950 research outputs found


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    This paper examines the purpose of why Shari’ah is divinely revealed to unify human social strata. This stemmed from the basis where the Shari’ah itself is derived, that is Tawhid. Tawhid commands unification and encourages integration through understanding and constructive engagements based on mutual benefit, otherwise known as Maṣlahah. Maṣlahah is an important Shari’ah principle meant to nurse diversity and prevents discord. In governance, Maṣlahah is an important legal doctrine that accommodates ideas to help in developing public confidence to strike a balance between the statutory legislation produced by the authority and the public to adjust towards them. However, Nigeria as a country is faced with multifaceted challenges, from insurgency, banditry, and kidnapping to ethnic and religious conflicts among others. These threatened its survival as one entity and is setting it on a path to disintegration. Thus, the paper employed a historical-analytical approach in exploring the doctrine of Maṣlahah for national integration in Nigeria. It underpins that the ethnoreligious plurality of Nigeria must be seen as a means of understanding and strength, not hate and division. Similarly, the societal problems bedevilling Nigeria that including social insecurity can be managed through the Shari’ah principle of Maṣlahah, particularly Shura (consultative forum) and the re-institutionalization of an effective social justice system called al- ͨadalatul Ijtima’iyyah. Hence, the reasons given for the application of Maṣlahah as a viable means for national integration prove the idea as a novel in providing security for national building and prosperity


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    Leadership in Islam is a trust that whoever is bestowed with it must act as Allah’s vicegerent on the face of the earth. It is a task that implies caring for the welfare of the led, doing what is best for them and guiding them on what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Thus, this paper used analytical approach in examining the concept and Shari’ah perspective of leadership. It surveys the principles leadership. It also studies the thoughts of Shaykh Ahmad Arabi, one of the contemporary legists of northern Nigeria, his life ideas as an exemplary Muslim leader, and philosophy about the objectives of a good leadership. The paper uncovers that Islam as a complete way of life, considers leadership as a foundation upon which all essence of life is built upon. It is a security that checks the provision and realization of the Shari’ah objectives, called Maqasid al-Shari’ah. It also discovers that the two cardinals of Shari’ah, known as Jalb al-Naf’ (bringing benefits) and daf’ al-ḍarar (preventing harm) depends on the existence of effective leadership. Therefore, concludes that the necessity for leadership in every human society is as that of life itself

    Peran Pemerintahan Desa dalam Melakukan Praktik Pembangunan Infrastruktur

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    Peran pemerintahan desa sebagai pihak yang memiliki kewenangan dituntut supaya mampu melaksanakan amanat undang – undang, yakni mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, melalui praktik pembangunan di desa, khususnya pembangunan di bidang infrastruktur, karena posisinya penting untuk meningkatkan mobilitas masyarakat dalam rangka menunjang aktifitas ekonomi desa. Tujuan penelitian ingin melihat pemerintahan desa dalam menjalankan praktik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis data nya berupa data primer dan sekunder, seperti: wawancara, dokumentasi serta dokumen, data yang terkumpul kemudian di uji keabsahan, melalui teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan peran pemerintahan desa dalam proses pembangunan Infrastruktur sangat efektif, dengan melibatkan seluruh lapisan masyarakat, dan juga melaporkan kegiatan pembangunan secara transparan.

    Higher Education Faculty Members’ Experiences In Designing A Quality Syllabus For Online Education

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    Higher education is rapidly changing, and instructors are striving to match the needs of 21st-century digital learners. There is a growing demand and shift from traditional classes to the online mode of instruction for most post-secondary learning institutions. Additionally, with the recent pandemic (COVID-19), post-secondary institutions had to transform and revise their courses to online and hybrid models. Higher education institutions struggled with limited knowledge, skills, and resources to design syllabi and implement online education courses to meet the needs of their students to attain quality education. The purpose of this study was to explore higher education faculty members\u27 experiences in designing quality syllabi for online education. This study was grounded in the theoretical framework of Edmund Husserl\u27s descriptive phenomenology through interviews. Data obtained from interviews were recorded and stored on a flash drive reserved only for this research. The researcher analyzed interviews by carefully listening, reviewing, and reading the lived experiences of each participant. Then the researcher transcribed recorded interviews into written text using the FTW Transcriber software. This helped the researcher get a deep and rich understanding of the phenomenon (designing a quality syllabus) through finding “significant statements” and determining the “themes” of each participant\u27s experiences. Findings indicated that this phenomenological study about higher education faculty members’ lived experiences in teaching and learning will help faculty and researchers to understand how to design a quality syllabus for online education that will satisfy the needs of diverse students. Ten themes emerged from the in-depth interviews conducted to gain insights into higher education faculty members’ lived experiences. These themes included: title section, course description, learner outcomes, course organization, course evaluation, course accessibility, course policies and calendar, academic integrity, professional behavior, and equal opportunity. These themes are the components required in a quality syllabus for an online course. These research results will contribute to efficient pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning in online education setting


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    Pembangunan pariwisata di Jawa Timur bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu contoh, bagaimana pengelolaannya menggunakan beberapa strategi, yang bisa diukur dan juga dievaluasi secara berkesimbungan, diantaranya: Membuat kebijakan pariwisata yang terintegrasi di daerah mulai tingkat Kabupaten/kota hingga pedesaan, supaya stakeholder, masyarakat, dan pengusaha (Private sector) bisa bersinergi, dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan sehingga nantinya kebijakan yang dibuat, bisa kuat dan dukunganpun mengalir dari semua pihak, Membangun Brand Tourism untuk mengembangkan wisata lokal, Membuat event wisata tahunan, sebagai bentuk publikasi dalam upaya untuk memperkenalkan potensi daerah, Membangun sarana transportasi, jalan, dan angkutan untuk mempermudah aksesbilitas, para pelancong guna mencapai destinasi wisata yang dituju. Hasilnya bisa kita saksikan, bagaimana Provinsi Jawa Timur Akhirnya berhasil, mengembangkan daerahnya dengan potensi yang dimiliki, dengan bukti bahwa ada peningkatan pengunjung ke Jawa Timur, serta tingginya perolehan pendapatan dari sektor wisata, membangun band Image serta meembuat even wisata menjadi kunci penting, yang membuat geliat pariwisata di Jawa Timur banyak menarik simpatik wisatawan baik regional maupun internasional

