1,860 research outputs found

    Identification and isolation of insecticidal oxazoles from Pseudomonas spp.

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    Two new and five known oxazoles were identified from two different Pseudomonas strains in addition to the known pyrones pseudopyronine A and B. Labeling experiments confirmed their structures and gave initial evidence for a novel biosynthesis pathway of these natural oxazoles. In order to confirm their structure, they were synthesized, which also allowed tests of their bioactivity. Additionally, the bioactivities of the synthesis intermediates were also investigated revealing interesting biological activities for several compounds despite their overall simple structures

    Discriminating faunal assemblages and their palaeoecology based on museum collections : the Carboniferous Hurlet and Index limestones of western Scotland

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    Historical collections of Scottish Carboniferous macrofossils stored at the British Geological Survey (BGS), Edinburgh include the sole remaining sources of palaeontological data from numerous localities. Exploratory numerical analyses of such collections from the Hurlet and Index limestones of Ayrshire compare favourably with published qualitative assessments of faunal assemblages and palaeoenvironments; demonstrating that old collections can still be used in modern palaeoecological investigations. Macrofaunas from these formations comprise mainly brachiopods and molluscs and were collected from 67 localities that yielded 20 and 94 samples from the Hurlet and Index limestones respectively. Limitations of the presence/absence data were partly overcome by consolidation and restriction of aspects of the data set. Seriation indicates the lithological and environmental gradients of taxa. Cluster analysis reveals groups of samples linked to lithofacies. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of diversity data derived from the data set in terms of numbers of genera in higher taxa highlights differences in gross taxonomic composition in terms of trophic structure, lithology and environment. Supplementary material: lists of localities taxa and sample lithologies used in this study are available at http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/SUP1840

    Prominent discourses in South African education from the perspective of community psychology: Challenges and opportunities for youth liberation and well-being

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    Community psychology takes an explicitly political stance by identifying where power lies and how it is exercised in ways that maintain privilege and discrimination against particular groups. From this perspective, we consider the challenges facing school education in South Africa today. Education is positioned as an important site for the liberation and well-being of our country's majority; however, the state of education is marked by persistent inequalities. From a Foucauldian perspective, we conduct a meta-synthesis of school education literature and identify prominent discourses circulating around the country’s basic education sector: the discourses of democracy, human rights, and good governance; rights; development; scarce skills; the crisis in education; and privatisation are discussed. We consider the role of these discourses in wider social processes of legitimation and power in education, and subjective implications for youth. We argue for the role of counter-discourses and a collective emancipatory perspective to advance transformational educational change and embrace the opportunities in the future

    Major Histocompatibility Complex I and II Expression and Lymphocytic Subtypes in Muscle of Horses with Immune-Mediated Myositis.

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    BackgroundMajor histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and II expression is not normally detected on sarcolemma, but is detected with lymphocytic infiltrates in immune-mediated myositis (IMM) of humans and dogs and in dysferlin-deficient muscular dystrophy.Hypothesis/objectivesTo determine if sarcolemmal MHC is expressed in active IMM in horses, if MHC expression is associated with lymphocytic subtype, and if dysferlin is expressed in IMM.AnimalsTwenty-one IMM horses of Quarter Horse-related breeds, 3 healthy and 6 disease controls (3 pasture myopathy, 3 amylase-resistant polysaccharide storage myopathy [PSSM]).MethodsImmunohistochemical staining for MHC I, II, and CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ lymphocytes was performed on archived muscle of IMM and control horses. Scores were given for MHC I, II, and lymphocytic subtypes. Immunofluorescent staining for dysferlin, dystrophin, and a-sarcoglycan was performed.ResultsSarcolemmal MHC I and II expression was detected in 17/21 and 15/21 of IMM horses, respectively, and in specific fibers of PSSM horses, but not healthy or pasture myopathy controls. The CD4+, CD8+, and CD20+ cells were present in 20/21 IMM muscles with CD4+ predominance in 10/21 and CD8+ predominance in 6/21 of IMM horses. Dysferlin, dystrophin, and a-sarcoglycan staining were similar in IMM and control muscles.Conclusions and clinical importanceDeficiencies of dysferlin, dystrophin, and a-sarcoglycan are not associated with IMM. Sarcolemmal MHC I and II expression in a proportion of myofibers of IMM horses in conjunction with lymphocytic infiltration supports an immune-mediated etiology for IMM. The MHC expression also occured in specific myofibers in PSSM horses in the absence of lymphocytic infiltrates

    Assessing interactions between multiple geological CO2 storage sites to optimize capacity in regionally extensive storage sandstones

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    The potential resource for carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in strata underlying the North Sea is mostly within brine-saturated sandstone formations which are each many hundreds to thousands of square kilometres in extent. The immense potential to store CO2 in these rocks can only be fully achieved by the operation of more than one injection site within each formation. A UK North Sea case study anticipates the operation of two injection sites in the Captain Sandstone and assesses any interaction between the injection sites. Technical investigations to optimize the storage capacity in a regionally extensive North Sea sandstone by the operation of more than one injection site within a storage formation [1] are summarised: geological modelling; geomechanical modelling; simulation of CO2 injection; monitoring planning. The UK case study includes the Goldeneye Field, the storage site investigated for the planned Peterhead CCS project. An injection scenario was examined that comprised an initial project storing within a depleted hydrocarbon field structure followed by a second injection site within the surrounding saline aquifer. The research investigations were targeted to identify and reduce any perceived concerns specific to the operation of two sites by a risk assessment-led process. Requirements for a monitoring plan specific to a multi-user storage formation, based on the prediction of storage site performance, were also developed. Generic learning applicable to any suitable multi-user storage sandstone was captured, from the process followed and the technical knowledge acquired, on the characterisation of extensive sandstone formations, management of the planned injection operations and monitoring plannin
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