13 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study between Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty Procedure and Conventional Hemorrhoidectomy

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          البواسير: هي من الأمراض الشرجية الشائعة جدا التي تصيب أي فئة عمرية ومن كلا الجنسين. هناك خيارات مختلفة وعديدة لعلاج المرضى الذين يعانون من البواسير. انطلاقا من العلاج التحفظي مع التعديلات الغذائية ، الربط باستخدام الشريط المطاطي ، حقن المعالجة بالتصلب ، التخثر الحراري ، أو عملية الجراحة المفتوحة ومؤخرا تم إدخال أنواع مختلفة من الليزر مثل ليزر ثاني أكسيد الكربون (CO2) ، والليوديميوم: الايتريوم والألومنيوم - العقيق (Nd: YAG).       في دراستنا ، اخترنا (1000 مريض) جميعهم كانوا خاليين من الأمراض الطبية ، وتكمن في مجموعتين رئيسيتين ، تم علاج 500 مريض (ذكور وإناث) مع فئات عمرية مختلفة باستخدام الجراحة التقليدية المفتوحة (ميليغان - مورغان) وتم علاج 500 مريض (ذكور وإناث) مع فئات عمرية مختلفة ايضا باستخدام تقنية ازالة البواسير بالليزر تستخدم تقنية ازالة البواسير بالليزر لعلاج المرضى الذين يعانون من البواسير من الدرجة الثانية والثالثة، كإجراء للمرضى في العيادات الخارجية دون التسبب في أي ضرر أو إصابات إضافية في الأنسجة الطبيعية (السليمة) المحيطة بها، ومضاعفات ما بعد العمليات الجراحية أقل بكثير مع وقت قصير جدا في الجراحة والعودة السريعة جدا إلى الأنشطة اليومية العادية.Hemorrhoids are very common anorectal diseases that affected any age groups and both genders.       There are different and several options for treatment of patients with hemorrhoids .ranging from conservative approach with dietary modifications ,rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, diathermy coagulation, or minimal invasive procedures like; open surgical procedure and recently various types of laser was introduced such as carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, and the neodymium :yttrium – aluminum – garnet (Nd: YAG ) laser procedures.       In our study, we choose (1000 patients) all of them were free of  medical diseases, those lie into two main groups , 500 patients (males and females) with different  age groups  were  treated with conventional open surgical (Milligan – Morgan) hemorrhoidectomy operation ,and 500 patients (males and females) with different age groups were treated with minimally invasive diode laser hemorrhoidoplasty technique .       Laser hemorrhoidoplasty technique is used to treat the patients with 2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids, as an outpatients procedure without causing any additional harm or injuries to the surrounding normal (healthy) tissues, and significantly less post-operative complications with very short operative time and very rapid return to the normal daily activities

    R2S100K: Road-Region Segmentation Dataset For Semi-Supervised Autonomous Driving in the Wild

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    Semantic understanding of roadways is a key enabling factor for safe autonomous driving. However, existing autonomous driving datasets provide well-structured urban roads while ignoring unstructured roadways containing distress, potholes, water puddles, and various kinds of road patches i.e., earthen, gravel etc. To this end, we introduce Road Region Segmentation dataset (R2S100K) -- a large-scale dataset and benchmark for training and evaluation of road segmentation in aforementioned challenging unstructured roadways. R2S100K comprises 100K images extracted from a large and diverse set of video sequences covering more than 1000 KM of roadways. Out of these 100K privacy respecting images, 14,000 images have fine pixel-labeling of road regions, with 86,000 unlabeled images that can be leveraged through semi-supervised learning methods. Alongside, we present an Efficient Data Sampling (EDS) based self-training framework to improve learning by leveraging unlabeled data. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves learning methods in generalizability and reduces the labeling cost for semantic segmentation tasks. Our benchmark will be publicly available to facilitate future research at https://r2s100k.github.io/

    Clinical Evaluation of Pit and Fissure Sealants Placed by Undergraduate Dental Students in 5-15 Years-old Children in Iraq

