750 research outputs found

    Recomendaciones recientes al Ecuador de los órganos del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas

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    Se presentan las principales recomendaciones emitidas sobre el país por los órganos y procedimientos del Sistema de Protección de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas, en los años 2008 y 2009. Aborda las recomendaciones realizadas tras la visita al país de relatores especiales, expertos independientes o grupos de trabajo relacionados con la extrema pobreza, la deuda externa y con los derechos del pueblo afrodescendiente. En cuanto a la labor de los órganos de los tratados, el artículo se centra en las recomendaciones provenientes del análisis de los informes presentados por el Estado ecuatoriano en el referido período, relacionados con los derechos civiles y políticos, la discriminación racial y la discriminación en contra de la mujer

    MGARCH models: tradeoff between feasibility and flexibility

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    The parameters of popular multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models are restricted so that their estimation is feasible in large systems and covariance stationarity and positive definiteness of conditional covariance matrices are guaranteed. These restrictions limit the dynamics that the models can represent, assuming, for example, that volatilities evolve in an univariate fashion, not being related neither among them nor with the correlations. This paper updates previous surveyson parametric MGARCH models focusing on their limitations to represent the dynamics observed in real systems of financial returns. The conclusions are illustrated using simulated data and a five-dimensional system of exchange rate returns.The first author was supported by grants of 0969/13-3 CAPES, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. The second author acknowledges financial support from CAPES, grant 10600/13-2, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grant 2013/00506-1, and Laboratory EPIFISMA. Financial support from ECO2012-32401 project by the Spanish Government is gratefully acknowledged by the third author

    Ativos biológicos nas cooperativas agropecuárias brasileiras: estudo descritivo.

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    Given the importance of accounting pronouncement CPC 29 in the treatment of biological assets in the agricultural sector, research on biological assets in Brazilian agricultural cooperatives is conducted to analyze the measurement, valuation methods and classification of biological assets in the financial statements. published by Brazilian cooperative societies. Therefore, it is necessary to describe particularities of accounting technical standards, CPC 29; demonstrate the measurement and valuation method used for biological assets in 14 cooperatives listed among the Forbes Magazine's fifty largest Brazilian companies year 2018; and evaluate the classification of biological assets, based on financial statements published from 2009 to 2018. Then, a qualitative and descriptive research is carried out, with comparative method and for data collection the documentary analysis. Given this, it appears that most cooperatives measure their assets at fair value, evaluate their biological assets at cost. In the period and in the cooperatives surveyed, it was observed that the description of biological assets was not treated according to the pronouncement, which requires the finding that a deeper approach to the aspects of the CPC is made 29.Tendo em vista a importância do pronunciamento contábil CPC 29 no tratamento dos ativos biológicos do setor agropecuário, pesquisa-se sobre os Ativos biológicos nas cooperativas agropecuárias brasileiras, a fim de analisar a mensuração, métodos de avaliação e a classificação de ativos biológicos nos demonstrativos contábeis publicados das sociedades cooperativas brasileiras. Para tanto, é necessário descrever particularidades das normas técnica contábil, CPC 29; demonstrar a mensuração e método de avaliação utilizado para ativos biológicos em 14 cooperativas listadas entre as cinquenta maiores empresas brasileiras da Revista Forbes ano 2018; e avaliar a classificação de ativos biológicos, a partir de demonstrativos contábeis publicados do ano de 2009 a 2018. Realiza-se, então, uma pesquisa do tipo qualitativa e descritiva, com método comparativo e para a coleta de dados a análise documental. Diante disso, verifica-se que grande parte das cooperativas mensuram seus ativos ao valor justo, avaliam seus ativos biológicos ao valor de custo. No período e nas cooperativas pesquisadas observou-se que a descrição dos ativos biológicos não foi tratada conforme o pronunciamento, o que impõe a constatação de que seja feita uma abordagem mais profunda dos aspectos do CPC 29

    Spatial and temporal variation in population dynamics of Andean frogs: Effects of forest disturbance and evidence for declines

