3,142 research outputs found

    Doubly autoparallel structure on the probability simplex

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    On the probability simplex, we can consider the standard information geometric structure with the e- and m-affine connections mutually dual with respect to the Fisher metric. The geometry naturally defines submanifolds simultaneously autoparallel for the both affine connections, which we call {\em doubly autoparallel submanifolds}. In this note we discuss their several interesting common properties. Further, we algebraically characterize doubly autoparallel submanifolds on the probability simplex and give their classification

    Penahanan Anak Anggota Genk Motor Pelaku Tindak Pidana Berdasarkan Perspektif Perlindungan Anak

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    Children represent next router of a state and nation generation, therefore children needs construction and special attention. Nowadays government has try to gave protection to Indonesian children by publishing various regulation wich formulating protectionto children who deal with law, but unorfunately, detention to children who deal with special case like"children as member of motorcycle genk" case were so interliers and absolutely against the spirit of child protection. This research is aim to find solution thatcomes from pros and cons of "children as member of gank" detention in Pekanbaru area.This research also try to find out whether detention for children which did by Pekanbaru Police Department reflected spirit of child protection and how they deal with this case.Methods used in this research is Law Research which focused on field research, with interview technique and data collective method.Based on research there are two reason why Pekanbaru Police Department considering detention for children who involved in motorcycle member ganks. The first reason called das sollen (act of guidance) which mentionedin The Children Justice Constitution and Criminal Procedural Law Book. The second reason called das sein (fact in reality) which used by Pekanbaru Police Department to prevent untrust motion from society. Das sein also used to eradicate "motorcycle member gank" euphoria and to perform instruction from Pekanbaru Police Department who refused to give suspension for children which proved embroiled in criminal.Children under Pekanbaru Police Department detention investigated by Buser team and placed in one cell together with adult prisoner, and their custody period were adapted with applicable constitution. Key words: detention, children, motorcycle genk, crime, protection of right Abstrak Anak merupakan generasi penerus masa depan bangsa dan negara Indonesia, karena itu anak memerlukan pembinaan dan bimbingan. Pemerintah berupaya memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap anak Indonesia dengan menerbitkan peraturan Perundangan yang merumuskan perlindungan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hokum. Penahanan yang dilakukan terhadap anak anggota genk motor yang melakukan tindak pidana bertentangan dengan semangat perlindungan anak. Artikel ini bersumber dari penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menemukan solusi dari pro kontra penahanan terhadap anak anggota genk motor pelaku tindak pidana yang terjadi diwilayah Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui penahanan yang dilakukan Polresta Pekanbaru terhadap anak anggota genk motor mencerminkan perlindungan terhadap hak anak dan tindakan yang dilakukan Polresta Pekanbaru kepada anak anggota genk motor. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum yang memfokuskan pada penelitian lapangan (field research). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan fakta bahwa terdapat Das sollen dan Das sein dalam pertimbangan polresta pekanbaru dalam melakukan penahanan terhadap anak anggota genk motor. Das sollen pertimbangan Polresta Pekanbaru dalam melakukan penahanan terhadap anak anggota genk motor terdapat pada undang-undang sistem peradilan anak dan kitab undang-undang hukum acara. Das sein pertimbangan yang digunakan Polresta Pekanbaru dalam melakukan penahanan terhadap anak anggota genk didasarkan pada pendapat Polresta Pekanbaru mencegah mosi tidak percaya kepada Polresta Pekanbaru, memberantas genk motor, perintah Kapolresta Pekanbaru untuk menolak penangguhan penahanan terhadap anak anggota genk. Tindakan Polresta Pekanbaru terhadap anak anggota genk motor adalah melakukan penyidikan oleh buser, penempatan tahanan anak anggota genk motor bersama tahanan dewasa serta masa penahanan anak anggota genk motor disesuaikan dengan undang-undang. Kata kunci: penahanan, anak, genk motor, tindak pidana, perlindungan, ha

    Modified Spin Wave Analysis of Low Temperature Properties of Spin-1/2 Frustrated Ferromagnetic Ladder

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    Low temperature properties of the spin-1/2 frustrated ladder with ferromagnetic rungs and legs, and two different antiferromagnetic next nearest neighbor interaction are investigated using the modified spin wave approximation in the region with ferromagnetic ground state. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and magnetic structure factors is calculated. The results are consistent with the numerical exact diagonalization results in the intermediate temperature range. Below this temperature range, the finite size effect is significant in the numerical diagonalization results, while the modified spin wave approximation gives more reliable results. The low temperature properties near the limit of the stability of the ferromagnetic ground state are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    A Picard Iterative Method for Estimating Solutions to Certain Differential Equations

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    Numerical implementation of Picard iteration for estimating solutions to certain differential equation

    Enhancement of Superconducting Transition Temperature due to the strong Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in Non-centrosymmetric Heavy-fermion Superconductor CeIrSi3 :A 29Si-NMR Study under Pressure

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    We report a 29Si-NMR study on the pressure-induced superconductivity (SC) in an antiferromagnetic (AFM) heavy-fermion compound CeIrSi3 without inversion symmetry. In the SC state at P=2.7-2.8 GPa, the temperature dependence of the nuclear-spin lattice relaxation rate 1/T_1 below Tc exhibits a T^3 behavior without any coherence peak just below Tc, revealing the presence of line nodes in the SC gap. In the normal state, 1/T_1 follows a \sqrt{T}-like behavior, suggesting that the SC emerges under the non-Fermi liquid state dominated by AFM spin fluctuations enhanced around quantum critical point (QCP). The reason why the maximum Tc in CeIrSi3 is relatively high among the Ce-based heavy-fermion superconductors may be the existence of the strong AFM spin fluctuations. We discuss the comparison with the other Ce-based heavy-fermion superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Fuel quality/processing study. Volume 2: Appendix. Task 1 literature survey

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    The results of a literature survey of fuel processing and fuel quality are given. Liquid synfuels produced from coal and oil shale are discussed. Gas turbine fuel property specifications are discussed. On-site fuel pretreatment and emissions from stationary gas turbines are discussed. Numerous data tables and abstracts are given

    Antisymmetric solitons and their interactions in strongly dispersion-managed fiber-optic systems

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    By means of the variational approximation (VA), a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is derived to describe the propagation of antisymmetric solitons in a multi-channel (WDM) optical fiber link subject to strong dispersion management. Results are reported for a prototypical model including two channels. Using the VA technique, conditions for stable propagation of the antisymmetric dispersion-managed (ASDM) solitons in one channel are found, and complete and incomplete collisions between the solitons belonging to the different channels are investigated. In particular, it is shown that formation of a bound inter-channel state of two ASDM solitons is possible under certain conditions (but may be easily avoided). The VA predictions for the single- and two-channel systems are compared with direct simulations of the underlying partial differential equations. In most cases, the agreement is very good, but in some cases (very closely spaced channels) the collision may destroy the ASDM solitons. The timing-jitter suppression factor (JSF) for the ASDM soliton in one channel, and the crosstalk timing jitter induced by collision between the solitons belonging to the different channels are also estimated analytically. In particular, the JSF for the ASDM soliton may be much larger than for its fundamental-soliton counterpart in the same system.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Optics Communication
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