79 research outputs found
Contested Authorities in the Haul of Sheikh Jumadil Kubro in Tralaya
This study investigates the dynamics of the haul ceremony of Sheikh Jumadil Kubro in Tralaya, Mojokerto, East Java which is contested between KH Ismailâs family and the cultural figures supported by the local government. Using a qualitative research approach this study found that the haul ritual of Sheikh Jumadil kubro in Tralaya was held in two different versions, that is, Ismail's family carried out their haul ceremony called jamâul jawamiâ, meanwhile Wulung as a figure of Sentonorejo Village initiated the haul ceremony of Sheikh Jumadil Kubro in the form of kirab budaya. This different ceremonial practice of haul leads to theological conflict. The house of Ismail accused Wulung and the administration of Sentonorejo Village of having made an innovation in religious practices (bidâah) in the sense that kirab budaya was not taught by Sheikh Jumadil Kubro. Meanwhile, Wulung was convinced that the idea of kirab budaya incorporated within the haul ceremony of Sheikh Jumadil Kubro intended to preserve the Majapahit culture that is suitable with Sheikh Jumadil Kubro's religious teachings. However, although the contest between two actors of the haul ceremony was inevitable, they were able to meet and share in terms of economic interest
Abstract: This study was conducted to find out the effect of Think-Pair-Share model and motivation on studentsââŹâ˘ reading comprehension achievement. This experimental research applied nonequivalent control group design. The population of this study was in the academic year of 2013/2014. There were four classes divided into two groups as control group and experimental group which consisted of 20 students each. Reading comprehension test along with questionnaire from Teacher Ratings of Student Motivation to Read (TRSM) were used to collect the data. The findings of this study showed that there were significant differences in reading comprehension achievement between before and after the students were taught by using Think-Pair-Share model. In addition, a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who were taught by using Think-Pair-Share model and those who were taught by using Teacher-Centred method was also found. However, the interaction effect was not found between teaching reading by using Think-Pair-Share model and levels of studentsââŹâ˘ motivation (high, average, low) on studentsââŹâ˘ reading comprehension achievement.
Key words: Think-Pair-Share Model, Teacher-Centred, motivation, reading comprehension achievement, eight grader
This research was carried out at the Makassar District Court in Makassar, with research methods using data collection techniques by means of research library and field research. The results of this research indicate that all the elements of a criminal offence committed by the pengancaman the second defendant had sesuasi with the elements contained in article 335 of the PENAL CODE with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the CRIMINAL CODE. This is apparent from satisfy all the elements in accordance with the article didakwakan on the defendant. Article didakwakan, namely Article 335 paragraph (1) of the CRIMINAL CODE. With satisfy the elements and look at the application of the criminal law against the crime pengancaman, then the defendant must account for his actions in accordance with the ruling of the District Court Judges deposed by the Makassar imprisonment of three (3) months and pay the fees. In deciding the matter State Court judge Makassar has pretty much consideration, starting from the demands of the public prosecutor, the accused, description of witnesses, as well as satisfy the elements pursuant to article didakwakan, as well as the things that are incriminating and relieve. So defendants are convicted with imprisonment for 3 (three) months and pay the fees, not fully contain the benefit law. Considering the act committed by the two defendants, then according to the author, the criminal who dropped by the Tribunal of judges rated very lightly.
Al Furqon, 2021âAnalisis Simpang Tak Bersinyal (Studi Kasus Simpang Yomani-Lebaksiu-Balapulang)â Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal.
Perkembangan transportasi di Kabupaten Tegal berdampak pada meningkatnya pergerakan manusia, barang, dan jasa. Hal ini juga sangat menuntut meningkatnya sarana dan prasarana transportasi di Kabupaten Tegal. Pertambahan jumlah kendaraan yang tidak diimbangi dengan prasarana akan menimbulkan konflik pada jalan khususnya dipersimpangan Yomani-Lebaksiu-Balapulang yang memerlukan evaluasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kinerja simpang tak bersinyal Kondisi lapangan berdasarkan pedoman MKJI 1997, tingkat terjadinya konflik dan tingkat pelayanan simpang.
Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan pada simpang Yomani-Lebaksiu-Balapulang di dapat lebar rata-rata pendekat (WI) 0,9565 meter, jumlah Volume arus lalu lintas (Qtot) 2149,4 smp/jam, kapasitas sebenarnya (C) 2116,9 smp/jam, Nilai Derajat Kejenuhan (DS) 1,015, Tundaan lalu lintas simpang (DTi) 15,76 det/smp, Tundaan Lalu lintas jalan utama (DTMA) 10,932 det/smp, Tundaan geometrik simpang(DG) 4 det/smp, Tundaan simpang (D) 19,76 det/smp, dan peluang antrian (QP) batas atas 80,31% dan batas bawah 41,09%. Berdasarkan penelitian dan pembahasan kinerja simpang Yomani-Lebaksiuk-Balapulang memiliki tingkat pelayanan C atau sedang. Ini menunjukan bahwa simpang ini mendekati lewat jenuh, yang menyebabkan antrian yang cukup panjang pada saat jam puncak.