    Police corruption, radicalization and terrorism attacks in Mogadishu

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    Recently, the emergence al Shabaab combined with weak state structures has created a challenging environment dazzled by a rampant police corruption, radicalization, and terrorism. Much so, most of these issues has been more apparent in Mogadishu than elsewhere in Somalia. This study was carried out: to discover the relationship between police corruption, radicalization and terrorist attacks in Mogadishu, reasons behind police corruption, the influence of salary on corruption and contributing factors of radicalization and al Shabaab recruitment. The study found that police corruption plays a major role in facilitating terrorist attacks in Mogadishu through bribing the police, al Shabaab can easily launch attacks in well-secured places where government security including the police are present. In the same way, police corruption turns people to become radicalized in the sense that police use excessive force, abuse, and physical violence, humiliation against publics and minority clans, which creates a situation of feeling injustice, discrimination and marginalization, which in turn leads to search for revenge. Through revenge, seeking minorities end up by joining al Shabaab, which seems to be the only power that can confront the government and its allies. Irregular/low payments for police officers was also found exposing police officers to slip in corruption acts. Among factors that push people to radicalization and Shabaab recruitment comprise socio-economic, youth political grievance, economic and social grievances. Finally, the study proposes that social movement together with relative deprivation/oppression and humiliation-revenge theory can contribute understanding the process of radicalization and recruitment in Somalia. While organizational theory of police corruption has, a significant advantage over the psychological, sociological theories of police corruption presented and discussed in this study.M-I


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    This paper examines the origin and practice of Islamic arbitration system (Ḥākimiyyah) with particular reference to Northern Nigeria. The work traces the origin of arbitration and its application in all works of life particularly in areas where the Shari’ah system is practice in Northern Nigeria. The paper brings into limelight the history and various practices of Hakimiyyah in Islam. It also analyses Hakimiyyah in Northern Nigeria from the pre-colonial era, the Kanem Bornu empire and Sokoto Caliphate especially the role played by the rulers of the various empires in ensuring the Islamic courts plays it role in the arbitration of dispute and other issues among Muslims and non-Muslims. Secondary data approach was adopted in paper where literary materials relevant to the research were utilise. It was concluded in the paper that the early Islamization of the Hausaland and the manner in which Islam was embraced had led to the quick emergence of strong institutions that made Islam to be the major source of social and cultural identity of the people in the area. Islamic legal system as one of those social institutions, was the bedrock upon which the Hausa Muslim states were established, particularly during the reigns of the defunct Kanem Borno Empire and Sokoto Caliphate. These two Muslim empires had produced the unique legal system the like of which had existed only during the early days of Islam

    Canva Application Development for Distance Learning on Arabic Language Learning in MTs Thawalib Tanjung Limau Tanah Datar

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    This study aims to find out the effectiveness and practicality of Canva applications that can be used online in Video format. The video is developed as a learning medium during distance learning for Arabic language learning. The method used in this study is the R & D (Research and Development) method by following the Borg and Gall models. This research model has ten steps of development, these are: 1) Research and information collection, 2) Planning, 3) Develop a preliminary form of product, 4) Preliminary field testing, 5) Main product revision, 6) Main field testing, 7) Operation product revision, 8) Operational field testing, 9) Final product revision, 10) Dissemination and implementation. This study only comes to the sixth step which at that step focuses only on field trials. The results of the field trials are the results of content verification on audiovisual learning media using the Canva application for distance learning with an average of 4.66 or in an excellent category with a maximum score of 5.00. While the average field test score on students' responses to learning media using the Canva app for distance learning is 3.78 and the maximum score is 5.00


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    Social solidarity in women's organizations is something unique to study, when collective awareness declines due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, This study seeks to see the model of solidarity that is formed within the organization. This research is descriptive qualitative, with primary and secondary data sources. The results of this study show that the type of solidarity that is formed is organic solidarity, which occurs in modern times, with a high division of work specialization, and a dominant individualistic nature. Organizational values ​​are one of the important things that drive the emergence of collective consciousness, which then collects donations through the ta'awun or urunan model, for people affected by COVID-19


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    Reyog Ponorogo National Festival (FNRP) is a national-level tourism agenda that is annually held in Ponorogo Regency, within the past 30 years, the Festival has begun to be improved in the right direction, deficiencies that have emerged, was tried to inventory and then improved, right at the holding of the Reyog Ponorogo National Festival (FNRP) in 2018 the committee developed a Voluntary Volunteer idea where volunteers were tasked with helping the agenda run smoothly, one of which was managing online ticket sales. This research used descriptive qualitative type, with the model of determining informants using purposive sampling, and data validity testing through triangulation. Online ticket management by Volunteer Grebeg Suro in organizing Grebeg Suro 2018 and the Reyog Ponorogo National Festival XXV could be concluded as effectively way. This was proofen from the respondents' assessment of the results of interviews that had all been expressed positive attitudes. Online tickets for Grebeg Suro and Reyog Ponorogo National Festival were considered to be very effective in organizing Grebeg Suro and Reyog Ponorogo National Festival events. Some assessment indicators were based on the time spent, the convenience provided, and the education provided to the community