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    AbstractBiodiversity loss is a global phenomenon that can result in the collapse of food webs and critical ecosystem services. Amphibian population decline over the last century is a notable case of species loss because amphibians survived the last four major extinction events in global history, their current rate of extinction is unprecedented, and their rate of extinction is greater than that for most other taxonomic groups. Despite the severity of this conservation problem and its relevance to the study of global biodiversity loss, major knowledge gaps remain for many of the most threatened species and regions in the world. Rigorous estimates of population parameters are lacking for many amphibian species in the Neotropics. The goal of our study was to determine how the demography of seven species of the genus Pristimantis varied over time and space in two cloud forests in the Ecuadorian Andes. We completed a long term capture–mark–recapture study to estimate abundance, survival, and population growth rates in two cloud forests in the Ecuadorian Andes; from 2002 to 2009 at Yanayacu in the Eastern Cordillera and from 2002 to 2003 at Cashca Totoras in the Western Cordillera. Our results showed seasonal and annual variation in population parameters by species and sex. P. bicantus experienced significant reductions in abundance over the course of our study. Abundance, apparent survival, and population growth rates were lower in disturbed than in primary or mature secondary forest. The results of our study raise concerns for the population status of understudied amphibian groups and provide insights into the population dynamics of Neotropical amphibians

    The importance of cultural aspects in impact assessment and project: developmentreflections from a case study of a hydroelectric dam in Brazil

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    Failure to consider the cultural and social factors of projects can lead to situations where mitigation does not effectively address the impacts they were intended to alleviate, and can even create other impacts. We critically analyse the processes of designing and implementing a social and environmental compensation program for the Lajeado Hydroelectric Dam in the Amazon region of central-northern Brazil. This mitigation program caused a wide range of social and environmental impacts on the Xerente Indigenous people, such as intra-group conflict, and changes in agricultural practices and food regime. Based on qualitative fieldwork and an extensive document analysis, we present a contextualization of the region, the project, the Xerente people, and their cosmological understandings. We consider the perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders about the compensation program and its outcomes, and demonstrate how traditional cultural practices and values played a role in the unfolding of the program. Better comprehension of sociocultural aspects through the use of ethnography, ongoing consultation, and meaningful community participation in the planning and implementation of mitigation measures are recommended.</p

    Comunicação de notícias difíceis em um hospital universitário : desafios e possibilidades na formação médica

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2020.Notícias difíceis são quaisquer informações que afetem seriamente e de forma adversa a visão de um indivíduo sobre o seu futuro. Na saúde, elas são hipóteses diagnósticas de condições clínicas (agudas ou crônicas), com prognóstico limitado, terapia desfavorável de quadros irreversíveis (sequelas) ou sem tratamento modificador do curso da doença, (assistência paliativa, óbito). Aos médicos é atribuída a competência de comunicá-las, mas nem sempre eles se sentem preparados e motivados a fazê-la. Assim, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, de caráter qualitativo, com objetivo de compreender como ocorre a preparação de médicos residentes para comunicar notícias difíceis em um hospital universitário do Distrito Federal. Participaram 19 médicos dos programas de residência em Cirurgia Geral, Clínica Médica, Ginecologia e Obstetrícia e Pediatria, dentre staffs, R1, R2 e R3, que responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada com 10 perguntas. Compôs a coleta dos dados uma pesquisa documental dos projetos pedagógicos dessas residências, analisando carga horária, objetivos associados à comunicação de notícias difíceis, cenários de atuação hospitalar e disciplina sobre comunicação de notícias difíceis, assim como os registros vivenciais da pesquisadora em campo. A análise das entrevistas usou como método o discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). Os participantes relataram etapas preparatórias dos protocolos SPIKES e P-A-C-I-E-N-TE. A falta de espaço privativo para conversar, a reação comportamental do paciente ou da família, as barreiras de comunicação e as interferências familiares foram as dificuldades mais apontadas. A tentativa de providenciar um ambiente adequado, checar com o paciente o que ele já sabe, o apoio familiar, o apoio da equipe multiprofissional e o linguajar acessível foram as estratégias mais citadas. Para aprimoramento dos programas, os residentes apontaram a necessidade de treinamento médico, o suporte da equipe multiprofissional, a realização de grupos de apoio e discussão com apoio matricial, enquanto os staffs sinalizaram a possibilidade de aulas com a Psicologia para orientação teórica e técnica quanto a abordagem dessas notícias. Por fim, a educação interprofissional em saúde surgiu como fator relevante para a abordagem e prática dessas comunicações.Difficult news are any information that seriously and adversely affect an individual's view of their future. In health, they are diagnostic hypotheses of clinical conditions (acute or chronic), with limited prognosis, unfavorable therapy for irreversible conditions (sequelae) or without treatment that changes the course of the disease (palliative care, death). Physicians are empowered to communicate them, but they are not always prepared and motivated to do so. Thus, a qualitative descriptive-exploratory research was carried out with the objective of understanding how the preparation of resident doctors to communicate difficult news occurs in a university hospital in the Federal District. Nineteen physicians from the residency programs in General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics and Pediatrics participated, among staffs, R1, R2 and R3, who answered a semi-structured interview with 10 questions. The data collection comprised a documentary research of the pedagogical projects of these residences, analyzing the workload, objectives associated with the communication of difficult news, scenarios of hospital activities and discipline on communication of difficult news, as well as the experimental records of the researcher in field. The analysis of the interviews used the collective subject discourse (CSD) as a method. Participants reported preparatory steps for the SPIKES and P-A-C-I-E-N-TE protocols. The lack of private space to talk, the patient's or family's behavioral reaction, communication barriers and family interference were the most pointed difficulties. The attempt to provide an adequate environment, check with the patient what he already knows, family support, support from the multidisciplinary team and accessible language were the most cited strategies. To improve the programs, the residents pointed out the need for medical training, the support of the multidisciplinary team, the holding of support groups and discussion with matrix support, while the staffs signaled the possibility of classes with Psychology for theoretical and technical guidance regarding approach to these news. Finally, interprofessional health education emerged as a relevant factor for the approach and practice of these communications

