1,599 research outputs found

    The long-run tendency for wealth to concentrate in a few hands

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    In the past 700 years inequality only declined significantly after the Black Death and the two world wars, writes Guido Alfan


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    ABSTRAKJudul : Sektor Pertanian dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kabupaten Aceh Besar Nama: Syafiqurrahman AlfaniNim : 1301101010071Fakultas: Ekonomi dan BisnisDosen Pembimbing: Zulkifli, S.E, M.SiPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis sektor pertanian dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kabupaten aceh besar, data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah deret berkala (time series) dan bersifat kuantitatif (Gujarati, 2006). Metode yang digunakan adalah Location Quotient, Pengambilan sampel menggunakan data dari lembaga Badan Pusat Statistik. Subsektor pertanian merupakan sektor basis di Aceh Besar dikarnakan dari tahun 2011-2016 subsektor pertanian berada di angka lebih besar dari pada satu, dimana menurut model dari Location Quotient jika angka yang dihasilkan lebih besar dari pada satu maka subsektor tersebut basis, oleh karena itu subsektor pertanian merupakan subsektor basis, sedangkan subsektor kehutanan dan peikanan merupakan subsektor non basis. Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Aceh Besar dari periode 2012-2016 mengalami ketidakpastian, dimana pada periode 2012 berkisar 3,7 persen, pada periode 2013 berkisar 2,59 persen, pada periode 2014 berkisar 3,91 persen, pada periode 2015 berkisar 4,16 persen dan pada periode 2016 berkisar 4,11 persen. Sektor pertanian sangat penting di Kabupaten Aceh Besar oleh karenanya pemerintah harus turun tangan untuk mengembangkan sektor ini, cara yang harus dilakukan pemerintah yaitu, dengan cara menjadikan agroindustri dan agrowisata yang bisa mengolah dan mengatur pengeluaran sektor tersebut. Kata Kunci : Pertumbuhan, Ekonomi, Sektor pertanianABSTRACTTitle : The agricultural sector and economic growth in the large Aceh districtName: Syafiqurrahman AlfaniStudent ID: 1301101010071Faculty: Economics and Business / Development EconomicsAcademic Advisor : Zulkifli, S.E, M.SiThis study aims to analyze the agricultural sector and economic growth in a large Aceh district. The data used in this study is a series of time (time series) and are quantitative (Gujarati, 2006). The method used is Location Quotient, sampling using data from the Central Statistics Agency. The agriculture sub-sector is the base sector in Aceh Besar because it is from 2011-2016 that the agriculture sub-sector is higher than one. Where according to the model of the Location Quotient (LQ) if the number generated is greater than one then the subsector is base, then from this the agriculture subsector is the base subsector, while the forestry and fisheries subsector is the non-base subsector. While in terms of economic growth in Aceh Besar District from 2012-2016 experiencing uncertainty, where in 2012 it was 3.7 percent, in 2013 it was 2.59 percent, in 2014 it was 3.91 percent , in 2015 it was 4.16 percent and in 2016 it was 4.11 percent. The agricultural sector is very important in a large Aceh district therefore the government must take part in developing the agricultural sector one way to develop the agricultural sector is, by means of more support to make agro-tourism or agro-industry that can process and regulate the output of the sector.Keywords: Growth, Economy, Agriculture sector

    Godparenthood and the Council of Trent: crisis and transformation of a social institution (Italy, XV-XVII th centuries)

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    En las sociedades europeas de la época moderna, a través del bautismo se establecía un particular tipo de parentesco, el parentesco espiritual, que involucraba a los padrinos, las madrinas, los recién nacidos y los progenitores. Los lazos nacidos de este tipo de parentesco eran sobre todo de naturaleza horizontal y tenían una gran importancia, al ser utilizados por los padres de los menores para establecer redes de alianza social. Hasta el Concilio de Trento fue normal que en muchas partes de Italia y Europa los pequeños tuviesen un gran número de padrinos, cuya elección venía determinada por la puesta en práctica de estrategias sociales de una cierta complejidad. El Concilio puso fin a esta costumbre al establecer un máximo de un padrino y una madrina por menor, lo que significó la estandarización y la uniformización de la enorme variedad de modelos de padrinazgo existentes hasta entonces en el continente. Sin embargo, la imposición de un nuevo modelo de padrinazgo basado en la pareja generó una serie de resistencias en las poblaciones locales no estudiadas hasta el presente, además de propiciar una rápida verticalización de las relaciones sociales asociadas al mismo. En adelante, el padrinazgo contribuiría a fomentar y a reforzar en la las relaciones de patronazgo social de las elites sobre los demás grupos que formaban parte de la sociedad. Todas estas cuestiones se abordan a partir de lo sucedido en el norte de Italia entre los siglos XV y XVII, gracias al manejo de una amplia y extensa base documental


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    Print media coverage of land and forest fire control (karhutla) in the Daily Sumatera Ekspres, Sriwijaya Post and Koran Sindo discuss the reality that has been constructed in accordance with their interests. The three newspapers have their own news composition in discussing and constructing the reality of the forest fire control policy in South Sumatra. The difference arises in relation to business interests and political interests, these two interests are unable to avoid the three newspapers from partiality. The era of media capitalism makes mass media products, including news become commodities. This means that the discourse produced by the media is no longer focused on the interests of the audience as consumers, but discourse is directed at attracting market attention and obtaining economic benefits. Media idealism is increasingly eroded by the influence of the penetration of the ideology of capitalism. The ideology displayed by the mass media has an important influence in building views for certain goals to be achieved in its reporting

    Pandemics and asymmetric shocks: evidence from the history of plague in Europe and the Mediterranean

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    The history of plague suggests that severe pandemics can have extremely important and potentially permanent asymmetric economic consequences. However, these consequences depend upon the initial conditions and could not be foretold a priori. To support this view, this short article illustrates the ability of major plagues to cause asymmetric shocks. The Black Death might have been at the origin of the Great Divergence between western Europe and East Asia, but also within Europe it had quite heterogeneous consequences. The last great European plagues of the seventeenth century favoured the rise of North Europe to the detriment of the South. Additionally, within Italy, they had a differential impact allowing for the rise of the Sabaudian State and contributing to the decline of the Republic of Venice. The article argues that the implication for today societies facing COVID-19 is that given that the final demographic and economic consequences of this pandemic are impossible to predict, collective answers to the crisis, possibly coordinated by the EU, are highly advisable

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbasis Mobile Learning Untuk Menigkatkan Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis Siswa

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    This study aims to apply a mobile learning-based learning model to improve students' critical thinking skills in science subjects in elementary school. The research conducted was Classroom Action Research. The research objective was to improve critical thinking skills in the science subject in class IV SD Negeri 10 Tumang through the implementation of mobile learning-based Problem Based Learning models in learning. In this study the authors used the PTK model put forward by Kemmis and Mc.Taggart. Data collection techniques used by researchers in this study were tests and non-tests. Based on the results of research that has been carried out by applying the mobile learning-based Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model, it can improve students' critical thinking skills in grade 4 SDN 10 Tumang

    A step forward toward solving the main mysteries in the history of plague?

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    This letter to PNAS discusses recent research on the history of plague, arguing that it holds the promise to contribute solving some of the remaining great mysteries concerning the history of plague in Europe
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