41 research outputs found

    Urban Resilience Strategy in The Climate Change Governance in Makassar City, Indonesia

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    Urban resilience strategies need to be encouraged to support a broader, planned and integrated development process. Therefore, this article aims to look at the actualization conditions of urban policies in climate change governance in Makassar City, Indonesia. strategy is an effort to find and build a model for implementing strategies for developing urban resilience in climate change governance in Makassar City. The research method used is an explorative-qualitative method with a narrative-phenomenological approach where the data sources are primary and secondary data. Data collection through field studies and document studies. The data analysis used is an interactive model. City strategy resilience development model in climate change governance in Makassar City. The results showed that for the first time, the actual condition of Makassar City was under threat of climate change, both biophysically and socio-economically. Second, multilevel governance (MLG) as an ideal model in developing urban resilience, where the principle used is collaborative impact governance, namely building collaboration in policy making to tackle climate change. Third, decentralization as a strategy for implementing resilience, such as national conservation, which begins with the reservation of parks and protected areas. The dominant natural character is controlled under the control of the local government. The number and extent of protected areas are indicators of conservation-based programs implemented by the Makassar City Government.Strategi ketahanan perkotaan perlu di dorong untuk mendukung proses pembangunan yang lebih luas, terencana dan terintegrasi. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi aktual strategi ketahanan perkotaan dalam tata kelola perubahan iklim di kota Makassar, Indonesia. strategi adalah upaya untuk menemukan dan membangun model strategi implementasi pengembangan kapasitas ketahanan kota dalam tata kelola perubahan iklim di Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksploratif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif-fenomenologi dimana sumber datanya adalah data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data melalui studi lapangan dan studi dokumen. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah model interaktif. Model pengembangan kapasitas strategi ketahanan kota dalam tata kelola perubahan iklim di Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, kondisi aktual Kota Makassar dalam ancaman perubahan iklim baik secara biofisik maupun sosial ekonomi. Kedua, multilevel governance (MLG) sebagai model ideal dalam pengembangan kapasitas ketahanan kota, dimana prinsip yang digunakan adalah tata kelola kolaboratif yaitu membangun kolaborasi dalam pembuatan kebijakan untuk menanggulangi dampak perubahan iklim. Ketiga, desentralisasi sebagai strategi penerapan kapasitas ketahanan, seperti adanya gerakan konservasi modern yang dimulai dengan pembentukan taman nasional dan kawasan lindung. Karakter alami yang dominan ditempatkan di bawah kendali pemerintah daerah. Jumlah dan luas kawasan lindung merupakan indikator keberhasilan program berbasis konservasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Makassar


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    Bantuan hukum ada untuk memberikan perlindungan kepada orang atau kelompok masyarakat miskin. LBH lahir karena ada harapan baru untuk membantu mereka yang berusaha mencari keadilan di bidang hukum, apa lagi bagi mereka yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi dan sosial serta tidak mengenal dengan baik system hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia, maka dengan itu diharapkan pengabdian ini bisa mengembangkan pemahaman bantuan hukum yang disediakan di Negara. Bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin sebagai akses agar tercapainya keadilan bagi mereka yang membutuhkan. Lembaga peradilan atau lembaga bantuan hukum wajib memberikan bantuan hukum cuma-cuma kepada para pencari hukum dan dilarang menolak permohonan bantuan hukum cuma-cuma sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Namun, masyarakat masih belum mengetahui bahwa bantuan hukum gratis tersedia bagi mereka yang kurang mampu. Apalagi bagi mereka yang berada di pelosok pedesaan yang jauh dari perkotaan, yang minim sekali perkembangan informasi bantuan hukum. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat, mendidik dan mencari solusi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan supremasi hukum. Berdasarkan tujuan tersebut maka metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi/edukasi bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin untuk meningkatkan kesadaran hukum di desa Pao. Distrik Tombolo Pao


