2,280 research outputs found

    A Review on Potential Toxicity of Artificial Sweetners vs Safety of Stevia: A Natural Bio-Sweetner

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    Artificial sweeteners have increasingly become an area of controversy in the world of food and nutrition. Consumers are oftenly barraged with a number of contradictory opinions and reports regarding the safety and efficacy of sweeteners. Artificial sweetener consumption may cause migraines or headache, skin eruptions, muscle dysfunction, depression, weight gain, liver and kidney effects, multiple sclerosis and blurred vision. But on the other hand natural sweetners like stevia and its products are safe and don’t cause any health problem. So it’s important for the consumer to choose sweeteners with great care. Keywords: Stevia, Artificial Sweeteners, Health Problems, Natural Sweetners, Safety Issues

    Teaching and learning mathematics and science in English in primary schools in the state of Johor, Malaysia

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    This article attempts to highlight the opinions of the public on the effectiveness of the use of English in teaching and learning Mathematics and Science (PPSMI) in primary schools in Johor. After nearly six years of its implementation, some people found out that the students have not demonstrated a good command of the language and the acquisition of knowledge of Mathematics and Science is seen to be declining. The teachers also do not seem to adapt well in the implementation. A group of respondents from among the headmasters and headmistress have given their views through a questionnaire and structured interview that showed the government's intention to strengthen the English language in teaching and learning Mathematics and Science did not show an impressive result. Thus, the study suggests that the government can try to give an option of using both languages in the implementation of this policy

    Training Teachers to Implement Evidence-Based Practices Specifically Designed for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Special education teachers are usually subjected to in-service training on Evidence-Based Practices especially those who work with students Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Increasing teacher’s capability of using EBPs identified by the National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on ASD has become the most prominent need to serve students with autism. The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent teachers’ performance is related to EBPs when they after they start their career. A mixed methods research design used in this study to explore the most prevalent practices, the common type of training on these practices, and teachers' knowledge and perceptions of using these practices. The undergraduate preparation programs and modality of training and time consuming to achieve mastery level of implementation among teachers will be discussed. Ten teachers have participated in this study. Results indicated that most of the training programs left beginner teachers underprepared to implement EPBs for teaching students with autism. Keywords: Evidence-based practice, Implementation, Teachers, Preparation, Training. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-17-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Foreign investment, government expenditure, and economic growth in Malaysia

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    This study uses the ordinary least squares technique to examine the effect of foreign investment and government expenditure on the growth in GDP per capita in Malaysia over the period 1978-2005. The regression results showed that the growth of export and ratio of government expenditure to GDP are the driving forces in enhancing the economic growth in Malaysia. Foreign investment and previous year real income per capita growth depict positive impact, whereas population growth exerts a negative impact on economic growth

    Dual-band microstrip loop antenna for wireless application

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    In recent years, microstrip and printed antennas are widely used in order to fulfill the commercial needs. The emergence of wireless applications requires compact antenna easy manufacture. The purpose of this project is to design of dual band microstrip loop antenna for wireless applications with a reduction in size. The aim of this antenna was to operate from 2 GHz to 4 GHz. A square microstrip patch antenna has been chosen as antenna design pattern due to its low-profile structure. The development of this project comprised two main stages where the first level is a software simulation (CST Microwave studio2012) and secondly is a hardware development. CST Microwave studio2012 has been used to simulate the antenna design for a purpose of preliminary design which the inherent of the advantages of the antenna can be identified, then the second stage is the development of the microstrip patch antenna which have been fabricated on FR4 substrate and tested using the network analyzer which has range between to 1GHz to 14GHz. Based on this project, the antenna parameters such as return loss, radiation pattern, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and bandwidth have been investigated. For further investigation, a substrate material with higher dielectric constant can be used to reduce a microstrip antenna size. The dual band antenna performance shows agreement between both simulation and measurement results

    Design and Fabricate Filament Winding Machine and Analysis of Cotton/Epoxy and Pandanus/Epoxy

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    This project concerned with filament wound cotton/epoxy and pandanus/epoxy composite tubes. Monofilament winding machine has been designed and fabricated. It is later used in fabricating the composite tubes. The performance of this machine was measured. The results revealed that the winding angle depended primarily on the carriage speed traversing at speed synchronised with mandrel rotation. Also, the efficiency of the machine showed that winding at high angles relative to rotational axis was very high (i.e. at 90° the efficiency is 100%). Winding at low angles (parallel to rotational axis) was difficult. The surface finish depended on the fibre tension, the wiping process and band formation 0. e. smooth surface finish at 4.4 kN). The behaviour of filament wound cotton/epoxy and pandanus/epoxy composite tubes was studied experimentally. Circular cylindrical of cotton/epoxy and pandanus/epoxy were loaded in uni-axial compression. The test results show that cotton/epoxy hoop tubes the maximum strength was found to be 13kN and for the 80° cotton/epoxy tubes was found to be 10.6kN. For the pandanus/epoxy hoop tube the maximum strength was found to be 0.3kN. Flat specimens were also prepared from wound tubes and loaded in uni-axial tension. The cotton/epoxy composite tubes were tested under internal pressure. The results show that the maximum pressure that the tube can be withstand was found to be 5 bar. Maximum stress and maximum strain theories are used to predict the failure of these tubes. Finite element method also used in the analysis of cotton/epoxy composite tubes. The uni-axial tensile test results show that the mean modulus was found to be 3 867.6 MPa for the 80° laminated tensile test specimens and 1067.0 MPa for hoop (90°) laminated tensile test specimens. The maximum strain mean in 80° and 90° laminated tensile specimens are essentially the same (0.1). The urn-axial compression test results show that in the condition of hoop (90°) laminated tubes and 80° laminated tubes the load-displacement curve is linearly up to initial failure

