39 research outputs found

    The relationship of lexical error and their types to the quality of ESL compositions: an empirical study

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    This study investigates the question of whether there is a systematic relationship between the percentage of lexical errors, the percentage of lexical error. types and quality of composition. Quality is defined as the score of the composition. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is used to test the null hypothesis of no significant relationship. The study is based on the analysis of 19 compositions of students of Business English at Universidad de La Rioja. All assumptions for the statistical test were found to be met and the correlation coefficient obtained was significant at p<.01 (r = -. 78). The results are discussed in terms of how meaningful the relationship and resulting predictions are, and what this may mean to planners of writing courses.En este estudio se investiga la existencia de una relación sistemática entre el porcentaje de errores léxicos, las clases de errores léxicos, y la calidad de la composición escrita. La calidad se define como la puntuación obtenida en la composición. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson se usa en esta investigación para probar la hipótesis nula de que no hay relación significativa entre esos tres aspectos antes mencionados. El estudio se basa en el análisis de 19 composiciones de estudiantes de inglés empresarial en la Universidad de La Rioja. Se probó que efectivamente existe una correlación significativa entre errores léxicos, clases de errores léxicos y calidad de la composición para p<.01 (r=-.78). La discusión de los resultados se centra en determinar la relevancia de la correlación y de las predicciones subsiguientes, y lo que esto significa para los diseñadores de cursos de escritura

    Los errores léxicos en la escritura al final de las etapas de primaria y secundaria: descripción e implicaciones pedagógicas

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    In this paper, we present a study which describes and compares the production of lexical errors at the end of two important educational stages: Primary and the compulsory years of Secondary education. Identifying the most frequent lexical error types at each acquisition stage can be very insightful in distinguishing among proficiency levels and establishing lexical benchmarks. Our results show a slight decrease in lexical error production, only significant for direct L1 borrowings. However, they also reveal an increase of misselections and coinages at higher levels. Furthermore, we observed presence of fossilized errors and errors in constructions. Results are interpreted in light of previous research-related literature concerning the evolution of lexical errors along proficiency levels. Finally, some pedagogical implications are suggested to improve the lexical production of Primary and Secondary school learners in order to prevent and remedy the lexical errors they committed.En este artículo presentamos un estudio que describe y compara la producción de errores léxicos al final de dos importantes etapas educativas: Primaria y Secundaria Obligatoria. Identificar las categorías de errores léxicos más recurrentes en cada estadio puede resultar muy relevante para diferenciar niveles de lengua, así como para establecer puntos de referencia desde el punto de vista del léxico. Nuestros resultados muestran una muy ligera reducción de la presencia de errores léxicos, siendo los préstamos los únicos que disminuyen de manera significativa. Por otro lado, las creaciones léxicas y las selecciones erróneas aumentan su presencia en niveles más altos. También, pudimos observar la presencia de errores fosilizados y de errores en construcciones. Interpretamos los resultados en función investigaciones previas relacionadas con el tema de la evolución de la producción de errores léxicos conforme aumenta el nivel de lengua. Finalmente, ofrecemos algunas implicaciones pedagógicas destinadas a mejorar la producción léxica de alumnos de Primaria y Secundaria, así como a prevenir y remediar los errores léxicos que cometen.This research study was conducted under the auspices of research project FFI 2010- 19334 funded by the Spanish MICINN

    Theoretical Exploration of the Lexical Availability Task as a Tool for the Selection of Vocabulary to be Taught in Class

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    Since its conception in the 1950s, the Lexical Availability Task (LAT) has steadily gained prominence as an assessment tool in language teaching and learning, perhaps due to the fact that it not only provides a useful indication of the lexical resources which are available to learners, but it also obtains this rich set of data in a rather economical way (Jiménez Catalán & Fitzpatrick, 2014). The LAT requires participants to write as many words as come to mind in response to a specific stimulus or cue-word within a time limit of 2 minutes. The responses obtained provide a lexical corpus of available words for that cue-word or centre of interest. While previous research has highlighted the value of using lexical availability (LA) as a tool for selecting target foreign language vocabulary (Ávila Muñoz, 2017), this article argues that this tool should not be used in isolation, but rather should be implemented appropriately alongside a number of other factors in order to best determine target vocabulary. A theoretical exploration of the LAT as a tool for the selection of vocabulary to be taught in class is thus provided, taking into consideration a number of key factors: the most readily available words in each field of natives of the age group, other similar groups, words from the school context, equivalent words of highly available words from L1 and the teaching context. Suggestions are made for incorporating LA as a tool for vocabulary selection in classroom

