609 research outputs found

    Intervenção de enfermagem para a prevenção das úlceras de pressão (UP) nos utentes acamados no serviço de cirurgia

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    As úlceras de pressão têm um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida do utente com efeitos prejudiciais de ordem física, social, psicológica e de saúde em geral, além de causar prejuízos substancial a saúde pública global, acredita -se que a prevenção de úlceras de pressão constitui um factor crucial no aumento da qualidade de vida. Neste sentido tivemos como questão de investigação: de que forma os cuidados de enfermagem podem contribuir para a prevenção das UP nos utentes acamados? Traçamos como objectivo identificar as acções, realizadas pelos enfermeiros no serviço de cirurgia para a prevenção das úlceras de pressão nos utentes acamados. Utilizamos uma abordagem qualitativa, tendo como campo empírico o Hospital Dr. Baptista de Sousa, os sujeitos da amostra foram enfermeiros do serviço de cirurgia. Os resultados encontrados foram satisfatórios, pois foi possível constatar que neste local, são adoptadas diversas medidas para prevenção da ulceras de pressão nos utentes, tais como: mudança de decúbito cuidados com a pele (higiene, hidratação); controlo da humidade; manutenção da nutrição adequada; uso de equipamentos que aliviem a pressão em proeminências ósseas e utilização de colchão para redistribuição de peso corporal; a educação. Percebeu-se com este estudo que os enfermeiros apesar de terem conhecimento sobre as ulceras de pressão, vê-se uma grande necessidade de aperfeiçoar as práticas preventivas, pelo que o cuidado mais enunciado foi a mudança de decúbito. Como dificuldades foi evidenciado o número insuficiente de recursos humanos, a necessidade de investir nos meios materiais e também a falta de comprometimento da equipa na prestação de cuidados de qualidade

    Using In-Vehicle Devices to Examine Exposure and Patterns in Drivers with Parkinson’s Disease Compared to an Age-Matched Control Group

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    Symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as well as medications, can influence safe driving. Some studies have shown that drivers with PD make more errors and may have more crashes. Although a few studies have suggested drivers with PD may self-regulate by reducing amount of driving and avoiding challenging situations, findings are based on self-report data. The purpose of this study was to objectively examine naturalistic driving exposure and patterns in drivers with PD compared to an age-matched group of healthy drivers using electronic, in-vehicle devices over a two week monitoring period. Compared to the controls, the PD group drove significantly less overall (number of trips, kilometres, duration), on weekends and at night. When adjusted for number of days of driving, the PD group still made fewer trips and drove proportionately less at night. This was the first study to examine the actual driving practices of a PD population using objective measures

    Community intervention programs for sex offenders: a systematic review

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    Sexual violence is a phenomenon that negatively impacts the victims' physical and psychological health and well-being. Sex offenders tend not to take responsibility for their actions, have difficulties in emotion regulation and impulse control, paraphilias or other disorders, so they are a difficult group to treat. In addition, the available psychological treatment programs tend to have inconsistent and, sometimes, undesirable results. This systematic review aimed to analyse the recidivism rates of sex offenders treated in community settings. According to the PRISMA guidelines, a systematic search in three databases, EBSCOhost, PubMed, and Web of Science, and a manual search was performed. A total of 319 empirical studies using quantitative methodologies were identified, 27 of which were selected for full-text analysis. In the end, 15 studies were included, published between 1996 and 2020. The objectives, intervention approach, instruments used, and the main results and conclusions were extracted from each study. The studies explored different types of sex offenders, such as: violent sex offenders (e.g., rapists), child abusers, and child abusers with pedophilia (and/or other paraphilias). Results showed that most of the programs had a cognitive-behavioral approach (n = 13). Overall, the interventions appear to be effective in reducing recidivism rates, and some of them led to improvements in other outcomes, such as cognitive distortions, accepting responsibility, victim awareness and empathy, emotional regulation, and offense supportive attitudes. Limitations and implications for future studies were discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategies and actions for achieving carbon neutrality in Portuguese residential buildings by 2050

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    As a crucial step in addressing the climate emergency and enhancing energy security, the European Union has set ambitious targets to decarbonise its economy by 2050. While the building sector plays a pivotal role in this transition, being accountable for 36% of the EU’s total carbon emissions, it shows a renovation rate below 1% per year, which is clearly insufficient. To address this challenge, this study uses the cost-optimal methodology from private and social perspectives to assess the cost-effectiveness and environmental impact of five renovation packages with passive and active solutions currently available on the Portuguese market. The results demonstrated that from both perspectives, optimal combinations of market solutions were generally cost-effective and could lead to a 90–99% reduction in energy needs and even to zero carbon levels. Nevertheless, beyond cost-effectiveness, consideration of co-benefits, e.g., social and health improvements, is also crucial, requiring government action. To drive these essential changes, effective policy measures are imperative. Recommendations encompass robust regulatory frameworks, financial support mechanisms, knowledge dissemination, and a shift towards broader-scale renovation. For carbon reduction to be economically attractive, fostering innovative business models and leveraging legal instruments to tackle complex scenarios are needed.This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R & D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020 and under the Associate Laboratory Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems ARISE under reference LA/P/0112/2020. The work was also partly financed by the program Portugal Norte 2020-Projetos Estruturados I & D, with the reference NORTE 01-0145-FEDER000058—ZeroSkin+ project