Kata kunci ; Kapasitas Simpang Tak Bersinyal, Derajat Kejenuhan, Tundaan MKJI 199
Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Mata Pelajaran Al-Quran Hadis di MTs. Madani Alauddin Paopao
Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik deskriptif diperoleh skor rata-rata penggunaan media audio visual yaitu 50.97, hasil ini berada pada kategori sedang. Sedangkan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran Al-Quran Hadis yaitu 75.48, hasil ini berada pada kategori tinggi. sedangkan hasil analisis Pada pengujian statistic inferensial yaitu uji t, diperoleh hasil uji hipostesis bahwa t0 = 10,05 dan ttabel = 2, 045, t0>ttabel (10,05> 2,045) maka H0 ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh, dalam artian bahwa media audio visual berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII dalam mata pelajaran al-Quran Hadis di MTs. Madani Alauddin Paopao
Karl Theodor Jasper's Godhead Philosophy and Its Relevance for The Development of Religiousity Thought in Indonesia
This paper is aimed at analyzing Jaspers' Godhead philosophy, and finding the relevance of Jaspersâ Godhead philosophy for the development of religiousity thought in Indonesia. The material object of this paper is Jaspers' thought of divinity, and its formal object is philosophy of divine. There are four important terms in Jaspers' Godhead philosophy, namely: Transcendence, cipher, das Umgreifende, and philosophical faith. The terms Transcendence, cipher, das Umgreifende are express that human inability to perceive the true God, while the term âphilosophical faithâ is the implication of his thinking about the divinity. Jaspersâ divinity thought is relevant to religious life in Indonesia, especially when interpreting the purpose of his philosophy that wants to restore humans to himself, namely: a man who has a clear way of life, so that he understands the meaning of his life. Jaspers' Godhead philosophy can be a criticism for a real effort to improve oneself to be whole and actual human beings; equal before God, despite that heterogeneous and plural fact of human life is a latent necessity, but not a reason for ignoring the existence of others, even attacking others, because heterogeneity and plurality are gift from God. Therefore, everyone is equally required to respect the values and world views of the others, even challenged and should try to understand other cultures and be tolerant to the practice of others
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Melalui Implementasi Model Project Citizen
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi Model Project Citizen dalam pembelajaran Konsep Dasar PPKn serta dampaknya terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Implementasi dilakukan dalam tiga pertemuan dengan melibatkan enam langkah, yaitu mengidentifikasi masalah, pemilihan masalah sebagai fokus kajian, pengumpulan data informasi terkait masalah, pembuatan portofolio kelas, penyajian portofolio, dan refleksi atas pengalaman belajar. Data kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui pretest dan posttest.ĂÂ Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan Model Project Citizen. Skor posttest mahasiswa menunjukkan peningkatan dibandingkan dengan skor pretest, dan terdapat peningkatan yang konsisten pada skor maksimum dan minimum. Hasil analisis statistik juga menunjukkan bahwa data pretest dan posttest terdistribusi normal serta memiliki varian yang sama.ĂÂ Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan Model Project Citizen efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Model ini memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengidentifikasi masalah masyarakat, mengumpulkan informasi relevan, menganalisis data, serta menyajikan hasil kajian melalui portofolio. Penekanan pada proses berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran ini memberikan manfaat yang signifikan dalam pengembangan keterampilan berpikir mahasiswa
The final report is entitled " Design Counters Production Result By
Automation Of Time Based Microcontroller " . The purpose of this final report is
to create a tool that serves as a counter output which passes Infrared sensor with
a microcontroller-based automation . ATmega16 as the controller of the whole
system , get input from the infrared sensor to be recognized by the
microcontroller . If the result of production through sensor has reached the limit
amount that has been determined , then the buzzer will be active and micro also
send data to Visual Basic as a storage database is created . The author can
conclude that with these tools the counting can be done automatically as it passes
through the conveyor and production are calculated can be sent to Visual Basic
with a timer running . Advice from the author , so that in the future these tools can
be developed better
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan multimedia dalam pembelajaranterhadap hasil belajar siswa pada kelas IV-B mata pelajaran IPA dengan materi Energi dan Perubahannya SD Negeri 03 Pagi Ciracas Jakarta timur tahun ajaran 2013/2014.
Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar siswa/i kelas IV-B Sekolah Dasar Negeri 03 Pagi Ciracas Jakarta Timur, yang beralamatkan di Jalan Raya Centex RT 003 RW 03 Ciracas, Telp. (021) 8718745 Jakarta Timur. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah multimedia pembelajaran IPA sub-konsep energi dan perubahannya untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 31 maret sampai 11 April 2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre Ex-perimental Design (non-design) dengan desain penelitian One Group Pretest-Postest. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalahlembar observasi dan instrumen tes. Instrumen tes divalidasi di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Glagah Ombo, Tempel, Sleman berdasarkan pada tingkatan kelas yang sama dan kurikulum yang digunakan yaitu kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan.Prosedur pelaksanaan eksperimen yakni tahap pra eksperimen, tahap eksperimen dan tahap pasca eksperimen. Analisis data hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif berbantuanSPSS for Windows Ver. 16.0.0.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata nilai pretest siswa sebelum diberi treatment sebesar 19,34 termasuk kategori baik. Setelah diberikan treatment, hasil belajar yang didapat mencapai 23,31 dan masuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar (3,97). Sedangkan untuk persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar sebelum diberi treatment sebesar 11,42%, menjadi 82,85% sebagai hasil belajar setelah diberikan treatment. Penggunaan multimedia memberikan peningkatan ketuntasan klasikal siswa, hal tersebut terlihat dari meningkatnya persentase ketuntasan siswa sebesar 71,43%. Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia mampu memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV-B sekolah dasar negeri 03 pagi Ciracas, Jakarta Timur terlihat dari meningkatnya nilai rata-rata tes siswa dan meningkatnya persentase ketuntasan klasikal sisw
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