142 research outputs found

    The Path of Peace as a Conflict Resolution of Ordinary Crimes in Criminology Perspective in Indonesia

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    A peaceful path as a conflict resolution against general criminal acts can be realized in the provisions of criminal reform in the 2014 RKUHP in Indonesia. however, this RKUHP has come into conflict with the public over several crucial articles, so that the President of Indonesia said to cancel the application in 2019. As a result, several general criminal offences are still being processed in the Criminal Justice System. This paper is the result of a juridical the sociological study, with the main data being primary in the form of interviews with several informants with non-random sampling technique and using a case approach and deductive analysis. The results showed that the use of imprisonment on defendants of criminal offences to provide a deterrent effect was wrong. The application of imprisonment does not change the convict for the better, coupled with the fact that prisons in Indonesia are entering an extreme overcrowding situation which then the density has an impact on the coaching program in Lapas not going well. One strategy to overcome these problems is by efforts to form and develop the concept of restorative justice

    Legal Research Methodology Reposition in Research on Social Science

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    A legal researcher must see that research is an activity. The research is not only reading books, principles, doctrines, and regulations but also an activity to find data. Legal research should no longer distinguish between normative research and sociological research, or qualitative and quantitative research. This research method uses focus group discussions as used in qualitative research. The results of the study are that the law was born from the community that the legal system consists of substance, system, and culture. So that legal research that has its characteristics and is different from social science (sui generis) needs to be re-examined in its meaning in research. Related to the use of primary data existence, in socio-legal research requires primary data whose ranking consists of 7 (seven), namely: Dissertation, National and International scientific journal articles, Thesis and Thesis, Interview, Academic Paper, Court Verdict and Case, which how to obtain primary data must be systematic, scientific and rational. So in addition to normative juridical research with the object of research on legal principles, teachings or legal theories, and legal doctrines, legal research needs to reposition primary data in socio-legal research


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    The implementation of Consumer Protection Act which has shown the struggle to create equality of social justice between business people and consumers still remains a binding norm. On the other hand, ignorance or infringement of consumer rights can be interpreted as a breach of social justice, because the breach of social justice is defined not as a infringement of social norms, but interpreted as an infringement of consumer rights stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in particular and the rights of the public in general, as mandated in the concept of welfare state. The concept of welfare state is not an abstract concept in consumer protection law, as mandated in Article 29 verse (1) Consumer Protection Act, that a state has roles in ensuring the fulfillment of consumer rights stipulated in the constitution or in other provisions. Thus, a  state has the obligation in creating equitable welfare through laws which is equal for all parties.Keywords: Consumer Protection, Social Justic

    Tinjauan Yuridis Kendala-kendala dalam Penyelesaian Status Hukum Tanah Bekas Swapraja/sultan Grond di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Development activities increased in many sectors, some are not regardless of the availability of land for the site development. Ottoman lands (Sultan Grond) did not escape from the target for the purposes of fulfilling the needs of the development. This study was intended to analyze of the former Autonomous Land status (Sultan Grond / SG and Paku Alaman Grond / PAG) which confronted with the provisions of the Fourth Letter A and B Act 1960, Number 5. The data was colleted using a list of open question. The data analysis used qualitative method that generates descriptive data, and then the content analysis were performed. Before the Act 1960, number 5 about agrarian principle, Agrarian business set with RK, RPA, and some regulations Yogyakarta. After the introduction of UUPA, the law can not be performed because the letters A and B fourth dictum have the determination that the further ground against swapraja and former swapraja akan regulated by Government Regulation (PP) and the PP at this time is not yet born.Key words: Agrarian Principle Act, Sultan Grond, Government RegulationKegiatan pembangunan yang makin meningkat di berbagai sektor, sebagian tidak terlepas dari tersedianya tanah-tanah untuk tempat lokasi pembangunan itu. Tanah-tanah Kesultanan (Sultan Grond) tidak luput dari sasaran pemenuhan kebutuhan untuk keperluan pembangunan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa Status Tanah bekas Swapraja (Sultan Grond/SG dan Paku Alaman Grond/PAG) yang dibenturkan dengan ketentuan Diktum Keempat Huruf A dan B UU No. 5 Tahun 1960. . Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang bersifat terbuka. Analisa data menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif, kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode content analysis. Sebelum dikeluarkannya UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok Agraria, urusan agraria di DIY telah diatur di dalam RK dan RPA dan beberapa Peraturan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Setelah UUPA lahir, UU tersebut belum dapat dilaksanakan karena diktum keempat huruf A dan B ada penetapan bahwa pengaturan lebih lanjut terhadap tanah swapraja dan bekas swapraja akan diatur dengan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) dan sampai saat ini PP yang dimaksud belum lahir