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    The global commitment to fighting the pandemic is not only about medical and epidemiological work, but also about how information about the disease is disseminated. The threat of the Covid-19 infodemic is no less dangerous than the pandemic itself. The phenomenon of infodemic has distorted the work of science and reduced public trust in state authorities. This research has identified, mapped, and analyzed official government responses to fake news attacks on social media. This study uses an interpretive-phenomenological approach, related to the spread and belief of fake news about Covid-19 in Indonesia. Data analysis uses the Nvivo-12 Pro application, as an artificial intelligence tool to support data exploration from various sources. The results show that the quality of media literacy, public communication performance, and the effectiveness of government regulations have become part of the challenges in mitigating infodemic. The level of public trust in information from social media contributes to the decline in trust in fake news about Covid-19. Stimulation from the social media news that does not control the belief in myths and false information about Covid-19. Content creators who have produced, posted, and shared on social media channels that are less critical, have an impact on the infodemic situation. The solution is to increase media literacy education and the effectiveness of law enforcement in mitigating the infodemic in Indonesia


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    PIK-R (Adolescent Information and Counseling Center) is a forum for PKBR program activities that can be used to assist youth in solving problems they face by providing information, counseling, and education related to reproductive health. By using PIK-R students can avoid the risk of TRIAD KRR.   This study aims to determine the relationship between the use of the Information and Counseling Center for Adolescents (PIK-R) on adolescent reproductive health behavior at SMAN 2 Gowa. The type of research used is quantitative with an observational analytic approach and uses a cross-sectional design.  Based on the results of the bivariate test, showed that there was no relationship between consultation (p = 0.102) on adolescent reproductive health behavior. However, there was a relationship between socialization (p = 0.010), parental support (p = 0.000), and social environment (p = 0.000) on adolescent reproductive health behavior. Recommendations for schools and PIK-R administrators to maximize the use of PIK-R starting from socialization and consultation. Parents of students are expected to pay more attention, educate and suggest entering organizations that can influence their adolescent reproductive health behavior. It is also expected for students to participate and take advantage of the activities carried out by PIK-R and choose a good social environment.     &nbsp


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    Kelurahan Balleangin merupakan salah lokasi perburuan lebah hutan di kaki Gunung Bulusaraung Kabupaten Pangkep. Perburuan dan pemanenan madu lebah hutan masih menggunakan teknik pengasapan dan pemanenan semua sisiran sarang lebah hutan. Teknik perburuan dan panen madu yang demikian akan dapat mengancam kelestarian lebah hutan. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini mulai dari survei lokasi, identifikasi permasalahan masyarakat dengan hutan dan hasil hutan bukan kayu berupa lebah hutan serta analisis solusi pemecahan masalah. Masyarakat melakukan perburuan lebah hutan dengan cara berkelompok yang umumnya terdiri 3 orang dan berusia produktif di bawah 55 tahun. Dua hal yang selalu menjadi ancaman kelestarian lebah dan habitatnya, yaitu pertama cara mengusir lebah masih menggunakan pengasapan berupa obor kemudian ditambatkan pada tiang panjang sesuai ketinggian sarang lebah dan kedua adalah cara panen madu dengan mengambil semua sisiran sarang yang melekat di dahan pohon. Konsep yang ditawarkan adalah mengganti pengasapan dengan sapu lebah dan panen hanya bagian sisiran sarang berisi madu serta informasi model semi budidaya lebah hutan cara tikung


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    The development of the metal industry cannot be separated from the utilization of supporting tools. The function of the supporting tools is to support processing time and improve product quality. In the process of making casting products, there is pattern making, namely the stages of making a replica of the product to be produced. Currently, the pattern-making process is still done manually and using conventional tools. It can take a lot of time and often the result of the pattern doesn't meet tolerance requirements. Constantly changing pattern geometry requires several sander machines to support the process, such as a disc sander to form a flat surface geometry, a spindle sander to form aradius surface geometry, and a belt sander to form the surface of objects that have a large surface area. Therefore, a combination sander machine is needed. This study uses the Ulrich method. The stages in the Ulrich method are identification of needs, determining the design concept based on the company's needs, determining the selected design, then doing the manufacturing process and testing the tool. Based on the design, design concept number 2 was chosen to actualize a product. In testing this machine is able to carry out the process of sanding pieces of wood for the bearing housing pump pattern for 38 minutes 44 seconds with a total budget of Rp. 5,454,000,-