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    Objective: To clinically evaluate the retention and marginal discoloration of pit and fissure sealants applied to primary and permanent teeth. Material and Methods: The study population encompassed of 5-15 years- old children. After consenting, a light-curing sealant was applied to etched pits and fissures of occlusal surfaces of selected sound teeth. The retention rate and marginal discoloration were assessed, 3 months after application of the sealants based on the criteria proposed by Simonsen’s criteria (total retention: score 0, partial loss: score 1, and total loss: score 2). Each tooth was considered as an independent sample during analysis. Results: The achieved sample size was 43 children aged 5-15 years (mean age=10.0 years). Therefore, data of 100 teeth from 43 children were used for the final analysis. The percentage of completely retained sealants (59%) was higher than the percentage of partially retained sealants (23%) and completely missing sealants (18%) after 3 months follow up. Out of 100 sealed teeth, 60% were either had marginal discoloration or completely missing. Using the Mann-Whitney test, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between primary and permanent teeth in terms of retention. However, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05) between upper and lower teeth in terms of retention. Conclusion: The success rate of fissure sealants after 3 months follow-up was satisfactory

    Utformning av modul till cykeltaxi

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    Under det senaste decenniet har fraktcykeln genomgått något av en återupplivning. Historiskt sett har fraktcykeln använts flitigt för leveranser av post och varor för att eventuellt fasas ut av den moderna bilen. Med tanke på de miljöproblem som då uppstått till följd av människans beroende av bilen har det uppstått en efterfrågan för utsläppsfria fordon. Företag, städer och kommuner har insett potentialen som dagens fraktcykel besitter för att lösa dessa problem. I kombination med dagens teknik har den kommersiella fraktcykeln utrustats med elmotor vilket möjliggör många nya användningsområden för fraktcykeln. I arbetet har ett koncept av en cykeltaximodul för företaget i fråga tagits fram genom systematisk produktutveckling. Konceptets material har bestämts med hjälp av programmet CES EduPack och dess miljöpåverkan i form av en livscykelanalys har studerats genom funktionen EcoAudit i CES EduPack. Konceptet förverkligas genom en 3D-modellering i ritningsprogrammet SolidWorks.During the last decade, the freight bicycle has experienced sort of a revival. Historically, the freight bicycle has been used extensively for deliveries of mail and goods only to become replaced by the modern car. Considering the environmental problems that have come about as a result of humanity’s dependence on modern four-wheeled vehicles, a demand for emission-free vehicles has risen. Companies, cities and municipalities have realized the potential of the modern freight cycle to solve these problems. In line with modern technology, commercial freight bicycle has been equipped with an electric motor, which enables many new areas of applications for the freight bicycle, many of which the freight bicycle can replace the car as the primary mode of transportation. Some of the possible uses are delivery of goods in urban environment and metropolitan areas, bicycle cab and mobility service. In this study, a concept of a module for a bicycle taxi has been developed through a systematic product development process. The material for the concept is selected using CES EduPack where its environmental impact is also studied by the way of a life cycle analysis using the function EcoAudit within the same program. The concept is brought to life by a 3D-model using SolidWorks

    Utformning av modul till cykeltaxi

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    Under det senaste decenniet har fraktcykeln genomgått något av en återupplivning. Historiskt setthar fraktcykeln använts flitigt för leveranser av post och varor för att eventuellt fasas ut av denmoderna bilen. Med tanke på de miljöproblem som då uppstått till följd av människans beroende avbilen har det uppstått en efterfrågan för utsläppsfria fordon. Företag, städer och kommuner harinsett potentialen som dagens fraktcykel besitter för att lösa dessa problem. I kombination meddagens teknik har den kommersiella fraktcykeln utrustats med elmotor vilket möjliggör många nyaanvändningsområden för fraktcykeln. I arbetet har ett koncept av en cykeltaximodul för företaget ifråga tagits fram genom systematisk produktutveckling. Konceptets material har bestämts med hjälpav programmet CES EduPack och dess miljöpåverkan i form av en livscykelanalys har studeratsgenom funktionen EcoAudit i CES EduPack. Konceptet förverkligas genom en 3D-modellering iritningsprogrammet SolidWorks.During the last decade, the freight bicycle has experienced sort of a revival. Historically, the freightbicycle has been used extensively for deliveries of mail and goods only to become replaced by themodern car. Considering the environmental problems that have come about as a result ofhumanity’s dependence on modern four-wheeled vehicles, a demand for emission-free vehicles hasrisen. Companies, cities and municipalities have realized the potential of the modern freight cycle tosolve these problems. In line with modern technology, commercial freight bicycle has been equippedwith an electric motor, which enables many new areas of applications for the freight bicycle, manyof which the freight bicycle can replace the car as the primary mode of transportation. Some of thepossible uses are delivery of goods in urban environment and metropolitan areas, bicycle cab andmobility service. In this study, a concept of a module for a bicycle taxi has been developed through asystematic product development process. The material for the concept is selected using CES EduPackwhere its environmental impact is also studied by the way of a life cycle analysis using the functionEcoAudit within the same program. The concept is brought to life by a 3D-model using SolidWorks