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    Pada program Iptek bagi Masyarakat ini bekerjasama dengan 2 (dua) Mitra yaitu Mitra 1 (pertama) adalah Pengrajin Kain Tenun Taselin, dan mitra 2 (kedua) adalah pengrajin Kain Tenun Suwanti. Jarak lokasi mitra 1 (pertama) dan mitra 2 (kedua) dengan ITATS berkisar kurang lebih 33 km. Permasalahan mitra pada saat ini adalah menurunnya produktifitas Mitra, hal ini dikarenakan faktor pengadaan bahan baku yang sering terlambat dan faktor pasar yang kurang apresiasi terhadap produk tenun dikarenakan kualitasnya kurang maksimal. Pada program IbM ini bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra, yaitu meningkatkan produktifitas mitra dengan cara memaksimalkan pengadaan bahan baku sehingga tidak mengalami keterlambatan dalam proses produksi dan juga meningkatkan kualitas produksi. Berdasarkan analisis situasi di lapangan maka permasalahan yang dapat diidentifikasi adalah sebagai berikut bidang Proses Produksi, Produk, Pemasaran, dan Manajemen. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melalui pendampingan, pelatihan dan memberikan rekayasa alat yang mendukung adanya proses produksi kain tenun. Hasil dari program IbM adalah peningkatan omset pada mitra, peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produk, peningkatan pemahaman dan ketrampilan masyarakat, peningkatan ketrentraman dan kesehatan masyarakat, peningkatan produk, dan membuat draf buku ajar. Dari luaran yang diharapkan maka akan dilakukan suatu rekayasa peralatan dan pelatihan-pelatihan untuk mitra. Adapun rekayasa alat untuk mitra antara lain Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (ATBM) dengan output produk jadi berukuran panjang 125 x lebar 120 cm, kursi tenun, kursi palet, posisi kursi kelos yang ergonomis dan rak untuk display produk jadi serta membuat buku katalog kain tenun. Sedangkan pelatihan untuk mitra pada proses produksi yaitu pelatihan “perencanaan pembelian bahan baku” , pelatihan “ mendesain lay out pada ruang produksi sesuai tata letak fasilitas secara tepat sesuai aliran produksi, pada bidang produk yaitu pelatihan “teknik pewarnaan benang yang optimal”, pelatihan “pewarnaan benang dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan alami”, dan pelatihan “Desain membuat motif kain tenun berbasis sistem teknologi informasi , pada bidang pemasaran yaitu pelatihan “marketing online”, dan pada bidang manajemen yaitu pelatihan “pengelolaan administrasi dan efektifitas kerja sehingga meningkatkan produktifitas usaha”. Diharapkan dalam program IbM ini produktifitas kedua mitra dapat meningkat sehingga dapat berdaya saing


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    Coral disease surveys were conducted in Bintan, Kepulauan Riau Province. The purpose was to identify the abundance of corals showing signs of Yellow Syndrome (YS) disease and to describe similar pathological signs to that of AYBD throughout Bintan District. Three belt transects (2 m x 50 m in size) were set up to determine the abundance of coral reef attacked by YS disease. Line intercept transects were used to determine the percentage of live corals in the surveyed areas. The survey showed that the YS disease syndrome attacked 8 different genera i.e. Acropora, Montipora, Porites, Pavona, Turbinaria, Favia, Platygyra, and Favites. The highest attack happened at Mapur Island (0.06 kol/m2) on Porites lutea, Turbinaria peltata, T. mesenterina, Acropora bruggemanni, and Pavona frondifera. The survey also indicated that there may have been at least two types of YS i.e. the first type caused by a boring and/or over-growing sponge species and the second type caused by a kind of pathogenic microbe. Regardless the causal agent of YS, the severity of YS attack on coral urged immediate action to be undertaken and should include initial microscopic and histology examinations. Based on this initial microscopic and histology examinations it was found out that YS bears a close resemblance to the Arabian Yellow Band Disease. This study, however, argued that the word “disease” may have been incorrectly used without identifying a specific causal agent

    Law Enforcement Against Transfer of Objects Fiduciary in Kudus Police

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    The purpose is achieved in this research are: to know the mechanism of the occurrence of a credit agreement in the German Fiducia between Guarantees the lender with the leasing in the state law enforcement to know Grail in the event of a transfer of the object of the fiduciary guarantee in the region Police Resort of Kudus. To know the constraints in the legal enforcement of the related existence of a Fiduciary guarantee redirects object at Police Resort, and the solution for consumers.This research is the legal research approach or using Empirical Juridical also called as the Juridical Sociological. This research is descriptive analytical research as specified.Research results in the agreement between the creditors and the debtor financing mutual committing yourself, before making the deal, leasing the breathtaking debtor must meet the obligation to pay installments on a timely basis in accordance with the quantity and the date of the has been agreed, then release the rights and obligations not to a make problem. In terms of collateral object is the object of fiduciary transferred to third parties apply the principle creditors can still execute the collateral objects. The transfer of objects into objects fiduciary third parties does not preclude the right of creditors to keep executing the fiduciary guarantee object.The conclusions in this study is on the implementation of the Business Funding and need the assistance of the police dai it will be very easy and possible to overcome the rogue debtor.Keyword: Law Enforcement; The Transfer Object Fiduciary Guarantee; Fiduciary; Police Resort of Kudu

