869 research outputs found

    Effect of pressure on the physical properties of magnetorheological fluids

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    To date, several applications of magnetorheological (MR) fluids are present in the industrial world, nonetheless system requirements often needs better material properties. In technical literature a previous work shows that MR fluids exhibit a pressure dependency called squeeze strengthen effect. Since a lot of MR fluid based devices are rotary devices, this paper investigates the behaviour of MR fluids under pressure when a rotation is applied to shear the fluid. The system is designed in order to apply both the magnetic field and the pressure and follows a Design of Experiment approach. The experimental apparatus comprises a cylinder in which a piston is used both to apply the pressure and to shear the fluid. The magnetic circuit is designed to provide a nearly constant induction field in the MR fluid. The experimental apparatus measures the torque as a function of the variables considered and the yield shear stress is computed. The analysis of the results shows that there is a positive interaction between magnetic field and pressure, which enhances the MR fluid performances more than twice

    Effect of pressure on the physical properties of magnetorheological fluids

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    To date, several applications of magnetorheological (MR) fluids are present in the industrial world,nonetheless system requirements often needs better material properties. In technical literature a previous workshows that MR fluids exhibit a pressure dependency called squeeze strengthen effect. Since a lot of MR fluidbased devices are rotary devices, this paper investigates the behaviour of MR fluids under pressure when arotation is applied to shear the fluid. The system is designed in order to apply both the magnetic field and thepressure and follows a Design of Experiment approach. The experimental apparatus comprises a cylinder inwhich a piston is used both to apply the pressure and to shear the fluid. The magnetic circuit is designed toprovide a nearly constant induction field in the MR fluid. The experimental apparatus measures the torque as afunction of the variables considered and the yield shear stress is computed. The analysis of the results showsthat there is a positive interaction between magnetic field and pressure, which enhances the MR fluidperformances more than twice

    Dynamics of a seismogenic fault subject to variable strain rate

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    Abstract. The behaviour of seismogenic faults is generally investigated under the assumption that they are subject to a constant strain rate. We consider the effect of a slowly variable strain rate on the recurrence times of earthquakes generated by a single fault. To this aim a spring-block system is employed as a low-order analog of the fault. Two cases are considered: a sinusoidal oscillation in the driver velocity and a monotonic change from one velocity value to another. In the first case, a study of the orbit of the system in the state space suggests that the seismic activity of the equivalent fault is organized into cycles that include several earthquakes and repeat periodically. Within each cycle the recurrence times oscillate about an average value equal to the recurrence period for constant strain rate. In the second case, the recurrence time changes gradually from the value before the transition to the value following it. Asymptotic solutions are also given, approximating the case when the amplitude of the oscillation or of the monotonic change is much smaller than the average driver velocity and the period of oscillation or the duration of the transition is much longer than the recurrence times of block motions. If the system is not isolated but is subject to perturbations in stress, the perturbation anticipates or delays the subsequent earthquake. The effects of stress perturbations in the two cases of strain rate oscillations and monotonic change are considered

    Dynamics of a two-fault system with viscoelastic coupling

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    Abstract. A fault system made of two segments or asperities subject to a constant strain rate is considered. The fault is modelled as a discrete dynamical system made of two blocks coupled by a Maxwell spring dashpot element and pulled at constant velocity on a rough plane. The long-term behaviour of the fault is studied by calculating the orbits of the system in the phase space. The model shows the role of viscoelastic relaxation in the Earth's crust in controlling the occurrence times of earthquakes. If a viscoelastic coupling is present, earthquakes are anticipated or delayed with respect to the elastic case. The limit cycles made of two alternate asperity failures, which are observed in the case of purely elastic coupling, are no longer produced. The model is applied to the 1964 Alaska earthquake, which was the effect of the failure of two asperities and for which a remarkable post-seismic relaxation has been observed in the subsequent decades. In such a fault system, viscoelastic coupling of the asperities appears to have a great influence on the occurrence times of earthquakes

    Modellazione efficiente agli elementi finiti per l’analisi a collasso di strutture incollate complesse

