1,655 research outputs found

    Testing the Product Test

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    The product test asks the product of a quantity index number and a price index number to equal the corresponding value change. The literature treats the product test as being so important that it is used to identify acceptable index number pairs, and to construct implicit index numbers when an otherwise desirable pair fails the test. We treat the product test as a hypothesis to be tested, and we provide an empirical application.

    Social Network Dynamics and Biographical Disruption: The Case of “First-Timers” with Mental Illness

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    This study examines how dynamics surrounding biographical disruptions compare to more routine fluctuations in personal social networks. Using data from the Indianapolis Network Mental Health Study, the authors track changes in patients’ social networks over three years and compare them to a representative sample of persons with no self-reported mental illness. Overall, individuals at the onset of treatment report larger and more broadly functional social networks than individuals in the population at large. However, the number of network ties among the latter increases over time, whereas network size decreases slightly among people using mental health services. As individuals progress through treatment, less broadly supportive ties drop out of extended networks, but a core safety net remains relatively intact. The findings in this case provide evidence that social network dynamics reflect changing needs and resources: persons labeled with psychiatric disorders learn to manage illness, with functionality driving social interaction in times of biographical disruption

    Early Paleogene climate at mid latitude in South America: mineralogical and paleobotanical proxies from continental sequences in Golfo San Jorge basin (Patagonia, Argentina)

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    The Paleocene-Eocene boundary was a period of transient and intense global warming that had a deep effect on middle and high latitude plant groups. Nevertheless, only scarce early Paleogene paleoclimatic records are known from the South American continental sequences deposited at these latitudes. In this contribution clay mineralogy and paleobotanical analyses (fossil woods and phytoliths) were used as paleoclimate proxies from the lower and middle parts of the Río Chico Group (Golfo San Jorge basin, Patagonia, Argentina). These new data may enable to understand the changing climatic conditions during part of the Paleocene-Eocene transition. In this setting, three clay mineral assemblages were identified: S1 assemblage (smectite) dominates the Peñas Coloradas Formation; S2 assemblage (smectite>kaolinite) occurs in the stratigraphic transition to the Las Flores Formation; and S3 assemblage (kaolinite>smectite) dominates the Las Flores Formation. These trend of change in the detrital clay mineral composition is interpreted as resulting mainly from the changing paleoclimatic conditions that shifted from seasonal warm temperate to tropical affecting the same source area lithology. Moreover, the paleobotanical data suggest that the Early Paleogene vegetation in the Golfo San Jorge basin underwent significant composition and diversity changes, ranging from mixed temperate - subtropical forest to mixed subtropical - tropical, humid forest. The integrated analysis of the clay mineral composition and the palaeobotanical assemblages suggests that, in central Argentinean Patagonia, the Paleocene-Eocene climate changed from temperate warm, humid and highly seasonal precipitation conditions to subtropical-tropical, more continuous year-round rainfall conditions

    Dark tourists: profile, practices, motivations and wellbeing

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    This work aims to address whether knowing what dark tourism is (or not) impacts rumination on sadness, self-hatred, hostility, psychological vulnerability, and tourist wellbeing, as well as practices and motivations for dark tourism. A quantitative approach, based on a survey of 993 respondents, reveals that women and more educated participants know more about dark tourism; people who know what dark tourism is have visited more Holocaust museums, sites of human tragedy and natural disasters, concentration camps, and prisons; show more curiosity, need to learn and understand, and need to see morbid things. A model was found showing that gender, age, know/do not know dark tourism, and motivations (curiosity, the need to learn, the need to understand, and pleasure) explained 38.1% of a dark tourism practice index. Most findings also indicate that rumination on sadness, self-hatred, hostility, and psychological vulnerability are associated with darker practices. Greater wellbeing was not found in participants who knew in advance what dark tourism was. Interestingly, participants who visit tragic human sites present higher values in hostility and tourist wellbeing than those who do not. In summary, people who visit more dark places and score higher on negative personality characteristics have higher values of tourist wellbeing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plan de negocios: Transformuebles S.R.L.