    Poder local como ator fundamental no processo de reabilitação energética do parque habitacional

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    Estamos atrasados na reabilitação energética dos edifícios residenciais, um desígnio urgente quando pensamos na descarbonização e também na resolução de várias questões sociais. Perante desafios legais, financeiros, organizacionais e de sensibilização, o poder local pode ter um papel fundamental neste processo.UIDB/04029/202

    O assessoramento à construção de planos municipais de educação nos municípios baianos

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o processo de assessoramento à construção de planos municipais decenais de educação nos municípios baianos. O assessoramento constitui-se em cinco formações no período de dez meses envolvendo a participação direta de representantes do município, designados pelo executivo municipal, compondo as Coordenações Executivas. Com olhares de quem vivencia o trabalho aqui apresentado, proporcionaremos as tessituras das etapas orientadoras na construção do Plano, descrevendo a metodologia utilizada nesta ação; discorreremos sobre o trabalho de assessoramento aos municípios baianos, que preza pela natureza participativa e busca contribuir para a dinâmica do processo educativo contínuo nos municípios envolvidos e favorece a expressão das suas singularidades e a troca de experiências no processo de trabalho pela melhoria da qualidade da educação no cenário baiano.&nbsp

    Marketing digital: um estudo de caso baseado na validação de ferramentas de venda para um infoproduto musical

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    The objective of this article is to validate, based on an empirical case, which digital tools produce better results in the sales of online courses for distance music education. It is still common for companies not to know how to take advantage of digital tools to increase sales, even if they present opportunities to have results in less time (DAY, 2011). The research uses a single case study, carried out in an Individual Microenterprise in the field of educational infoproducts, with data collection carried out through a triangulation of documentary data, interview and questionnaire. From the analyzes carried out and observed, it was found that the launch model proposed by Érico Rocha resulted in more conversions and an ROI of R3.26,higherthanthepreviouslyusedmodel.ItisconcludedthatPaidTraffic,EmailMarketing,Reminders,OnlineEventandWarmUpLiveswerethemosteffectivestrategiesthatmadetheClassicLaunchobtainapositiveresult.Oobjetivodesteartigoconsisteemvalidar,apartirdeumcasoempıˊrico,quaisferramentasdigitaisproduzemmelhoresresultadosnasvendasdecursosonlineparaensinomusicaladista^ncia.Aindaeˊcomumasempresasna~osaberemaproveitarferramentasdigitaisparaaumentodevendas,mesmoqueestasapresentemoportunidadesdeterresultadosemmenostempo(DAY,2011).Apesquisaseutilizadoestudodecasouˊnico,realizadoemumaMicroempresaIndividualdoramodeinfoprodutoseducacionais,tendoacoletadedadosrealizadapormeiodeumatriangulac\ca~odedadosdocumentais,entrevistaequestionaˊrio.Dasanaˊlisesrealizadaseobservadas,constatousequeomodelodelanc\camentopropostoporEˊricoRocharesultouemmaisconverso~eseumROIdeR3.26, higher than the previously used model. It is concluded that Paid Traffic, Email Marketing, Reminders, Online Event and Warm Up Lives were the most effective strategies that made the Classic Launch obtain a positive result.O objetivo deste artigo consiste em validar, a partir de um caso empírico, quais ferramentas digitais produzem melhores resultados nas vendas de cursos online para ensino musical a distância. Ainda é comum as empresas não saberem aproveitar ferramentas digitais para aumento de vendas, mesmo que estas apresentem oportunidades de ter resultados em menos tempo (DAY, 2011). A pesquisa se utiliza do estudo de caso único, realizado em uma Microempresa Individual do ramo de infoprodutos educacionais, tendo a coleta de dados realizada por meio de uma triangulação de dados documentais, entrevista e questionário. Das análises realizadas e observadas, constatou-se que o modelo de lançamento proposto por Érico Rocha resultou em mais conversões e um ROI de R3,26, superior ao modelo anteriormente utilizado. Conclui-se que o Tráfego Pago, o Email Marketing, os Lembretes, o Evento Online e as Lives de Aquecimento, foram as estratégias mais efetivas que fez com que o Lançamento Clássico obtivesse o resultado positivo