    Immigration and the competitiveness of an island tourism destination: A knowledge-based reputation analysis of Lanzarote, Canary Islands

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    This paper sheds light on the relationship between immigration and tourism competitiveness on the island of Lanzarote through the analysis of reputation from the demand perspective. The tourists' knowledge about news on immigration from a destination, their contact with immigrants in the area, and the influence of the presence of immigrants there are studied, as all these factors can have a major impact on island competitiveness in tourism. The empirical work has been conducted with a survey of tourists on Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain. A total of 359 valid questionnaires were obtained. Results show a relatively low impact and retention of immigration news about the destination, and a low perceived contact with non-European immigrants when visiting the island. Moreover, tourists tend to recognize the positive value created by immigrants on the island, though some negative effects are also indicated. Finally, immigration seems to have a positive impact on the tourist's global satisfaction and loyalty to the island destination. © 2017 - Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada

    Difusión de los valores humanos fundamentales mediante la aplicación de cartillas ilustrativas para los niños y niñas del tercer año de educación básica de la Escuela Fiscal Mixta Nocturna N°1 “Milagro”

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    El proyecto contiene el planteamiento de un problema muy común en nuestros centros educativos, al cual estamos dando una solución, basado en una fundamentación teórica, científica, legal, elaborando una serie de cartillas educativas ilustrativas sobre los valores humanos más importantes, que serán expuestos a los niños y niñas del Tercer Año Básico de la Escuela Nocturna N° 1 Milagro, para de esta manera aportar a su desarrollo personal y social. El objetivo principal es lograr un cambio positivo de actitud en los niños para que mejoren su desenvolvimiento social y por ende su desempeño y el rendimiento escolar. Las cartillas que se expondrán están directamente orientados a mejorar la conducta de los niños y niñas, a que comprendan el verdadero significado de los valores humanos y la importancia que tiene la práctica diría de cada uno de ellos. Proponemos pautas para que los beneficiarios indirectos, que en este caso son los maestros, contribuyan con sus experiencias y con su comportamiento a que los niños y niñas se beneficien y hagan que los valores morales formen parte de su diario vivir

    Análisis de la regulación legal de la custodia compartida tras la separación y el divorcio: una propuesta de lege ferenda

