11 research outputs found

    Kavram Tabanlı Bilgi Geri Getirim Yaklaşımı

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    Search engines become incompetent in tackling with the gap caused by differences in vocabularies used by both the authors of documents and users in expressing their information needs. One way to alleviate this problem is to introduce concept based retrieval of information. In this study, a model that can be regarded as an extension of RUBRIC system in some perspectives, but it has some distinct features especially suited for enabling descriptive-level retrieval was proposed and obtained results were evaluated

    Concept-Based Information Retrieval Approach

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    Abstract Search engines become incompetent in tackling with the gap caused by differences in vocabularies used by both the authors of documents and users in expressing their information needs. One way to alleviate this problem is to introduce concept based retrieval of information. In this study, a model that can be regarded as an extension of RUBRIC system in some perspectives, but it has some distinct features especially suited for enabling descriptive-level retrieval was proposed and obtained results were evaluated.Öz Arama motorları, hem belgelerin yazarları hem de bilgi ihtiyaçlarını açıklayan kullanıcılar tarafından kullanılan sözlükler arasındaki farklar yüzünden ortaya çıkan uçurumlarla başa çıkmada yetersiz hale gelmişlerdir. Bu problemi azaltmanın bir yolu kavram tabanlı bilgi erişimini ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada, bazı perspektiflerde RUBRIC sisteminin bir uzantısı olarak değerlendirilen ancak betimsel düzeyde erişime uygun farklı özellikler içeren bir erişim modeli önerilmekte ve elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilmektedir

    Life Sciences Data and Application Integration with B-Fabric

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    In this demo paper, we sketch B-Fabric, an all-in-one solution for management of life sciences data. B-Fabric has two major purposes. First, it is a system for the integrated management of experimental data and scientific annotations. Second, it is a system infrastructure supporting on-the fly coupling of user applications, and thus serving as extensible platform for fast-paced, cutting-edge, collaborative research

    Fine-Grained Lazy Replication with Strict Freshness and Correctness Guarantees

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    Eager replication management is known to generate unacceptable performance as soon as the update rate or the number of replicas increases. Lazy replication protocols tackle this problem by decoupling transaction execution from the propagation of new values to replica sites while guaranteeing a correct and more efficient transaction processing and replica maintenance. However, they impose several restrictions on transaction models that are often not valid in practical database settings, e.g., they require that each transaction executes at its initiation site and/or are restricted to full replication schemes. Also, the protocols cannot guarantee that the transactions will always see the freshest available replicas. This paper presents a new lazy replication protocol called PDBREP that is free of these restrictions while ensuring one copy serializable executions. The protocol exploits the distinction between read-only and general transactions and works with arbitrary physical data organizations such as partitioning and striping as well as different replica granularities. It does not require that each read-only transaction executes entirely at its initiation site. Hence, each read-only site need not contain a fully replicated database. PDBREP furthermore generalizes the notion of freshness to finer data granules than entire databases. Beside its architectural advantages, experiments revealed that PDBREP outperforms related lazy replication techniques

    Re:GRIDiT – Coordinating Distributed Update Transactions on Replicated Data in the Grid

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    The recent proliferation of Grid environments foreScience applications led to common computing infrastructureswith nearly unlimited storage capabilities. Interms of data management, the Grid allows keeping alarge number of replicas of data objects to allow for ahigh degree of availability, reliability and performance.Due to the particular characteristics of the Grid,especially due to the absence of a global coordinator,dealing with many updateable replicas per data objecturgently requires new protocols for the synchronizationof updates and their subsequent propagation. Currentlythere is no protocol which can be seamlessly applied toa data Grid environment without impacting correctnessand/or overall performance. In this paper we addressthe problem of replication in the Data Grid in thepresence of updates. We have designed the Re:GRIDiTprotocol that focuses on the correct synchronization ofupdates to several replicas in the Grid in a completelydistributed way, extending well-established databasereplication techniques. Globally correct execution isprovided by communication between transactions andsites. Re:GRIDiT takes into account the special characteristicsof eScience applications such as the distinctionbetween mutable objects, that can be updated byusers and immutable objects. Finally, we provide a detailedevaluation of the performance of the Re:GRIDiTprotocol when being applied at Grid scale