    Effect of Ensiling and Urea Treatment of Wild ‎Reed Phragmites communis on Productive ‎Performance of Awassi Lambs

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    This study was conducted using 24 Awassi male lambs at 4-6 months of age and mean initial weight of 20.59 kg, to investigate the effect of ensiling of wild reed and level of urea (0, 1 or 2%) on productive performance of lambs. Results revealed that lambs fed reed consumed higher (P˂0.01) amounts of of all nutrients except digestible DM. Whereas, intake of roughage and total nitrogen (N) and total digestible N were affected (P˂0.01) by urea treatment. Intake of all nutrients was significantly affected by interaction between ensiling and urea treatment as well. Final weight, total and daily gain were not affected by ensiling and level of urea, corresponding values were, 25.93, 78.86 and 5.52 for lambs fed reed silage vs. 27.18 kg, 86.83 g/day and 6.07 kg for reed respectively. Final weight gain was not affected by interaction between ensiling and level of urea, whereas, lambs fed reed treated with low level of urea gained higher average final and daily gain. Ensiling was significantly superior in feed conversion ratio (FCR) estimated on basis of DM intake (7.74 vs, 8.86). Better (P<0.05) FCR was associated with lower level of urea. Lambs fed untreated reed silage recorded better FCR in comparison with other lambs. Ensiling improved digestibility coefficients of most nutrients, whereas, it decreased (P<0.05) CP digestibility, 67.03 and 69.59% for silage and reed, respectively. Digestibility was also affected by urea treatment, where, better values were generally achieved with 1% of urea except those of fiber components, in which, 2% level of urea was superior (P<0.01) in hemicellulose digestibilit

    The using of antisperm antibody assay as a predictive diagnostic test of male infertility

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             Assessment of male infertility is the first step in resolving this worldwide  problem . The aim of the present study is to investigate the predictive value of using ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay) test for serum and seminal plasma Antisperm antibodies (ASA) as a complementary tool to assist in diagnosis of infertility . This study was carried out between January 2013 and November 2013 including one hundred (100) selected infertile men who attended to fertility Center in Al-Sadr Medical City . The study also included twenty (20) healthy volunteer fertile as a control . The results showed that the incidence of serum and seminal ASA in  infertile men is significantly (p<0.05) higher than that in control fertile men. the incidence of serum and seminal ASA is significantly (p<0.05) higher in normozoospermic patients than that in control fertile men . There was a high significant negative correlation (p<0.01) between the concentration of serum and seminal ASA in infertile men and each of : sperm motility, progressive motility, while a high significant positive correlation (p<0.01) is seen between serum and seminal ASA in infertile men and sperm agglutination, and a significant positive correlation (p<0.05) with seminal WBC count . The study concluded that ELISA ASA assay can be routinely used as a complementary test to diagnose infertility .

    Using Sperm chromatin Staining Techniques as a Predictive Diagnostic Tool for Male Infertility