    Job Analysis in Organizations: Transition From Traditional to Strategic

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to highlight essential elements of job analysis techniques, discusses innovative approaches, and the strategies adopted by organizations to improvise the Job Analysis procedure.   Theoretical framework: Technological advancements and dynamic work environments have changed the means and methods through which job analysis procedure was managed earlier. HR professionals are now exploring innovative approaches and strategies to job analysis which are essentially compatible with the present-day organizational situation. To achieve this objective, human resources operations should be incorporated into the company's strategic management process. Professional experts of human resources should construct a compatible HR management system to support the organization implement its strategic objectives.   Design/methodology/approach: The methodology is primarily based upon secondary data. For this, extant literature related to the topic from different databases, websites, and other available sources was gathered. A logical and orderly review of the accumulated literature was completed.   Findings: The findings envisage the need for a well-established job analysis framework with all the elements needed to help human resource personnel updated about the changes in the work force concerns around them, make meticulous decisions using job data, and communicate effectively through all the departments in their organization.   Practical implications: The study intends to provide managers with a detailed framework of job analysis practices in organization enfolding both the traditional and modern methods and suggesting probable ways to implement them.   Originality/value: The paper is basically a descriptive viewpoint that may contribute positively to the extant literature, academicians, professionals and other related streams of the discipline

    A Powerful Optimization Approach for the Multi Channel Dissemination Networks

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    In the wireless environment, dissemination techniques may improve data access for the users. In this paper, we show a description of dissemination architecture that fits the overall telecommunication network. This architecture is designed to provide efficient data access and power saving for the mobile units. A concurrency control approach, MCD, is suggested for data consistency and conflict checking. A performance study shows that the power consumption, space overhead, and response time associated with MCD is far less than other previous techniques.Comment: 9 Pages, IJCNC Journal 201

    Applications of 18(F) FDG PET/CT in oncology

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    The escalating costs of conventional diagnostic technology in oncology have yet to obviate futile surgery intervention and the spiralling treatment cost. The evolution in engineering technology which looks at the correlation of the anatomy and the function of tumours i.e. Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography (PET-CT) have impacted on the improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment in oncology. Clinical data have demonstrated that the information provided by PET/CT often changes patient management. This review addresses the value of PET-CT as a surrogate molecular marker in tumours and to discuss some issues in adopting PET/CT in routine daily practice as supported by the numbers of literature reviews of its application in oncology since it was first commercialized in 2001. The description of the technology used in multimodality imaging has gained encouraging interest among physicians, policy makers and insurance companies on the importance of the PET-CT, for which roles are not limited to the staging, disease prognostication and treatment monitoring with potential impact on treatment cost and justification of radiation safety for the patient. PET/CT is a useful tool in cancer investigation as evidenced by its role as a surrogate marker in underpinning the cellular reprogramming of different pathological entities

    Lakuan pernyataan dalam wacana wawancara

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    Dalam analisis ini, wacana wawancara dikaji dari sudut lakuan pertuturan. Lakuan pertuturan merupakan satu kerangka yang memperlihatkan penggunaan bahasa yang mempersembahkan lakuan. Wawancara sebagai satu peristiwa bahasa yang memaparkan tanya jawab antara pemeran, nampak sangat mudah tetapi sarat dengan lakuan pertuturan. Sesuatu peristiwa bahasa dicirikan oleh sekurang-kurangnya satu lakuan pertuturan. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan memaparkan dan menjelaskan salah satu jenis lakuan pertuturan yang terdapat dalam peristiwa bahasa wawancara iaitu lakuan pernyataan. Kajian ini menggunakan data daripada teks wawancara yang dipilih berdasarkan kerelevanannya dalam objektif kajian. Wawancara dipilih secara rawak daripada sembilan buah majalah terbitan Kumpulan Karangkraf, iaitu penerbit majalah terbesar di Malaysia. Aspek lakuan pertuturan dirincikan mengikut kerangka Asmah (1997) dengan mengambil kira teori lakuan pertuturan yang dibangunkan oleh pengkaji terdahulu. Lakuan pernyataan didapati sangat menonjol dalam wawancara. Melaluinya, audiens (pembaca atau pendengar) mendapat sebanyak mungkin maklumat dan penjelasan daripada orang yang diwawancara (ODW). Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat enam subkategori dalam lakuan pernyataan, iaitu pernyataan biasa, pernyataan retorik, pengakuan, pengesahan, penolakan dan penerimaan. Selain daripada memperoleh maklumat dan penjelasan, kita dapat mengenal pasti emosi dan perasaan orang yang diwawancara (ODW) dengan jelas melalui subkategori lakuan pernyataan yang dipersembahkan