code has been revealed by reproducing a numerical work in literature. For this particular case, it is found that the increments of 8%, 18% and 38% in thermal conductivity tend to reduce the total time of melting by 5.6%, 15% and 26%.dc201

    Effect of particle size on the viscosity of nanofluids:a review

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    Nanofluids are potential new generation heat transfer fluids, which have been investigated meticulously, in recent years. Thermophysical properties of these fluids have significant influence on their heat transfer characteristics. Viscosity is one of the most important thermophysical properties that depends on various parameters. Size of the particles used in nanofluids is one of these effecting parameters. In this work, experimental studies considering the particle size effect on the viscosity of the nanofluid have been reviewed. Firstly, comparison of nanofluid and surfactant type, production and measurement methods were considered. Viscosity results of selected studies were evaluated in view of the parameters such as particle size, temperature and concentration. Furthermore, effective viscosity models of nanofluids, which include particle size as a parameter were discussed. The results indicate that there is a discrepancy about the effect of particle size on the viscosity of nanofluids. Moreover, it is observed from the evaluated data that the relative viscosity variation can be almost 40% either upwards or downwards by only altering the particle size

    Assessment of modulated hot wire method for thermophysical characterization of fluid and solid matrices charged with (nano)particle inclusions

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    Recently we reported on simultaneous thermal conductivity k and thermal diffusivity a measurement of liquids and in particular of nanofluids in a configuration using an ac excited hot wire combined with lock-in detection of the third harmonic (3ω method) [1]. The conductive wire is used as both heater and sensor. The requirements for the asymptotic validity of the line heat source model are fulfilled at low modulation frequencies below a few Hz. The study of the relative sensitivity of signal amplitude and phase to changes in k and a indicates that there is an optimum frequency range for accurate and stable results. We extend by up to two decades the feasible frequency range for 3ω measurements by considering various more elaborate models for the heat transfer between the wire and the fluid. Finally we show that the same ac hot wire method can be applied to soft solid, composite materials. We measured the k enhancement of a poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) EVA polymer matrix charged with various fractions of graphite