34 research outputs found

    Wakaf Produktif di Negara Sekuler: Kasus Singapura dan Thailand

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    Dalam Islam beberapa aktifitas yang potensial untuk dikembangkan dalam mengatasi kemiskinan adalah wakaf. Wakaf selain berfungsi sebagi ibadah individual, juga sebagai ibadah sosial. Perkembangan wakaf tidak hanya terjadi pada negara – negara muslim saja tetapi juga pada negara – negara sekuler. Beberapa negara sekuler di kawasan Asia Tenggara adalah Singapura dan Thailand. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, manajemen wakaf produktif di Singapura tidak hanya berkontribusi pada masyarakat sosial dan kebutuhan keagamaan, di negara asal mereka dan bahkan manfaatnya dirasakan sampai ke luar negeri seperti India, Yaman, Arab Saudi, dan Indonesia. Kedua, akuntabilitas dan transparansi yang kuat serta budaya muslim Singapura yang baik telah membuat semua aset wakaf dapat diaudit dengan benar. Ketiga, wakaf produktif di Thailand belum memiliki manajemen terintegrasi karena tidak adanya lembaga wakaf independen yang bertanggung jawab mengadministrasikan asset wakaf dan tidak Undang – Undang wakaf yang mengatur hal tersebut di Kerajaan Thailand sehingga asset wakaf sering kali mudah dirampas oleh pihak – pihak tertent


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    This research discusses about Rifyal Ka'bah’s idea on the transformation of  Islamic family law to become the national law. This research focuses on how does Rifyal Ka’bah formulate the methods of the transformation of Islamic family law into national law? What is the influence of  the idea of the transformation to the development of Islamic legal thought in Indonesia? This research is a type library research with qualitative descriptive analysis.This research argues that Rifyal Ka’bah believes that gradual transformation of Islamic family law to become National law is the best way to make Islamic family law going down to earth. This can be performed by the issuance of judge's decision with a fair and consistent attitude. From the perspective of theoretical Islamic law, it is very useful to  use of ra'y and urf as sources of Islamic law after al-Qur’an, Hadis, and Ijma’ through the process of ijtihad jamā'i and tarjih. Rifyal Ka'bah has given significant influences to the emergence of various efforts of Islamic jurists in revising laws and regulations in accordance with the substance contained in Islamic law, jurisprudence guided by judges throughout Indonesia and changes in the mindset judges to apply the theory of diyāni and qaḍā 'i.Penelitian ini mengkaji pemikiran Rifyal Ka’bah dalam mentransformasikan hukum keluarga Islam menjadi hukum Nasional. Permasalahan utamanya: Bagaimana pemikiran dan sikap Rifyal tentang transformasi hukum keluarga Islam? Apakah metode penggalian hukum yang diterapkan Rifyal? Bagaimana posisi dan pengaruh pemikiran Rifyal dalam khazanah pemikiran hukum Islam di Indonesia? Penelitian bertujuan mewujudkan harmonisasi syari’at Islam dengan hukum Nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian: Pertama, Pemikiran dan sikap Rifyal Ka'bah tentang transformasi hukum keluarga di Indonesia adalah mengubah fikih munakahat menjadi hukum Nasional, yakni memasukkan substansinya berangsur-angsur melalui putusan hakim dengan sikap adil dan konsisten. Kedua, metode penggalian hukum Rifyal Ka'bah adalah pengembangan metodologi uṣul al-fiqh dengan menempatkan ra'yu dan urf sebagai sumber hukum Islam setelah Alquran, hadits dan Ijma’ melalui metode ijtihad jamā'i dan tarjih. Ketiga, Pemikiran Rifyal Ka'bah mempengaruhi berbagai upaya para ahli hukum Islam dalam merevisi hukum dan peraturan sesuai dengan substansi hukum Islam, yurisprudensi yang dipedomani oleh hakim seluruh Indonesia, dan perubahan mindset hakim untuk menerapkan teori diyāni dan qaḍā'i

