83 research outputs found

    Population dynamics and the management of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta from the Bay of Bengal

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    FiSAT program was used to estimate population parameters of Rastrelliger kanagurta from length frequency data. Loc and K were found to be 27.4 em and 0.90 year1 respectively. The Wetherall plot provided an estimate of Loc and Z/K were 26.7 cm and 4.683 respectively. The annual rate of natural and fishing mortality were estimated as 1.71 and 3.21 respectively. The exploitation rate was 0.652. The selection pattern L50 was 18.09 cm. Recruitment pattern suggests two seasonal pulses one in March-May and another in September-October. Peak recruitment appeared in March-May. Maximum yield could be achieved by decreasing length at first capture to 13.0 em. The relationship between total length and body weight was found to be W = 0.01583 L8952. Yield and stock prediction analysis suggested that highest yield and price could be achieved by decreasing the fishing mortality to 2.0 coefficient rate

    Analysis of Interaction between Business Intelligence and SMEs: Learn from Each Other

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    : Business Intelligence (BI) and SMEs are two distinctive research domains but greater interaction between these two entities can offer the effective learn from each other. This interaction has been consider in conducting the changing environment. This interaction does only strengthen individual insights of BI and SMEs, it contributes to the business environmental performance. Although research on BI and SMEs is vast to date, limited focus was given on learning aspect between BI and SMEs. Therefore, this study is aimed to analyse literature and explore an integrated view of literature analysed on how BI and SMEs learn from each other and contributes to the business environmental performance. A qualitative content analysis was conducted for the procedure, which considers 43 articles for data source. Findings of the literature review suggest enhancing capability of SMEs and new innovation of BI, which may affect each other. Findings of this study may become useful for further research in terms of BI implementation success

    Antecedents of Business Intelligence Implementation for Addressing Organizational Agility in Small Business Context

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    Research on business intelligence (BI) has been rapidly proliferated in the field of information systems (IS). However, a limited number of studies has discovered its practical value and impact in business sectors. A lack of research on BI implementation specifically within small businesses may have an adverse impact on the effective decision making, especially to meet the demand of their organizational agility. The aim of this study is to conduct a theoretical analysis to identify antecedents of BI implementation in the small business context for improving the decision-making capability towards organizational agility. We operate a literature survey within the IS research domain to reveal the insights about the relation between BI and organizational agility. In this regard, 75 key articles have been reviewed and analyzed to find contributions towards BI and its impact on organizational agility. It is anticipated that the important antecedents are organizational, technological and personnel capabilities for BI implementation. The findings provide valuable insights for further research on BI implementation, especially to address organizational agility in small businesses. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol10/iss1/5

    Occupational stress and the laws in selected jurisdictions

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    In the contemporary modern and globalised world, it is common for the majority of employers to draw a great attention to the productivity of the workforce rather than the employees working capability and physical and mental conditions. Businesses and industries have always been striving towards maximising profit and minimising the cost. As a result, employees of uncountable organisations suffer from the alarming occupational stress in catching up with the respective schedule of productions, shipments and services. The question arises here is that whether there should be some regulatory measures to relief the occupational stress of the workforce? Accordingly, this article examines the laws relating to the occupational safety and health in selected jurisdictions, namely, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand in order to evaluate whether these laws protect workers’ mental health. It is found that the existing legislations on occupational health and safety in the selected jurisdictions do not explicitly address on the emotional and mental health of employees. Therefore, authors propose that a specific legislation is warranted to regulate occupational stress closely and carefully in order to provide better work-life balance to the workforce

    Degradation of Coastal Habitats and Aquatic Resources in the Upper Bay of Bengal : Is Aquatic Pollution to Blame?

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    Abstracts of 3rd UNU-ORI joint international workshop for marine environment海洋環境国際ワークショップ講演要

    General Closed Form Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Space-Time Fractional Differential Equation in Nonlinear Science

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    We have enucleated new and further exact general wave solutions, along with multiple exact traveling wave solutions of space-time nonlinear fractional Chan-Hillard equation, by applying a relatively renewed technique two variables -expansion method. Also, based on fractional complex transformation and the properties of the modified Riemann-Liouville fractional order operator, the fractional partial differential equations are transforming into the form of ordinary differential equation. This method can be rumination of as the commutation of well-appointed -expansion method introduced by M. Wang et al.. In this paper, it is mentioned that the two variables - expansion method is more legitimate, modest, sturdy and effective in the sense of theoretical and pragmatical point of view. Lastly, by treating computer symbolic program Mathematica, the uniqueness of our attained wave solutions are represented graphically and reveal a comparison in a submissive manner