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    There is a cultural and jurisprudential tendency to paternal authority, that is to benefit the mother with the custody of the children. This situation has created new social conflicts due to the massive incorporation of women into the labour market, as well as a greater co-responsibility degree (the involvement of fathers in children's care). In this context, there is a demand for joint custody. Therefore, this paper discusses the concept of joint custody as a relatively new type of custody that entails new rights and obligations regarding parental authority. We did also specifically focus on the issue of the legal framework, the legal regulation (in common, regional and comparative law) as well as the development of the Court's jurisprudence. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to analyze the implications of this system taking as reference the clear advantages of the joint custody and the objections as preferred model. On the basis of these premises, we try to articulate a model of a legal regulation.Existe una tendencia cultural y jurisprudencial de establecer la custodia monoparental de los hijos e hijas a las madres, lo que ha provocado nuevos conflictos sociales ya que, con la masiva incorporación de la mujer al mercado laboral, cada vez se ejerce una mayor corresponsabilidad parental, ejerciendo ambos el cuidado de los hijos e hijas. En este contexto, las reivindicaciones sobre custodia compartida en la sociedad actual son un hecho. Por ello, se analiza en este trabajo el concepto de custodia compartida como un tipo de custodia relativamente novedoso, que, por tanto, se encuadra dentro de los derechos/deberes que forman el contenido de la patria potestad. Para delimitarlo bien, se dedica una especial atención a su fundamento, su regulación legal en Derecho común, autonómico y comparado, así como a la evolución jurisprudencial que han seguido los tribunales a la hora de atribuir este tipo de guarda en sus resoluciones. En definitiva, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las implicaciones de este régimen tomando como punto de referencia, por un lado, las claras ventajas de la custodia compartida y, por otro, las objeciones a la custodia compartida como modelo preferente, tratando de articular, con base en estas premisas, un modelo de regulación legal sobre la misma que aúne todos los intereses implicados

    Significado do anti-HBc isolado em doadores de sangue de São Paulo

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    The clinical significance of isolated anti-HBc is still a challenge. To elucidate the real importance of this finding in our blood donors, an investigation algorithm was tested. One hundred and twelve isolated anti-HBc seropositive blood donors underwent clinical evaluation and retesting of HBV markers. Those who presented repeatedly reactive isolated anti-HBc, received a single dose of hepatitis B recombinant vaccine to verify anti-HBs early response. A HBV-DNA determination by PCR was done for those who did not test positive to anti-HBs after vaccine. The level of anti-HBc was recorded as a ratio of the sample-to-cut-off values (S:C ratio) in 57 candidates at donation. Comparing true and false-positive anti-HBc results, the different S:C ratios of them were statistically significant and when less than 2, implying in a false-positive result probability over 80%. A high percent of false-positive results (16.07%) was verified after anti-HBc retesting. HBV immunity was characterized in 49.11%, either by anti-HBs detection in retesting (15.18%), or after a single dose HBV vaccination (33.93%). HBV-DNA was negative in all tested donors. In conclusion, this algorithm was useful to clarify the meaning of isolated anti-HBc in most of our blood donors.O significado do anti-HBc isolado continua a ser tema relevante para aqueles envolvidos com o atendimento a doadores de sangue soropositivos. Um algoritmo de investigação foi testado com o objetivo de avaliar em nosso meio o real diagnóstico desses doadores. Cento e doze doadores com anti-HBc isolado foram submetidos a avaliação clínico-epidemiológica e testes sorológicos para o VHB. Aqueles confirmadamente anti-HBc isolado, receberam dose única da vacina recombinante contra o VHB, e após 30 dias foi pesquisada a formação do anti-HBs. Naqueles que não formaram anti-HBs após vacina, foi realizada a pesquisa do HBV-DNA por PCR. O índice do "cut-off" sobre a densidade ótica foi determinado em 57 indivíduos por ocasião da doação. Na comparação entre falsos e verdadeiros anti-HBc positivos, o índice C.O./D.O. mostrou significância estatística. Assim quando este índice foi menor que 2, a possibilidade de resultado falso-positivo foi de 83,33%. Verificamos ainda elevada porcentagem de resultados falsos-positivos (16,07%) após a simples repetição do anti-HBc. Imunidade ao VHB pôde ser caracterizada em 49,11%, tanto pela detecção do anti-HBs nos testes de repetição (15,18%) quanto pela vacinação em dose única contra a hepatite B (33,93%). O HBV-DNA foi negativo em todos os doadores testados. Concluímos que este algorítmo foi útil para esclarecer o significado do anti-HBc isolado na maioria dos doadores de sangue estudados