151 research outputs found

    THE DYNAMICS OF SURAKARTA BATIK: The Development of Batik Through Conservation by Revitalization and Reinterpretation in the Development Dynamics of Surakarta Batik

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    The study of “classic batik dynamics is focused on the dynamics of batik development.While the consumers have turned their attention to the motive of batik textile, the bourgeoisie of Indonesia has worn fine batik cloth or batik tulis (hand drawn batik) for formal occasion or party. The dynamics has ushered batik tulis (hand-drawn by canting, a copper vessel with spouted nib) to its exclusive throne. Classical batik thus became source of veneration, where subsequent batik production took its philosophy and inspiration. The objective of this study is to obtain the picture of Surakarta classical batik dynamics: (1) Classical view of Surakarta batik dynamics and (2) conservational view of Surakarta batik dynamics. Such an objective requires research measures or research method on batik dynamics, particularly in Surakarta region. This research is a qualitative research using cultural approach and refers to Javanese cultural teachings in line with cultural philosophy; it thus emphasizes data interpretation of specific cases. Analytical description of this study, therefore, emphasizes more on interactive model of qualitative data analysis using Javanese cultural approach. The result of interactive analysis is then examined with hermeneutical interpretive analysis, which is directed to interpret meaningful expression that people deliberately offered (interpretation on interpretation). This study has revealed (1) classical view of Javanese people when they see and understand things and behave accordingly with constant reference to the cultural source. “Javanese cultural process conforms to social dynamics,which refers to supreme cultural concept “sangkanparaningdumadi” (the origin and destination of mankind). The concept is also known, in Javanese culture, with the phrases nunggak semi(sprouting stump) or mutrani(to make offspring). (2) The conservational view has inspired subsequent batik production to refer to preservation model, i.e. conservation. The conservational development of batik in the form of revitalization and reinterpretation has resulted in the dynamics of Surakarta batik development. Keywords: classic batik, the conservational development of batik, mutrani (to make offspring) DOI: 10.7176/ADS/74-04 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    ABSTRACT This study focuses on the concept of ideal woman according to Minangkabau philosophy. The criteria of the ideal woman can be found in proverbs containing implicit meaning related to ethical value namely the view about woman’s ideal morality. That interpretation can be comprehended from its function and purpose as a concept of moral and character education for Minangkabau young generation.The study toward the character education of Minangkabau woman based on the interpretation of meaning from the concept of Minangkabau ideal woman became the basis of fine art creative idea resulting on the icon of personal expression. This artwork was materialized into the painting of symbolic expression/abstraction by borrowing the traditional idiom “Tangkuluak (Tekuluk),” a kind of Bundo Kanduang’s formal outfit in the form of headgear as the traditional symbol Minangkabau custom.The creation of this symbolic expression painting aims at the preservation effort of Minangkabau aesthetics through the materialization of paintings that takes the specific theme, Bundo Kanduang as the ideal woman of Minangkabau people.This study used qualitative method presented in the form of descriptive analysis. The techniques of data collection conducted were interview and observation that had emic characteristic performed in the Centre of Minangkabau Cultural Information (in Indonesia, it’s called as PDIKM) in Padangpanjang and Adityawarman Museum in Padang, West Sumatra. While etic research was conducted with qualitative method namely studying the theoretical claim and interpreting the meaning of proverbs about the nobility of Bundo Kanduang


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    Batik merupakan salah satu potensi unggulan daerah Karangnyar. Aktivitas membatik di Karanganyar telah ada sejak zaman pemerintahan Mangkunegara I. Karanganyar dahulu merupakan wilayah kekuasaan Mangkunegaran sehingga motif batik yang berkembang dipengaruhi oleh gaya Mangkunegaran.Selain alamnya yang indah, Karanganyar memiliki warisan budaya visual dan sejarah yang menarik seperti Candi Sukuh, candi Cetho,wisata kawasan Tawang Mangu,Kawasan Argodumilah, kawasan Giri Bangun, dan masih banyak lagi.Sampai saat ini Peninggalan budaya visual dan sejarah tersebut belum digarap secara apik dan masih merupakan potensi visual yang hanya dilihat, dan belum belum dimanfaatkan sebagai disain kreatif berdampak ekonomi (ekonomi kreatif). Potensi keindahan alam, budaya, peninggalam sejarah tersebut sudah selayaknya diadaptasi sebagai disain batik yang mampu menjadi salah satu identitas budaya Kabupaten Karanganyar

    Sanggit Aesthetics: The Meeting of Modernity and Tradition in the Work Paradigm of the Art of Painting