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    El proyecto Transformuebles busca desarrollar una manera de posibilitar el uso de bienes físicos, en este caso: muebles de madera, con la misma flexibilidad que nos brindan los medios digitales para los productos y aplicaciones que consumimos a diario. Es decir, se busca poder disponer rápidamente y sin mucho esfuerzo de los productos y poder prescindir de ellos cuando no son más requeridos. Así como abrimos una página de internet en un instante y la cerramos tras hacer uso de ella, encendemos la televisión para mirar un programa y luego la apagamos, ponemos música hasta que decidimos reinstaurar el silencio o usamos un teléfono para comunicarnos hasta que decidimos dar por finalizada la comunicación, Transformuebles busca que podamos disponer de muebles en el momento en que los necesitamos y prescindir de ellos con la misma facilidad sin que sean un estorbo en los momentos en que no los necesitamos

    The Ethical Attitudes of Generation Z in Spain Toward Animal-Based Tourism Attractions

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    Research in animal ethics and Generation Z in the field of tourism is a little-explored topic. With a focus on the development of both research fields, the aim of this study was to determine if Generation Z in Spain justifies or rejects the use of animals in tourism attractions, and to establish which specific animal attractions are acceptable for Generation Z and which are not. The results indicated that Generation Z does not justify any of the animal attractions presented in the questionnaire. Generation Z does not accept any of the possible justifications for the existence of animal-based attractions, and all conditions under which animals must be treated at those attractions are important for Generation Z respondents. Females attach greater importance than males to all animal treatment conditions and express a greater rejection of all attractions as well as all justifications presented in the questionnaire

    Paleoecology and paleoenvironments of Podocarp trees in the Ameghino Petrified forest (Golfo San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina): constraints for Early Paleogene paleoclimate

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    During the Early Paleocene (Danian), Central Patagonia had a warm-temperate climate and was dominated by evergreen coniferous forests. Abundant permineralized conifer woods along with some dicot and palm leaf compressions were found in the Ameghino Petrified Forest, and provide evidence of this type of flora. All the permineralized wood and large trunks recovered were assigned to the species Podocarpoxylon mazzonii. An estimated tree height of 17-29m was calculated on the basis of diameter measurements. Based on 14 ring sequences, with a total of 169 rings, the mean ring width and Mean Sensitivity (MS) were 1.23 and 0.19mm respectively. The growth rings are moderately wide, extremely uniform and complacent, indicating that the environment was favourable and constant, and lacked significant stress factors limiting tree growth. Following the quantitative analysis for conifers outlined by Falcon-Lang, the growth ring anatomy of the Podocarpoxylon mazzonii suggests that these trees had an evergreen habit. The combination of the fossil flora, growth ring, and sedimentological analyses suggest that this mostly evergreen coniferous forest developed under warm-temperate conditions and without limiting factors

    Testing the product test

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    The product test asks the product of a quantity index number and a price index number to equal the corresponding value change. The literature treats the product test as being so important that it is used to identify acceptable index number pairs, and to construct implicit index numbers when an otherwise desirable pair fails the test. We treat the product test as a hypothesis to be tested, and we provide an empirical application

    Under the influence of genetics: how transdisciplinarity leads us to rethink social pathways to illness

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    This article describes both sociological and genetic theories of illness causation and derives propositions expected under each and under a transdisciplinary theoretical frame. The authors draw propositions from three theories -- fundamental causes, social stress processes, and social safety net theories -- and tailor hypotheses to the case of alcohol dependence. Analyses of a later wave of the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism reveal a complex interplay of the GABRA2 gene with social structural factors to produce cases meeting DSM/ICD diagnoses. Only modest evidence suggests that genetic influence works through social conditions and experiences. Further, women are largely unaffected in their risk for alcohol dependence by allele status at this candidate gene; family support attenuates genetic influence; and childhood deprivation exacerbates genetic predispositions. These findings highlight the essential intradisciplinary tension in the role of proximal and distal influences in social processes and point to the promise of focusing directly on dynamic, networked sequences that produce different pathways to health and illness

    Contenção farmacológica de jacares com Triiodoetilato de Galamina.

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    Para atender aos trabalhos que exigem a manipulação de jacares, como obtenção de dados biometricos, coleta de amostra de conteudo estomacal,procurou-se verificar o efeito do triiodoetilato de galamina(flaxedil) como agente contensor, para a espécie caima crocodilus yacare