339 research outputs found

    Mass Scales and Stability of the Proton in [SU(6)]3Ă—^{3}\timesZ3_{3}

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    We proof that the proton is stable in the left-right symmetric gauge model [SU(6)]3×^3\timesZ3_3, which unifies nongravitational forces with flavors, broken spontaneously by a minimal set of Higgs Fields and Vacuum Expectation Values down to SU(3)c⊗_{c}\otimesU(1)EM_{EM}\hspace{0.2cm} . We also compute the evolution of the gauge coupling constants and show how agreement with precision data can be obtained.Comment: 14 page

    Is U(1)H_H a Good Family Symmetry?

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    We analyze U(1)H_H as a horizontal symmetry and its possibilities to explain the known elementary-fermion masses. We find that only two candidates, in the context of SU(3)c⊗_c\otimesSU(2)L⊗_L\otimesU(1)Y⊗_Y\otimesU(1)H_H nonsupersymmetric, are able to fit the experimental result mb<<_b<<mt_t.Comment: 10 pages, Accepted for publication in Z. Phys.

    Presentación: Quevedo en la Nueva España

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    Classification of Epileptic Activity Through Temporal and Spatial Characterization of Intracranial Recordings

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    Focal epilepsy is a chronic condition characterized by hyper-activity and abnormal synchronization of a specific brain region. For pharmacoresistant patients, the surgical resection of the critical area is considered a valid clinical solution, therefore, an accurate localization is crucial to minimize neurological damage. In current clinical routine the characterization of the Epileptogenic Zone (EZ) is performed using invasive methods, such as Stereo-ElectroEncephaloGraphy (SEEG). Medical experts perform the tag of neural electrophysiological recordings by visually inspecting the acquired data, a highly time consuming and subjective procedure. Here we show the results of an automatic multi-modal classification method for the evaluation of critical areas in focal epileptic patients. The proposed method represents an attempt in the characterization of brain areas which integrates the anatomical information on neural tissue, inferred using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in combination with spectral features extracted from SEEG recordings

    En torno a El esclavo del demonio

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    La rebeliĂłn pasiva de los criollos y la forja de la patria

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    Dos apuntes sobre el influjo de Quevedo en los poetas novohispanos

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    En este trabajo se estudian dos aspectos del influjo que pudo haber tenido Quevedo en la poesía de la Nueva España: los salmos y las canciones pindáricas. Es difícil distinguir la presencia de Quevedo en México debido a las semejanzas del ambiente cultural y a la diversidad de asuntos que el poeta madrileño trató en su obra literaria. Sin embargo, desde la perspectiva del autor de este trabajo, es necesario identificar los modelos que sirvieron a los poetas novohispanos porque en ello deben basarse los estudios modernos. This essay studies two aspects of the Quevedo’s influence in the poetry of the New Spain: the salmos and the pindaric songs. It’s very difficult to distinguish the presence of Quevedo in Mexico on account of the similarities of the ambience cultural and the diverse matters that Madrilian poet dealt with his litterarian works. However, from the perspective of the author of this work, it is necessary to identify the models which served the novohispan poets because on this point are the bases of the modern studies


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    We introduce a three family extension of the Pati-Salam model which is anomaly-free and contains in a single irreducible representation the known quarks and leptons without mirror fermions. Assuming that the breaking of the symmetry admits the implementation of the survival hypothesis, we calculate the mass scales using the renormalization group equation. Finally we show that the proton remains perturbatively stable.Comment: Z PHYS. C63, 339 (1994


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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the learning style of the Marine Transportation students in a private Asian university in terms of emotional elements as to motivation, persistence, responsibility and structure; and to compare the learning styles of high and low performing Marine Transportation students. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study. Results showed that high and low performing students strongly agree that they enjoy learning and they get a sense of accomplishment from achieving and they like to learn most of the time especially when the subject is interesting. The high performing students have significantly higher persistence in completing the things they begun as well as in enjoying working on several tasks simultaneously. Both groups of marine students strongly agree that they feel best when they do things they know they should do while high performing students have significantly higher responsibility on doing conventional things depends on the tasks and on how they feel about the circumstances compared to the low performing students. Marine students wanted to be instructed completely in order for them to perform the activities accurately with the help of other members of the group through teamwork
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