    Mathematical modeling on the transmission of COVID-19 and its reproduction numbers in SAARC countries

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    In the middle of December 2019, a virus known as coronavirus (COVID-19) generated by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARC-CoV-2) was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. As of the 9th of March, 2022, spread to over 212 countries, causing 429 million confirmed cases and 6 million people to lose their lives worldwide. In developing countries like the South Asian area, alarming dynamic variations in the pattern of confirmed cases and death tolls were displayed. During epidemics, accurate assessment of the characteristics that characterize infectious disease transmission is critical for optimizing control actions, planning, and adapting public health interventions. The reproductive number, or the typical number of secondary cases caused by an infected individual, can be employed to determine transmissibility. Several statistical and mathematical techniques have been presented to calculate across the duration of an epidemic. A technique is provided for calculating epidemic reproduction numbers. It is a MATLAB version of the EpiEstim package's R function estimate R, version 2.2-3. in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries. The three methodologies supported are 'parametric SI,' 'non-parametric SI,' and 'uncertain SI.' The present study indicated that the highest reproduction number was 12.123 and 11.861 on 5th and 14th March 2020 in India and Sri_Lanka, whereas the lowest reproduction number was the lowest was 0.300 and 0.315 in Sri_Lanka and India. The Maximum and minimum reproductive number of Bangladesh was 3.752 and 0.725. In this study, we have tried to point out the worst, best and current situation of SAARC countries

    An anatomical screening of white jute accessions for fibre content

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the performance of 24 advanced lines of white jute and four check varieties ( CVL-1, CC-45, BJRI Deshi Pat-7 & BJRI Deshi Pat-8) for screening out high yielding and better quality fibre through an anatomical approach at JAES, Manikganj. The experiment was conducted in randomly complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The cultivars revealed significant differences among them for all the characters with range of variability. The highest bark thickness (2.32 mm) was noticed by the accession C-5036 which performed significantly better than the two checks and lowest was recorded by C-5126 (1.07 mm). The variety BJRI Deshi Pat-8 observed significantly the highest number of pyramid (54.13) whereas the lowest was recorded by the varieties BJRI Deshi Pat-7 (28.23). The accession C-5117 showed significantly the highest number of layer (10.29) whereas the variety, BJRI Deshi Pat-7 showed significantly lowest number of layer (6.32). The accession C-2305(92.37) and C-12221 (91.19) significantly showed top two number of fibre bundle, however, the lowest number of fibre bundle was recorded by BJC-5105(42.79). The largest area of pyramid was observed by the accession C-5036 (46.85 sq. mm) whereas the lowest was showed by BJC-5105 (14.50 sq. mm). The differences between Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) and Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) were little for all the characters indicating these characters were less influenced by the environment. Heritability and genetic advance (GA) were high for number of pyramid, number of fibre, bundle and Area of pyramid (sq.mm). Three accessions(C-12221, C-2305, C-5036) are showed the best performance than other accession on our screening program. These accessions are included in cluster V among the five clusters which exhibit the highest performance in all parameter except number of pyramid and may be used in further hybridization of jute

    Determining Genetic Diversity of Deshi Jute (Corchorus capsularis) for the Improvement of Fibre Yield and Associated Traits

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    Commercially important natural fibres considered as fiber of the future are cultivated in different south-east Asian countries including India and Bangladesh. Unfortunately, they are characterized by limited genetic variation in terms of yield, quality and susceptibility to diseases and pests. Therefore, genetic deviation studies are crucial to develop a successful cultivation program to develop varieties to meet the growing demand for domestic and foreign jute products. In our study, which was conducted at the Central Jute Research Experiment Station of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), during Kharif seasons of 2014. 44 Thirteen progenies (1546, 1548, 4311, 4328, 4330, 4337, 4339, 5007, 6702/A, 6702/B, 6772, 6787, 6790) and two check varieties CVL-1 and CVE-3 (developed from Bangladesh Jute Research Institute) were investigated to study the genetic variability, genetic diversity and degree of association of different component characters related to fiber yield. The seeds of experimental plant materials were grown in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Statistical analysis was run to find out the genotypic and phenotypic variances, correlations and cluster analysis for fibre yield related traits namely plant height (m), base diameter (cm), stick weight (g), fiber weight (g). Highly significant differences were observed among the genotypes for all the characters. Cluster analysis divided the accessions and varieties into four cluster. From our evaluation it was revealed that the treatment number 4337/06, 4339/06 and 6702/A performed better in most of the cases than the control varieties CVL-1 and CVE-3. These accessions may be used as parents for future variety development program