    Differences in the Written Production of Young Spanish and German Learners: Evidence from Lexical Errors in a Composition

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    This study investigates quantitative and qualitative differences in the production of lexical errors in the English written performance by young Spanish and German learners of English. The essays produced by the subjects were analysed and lexical errors identified, classified, and quantified. A t-test was performed on the data. Results revealed that Spanish learners commit significantly fewer lexical errors than their German counterparts, t = 2.94 at a significance level


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    AbstractPrevious research on vocabulary choice and acquisition from varied perspectives has shown that gender differences in EFL are relevant. However, studies in the area of L2 vocabulary size development concerning sex at different ages and educational stages have either revealed indefinite results or have been scarce, especially in the context of primary education. This study attempts to compensate for this paucity. We examined the importance of gender in receptive vocabulary size acquisition for 176 (94 males and 82 females) young Spanish students of EFL. They answered the 2000 word frequency-band from the receptive version of the VLT (Schmitt, Schmitt, &amp; Clapham, 2001 version 2) over the 4th, 5th ,and 6th grades of primary education and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of secondary education (grades 4 to 9). Results proved that males and females increased their receptive knowledge of English words across grades and that their results showed highly significant differences in vocabulary size from one year to the next. Furthermore, learners increased their vocabulary knowledge in a linear way, although there was a tendency to show a significant gain in the last period tested. Finally, size differences in the mean scores of male and female learners were non-existent. In spite of these findings, female learners showed higher vocabulary gains than males for the first three intervals. For the last two intervals, this tendency reversed and male learners were found to incorporate more new words into their lexicons than their female peers.ResumenDiversas investigaciones previas sobre elección de vocabulario y adquisición de vocabulario han demostrado que las diferencias de género son relevantes en el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera. Sin embargo, otros estudios en el área del desarrollo léxico en la L2 obtienen resultados poco concluyentes en lo concerniente a las diferencias de género a lo largo de varias edades y contextos educativos. Los estudios son especialmente escasos en el contexto de educación primaria. El presente estudio pretende compensar dicha escasez. Se examina la importancia del género en el vocabulario receptivo de 176 aprendices españoles de inglés, 94 de ellos hombres y 82 mujeres. El test de las 2.000 palabrasmás frecuentes del ingles (Schmitt, Schmitt and Clapham 2001, version 2) se usó como instrumento de recogida de datos en 4º, 5º, 6º de primaria y 1º, 2º, y 3º de secundaria. Los resultados revelan que tanto hombres como mujeres aumentaron su repertorio léxico de manera significativa de un año escolar al siguiente. Este incremento léxico es linear, es decir, se aprende un número similar de palabras cada año, aunque hay una tendencia a un incremento significativamente mayor en el último intervalo evaluado. Finalmente, vemos que no existen diferencias significativas en el tamaño de vocabulario receptivo de hombres y mujeres, aunque las mujeres muestran incrementos mayores en los tres primeros intervalos. En el último, esta tendencia se invierte y los varones incorporan más palabras nuevas a su lexicón que las mujeres

    Un estudio de disponibilidad léxica asociado a las áreas de aprendizaje y motivación por el aprendizaje