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    2014Andi Abdillah Suardi, E41108302. Persepsi Pengguna Jalan Terhadap Demonstrasi Mahasiswa Di Kota Makassar (Studi Kasus Persepsi Sopir Pete-Pete Unhas). (Dibimbing oleh Drs. Muh. Iqbal Latif, M.Si dan Buchari Mengge, S.Sos, Ma.)\ud Bagi Mahasiswa Demonstrasi adalah sebuah cara untuk memberitahukan kepada masyarakat luas tentang sebuah perjuangan politik untuk mengagas adanya perubahan perubahan sebagai wujud dari berbagai tuntutannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana presepsi sopir pete-pete unhas terhadap demonstrasi yang dilkukan oleh mahasiswa di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan dalam penelitian ini bertolak dari data, memanfatkan teori yang ada sebagai bahan penjelas.\ud Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa itu penting jika dilakukan sesuai aturan namun menolak jika demonstrasi dilakukan secara anarkis. Standar hidup seorang sopir pete-pete yang tidak hanya berupa peningkatan pendapatan tetapi juga meliputi, perbaikan kualitas pendidikan, serta peningkatan perhatian atas nilai-nilai kultural dan kemanusiaan, yang karena semua untuk memperbaiki kesejahteraan materil dan menumbuhkan jati diri pribadi.\ud Kata Kunci: Demonstrasi, KAKMU unhas, sopir Pete-pet

    Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Merpati Kelurahan Terang-Terang Kabupaten Bulukumba

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    Strategi yang dihasilkan berdasarkan analisis SWOT yakni membuat master plan pengembangan Kawasan Objek Wisata Pantai Merpati, mengembangan dan meningkatkan Pantai Merpati yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan masyarakat, program pengembangan objek wisata Pantai Merpati dapat membuka kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat, mendukung aktivitas masyarakat yang mampu meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan daera

    Implementasi Kontrak Bisnis Terhadap Budaya Lintas Negara Di Jepang (Studi Pada Tenants Di Connect House Co., Ltd)

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    The objective of this research is to describe how to implement the business contract in Japan and the connection with the cross cultural nation from other countries outside from Japan. This research is conducted using pure descriptive qualitative methods or phenomenology approach. This research reveals five steps to contracting as the implementation in Japan as; (1) Creating information, (2) Offer, (3) Negotiation, (4) Accepting, and (5) Completing contract. Afterwards, each country has their own custom, way, and idea which are different in the steps of implementations. Cultural approaches under this study include; (1) Individual vs collectivism to see how people make decision of negotiation; (2) Masculinity vs feminity to see the custom of tenants and company when they have to protect the consideration of contract; (3) Uncertainty avoidance to see how the behavior of people when they have to face ambiguous situation. (4) High vs low context to see how details is the contract. (5) Universalism vs particularism to see the power or position each party in the contract and; (6) internal vs external orientation to see the behavior each parties when they negotiating


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    This research was motivated by the low scores of students SMP Negeri 1 Ajung, Jember, East Java in science subject. Based on the results of an interview with one of the science teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Ajung, students felt difficult in understanding the lessons and completing their assignments. In the initial trial, the implementation of practicum methods in science subject showed the student enthusiasm in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to describe the learning motivation of student grade VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Ajung in science subject before and after practicum of the uniform and accelerated motion; and to describe the increase of learning motivation of student grade VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Ajung through practicum methods in the uniform and accelerated motion. This research used quantitative approach with type of pre-experimental and design of One Group Pretest-Posttest. This research was administered to 32 students and used the paired t test as hypothesis test. The motivation questionnaires, interviews, observations, and tests were used as data collection techniques. The results of hypothesis testing obtained scores of student motivation with t count of 6.01 and t table of 2.04 with a significant level of 5%. This showed a significant increase in learning motivation before and after participating in practicum activities. In addition, the increase of motivation was gained by 7.40%, it was obtained from the difference between the average posttest and pretest results