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    The research perspective focuses on discerning the field of traditional art development with a touch of modernity, which later is called sanggit aesthetics in the work paradigm of the art of painting to: (1) observe phenomena emerging as a work with symbolic revitalization, (2) observe phenomenon emerging as a work with symbolic reinterpretation, (3) observe phenomenon emerging as a work with symbolic abstraction and (4) observe phenomenon emerging as a work with symbolic expression. The research stages were accomplished using qualitative research model with cultural approach, referring to Javanese cultural precepts in accordance with Javanese cultural philosophies and ideologies. This approach centered on data interpretation in a case study. Reviews dealing with analysis in this study emphasized more on interaction model of qualitative data analysis, by using Javanese cultural approach. Interactive analysis was carried out to analyze qualitative, empirical data. The results of analysis were later examined using hermeneutic interpretative analysis. The existence of painting representing an expression of sanggit aesthetics is not merely a painting which utilizes wayang or puppets as the source of the idea of expression, but also an evidence of historical sustainable process. Puppets in several stages of figure transformation have opened historical pieces of the art of painting in Indonesia. Sanggit aesthetics is the meeting of modernity and tradition in the work paradigm of the art of painting, phenomenon to search for Indonesian cultural identity with Indonesian origin. Keywords: Sanggit aesthetics, revitalization, reinterpretation, abstraction, and symbolic expressio

    BATIK SUDAMALA Artistic Creation of Batik with Story of Sudamala Carved in the Relief of Sukuh Temple of Karanganyar Regency of Java Island of Indonesia

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    Studies on artistic creation of batik design of Sudamala story on the relief of Sukuh temple of Karanganyar regency of Java island of Indonesia focus on conservation of traditional art as a form of cultural resilience. Preservation is defined as the act of keeping, caring for, and protecting something. Meanwhile, conservation is associated with development and utilization of values. Conservation emphasizes more on alternative development to provide answers for the global situation of arts and culture. The present study aims at creating prototypes and batik design of Sudamala story on the relief of Sukuh temple as an artistic creation. To achieve the goal, an experimental method in the form of reproduction with innovations involving works of art creation (sanggit) with revitalization concept is required. The method for creating sanggit refers to a form of conservation of traditional art providing alternatives of works using reproduction technique of innovations. This attempt technically reduces the processing through some aspects, including: counter line, coloring technique, display of space volumes, and the thematic story engineering. Conservation with the concept of revitalization yields prototypes and batik designs as an artistic creation derived from relief of Sudamala. The artistic creation of batik Sudamala is inspired by the story of Sudamala as carved in the relief of Sukuh temple of Karanganyar regency of Java island of Indonesia. Sudamala refers to Murwokolo ritual dating back to the end of Majapahit Empire (the 14th century). Sudamala in Murwokolo (also termed ruwatan/ purification ritual) is a ritual to free individuals from mala which may exist in their body, mind, and heart. It is known as cleansing sukerta (the unclean). Creative designs of batik are inspired from the story of Sudamala. Such innovative designs with concept of batik pattern are arranged as follows: (1) primary motifs are taken from the story of Sudamala carved on outer walls of Sukuh temple, and (2) complementary motifs are oriented on flora of the mount where Sukuh temple is located. Keywords: artistic creation, conservation, prototype, Sudamal

    Estetika Sanggit I

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    Merupakan karya ilmiah berupa karya materi kuliah, dengan judul Estetika Sanggit I karya dari Prof. Dr Dharsono, M.Sn

    Mascot: An alternate method to prevent the misuse of visual assets in Indonesia's Covid 19 prevention campaign

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    This article discusses the use of visual assets during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. There are regulations related to restrictions on movement for everyone during the pandemic, and there is much confusion in information, resulting in information chaos, and one of the reasons is the inappropriate use of visual assets as a medium for the Covid-19 prevention campaign in Indonesia. This study aims to identify the misuse of these visual assets. This study uses visual data spread on social media and observation to examine billboards, banners, and the like scattered in the community. In addition to visual data, interviews were also conducted with graphic designers. The questions asked were about the reasons for determining the design and their motivation in utilizing visual assets. The analysis is carried out by building relationships between the designs created, the use of visual assets, and contextual relationships with other interests outside the substance of the Covid 19 prevention campaign program in Indonesia. The results of the study show that visual assets are not used proportionally in conveying the Covid-19 prevention campaign in Indonesia. The conclusion is that there is no policy that provides direction regarding the provisions for the use of visual assets in preventing the Covid-19 health disaster in Indonesia. This research contributes to the government because this research finds a rule model for the use of visual assets in Indonesi

    Garudeya Catur Liman

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    Merupakan karya seni batik berupa motif batik yang mengambil inspirasi dari burung garuda. Dua burung garuda terbang berhadapan-hadapan
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