252 research outputs found

    Smart construction companies using internet of things technologies

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    The digital world is enriched due to the increase in the number of things which are rapidly connecting to the Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates and improves the work efficiency and human life in various fields. IoT was adopted extensively to male buildings more effective and extra smart. For example, buildings are consuming a considerable energy amount. In buildings, there is a critical requirement for energy efficiency, whereas one of the smart building’s aims is monitoring, reducing and managing the energy consumption of buildings without compromising the operational efficiency and the comfort of occupants. The systems of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) are contributing to considerable consumption of energy in buildings. Also, plug loads and lighting are consuming a lot energy. Thus, smart buildings have the ability of using many IoT sensor types in HVAC along with other mechanical systems making such more adaptive and intelligent. The embedded sensors as well as their related controllers which are mounted in smart buildings are generating a huge amount of data (big data), such data might be subjected to extraction, filtration ana analyzation and utilized for the analytics of smart buildings. For example, the big data analytics might be utilized for analyzing and improving the energy efficiency in addition to the residents’ overall user experience in building. It has been verified that there is an increased focus on smart buildings and big data analytics and management. Yet, there is a requirement for identifying the problems and solutions for overcoming them in such field. With the use of a design research method and model driven architecture, this study aims to develop such system.The major aim of this work is introducing a technique with increased possibility for moving Intelligent Buildings (IBs) towards next-generation model. It depends on IoT adapted to IB for integrating smart re-configurable subsystems and components of IB into Enterprise Network Integrated Building Systems (ENIBSs), also, if possible, into ENIBS’ global networks. The study is presented in the following way. Section 2 is providing an overview of IoT, it is indicating that IoT is relatively new and no associated contribution on using the IoT on IBs or, on the ENIBSs, were indicated in such regard. Section3 is presenting the methodological model that has been used to design a generic model for the IoT with the applicability in the IBs as well as generic architectures for re-configurable smart plug-and-play control systems for quick configuration and integration regarding smart components of the IB. Section 4 provides the theory’ experimental test. The study ends up with the conclusions and some suggestions for the future work

    Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Non-linear Various Problem of Partial Differential Equations

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    In this paper, solve several important equations such as korteweg-devries (kdv) problem, Boussinesq equation of non-homogeneous problem and non-homogeneous system  Hirota-Satsuma problem of partial differential equation by Homotopy analysis method (HAM). Studied comparison exact solution with numerical results , this method have shown that is very effective and convenient and gives numerical solutions in the form of convergent series with easily computable components for solving non-linear various problem of partial differential equation . Keywords: Homotopy analysis method , Approximate solution , non-linear problems of partial differential equation , analytical solution

    Biochemical Changes in Relation to Blood Hemoglobin of Anemic Heamodialysis Patients Treated with Mircera at AL- Hussein Dialysis Center in Thi-Qar Province / Iraq

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    Background : Anemia is a reduction in the number of RBC count and resulting mainly from reduced erythropoietin production due to the damage or loss of kidneys function in chronic renal failure ( Renal anemia) and is a common complications in hemodialysis patients. The objectives: This study design to evaluate the changes in some biochemical parameters and the relation with blood hemoglobin, for post-heamodialysis patients treated with stable dosage of Mircera ( Methoxy polyethylene glycol - epoetin beta 75 µg/0.3 ml, Germany). Patients and method: Blood of 95 patients were collected from AL- hussien dialysis center in Thi-Qar province / Iraq within three months period, number of dialysis session was two time per week for two hours each session. After heamodialysis session, patients treated with stable dosage of Mircera (0.6 µg) for every kilogram of body weight once every 2 weeks . The data and biochemical finding of their blood sample collected after heamodialysis session. Results: A ninety fife HD patients included 65 (68.4%) were male and 30 (31.6%) were female, aged between 19 to 65 years, their total body weight was 59.34 ± 1.33 Kg and their blood analysis are normal glycemia 5.4 ± 0.51 mmol/l , normal natraemia 137± 0.77 mmol/l, but hyperkalamia (6.1 ± 0.9 mmol/l) , hyperuraemia (21.78± 4.13 mg/dl) , hypercreatinaemia (2.2 ± 0.98 mg/dl) , and the mean HB value was (8.38 ± 1.18 g/dl). The results of response to Mircera show only one patient (1.05 %) had mean HB values (12.0 g/dL) within the target range recommended by KDOQI guideline. Seventy patients (73.69 %) had mean HB value between 8.0 to 10.9 g/dL, twenty four patients (25.26 %) had mean HB values between 5 - 7.9 g/dL and there are no one (0.0 %) had exceed the recommended range (>12 g/dL). Anemia degree positively related with hyperuraemia and hypercreatinaemia . Conclusions: There are Hyporesponsiveness to mircera (75µg/0.3 ml) therapy in hemodialysis patients associated with reducing dialysis efficiency slightly for potassium, urea and creatinine and that positively related with anemia degree . Keywords: Anemia , Mircera , Blood Urea, Blood Creatinine and Heamodialysis patients