    Efecto del riego deficitario sobre la producción de Tiftón 85

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    Deficit irrigation consists of application of amounts of water less than plant requirements for satisfying water deficiencies of the crop, and this may maximize efficiency of water use. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation on production of Tifton 85 grass. The experiment was carried out on the Santa Helena Farm in the municipality of Bom Despacho, MG, Brazil. Five levels of irrigation were used as treatments (28%, 42%, 57%, 71%, and 85% of the crop coefficient value) in randomized blocks with three replications. The following variables were evaluated: dry matter production (kg ha-1), leaf/stem ratio, height (cm), dead plant material (%), leaf area index, leaf area ratio (m2 kg-1), leaf weight ratio (kg kg-1), and specific leaf area (m2 kg-1). A difference was observed for Tifton 85 production in which the greatest average yield (6126.35 kg ha-1) was obtained through application of 71% Kc. For the other characteristics, there was no difference for any of the variables evaluated.El riego deficitario consiste en la aplicación de láminas inferiores a las necesarias para satisfacer las deficiencias hídricas de un cultivo, además que puede maximizar la eficiencia en el uso del agua. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto del riego deficitario en la producción del cultivo Tifton 85. El experimento fue realizado en la Hacienda Santa Helena situada en el municipio de Bom Despacho, Minas Gerais (MG) Brasil. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron: cinco láminas de riego (28%, 42%, 57%, 71% y 85% del valor de coeficiente de cultivo) en bloques aleatorios con tres repeticiones. Fueron evaluadas las siguientes variables: producción de materia seca (kg ha-1), relación hoja/altura, altura (cm), materia muerta (%), índice de área foliar, relación de área foliar (m2 kg-1), relación de peso foliar (kg kg-1) y área foliar especifica (m2 kg-1). Se observó una diferencia en la producción de Tifton 85, donde el mayor promedio de producción (6126.35 kg ha-1) se obtuvo con la aplicación de las láminas 71% Kc. Para las demás características no hubo diferencia en ninguna de las variables estudiadas.Fil: Silva, Anita Cristina Costa da.Fil: Lima, Luiz Antonio.Fil: Almeida, Willian Fernandes de.Fil: Thebaldi, Michael Silveira.Fil: Silva, Antônio Carlos da


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    Este artigo parte da metáfora do Centauro maquiavélico para desenvolver algumas reflexões sobre a crise orgânica vivida no Brasil nesta segunda década do século XXI. O referencial teórico se concentra na obra de Antonio Gramsci, tendo como base o conceito de hegemonia para explicitar características da luta de classes, renovada em suas novas dimensões políticas e ideológicas. Na primeira parte retomamos dados históricos explicitando as políticas imperialistas e as novas características da luta de classes, principalmente com a acentuação do fascismo. Em seguida, abordamos a questão da hegemonia expressa no equilíbrio entre força e consenso, mas também como superação da violência pela civilidade, fator acentuado por Maquiavel na política aconselhada ao Príncipe

    Influence of dietary Spirulin inclusion and lysozyme supplementation on the longissimus lumborum muscle proteome of newly weaned piglets

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    Research Areas: Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyArthrospira platensis (Spirulina) is a microalga with a high content of crude protein. It has a recalcitrant cell wall that limits the accessibility of the animal endogenous enzymes to its intracellular nutrients. Enzymatic supplementation aiming to degrade cell walls could benefit microalgae digestibility. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of dietary Spirulina and lysozyme supplementation over the muscle proteome of piglets during the post-weaning stage. Thirty piglets were randomly distributed among three diets: control (no microalga), SP (10% Spirulina) and SP + L (10% Spirulina +0.01% lysozyme). After 4 weeks, they were sacrificed and samples of the longissimus lumborum muscle were taken. The muscle proteome was analysed using a Tandem Mass Tag (TMT)-based quantitative approach. A total of 832 proteins were identified. Three comparisons were computed: SP vs Ctrl, SP + L vs Ctrl and SP + L vs SP. They had ten, four and twelve differentially abundant proteins. Glycogen metabolism and nutrient reserves utilization are increased in the SP piglets. Structural muscle protein synthesis increased, causing higher energy requirements in SP + L piglets. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of proteomics to disclose the effect of dietary microalgae, whilst unveiling putative mechanisms derived from lysozyme supplementation. Data available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD024083. Significance: Spirulina, a microalga, is an alternative to conventional crops which could enhance the environmental sustainability of animal production. Due to its recalcitrant cell wall, its use requires additional measures to prevent anti-nutritional effects on the feeding of piglets in the post-weaning period, during which they endure post-weaning stress. One of such measures could be CAZyme supplementation to help degrade the cell wall during digestion. Muscle proteomics provides insightful data on the effect of dietary microalgae and enzyme activity on piglet metabolism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio