898 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Indonesia has many diverse cultures, one of which is masks. The mask is a cultural and spiritual cultural heritage that functions as a face covering. This study aims to describe the ocular meaning of the character structure of the masks of Panji Asmarabangun and Klana Sewandana which includes the appearance of the two masks as objects. This research will focus more on the visualization meaning of Panji and Klana masks through discursive symbols. The approach used is a structuralism approach and a symbolic interpretation of culture. The method in this study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected through observational techniques and analyzed by Miles and Huberman's interactive theory from three stages, one of which was data reduction. Data reduction can be used by summarizing, then identifying the data that is the subject of discussion in the researcher. After that, the researcher presents the data, and draws conclusions until the data is completely saturated. The results of this study indicate that the Panji Asmarabangun mask has a good character embodiment in terms of aesthetics and meaning in the shape of the mask. Meanwhile, the Klana Sewandana mask has the embodiment of an evil character, full of anger through the interpretation of the aesthetic form of the mask

    Hypomagnesaemia in Acute Exacerbation Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease; Association with Anthonisen’s Levels of Exacerbation

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    Background: COPD is major public health issue causing morbidity and mortality. Lower serum magnesium levels are seen in patients with acute exacerbations compared to stable COPD patients. This study aims at identifying hypomagnesemia as predictor of COPD exacerbations that may help reduce the burden of readmissions and mortality. Material and Methods: The Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted –removed for blind review---from 16 July 2016 to 15 Jan 2017 after the ethical approval and informed consent. The indoor adult (>18years) diagnosed cases of COPD exacerbation were included by consecutive sampling. Patients with malignancy, pregnancy and receiving magnesium supplements were excluded.  Demographic details documented and after complete clinical evaluation, serum Magnesium levels of were assessed. Serum Magnesium < 1.80 mg/dl labeled hypomagnesaemia.  Data was analyzed by SPSS with significant p< 0.05. Results: Amongst 176 patients; there were 93(52.8%) males and 83(47.2%) females. Mean age was 56+7 years. Mean duration of COPD was 6.56 + 5.24 years (2-10 years).  Mean height in the study was 181 +12 cm and mean weight was 56.06 + 7.08 kg. The mean serum magnesium level was 1.5 + .49mg/dl. Low serum magnesium (<1.8 mg/dl) observed in 103(58.5%), gender wasn’t associated with hypomagnesaemia (p=0.294). Hypomagnesaemia in accordance to types of Anthonisen’s criteria was observed in 19(44.2%) with Type I, 37(57.8%) with Type II and 47(68.1%) with Type III COPD exacerbation. Hypomagnesaemia had significant association with Anthinosen’s levels of exacerbation (p=0.043). The mean age in patients with hypomagnesaemia was 56.61+6.78 Vs.  55.30+7.47 in patients without hypomagnesaemia (p=0.228). Conclusion: The study concludes mean serum magnesium levels are significantly lower in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD (58.5%), particularly in type II and III. Magnesium levels should be performed in all COPD exacerbations irrespective of gender and age. Replacement of magnesium may be helpful in alleviating symptoms and reducing frequency of exacerbations. KEYWORDS:   COPD.   Acute exacerbation.  Serum Magnesium levels. Hypomagnesaemia

    Hypomagnesaemia in Acute Exacerbation Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease; Association with Anthonisen’s Levels of Exacerbation

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    Background: COPD is major public health issue causing morbidity and mortality. Lower serum magnesium levels are seen in patients with acute exacerbations compared to stable COPD patients. This study aims at identifying hypomagnesemia as predictor of COPD exacerbations that may help reduce the burden of readmissions and mortality. Material and Methods: The Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted –removed for blind review---from 16 July 2016 to 15 Jan 2017 after the ethical approval and informed consent. The indoor adult (>18years) diagnosed cases of COPD exacerbation were included by consecutive sampling. Patients with malignancy, pregnancy and receiving magnesium supplements were excluded.  Demographic details documented and after complete clinical evaluation, serum Magnesium levels of were assessed. Serum Magnesium < 1.80 mg/dl labeled hypomagnesaemia.  Data was analyzed by SPSS with significant p< 0.05. Results: Amongst 176 patients; there were 93(52.8%) males and 83(47.2%) females. Mean age was 56+7 years. Mean duration of COPD was 6.56 + 5.24 years (2-10 years).  Mean height in the study was 181 +12 cm and mean weight was 56.06 + 7.08 kg. The mean serum magnesium level was 1.5 + .49mg/dl. Low serum magnesium (<1.8 mg/dl) observed in 103(58.5%), gender wasn’t associated with hypomagnesaemia (p=0.294). Hypomagnesaemia in accordance to types of Anthonisen’s criteria was observed in 19(44.2%) with Type I, 37(57.8%) with Type II and 47(68.1%) with Type III COPD exacerbation. Hypomagnesaemia had significant association with Anthinosen’s levels of exacerbation (p=0.043). The mean age in patients with hypomagnesaemia was 56.61+6.78 Vs.  55.30+7.47 in patients without hypomagnesaemia (p=0.228). Conclusion: The study concludes mean serum magnesium levels are significantly lower in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD (58.5%), particularly in type II and III. Magnesium levels should be performed in all COPD exacerbations irrespective of gender and age. Replacement of magnesium may be helpful in alleviating symptoms and reducing frequency of exacerbations. KEYWORDS:   COPD.   Acute exacerbation.  Serum Magnesium levels. Hypomagnesaemia

    Elisitasi Kultur Sel Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) untuk Produksi Senyawa Aktif Xantorizol

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    Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakan salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang telah digunakan untuk tujuan pengobatan. Xantorizol, senyawa seskuiterpenoid dari temulawak, telah banyak diteliti aktivitasnya. Kandungan senyawa xantorizol dari tanaman ini sangat kecil dan waktu panen relatif lama. Untuk mengoptimalkan produksi xantorizol, teknik kultur jaringan tanaman dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kadar xantorizol dari kultur suspensi sel temulawak menggunkan elisitor. Kultur kalus yang telah diinisiasi pada media padat diinduksi menjadi suspensi sel dengan media cair. Kultur suspensi sel yang berumur dua minggu dan dielisitasi dengan ekstrak ragi. Kultur dipanen pada minggu pertama dan kedua setelah perlakuan dan dikeringkan. Sampel kering diekstraksi dengan etil asetat dan dianalisis dengan KCKT. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kultur yang dielisitasi dengan ekstrak ragi 100 ppm dapat menstimulasi pembentukan xantorizol sebesar 0,186%.Kata kunci: Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., ekstrak ragi, kultur suspensi sel, temulawak.AbstractTemulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is the one of indigenous plants in Indonesia that has been used for medicinal purpose. Xanthorrhizol, a sesquiterpenoid compound from temulawak, was studied for various activities. Xantorrhizol content in this plant is very low and relatively have long time for harvest. For optimize the production of xanthorrhizol, tissue culture technique could be used as an alternative. The aim of this research was carried out by to enhance the production of xanthorrhizol from cell suspension cultures using elicitors. The initiated callus cultures from solid medium, was induced to suspension cell cultures in liquid medium. The suspension cell culture was grown for two weeks and elicited with yeast extract. The cultures were harvested on the first and second weeks after elicited. Dry sample was extracted by ethyl acetate as a solvent and analyzed by HPLC. The results showed for elicitated culture by yeast extract 100 ppm could stimulate production of xanthorrhizol by 0.186%.Keywords: Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., yeast extract, cell suspension culture, temulawak


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    Dalam Islam kepemilikan harta yang sesungguhnya adalah Allah Swt. Kepemilikan manusia adalah nisbi. Bagi manusia harta yang dimiliki ada titipan amanah dari Allah. Maka dari itu bagaimana kita mendapatkan dan bagaimana memanfaatkannya kita kembalikan semua pada aturan-aturan yang datangnya dari yang memberi amanah yaitu Allah Swt, karena hal ini nantinya akan dipertanggungjawabkan di hadapan Allah

    Sistem Manajemen Penjadwalan Pengajaran Dosen berbasis SMS Gateway

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    To improve performance in teaching time, one of which is by being punctual in teaching, therefore a system is needed to remind lecturers when teaching time arrives. Along with the development of technology, almost everyone has a communication device called a cell phone, one of the functions that are often used is sending messages or SMS. SMS Gateway is a platform that can be used to send and receive SMS whose settings can be made using PHP with data storage tools in the form of MySQL. Reminder SMS and teaching schedule monitoring using the SMS Gateway is a system used to remind lecturers about class schedules via SMS that was developed using the PHP programming language.Untuk meningkatkan kinerja dalam waktu mengajar yaitu salah satunya dengan cara ketepatan waktu dalam mengajar oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem untuk mengingatkan dosen ketika waktu mengajar tiba. Seiring perkembangan teknologi hampir semua orang telah memiliki alat komunikasi yang disebut Handphone salah satu fungsi yang sering digunakan yaitu mengirim pesan atau SMS. SMS Gateway merupakan platform yang dapat digunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima SMS yang pengaturannya dapat dibuat menggunakan PHP dengan tools penyimpanan data berupa MySQL. SMS pengingat dan pemantau jadwal mengajar menggunakan SMS Gateway merupakan suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk mengingatkan dosen tentang jadwal perkuliahan via SMS yang dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PH

