24,629 research outputs found

    Workflow Mining Algorithm with Noise Processing Applied in Resources Planning

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    为了提升业务流程执行效率,提高流程建模的客观性,在考虑日志文件存在噪音的前提下,对结构化工作流模型的四种基本结构进行分析,研究从日志文件中挖掘出流程模型的结构化算法.从获取日志文件信息、提炼简单活动序列、挖掘结构化分支模型和合并最终模型四个部分进行描述,然后以Petri网的形式展现最终模型,最后进行资源负载分析,为决策者进行资源规划提供决策依据,有利于提高资源利用率和流程执行效率,进而提高企业效益.To improve the efficiency of business process and the objectivity of process modeling, we analyse four basic structures of structural workflow net under the premise of the existence of noise in the log file, furthermore, mining algorithm of a structured process model from the log file was researched. This paper expatiates in four parts, includeinggetting information from log file, extracting all simple paths, mining structured branch model and merging final model, finally it shows the model in the form of Petri nets. On the basis of that, the analysis of resource is proposed, it offers the supporting decision tools for decision-makers in resource planning and improves the efficiency of resource utilizing, eventually it increases the efficiency of enterprises

    First order least squares method with weakly imposed boundary condition for convection dominated diffusion problems

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    We present and analyze a first order least squares method for convection dominated diffusion problems, which provides robust L2 a priori error estimate for the scalar variable even if the given data f in L2 space. The novel theoretical approach is to rewrite the method in the framework of discontinuous Petrov - Galerkin (DPG) method, and then show numerical stability by using a key equation discovered by J. Gopalakrishnan and W. Qiu [Math. Comp. 83(2014), pp. 537-552]. This new approach gives an alternative way to do numerical analysis for least squares methods for a large class of differential equations. We also show that the condition number of the global matrix is independent of the diffusion coefficient. A key feature of the method is that there is no stabilization parameter chosen empirically. In addition, Dirichlet boundary condition is weakly imposed. Numerical experiments verify our theoretical results and, in particular, show our way of weakly imposing Dirichlet boundary condition is essential to the design of least squares methods - numerical solutions on subdomains away from interior layers or boundary layers have remarkable accuracy even on coarse meshes, which are unstructured quasi-uniform

    Empirical Research between Equity Structure and Business Performance of Listed Tourism Companies ----- Based on EVA Evaluation System

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    本文所研究的主要课题针对旅游上市公司股权结构与经营绩效之间如何相互影响,评价系是采用EVA,全文选取旅游上市公司作为研究样本,同时把航空公司也纳入其中,紧紧抓住三个核心概念:股权结构、经营绩效、EVA进行展开。在整个框架上,笔者首先对选题的背景与意义、技术路线图、创新点及重难点等导论部分进行描述,随后对国类外的文献部分进行回顾,同时说明了概念界定与全文的理论基础。在研究方法与工具上,采用的是文献法、分类法和实证分析法以及中文版SPSS20。 在实证部分,首先对整个行业的现状、数据来源、样本筛选原则进行简要说明,随后重点是对因变量EVA指标的测算,分别从NOPAT、债务资本成本和股权资本成本三...Abstract In this paper, the main topics of the study about the listed tourism companies how to influence each other between equity structure and business performance, and the evaluation system is to use EVA. From the full text selected listed tourism companies as the research sample, even include the airlines. At the same time, it seizes three core concepts: the equity structure, operating perfor...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理硕士学号:1782013115123

    Research for Development Strategy of A Bank

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    A银行是一家经济较发达省份的城市商业银行,自2008年底引入具有台资背景的战略股东以来,牢牢把握了宏观经济快速发展的机遇,通过与战略股东的精诚合作,持续推进各项改革,在经营效益和内部管理等方面都取得了显著成效,实现了资产规模和综合实力的双提升。但是,A银行现阶段发展却遭遇两大瓶颈,一是ROE远低于城商行平均水平,盈利能力的提升和资产规模的提升处于脱节的状态;二是战略目标及定位不清晰,全行上下对现有战略未达成共识,造成各年度经营策略不连贯,决策效率低下,执行力弱。伴随着利率市场化改革、互联网金融发展、金融脱媒及综合化经营等诸多挑战,A银行如何在新形势下,寻找新的利润增长点及转型驱动力?在下一个三...A bank is an urban commercial bank. Since it has introduced the strategic shareholder with the background of Taiwanese investment at the end of year 2008, it has seized the opportunity of the rapid developing macro-economy. Through the cooperation with the strategic shareholder and carrying forward different reforms, A bank has achieved remarkable results in business efficiency and inner managemen...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115069

    Design and Implementation of Multimedia Material Management System for a University

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    随着社会的进步和科技的发展,计算机网络改变了人们的生活方式和生活习惯,“互联网+”就是我们深化改革的前沿,就高校教育信息化建设而言,互联网+多媒体教学就成为我们改革的重点,形成线上线下立体式教育,对学生全方位立体化教学奠定基础,多媒体素材是解决学生在学习过程中理解知识的重难点,多媒体素材资源库的建设是整个数字化校园和网络教学平台的核心内容,建设多媒体素材管理系统势在必行。 本文就多媒体素材管理系统的设计和开发过程进行阐述,本系统按照软件工程原理、步骤和方法进行设计与开发,进行了系统分析、总体设计、详细设计、系统测试等步骤。系统选用Microsoft.NETFramework2.0为框架平台进...With the progress of science and technology and the development of society, computer network has infiltrated into every corner of people's life. "Internet Plus" is the frontier of our deepening reform. In terms of the educational information construction of a university, the internet plus multimedia teaching has become the focus of our reform, to form the online and offline three-dimensional educa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323096

