The Role of celiac disease antibodies in the follow up of Patient on Gluten free diet


Background: The detection of autoantibodies directedagainst tissue transglutaminase have a well-establishedrole in the diagnosis of celiac disease and in long termfollow up.Aim of study:1. To determine the role of celiac disease antibodies, infollow up the response of the patient with CD whilehe is on GFD.2. To study the difference in the response between patientswith GIT and non-GIT manifestations.Patient and method: across sectional study was conductedfrom 1st of Feb. 2015 to 1st of May 2016,123 patientswere involved in this study, and includes all patientsthat consult the outpatient clinic in maternity and ChildrenHospital in AL-Diwaniah Governorate, complainingof chronic diarrhea or failure to thrive, patients with picaor anemia without clear cause, patient with short staturewithout obvious pathology, and celiac patients who diagnosedpreviously, their age between 9 month to 12 years.From each patient, five ml of venous blood aspirated andsent to the lab where Enzyme Linking Immunosorbant assay(ELISA), measurement of auto antibodies specific forceliac disease (anti-endomysial IgA, IgG and anti-tissuetransglutaminase IgA, IgG) was done.Result: there was significant decrease in all enzymes levelafter several months of gluten free diet.Conclusion: Celiac disease can present with variablemanifestations, the follow up of celiac pt. may be importantto detect the adherence of the gluten free diet

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