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    A study of lexical availability for the concepts of learning and learning motivation in student teachers is presented. To this end, the objectives are the following: i) to quantify the available lexicon using the NPD, XR, IC and IDL indexes, ii) to analyze the available lexicon using graphs, and iii) to categorize the available lexicon by means of semantic-cognitive associations. A mixed design methodology integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis was used. The results show that there is a need to improve the vocabulary on learning. Likewise, as a result we present a conceptual scheme of categorizations, which for the learning center of interest is composed of the following categories: reproductive study strategies, study strategies oriented to the application of knowledge, actors of the educational system, spaces of the educational system, elements for teaching-learning. For the motivation for learning center of interest, the categories are goal motivation, vocational orientation, and elements for teaching-learning.Se presenta un estudio de disponibilidad léxica para los conceptos de aprendizaje y motivación por el aprendizaje en estudiantes de pedagogía. Para ello, los objetivos son los siguientes: i) cuantificar el léxico disponible usando los índices NPD, XR, IC e IDL, ii) analizar el léxico disponible usando grafos, y iii) categorizar el léxico disponible mediante asociaciones del tipo semántico-cognitivo. Se utilizó una metodología con un diseño mixto que integra análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Los resultados evidencian que se requiere mejorar el vocabulario sobre el aprendizaje. Asimismo, como resultado presentamos un esquema conceptual de categorizaciones, que para el concepto de aprendizaje se compone de las siguientes categorías: estrategias de estudio reproductivas, estrategias de estudio orientadas a la aplicación de los conocimientos, actores del sistema educativo, espacios del sistema educativo y elementos para la enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para el concepto motivación por el aprendizaje, las categorías son motivación a las metas, orientación por vocación y elementos para la enseñanza-aprendizaje.Apresenta-se um estudo da disponibilidade lexical para os conceito pela aprendizagem e de motivação para a aprendizagem dos estudantes de ensino. Para tal, os objectivos são os seguintes: i) quantificar o léxico disponível através dos índices NPD, XR, IC e IDL, ii) analisar o léxico disponível através de gráficos, e iii) categorizar o léxico disponível através de associações semântico-cognitivas.  Foi utilizada uma metodologia de conceção mista, integrando análises quantitativas e qualitativas. Os resultados mostram que é necessário melhorar o vocabulário da aprendizagem. Como resultado, apresentamos também um esquema concetual de categorizações, que para o centro de interesse da aprendizagem é composto pelas seguintes categorias: estratégias de estudo reprodutivas, estratégias de estudo orientadas para a aplicação de conhecimentos, actores no sistema educativo, espaços no sistema educativo, elementos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para o centro de interesse motivação para a aprendizagem, as categorias são: motivação para os objectivos, orientação vocacional e elementos de ensino e aprendizagem

    Typicality effects in Spanish as a Foreign Language of intermediate and advanced level Greek learners

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    Categorization and identification of typical exemplars within semantic categories is a universal skill of human cognition which is involved in language development. However, cultural, and experiential aspects might influence typicality effects. This paper examines the role of native language and culture on that categorization process and on typicality effects. Towards that objective, we had Spanish native speakers and Spanish FL learners whose mother tongue is Greek complete a category generation word association task. Data were analyzed within a network and graph theory framework as the best fitting for this type of data, bearing in mind previous descriptions of semantic memory. Results showed how, indeed, native speakers and learners of varying proficiency levels differ in their availability and production of typical exemplars, especially in slot-filler categories versus taxonomic categories. Lexical access during category generation might be determined by native language and culture. Additionally, natives mental lexicon seems to feature denser connections responsible for more efficient access

    Perplexity as a tool for the allocation of proficiency levels to utterances written by foreign language learners

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    La asignación de niveles de competencia a escritos producidos por aprendices de una lengua es una tarea altamente subjetiva. Es por esto que el desarrollo de métodos que evalúen escritos de manera automática puede ayudar tanto al profesorado como al alumnado. En este trabajo, hemos explorado dos vías mediante el uso del corpus CAES. Dicho corpus está formado por escritos de aprendices de español y etiquetado con niveles CEFR (hasta el C1). La primera aproximación es un modelo de aprendizaje profundo llamado Deep-ELE que asigna niveles de competencia a las frases. La segunda aproximación llevada a cabo ha consistido en estudiar la perplejidad de las frases de los estudiantes de distintos niveles, para luego clasificarlos en niveles. Ambas aproximaciones han sido evaluadas, y se ha comprobado que pueden usarse de manera exitosa para clasificar frases por niveles. En concreto, el modelo Deep-ELE obtiene una accuracy de 81,3% y un QWK de 0,83. Como conclusión, este trabajo es un paso para entender cómo las herramientas del procesado de lenguaje natural pueden ayudar a las personas que aprenden un segundo idioma.The allocation of proficiency levels to utterances written by foreign language learners is a subjective task. Therefore, the development of methods to automatically evaluate written sentences can help both students and teachers. In this work, we have explored two different approaches to tackle this task by using the corpus CAES, which contains written utterances of learners of Spanish labelled with CEFR levels (up to C1). The first approach is a deep learning model called Deep-ELE which assigns proficiency levels to sentences. The second approach consists in studying the perplexity of sentences written by students of different levels, to later allocate levels to those sentences based on such an analysis. Both approaches have been evaluated, and results confirm that they can be used to successfully classify written sentences into proficiency levels. In particular, the Deep-ELE model reaches an accuracy of 81.3% and a weighted Cohen Kappa of 0.83. As a conclusion, this work is a step towards better understanding how natural language processing methods can help learners of a second language.Esta investigación ha sido parcialmente financiada por los proyectos AFIANZA 2022/02, PID2020-115225RB-I00 de MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 y PID2020-116641GB-I00 de MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033