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    Il lavoro verifica l’applicabilità di un modello semplificato agli elementi finiti per l’analisi a collasso post elastico di strutture incollate complesse in parete sottile. Al fine di superare le limitazioni dei modelli di letteratura come l’uso di elementi speciali, il lavoro sfrutta un modello ridotto già presentato dagli autori in campo elastico. Tale modello è basato sulla rappresentazione degli aderendi mediante elementi semistrutturali (piastre o gusci) e dell’adesivo per mezzo di speciali elementi coesivi. La continuità strutturale tra aderendi e adesivo è ottenuta mediante vincoli interni (tied mesh) che accomunano i gradi di libertà dei nodi mutuamente affacciati di aderendi ed adesivo. La struttura analizzata è un simulacro di incollaggio industriale e produce nella strato adesivo una sollecitazione complessa, analizzabile solo con modelli numerici. Si considera una struttura tubolare in parete sottile a sezione quadrata, fatta di due spezzoni posti testa a testa e incollati con fazzoletti di lamiera sui quattro lati. La struttura è sottoposta a flessione a tre punti fino al cedimento e la zona incollata posta disassata rispetto al punto di applicazione del carico riceve una sollecitazione indiretta. I risultati dell’analisi FEM, confrontati direttamente con le curve sperimentali forza-spostamento, evidenziano una buona accuratezza del metodo, in termini di rigidezza, forza massima e comportamento post elastico della struttura, accompagnati da ridotte dimensioni del modello e tempi di calcolo molto contenuti. Grazie a questi vantaggi, la procedura si presta ad effettuare l’analisi di strutture incollate complesse, altrimenti ingestibili se affrontate con una modellazione agli elementi finiti tradizionale

    Optimum Mechanical Design of Binary Actuators Based on Shape Memory Alloys

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    This chapter describes the optimum mechanical design of shape memory based actuators. The authors show how to exploit the Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) to design silent, compact and light binary actuators. Two simple mechanical models are considered to describe the SMA behaviour and design equations are provided for two classes of actuators. First SMA actuators are analyzed and designed on the basis of the backup element needed to recover the stroke. Second SMA actuators are improved by adding a compensator system to enhance the output mechanical response, especially in terms of available stroke. Useful design procedures are provided to help the engineer in the synthesis of SMA actuators. Starting from the design specifications, a step by step procedure is built to define the mechanical dimension of the SMA active elements, of the backup system and of the compensator


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    "Aflaflesh" is a computer based instrument, designed combining a visual data acquisition system with a sophisticated software of acquisition and analysis of images. This system allows you to check on a representative sample (5/10 kg) contamination of corn by AFB1, using fluorescence under UV light when the grain is contaminated. To optimize the use of this control equipment were analyzed in two phases, a total of 80 samples comparing the results obtained by chemical analysis (Hplc) to those obtained using "Aflaflesh". Initially the study was set to correlate the number of contaminated grains to the ppb read by the official method, Hplc; the second step was to correlate ppb values to the number of pixel of contaminated surface of the grains read by the "Aflaflesh" instrument. The apparatus was then calibrated through a statistical analysis of the results obtained, to allow a direct reading of the AFB1 concentrations in a short period of time (15 min) without the assistance of specialized personnel

    DevOps and its Philosophy : Education Matters!

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    DevOps processes comply with principles and offer practices with main objective to support efficiently the evolution of IT systems. To be efficient a DevOps process relies on a set of integrated tools. DevOps is among the first competencies together with Agile method required by the industry. As a new approach it is necessary to develop and offer to the academy and to the industry training programs to prepare our engineers in the best possible way. In this chapter we present the main aspects of the educational effort made in the recent years to educate to the concepts and values of the DevOps philosophy. This includes principles, practices, tools and architectures, primarily the microservices architectural style, which shares many aspects of DevOps approaches especially the modularity and flexibility which enables continuous change and delivery. Two experiences have been made, one at academic level as a master program course and the other, as an industrial training. Based on those two experiences, we provide a comparative analysis and some proposals in order to develop and improve DevOps education for the future
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