80 research outputs found


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    Logistics is becoming morę and morę influential, not only in individual companies. Its direct and indirect impact on the economy is being discussed increasingly often in the literaturę [see Coyle et al., 2002, 58; Skowronek and Sarjusz-Wolski, 2003, 40-75]. The most important relations between logistics and the economy include [Witkowski, 2004, 55]: the influence of improvement in the performance of logistic processes in companies on improvements regarding specialisationand cooperation, leading to expansion of the market; the influence of the improved effectiveness of logistic services on conditions facilitating price reduction, due to the effects of economies of scalę and the shortening of delivery times; the influence of the location of public logistic centres on the level of availability of products manufactured in remote places, both in Poland and abroad; the influence of transport and warehousing infrastructure, shaped by the state, on the behaviour of potential industrial and commercial investors. Therefore, increasing attention is being paid to macroeconomic aspects of logistics and research concerning the relations between production, trade and transport. This field is seen as a starting point for the creation of a new nationał economic policy, called logistic policy. This covers the purposeful, direct and indirect influence of the state on improoements in the effectioeness of the processes of product flow and accompanying flow of information between the participants of supply chains [Witkowski, 2004, 56], A detailed discussion on the character, types and role of logistic policy in a system of economic policies can be found in Skowrońska [2006]

    „Dziecko z dzieckiem z domu dziecka” - stygmatyzacja i autostygmatyzacja a szanse życiowe małoletnich matek, byłych wychowanek placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych

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    This article is theoretical and empirical in character, presents fragments of authoritative quality ver- sions devoted to issues of teenage motherhood implemented by caregivers. The issues involved are stigmatization and autostigmatization of girls who became mothers before the age of eighteen, and additionally with their children in care and education facilities. Stigmatization practices were presented in the context of the chances and fate of former pastors of care and educational institutions that were mothers of teenage mothers

    Educational Situation of Minors Mothers, Pupil Childcare Centers. Biographical Perspective

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    One of the most severe consequences resulting from premature motherhood is the inability or shortening of the education period. Author’s empirical verification indicate that the majority of researched girls (underage mothers, educational care facilities foster-children) quickly leave school and interrupt education once their child is born. The narration analysis indicated that its main cause was the difficulty in combining the role of a mother and a student, together with the lack of support from the closest. Only few girls managed to continue education, unfortunately they chose private, evening schools which are known for low quality education. The presented fragmentary empirical verifications indicate that early parenthood reduces the education period. Educational-care facilities foster-children, coming from low-educated families and professional qualifications find it particularly hard or impossible to achieve secondary or even lower-secondary education. Lack of education and professional qualifications has lead them to take up low-income jobs, that do not require any qualifications or to obtain money illegally. Recognizing various consequences of premature motherhood, both individual and social, there is no doubt that teenage mothers, especially foster children of educational-care facilities, should be taken care of. There is only one legal record concerning the education of pregnant student or underage mothers, however, it is not precise, which means that schools have to interpret it by themselves and introduce their own procedures. The subject of the present article is prevention, support and help given to underage pregnant students or underage mothers by the teachers, educators, or peers, who are potential beneficiaries of help, i.e. underage mothers fulfilling the education duty.4019121112Studia Edukacyjn

    Teenage Motherhood – Opportunity or Restriction? Experience Minor Mothers from Disadvantaged Groups

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    This article deals with the issues of early motherhood. Early parenting is a critical event in the life of teenage girls. Teens are mentally and socially immature and unprepared to fulfill the role of mother. Besides minor mothers usually come from poor families, are pupils in primary or secondary schools, do not work, do not have a steady income and own apartment, and in this case remain under the custody care and educational institution. The article is an attempt to answer the question, as teenagers from disadvantaged groups, pupil of childcare centers and describe the experience of motherhood. What is surprising, despite initial concerns and difficulties in retrospect evaluate them as a gift and a blessing, a source of valuable life experience and even a protective factor against the occurrence of other problems care and education.4221723213Studia Edukacyjn

    Hipotermia terapeutyczna po nagłym zatrzymaniu krążenia – zalety, ograniczenia, kontrowersje

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    It is our intention to present in this work indications, contraindications and benefits regarding the application of therapeutic hypothermia in patients after cardiac arrest. Therapeutic hypothermia means lowering the internal temperature of the human body to 32-34 degree Celsius. It is a safe and efficient method increasing the patients’ chances of survival and their neurological prognosis, especially if the arrest was caused by cellular rhythm disorders. The efficiency of this treatment is confirmed by the American Heart Association and the European Resuscitation Board, which included it in the resuscitation guidelines for adults. We also describe the place of this treatment in valid resuscitation guidelines and pay attention to its mostly unknown potentialities and a few controversies.W pracy chcielibyśmy dokładnie przedstawić wskazania, przeciwwskazania oraz korzyści ze stosowania hipotermii terapeutycznej w leczeniu pacjentów po zatrzymaniu krążenia z przyczyn kardiologicznych.Hipotermia terapeutyczna to obniżenie wewnętrznej temperatury ciała do 32-34 stopni Celcjusza. Jest to bezpieczna i efektywna metoda zwiększająca szansę na przeżycie oraz poprawiająca prognozy neurologiczne. Skuteczność tej metody jest potwierdzona przez  Amerykań-skie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne oraz Europejską Komisję Resustytacyjną i została ona wprowadzona do wytycznych resustytacji dla dorosłych.Przedstawiamy również miejsce hipotermii terapeu-tycznej w świetle aktualnych wytycznych dotyczących resuscytacji, a także wskazujemy nowe, nieuwzględnione jeszcze potencjalne możliwości oraz nieliczne wątpliwości towarzyszące stosowaniu tej metody leczenia

    Therapeutic hypothermia after a cardiac arrest – Benefits, limitations, controversy

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    W pracy chcielibyśmy dokładnie przedstawić wskazania, przeciwwskazania oraz korzyści ze stosowania hipotermii terapeutycznej w leczeniu pacjentów po zatrzymaniu krążenia z przyczyn kardiologicznych. Hipotermia terapeutyczna to obniżenie wewnętrznej temperatury ciała do 32-34 stopni Celcjusza. Jest to bezpieczna i efektywna metoda zwiększająca szansę na przeżycie oraz poprawiająca prognozy neurologiczne. Skuteczność tej metody jest potwierdzona przez  Amerykań-skie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne oraz Europejską Komisję Resustytacyjną i została ona wprowadzona do wytycznych resustytacji dla dorosłych. Przedstawiamy również miejsce hipotermii terapeu-tycznej w świetle aktualnych wytycznych dotyczących resuscytacji, a także wskazujemy nowe, nieuwzględnione jeszcze potencjalne możliwości oraz nieliczne wątpliwości towarzyszące stosowaniu tej metody leczenia.It is our intention to present in this work indications, contraindications and benefits regarding the application of therapeutic hypothermia in patients after cardiac arrest. Therapeutic hypothermia means lowering the internal temperature of the human body to 32-34 degree Celsius. It is a safe and efficient method increasing the patients’ chances of survival and their neurological prognosis, especially if the arrest was caused by cellular rhythm disorders. The efficiency of this treatment is confirmed by the American Heart Association and the European Resuscitation Board, which included it in the resuscitation guidelines for adults. We also describe the place of this treatment in valid resuscitation guidelines and pay attention to its mostly unknown potentialities and a few controversies