    Analysis and Evaluation of Different Compensation Techniques for Fiber Losses

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    تعتبر التأثيرات الخطية وغير الخطية في الألياف الضوئية من العوامل المهمة جدًا والمؤثرة التي تؤثر على قوة الإشارة المنقولة داخل الألياف الضوئية. في هذا البحث تم عرض النموذج الرياضي لهذه التأثيرات. كما تم استعراض أهم الطرق المستخدمة لتعويض هذه الخسائر. تتضمن طرق التعويض التي تمت مراجعتها تأثيرات خطية وغير خطية متنوعة ، حيث ركزت معظم الطرق التي تمت مراجعتها على زيادة طول الألياف الضوئية لنقل الإشارة بأقل طاقة مستهلكة ومعدل نقل بيانات مرتفع بتكلفة تصميم منخفضة.The Linear and nonlinear effects in optical fibers are very important and influential factors that effect on the power of the signal transmitted within the optical fiber. In this paper, the mathematical model for these effects was presented. The most important methods used to compensate these losses were also reviewed. The compensation methods reviewed include various linear and nonlinear effects most of the methods reviewed focused on increasing the length of the optical fiber to transmit the signal with the least consumed power and high data transfer rate at low design cos

    The Integrated Six-Sigma Method to Reduce Losses in the Production and Supply Chain Process (Case Study: Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings Company)

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    Abstract- In recent years, the use of six sigma techniques has been expanded. In today's competitive world, six sigma can be a winning company to improve quality and reduce costs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Six Sigma approach to reducing losses in the production and supply chain process at Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings Company. The statistical population of this study was 1100 employees of the company. A sample of 285 people was selected using the Morgan table as a sample. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and for data analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The results of this study showed that six sigma dimensions include leadership and vision, management commitment and resources, customer focus, right people selection, improvement management and process, company strategy have a positive and significant relationship with reducing waste in the products and supply chain process. Keywords- Six sigma, Waste products, Polyethylene, Company, Production and Supply Chain Process

    The attitude of undergraduates towards E-learning considering educational and technical challenges and requirements in Kuwaiti Applied Colleges

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    Digital learning has become one of the constituent elements of higher education in many countries. E-learning platforms provides remarkable opportunities to creatively overcome many problems of traditional learning approaches. Nevertheless, E-learning is not flawless, where there are many educational and technical difficulties of implementing online learning in higher education, especially when higher education stands on applied learning. The current study aims to explore undergraduates’ attitudes towards E-learning in applied colleges. It also seeks to expose the most central educational and technical challenges of e-learning. Moreover, it drives to define the educational and technical requirements for ensuring quality e-learning. the research sample consisted of 1650 undergraduates and 37 interviewees who are drawn from five applied colleges in Kuwait (the College of Basic Education, the College of Technological Studies, the College of Business Studies, the College of Health Science, and the College of Nursing). The research design is based on mixed methods (questionnaire and focus groups). The findings revealed that students held neutral attitudes towards e-learning, while the educational and technical challenges are high concerns. Educational challenges and requirements highlighted several themes including instructional support, progress valuation, self-study skills, attention span, interactivity, and class size. Meanwhile, the technical challenges include poor internet connectivity, IT support, LMS interface, training courses. Then, the findings are discussed to draw recommendations and implicationsPeer Reviewe