    Evaluasi Kinerja Bank Sampah " Sekar Arum " di Perumahan Wilis Indah II, Kelurahan Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri

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    Bank Sampah adalah tempat penerimaan sampah yang telah dipilih. Bank Sampah berdiri karena adanya pemikiran masyarakat untuk memperbaiki pengelolaan sampah, dengan melakukan inovasi tertentu. Peningkatan volume imbulan sampah menimbulkan permasalah pada kapasitas tempat pemrosesan akhir. Salah satu cara untuk mengelola sampah adalah dengan adanya bank sampah. Salah satu bank sampah yang ada di Kota Kediri adalah Bank Sampah Sekar Arum di perumahan Wilis Indah II, Kelurahan Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri. Karakterisitik persampahan melalui bank sampah sekar arum di perumahan wilis indah II, kelurahan pojok, kecamatan mojoroto, kota kediri untuk jenis sampah yang dominan dikelola adalah plastik dan sampah kertas, dengan prosentase 86,5 persen, sedangkan sisanya sekitar 15,5 persen merupakan sampah jenis kaleng bekas. Timbulan rata-rata sampah kertas yaitu 589,7/kg untuk kertas 373,5/kg untuk plastik. Sampah yang berhasil direduksi pada bank sampah dengan jumlah nasabah rata-rata 130 orang memiliki jumlah penerimaan sampah sebesar 30,2 kg/bulan

    The Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance with Reputation as Intervening Variable Empirical Study in the Manufacturing Company in Indonesia

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    In this research, the researcher explore thefollowing question. Can implementation of environmentalCSR and employee CSR effect to corporate reputation andrespectively lead to its firm performance? This studydiscusses CSR from CSR managers’ and/or PR managers’viewpoints by taking the sample of manufacture industrialwhich located in Indonesia.The aims of this study are to investigate: first, the effectseach of CSR dimension on corporate reputation; second, theeffects of corporate reputation on firm performance; andthird, the intervening effects of each CSR dimension on firmperformance. Empirical results support the study’s hypothesesand indicate that employee CSR and corporate reputationhave positive effects on firm performance, butenvironmental CSR have negative effect. In addition,corporate reputation partially mediate the relationshipenvironmental CSR, employee CSR with firm performance.This research was carried out to 53 manufacturing companiesin Indonesia, with the object of the research was the CSRand PR managers. This research used the method of the surveyresearch with the primary data collection that used thequestionnaire. The sample selection that was tested in thisresearch used the method purposive sampling, was chosenby 31 respondents as the sample of the research. The testingof the research hypothesis used Structural Equation Model(SEM) with the program smart PLS (Smart Partial LeastSquare) 2.0

    Studi Pengaruh Karakteristik Keuangan dan Kondisi Industri Terhadap Restrukturisasi Utang pada Perusahaan Go Public yang Mengalami Utang Bermasalah di Bei pada Tahun 2006-2009

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    Restrukturisasi utang (debt restructuring) merupakan suatu hal yang sangat menarik untuk dibahas. Terkait dengan penerapan restrukturisasi utang pada perusahaan, adanya satu pihak menyatakan setuju terhadap penerapan restrukturisasi utang saat terjadinya utang bermasalah, sedangkan pihak yang lain sangat menentang. Restrukturisasi utang ini selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi asset, equity, liquidity, profitability, dan condition dari perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan asset sales, bond swap, equity swap, rescheduling dan hair cut untuk mewakili model restrukturisasi. Sementara itu, karakteristik keuangan internal diwakili oleh current ratio, debt to equity ratio, debt to asset ratio dan operating profit margin. Sedangkan untuk karakteristik keuangan eksternal diwakili oleh dummy output growth dan dummy output growth through profit margin Dengan mengambil sampel dari perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2006-2009, peneliti melakukan pengujian-pengujian untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara karakteristik keuangan internal dan karakteristik keuangan eksternal terhadap model restrukturisasi utang. Dengan bantuan program STATA 9.1, peneliti melakukan uji Z dan koefisien determinasi terhadap semua data yang telah diperoleh. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut ditemukan bahwa ternyata memang adanya pengaruh karakteristik keuangan internal maupun karakteristik keuangan eksternal terhadap model debt restructurin