    The Potency of Oral Administration of L-Citrulline as Anti Heat Stress Agent in KUB Chicks

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    L-citrulline (L-Cit) is considered one of the potential amino acids that are able to reduce body temperature in layer chicks. However, there are no reports on functions of L-Cit in KUB chicks. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of oral administration of L-Cit on feed intake, body temperature and plasma biochemical parameters of KUB chicks over two hours post-administration. Neonatal KUB chicks were orally administered with different doses of L-Cit (0, 3.75, 7.5 and 15 mmol/kg body weight). At 30, 60 and 120 min, feed intake was determined, also rectal temperature of chicks was measured by using a digital thermometer. At 120 min after administration, the blood samples were immediately collected through the jugular vein, then biochemical parameters of plasma (total cholesterol, triacylglycerol and total glucose) were analyzed. The obtained results indicated that feed intake, body temperature, and plasma metabolites were not significantly influenced by different doses of L-Cit. In conclusion, L-Cit could not able to improve feed intake, decrease body temperature and change plasma metabolites in KUB chicks

    The Potency of Oral Administration of L-Citrulline as Anti Heat Stress Agent in KUB Chickens

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    L-citrulline (L-Cit) is considered one of the potential amino acids that are able to reduce body temperature in layer chicks. However, there are no reports on functions of L-Cit in KUB chickens. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of oral administration of L-Cit on feed intake, body temperature and plasma biochemical parameters of KUB chickens over two hours post-administration. Neonatal KUB chicks were orally administered with different doses of L-Cit (0, 3.75, 7.5 and 15 mmol/kg body weight). At 30, 60 and 120 min, feed intake was determined, also rectal temperature of chicks was measured by using a digital thermometer. At 120 min after administration, the blood samples were immediately collected through the jugular vein, then biochemical parameters of plasma (total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and total glucose) were analyzed. The obtained results indicated that feed intake, body temperature, and plasma metabolites were not significantly influenced by different doses of L-Cit. In conclusion, L-Cit could not able to improve feed intake, decrease body temperature and change plasma metabolites in KUB chicks


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    Death is a sure entity for every human that cannot be avoided in human life. The purpose of this research was to reveal that the usage of metaphor technique called, “The Acceptance of Death” in group counselling can improve Islamic values on Muslim students. This study employed an action research using The Kemmis Model with the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research implemented group counselling with metaphor technique of accepting death by students. The research subjects were 20 female students of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau who lived in the campus dormitory. The selection of the research subjects was done randomly by choosing the female students who were willing to join the group counselling activity. The research results showed that the practice of metaphor technique of “The Acceptance of Death” in the group counselling can strengthen the Islamic values and their characteristics as Muslims. They understand their previous mistakes and are willing to be better for the sake of their life. They have the commitment to become the best students and the best Muslims. Keywords: Islamic Values, Muslim Students, Acceptance of Death, Group Counsellin

    The strengthening of Islamic values on students through the metaphor of accepting death: an Indonesian perception

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    Death is a sure entity for every human that cannot be avoided in human life. The purpose of this research was to reveal that the usage of metaphor technique called, “The Acceptance of Death” in group counselling can improve Islamic values on Muslim students. This study employed an action research using The Kemmis Model with the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research implemented group counselling with metaphor technique of accepting death by students. The research subjects were 20 female students of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau who lived in the campus dormitory. The selection of the research subjects was done randomly by choosing the female students who were willing to join the group counselling activity. The research results showed that the practice of metaphor technique of “The Acceptance of Death” in the group counselling can strengthen the Islamic values and their characteristics as Muslims. They understand their previous mistakes and are willing to be better for the sake of their life. They have the commitment to become the best students and the best Muslims

    ilmu fiqh dan ushul fiqh

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    x, 178 hlm ;21c

    Ilmu Fiqh dan Ushul Fiqh: sebuah pengantar

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    Sejarah peradilan islam

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