General Closed Form Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Space-Time Fractional Differential Equation in Nonlinear Science


We have enucleated new and further exact general wave solutions, along with multiple exact traveling wave solutions of space-time nonlinear fractional Chan-Hillard equation, by applying a relatively renewed technique two variables -expansion method. Also, based on fractional complex transformation and the properties of the modified Riemann-Liouville fractional order operator, the fractional partial differential equations are transforming into the form of ordinary differential equation. This method can be rumination of as the commutation of well-appointed -expansion method introduced by M. Wang et al.. In this paper, it is mentioned that the two variables - expansion method is more legitimate, modest, sturdy and effective in the sense of theoretical and pragmatical point of view. Lastly, by treating computer symbolic program Mathematica, the uniqueness of our attained wave solutions are represented graphically and reveal a comparison in a submissive manner

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