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    AbstractBackground : It is a scientific fact today that routine seminal analysis is only a poor predictor of malereproductive potentiality , so that there is an increased need for finding out new functional tests in the assessmentof male infertility .Objective : The aim of the present study was to investigate the predictive value of sperm chromatin integrityassays as a complementary tool to assist in diagnosis of infertility .Method : This study was carried out between January 2013 and November 2013 including one hundred (100)selected infertile men who attended to fertility Center in Al-Sadr Medical City . The study also included twenty(20) healthy fertile volunteers as a control .Aniline blue (AB) staining was used to differentiate between normal condensed chromatin (unstained) andabnormal decondensed chromatin (blue), while toluidine blue (TB) was used to differentiate between normalintact sperm DNA (blue) and abnormal damaged sperm DNA (purple), this is the first study in Iraq thatemployed (TB) to assess sperm DNA fragmentation .Results : The results showed that there was a high significant difference (p0.05) was found in the sperm chromatin condensation . Both sperm chromatin condensation andsperm DNA damage showed a significant positive correlation with sperm morphology, and a significant negativecorrelation with sperm concentration, motility and progressive motility.Conclusions : The study concluded that sperm DNA fragmentation (by TB staining) has good predictive valuein discriminating infertile and fertile men over seminal fluid analysis .Recommendations : TB and AB staining of sperm chromatin can be used in the course of infertility diagnosis .However, more investigations may be needed to confirm the discriminating power of sperm chromatincondensation assays (by AB staining) to be ready to use in the routine workup in the fertility clinics .Keywords : Predictive value, Aniline Blue , Toluidine Blue , sperm Chromatin, Male infertilit

    Assessment of osteoprotegerin as bone marker in chronic kidney disease patients

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    Chronic kidney disease is a chronic impairment in the structure or function of the kidney. (eg, glomerular filtration rate [GFR] &lt;60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or albuminuria ≥30 mg per 24 hours) for more than 3 months.Renal osteodystrophy is a change in bone morphology in CKD patients, and it is one marker of the skeletal component of the systemic condition of chronic kidney disease mineral bone disease&nbsp; (CKD-MBD) that can be quantified using histomorphometry on bone biopsies chronic kidney disease mineral bone disease&nbsp; (CKD-MBD) defines a complex syndrome of renal osteodystrophy, mineral disorders and cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. The study was a case –control design which conducted in Dialysis Unit in AL-Mahmoodia General Hospital and ALyarmook Teaching Hospital in Baghdad. This study was carried out in private laboratories between September 2021to march 2022. In this investigation,the total subjects were 90, the patient group was Consist of 45 Hemodialysis (HD) (CKD)&nbsp; ( 18 males and 27 females).&nbsp

    Demands and Dental Treatment Needs among Children Attending the Clinic of Pedodontics, College of dentistry – Babylon University

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    Abstract:Introduction: Demands and dental treatment needs were assessed among Children Attending the Clinic of Pedodontics, College of dentistry – Babylon University, for the first time.Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate dental demands and needs of group of children attending clinic of pedodontics in the College of Dentistry, Babylon University.Methodology: A descriptive clinical study was done for random sample of children. The sample consists of 400 child (200 males and 200 females). The ages of those children were range from 5-15 years. Children were examined in the peadodontic and Preventive Dentistry clinic /College of Dentistry / Babylon University during the period from 1 march 2013 until 1 April 2013. Data were analyzed through using descriptive statistical analysis, which include (Percentage arithmetic mean and standard deviation).Results: The study showed that toothache 48.8% formed the most frequent demands, followed by dental trauma, orthodontics problems, and then preventive measures. Concerning treatment needs; 98.5% of children needed dental treatment because of dental caries, while 97.8 of children needed periodontal treatment. In addition, 20.8% of children needed treatment because of traumatic dental injuries, as well as 18.0% of children needed orthodontics treatment, while only 6.2% of children needed preventive measures. Furthermore, two or more surface restoration needed in 32.7% of children, while 27.2% of children needed pulp care, then 22.8% of children needed one surface restoration. Data of this study reflect that, the expressed need or demand for dental care falls short of the normative need among Iraqi children.Conclusions: There is a far distance between the normative requirements and demands for treatment, where that most parents came to visit dental clinic only after their children feel with severe pain. There was a lack of health awareness regarding oral and dental health in children and their parents.Recommendations: The study recommended the need for collaborative  efforts made by the sectors of primary health care, in addition to the faculties of dentistry in order to raise the level of health awareness with regard to the health of the mouth and teeth and by increasing the efficiency of workers in this field through brought into the training courses and increase the efficiency of the quality of services provided, in addition to holding seminars periodically with the participation of media for the purpose of educating the people.Keywords: Dental need, Dental demand, Children, Peadodontic and Prevention clinic