    The Role of celiac disease antibodies in the follow up of Patient on Gluten free diet

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    Background: The detection of autoantibodies directedagainst tissue transglutaminase have a well-establishedrole in the diagnosis of celiac disease and in long termfollow up.Aim of study:1. To determine the role of celiac disease antibodies, infollow up the response of the patient with CD whilehe is on GFD.2. To study the difference in the response between patientswith GIT and non-GIT manifestations.Patient and method: across sectional study was conductedfrom 1st of Feb. 2015 to 1st of May 2016,123 patientswere involved in this study, and includes all patientsthat consult the outpatient clinic in maternity and ChildrenHospital in AL-Diwaniah Governorate, complainingof chronic diarrhea or failure to thrive, patients with picaor anemia without clear cause, patient with short staturewithout obvious pathology, and celiac patients who diagnosedpreviously, their age between 9 month to 12 years.From each patient, five ml of venous blood aspirated andsent to the lab where Enzyme Linking Immunosorbant assay(ELISA), measurement of auto antibodies specific forceliac disease (anti-endomysial IgA, IgG and anti-tissuetransglutaminase IgA, IgG) was done.Result: there was significant decrease in all enzymes levelafter several months of gluten free diet.Conclusion: Celiac disease can present with variablemanifestations, the follow up of celiac pt. may be importantto detect the adherence of the pt.to gluten free diet

    Insulin Therapy- Common Misconceptions among Diabetics

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    Abstract Background: To find out misconceptions about insulin among diabetics presenting in outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital. Methods: in this cross-sectional observational study, diabetic patients either male or female, more than 15 year of age, irrespective of their diabetes typing were included. Patient less than 15 year of age, having dementia, having other mental or psychiatric illness were not included. The sampling technique was non probability random sampling . The study tool was a predesigned questionnaire, containing close-ended questions. . Results: Out of  250 respondents,50% were male. About 69% responded that insulin commencement means serious stage of diabetes and 68% considered as an expensive modality . According to 32% insulin usage restricts daily life activities. Conclusion: Diabetic patients of this area had many misconceptions about the insulin thera

    Physical Properties of Cu Doped ZnO Nanocrystiline Thin Films

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     تم تصنيع اغشية أكسيد الزنك البلورية النانوية المطعمة بالنحاس  (ZnO: Cu)بتراكيز مختلفة .. تم ترسيب (0 ، 6 ، 9 ، 12 ، 18) ٪ من النحاس على ركيزة زجاجية باستخدام تقنية ترسب الليزر النبضي (PLD) وبتراكيز مختلفة. وقد تم توصيف بلورات ZnO: Cu   النانوية بواسطة أطياف UV-VIS ، حيود الأشعة السينية (XRD) ومجهر القوة الذرية (AFM). تم استخدام التحليل الطيفي للأشعة المرئية وفوق البنفسجية لتحديد نوع وقيمة فجوة الطاقة الضوئية ، بينما تم استخدام حيود الأشعة السينية لفحص الهيكل وتحديد حجم البلورات. تم استخدام مجاهر القوة الذرية لدراسة تكوين سطح المواد المترسبة. تم استخدام التحليل الطيفي للأشعة المرئية وفوق البنفسجية لتحديد نوع وقيمة فجوة الطاقة الضوئية. Thin films of ZnO nano crystalline doped with different concentrations (0, 6, 9, 12, and 18 )wt. % of copper were deposited on a glass substrate via pulsed laser deposition method (PLD). The properties of ZnO: Cu thin-nanofilms have been studied by absorbing UV-VIS, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopes (AFM). UV-VIS spectroscopy was used to determine the type and value of the optical energy gap, while X-ray diffraction was used to examine the structure and determine the size of the crystals.  Atomic force microscopes were used to study the surface formation of precipitated materials. The UV-VIS spectroscopy was used to determine the type and value of the optical energy gap