    Design and Implementation of Visitors Management System for Enterprises and Institutions

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    随着时代的快速发展和进步,各企事业单位相互间的交叉业务越来越多,导致进出单位的外来人员日益频繁,出入的人流呈现人多且杂的特点,给单位的安保工作带来很大的安全隐患。因此加强单位的访客出入安全管理成为企事业单位安全保卫工作中尤为关键的环节之一。当今仍有较多的企事业单位的访客登记是采取手工填写来访记录的形式,这种管理方式在当今如此复杂多变的社会环境下,已经很难适应新形势下的安全管理工作的需要。 对此,本文根据广西壮族自治区林业厅的进出入管理登记情况进行调研,并比照现有访客管理系统产品中的不足,以及单位的特殊性设计一款智能化的访客管理系统。在进行调研的过程中,收集整理有用信息并分析了解到该单位的实际...With the rapid development and progress of the times, cross-business is more and more in the enterprises and institutions with each other. It led to the result of in and out of foreign people have become increasingly frequent. Out of the crowd showing miscellaneous features, it brings great security risk to the security of the workplace. Thus enhancing the visitors access security management has b...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323002

    Detection on Proper Wearing of Seat Belt Based on Infrared Mark Vision

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    针对安全带佩戴规范性仍未引起充分重视的现实问题,借助具有红外敏感表面涂层标记的三点式安全带,基于标记视觉和图像处理技术提出一种安全带佩戴规范性的; 集成检测方法:利用增强现实技术快速识别定位安全带标记,在此基础上分别设计数量阈值算法、模糊聚类阈值算法、曲线拟合松弛度算法和肩部外轮廓交点定位算; 法,用以进行安全带是否佩戴和佩戴形式、松紧程度、高低位置是否规范等4种判断,从而实现安全带是否规范佩戴的检测目标。实验结果表明,在各种成像条件和; 图像背景干扰下,对应上述4种判断的识别准确率分别为95.4%, 93.1%,; 79.5%和85.3%,而安全带佩戴规范性的综合识别准确率达89.5%,验证了所提出算法的准确性、有效性和适应能力。In view of the problem that whether seat belt is properly used or not; haven't yet attracted sufficient attention,an integrated detection; method of the proper use of seat belt is proposed by means of the; three-point safety belt with infrared-ray-sensitive coat marks and based; on mark vision and image processing technologies: Augmented reality; technology is used to rapidly identify and locate the marks on seat; belt,based on which the algorithms of number threshold,fuzzy clustering; threshold,curve fitting relaxation and shoulder profile intersection; locating are developed respectively to conduct four judgments of weather; seat belt is used or not,the wearing forms of seat belt, belt tightness; and belt height,and hence achieve the detection goal of the proper use; of seat belt. Experiment results show that under various image forming; conditions and image background interferences,the identification; accuracies of the algorithms used corresponding to above mentioned four; judgments are 95.4%,93.1%,79.5% and 85.3% respectively with an overall; identification accuracy of 89.5%,verifying the correctness,effectiveness; and adaptability of the algorithms proposed.国家自然科学基金; 福建省自然科学基

    Design and Implementation of Art College Student Information Management System Based on SSH

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    近几年,随着我国高校不断扩招,学生数量急剧增多,艺术院校在对学生信息进行分类处理、归档整理等工作的难度加大,学生档案的种类不断增加,数据量不断累加,如果依照传统人工整理、查询等方法进行,耗时长、易出错,传统的方式俨然不能跟上新时代文件管理的要求。学生信息管理系统须可以给使用者提供快捷、方便的查询手段和内容丰富的信息资源,因此,学生信息管理系统对于学校的管理者和决策者来说都至关重要,是一个大学或学院不可或缺的组成部分之一。 本系统是基于学生现实管理需要的学生管理系统,结合学生管理工作的特点,采用J2EE平台、B/S机构、SSH技术和SQLServer2005数据库等技术,实现了由系统安全模块、...In recent years, with the enrollment expansion of colleges and universities in our country, the number of students increase rapidly, increased the difficulty of self management, art college students information management workload is huge, continue to increase, the kinds of student file data accumulation, manually maintain, modify, and query efficiency is extremely low, work difficulty is big, the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201223076

    Design and Implementation of Online Store System Based on Personal Recommendation

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    21世纪以来,互联网的快速发展不但将人们带入了信息社会,而且也让我们迅速跨入了网络经济时代,对企业的发展和个人生活都产生了深远的影响。对基于互联网的虚拟企业来说,不再需要像传统的物理环境下企业那样的实体投资,投资成本得到有效降低。企业与顾客、供应商之间的联系更加直接,因互联网而发展起来的电子商务模式为企业提供了更多的机会;同时,互联网的发展正在极大地改变着我们每个人的生活,人们足不出户就能得到自己想要的商品和服务,网上购物的经历让我们感受到电子商务带来的便捷。 本文所研究的基于个性化推荐的网上虚拟商店系统,即是一套比较典型的个性化推荐系统。在对该系统进行研究的过程中,首先对收集到的客户特征资...Since 21 Century, the rapid development of Internet brought human beings into the information society and network economy era, to the enterprise development and personal life had a profound effect. On the one hand, the virtual enterprise based on the Internet is no longer needed entities like traditional physical environment of the enterprise investment, investment costs have been effectively redu...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323111