    Meraje Anak Belai Dalam Pernikahan di Desa Pinang Belarik, Kecamatan Ujan Mas, Kabupaten Muara Enim

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    Tradisi merupakan warisan yang diturunkan secara turun-temurun oleh orang terdahulu kepada kita dengan tujuan agar tetap dilestarikan. Dalam tradisi terkandung ide, norma dan gagasan yang bertujuan untuk mengantur individu-individu dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai bagaimana eksistensi dan proses dari tradisi meraje anak belai  pada pernikahan di desa Pinang Belarik kecamatan Ujan Mas kabupaten Muara Enim. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif yaitu menjelaskan dan mengemukakan kajian terhadap seluruh permasalahan, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan secara deduktif, yaitu menjelaskan suatu penjelasan umum kemudian ditarik menjadi penjelasan khusus, sehingga penelitian ini mudah dimengerti dan dipahami penggunaan teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari Peter L. Berger yang membagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu eksternalisasi, objektivitas, dan internalisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan alasan setiap individu masih menggunakan tradisi ini dalam pernikahan. Selain itu terdapat juga individu masyarakat yang tidak menggunakan tradisi meraje anak belai dalam menikah. Namun pada akhirnya alasan yang membuat tradisi ini tetap eksis karena setiap individu patuh terdapat norma yang sudah ditinggalkan oleh orang tua terdahulu serta menjaga stuktur dan posisi dalam keluarga dalam kekerabatanTradition is a legacy passed down from generation to generation by the previous people to us with the aim of being preserved. In the tradition contained ideas, norms and ideas that aim to regulate individuals in society. This study describes how the existence and process of the tradition of meraje anak belai at marriage in Pinang Belarik village, Ujan Mas sub-district, Muara Enim district. In this study using a qualitative descriptive method, namely explaining and presenting a study of all problems, then deductive conclusions are drawn, namely explaining a general explanation and then being drawn into a specific explanation, so that this research is easy to understand and understand the use of theory in this study using the theory of Peter L. Berger who divides into three parts, namely externalization, objectivity, and internalization. The results of this study explain the reasons why each individual still uses this tradition in marriage. In addition, there are also individuals in the community who do not use the tradition of managing child care in marriage. But in the end the reason that makes this tradition still exists is because every individual obeys the norms that have been abandoned by his previous parents and maintains the structure and position in the family in kinshi

    Kesenian Jaran Bodhag Probolinggo sebagai Sumber Inspirasi Penciptaan Motif Batik Tulis pada Outwear Semi-Formal

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    Kesenian Jaran Bodhag Probolinggo mengalami pasang surut dalam modernitas, masih belum cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat luar maupun dalam Probolinggo. Kesenian pertunjukkan yang berakar sejarah dari Jaran Kencak tercipta sebuah kesenian masyarakat dengan modifikasi bentuk imitasi kepala kuda dan Bodhag dalam bahasa Madura yang berarti “wadah/tudung nasi”, dihiasi sedemikian rupa dan tercipta sebuah artifisial jaranan. Penulis memiliki ketertarikan pada bentuk Jaran Bodhag untuk dituangkan pada batik tulis dalam outerwear semi-formal untuk meningkatkan daya tarik gaya berbusana batik yang cenderung monoton pada kalangan usia remaja-dewasa. Penciptaan ini bertujuan untuk menggaungkan kesenian Jaran Bodhag Probolinggo juga mendeskripsikan ide konsep, proses visualisasi, dan hasil motif batik tulis pada bentuk outerwear semi-formal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penciptaan yang dikemukakan oleh SP. Gustami yang terdiri dari tahap eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan. Hasil penciptaan karya ini terdapat tiga jenis outer antara lain: Beden Sokmah Jaran Bodhag (Vest), Demslendeman (Jacket), Gal Megol (Crop Top Bolero). Hasil penciptaan karya tersebut menjadi salah satu upaya bentuk inventarisasi motif baru dan pelestarian kesenian lokal dalam wujud karya batik
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