442 research outputs found

    Dynamic Economic Dispatch of Wind Power Integrated System With Fully Developed Supply Responses of Thermal Units

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    已有文献分析了传统的离散时间调度模型,并指出这类调度模型存在备用容量上、下限不可达的问题。该文进一步指出这类调度模型中存在备用容量上、下限约束过; 于严格、限制机组的深度变负荷能力的不足。以连续时间调度模型为基础,建立了充分发挥机组深度变负荷能力的风火电联合随机调度模型。仿真实验结果表明,这; 种含风电场的电力系统动态经济调度模型能有效应对风电出力的随机波动性特征,充分发挥机组深度变负荷能力,在保证系统可靠性的前提下能节省更多的成本。Some researchers analyzed the traditional discrete-time scheduling; model, and pointed out that the upper and lower bounds of spinning; reserve offered by thermal units are unreachable. We further find that; the upper and lower bounds of spinning reserve modeled in the; discrete-time scheduling model are too strict in some situation. In; order to solve this problem, we analyzed the thermal units supply; responses based on the continuous time scheduling. And then a stochastic; scheduling model of wind & thermal power joint operation was established; in consideration of the thermal units supply responses. Simulation; results show the new model can effectively cope with random fluctuation; characteristics of wind power output, take full advantage of the supply; responses of thermal units, and save more cost while guaranteeing the; system reliability.国家自然科学基金项目; 福建省自然科学基金项

    The Empirical Study on the Influence of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate on upgrading of Manufacturing Structure

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    制造业在我国的国民经济中占据重要的地位,是推动经济快速增长的重要力量。改革开放以来,我国制造业取得了举世瞩目的成就,出口规模不断扩大,经常项目顺差不断增加。因此,制造业的发展及其结构的升级对于经济的持续稳定发展以及国内的就业问题都会产生重大的影响。2005年汇率改革以来,人民币出现大幅度升值,从2005年的8.1917到2013年的6.1932,大约升值32%。然而,我国制造业结构不够合理,劳动、资源密集型行业占比较重,产品附加值低,国际竞争力不强,容易受汇率波动的影响。在人民币持续升值的大背景下,汇率将对我国制造业的发展产生重大影响。 本文使用1993—2012年的数据对人民币实际有效汇率...As a traditional manufacturing country, the manufacturing sector has long occupied an important position in our national economy, promoting our economy greatly. Therefore, the evolution of the structure of the development of manufacturing will be having an influence on the overall economy of our country as well as domestic employment issues. Since the reform and opening up, our economic is develop...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1532011115201

    Comparison of host susceptibility to Schistosoma japonicum and interaction between S. japonicum and Exorchis sp. in Oncomelania hupensis

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    钉螺是日本血吸虫的主要中间宿主,钉螺的野外采集是研究工作的基本环节,同时对钉螺的生物学研究也相当重要。作者对湖南、江西、安徽、江苏4省7个采集点的野生钉螺做了调查。各个采集点钉螺的感染率、雌雄性的比例、壳型指数和吸虫幼虫期的感染情况均不相同。查到钉螺感染有日本血吸虫(Schistosomajaponicum)、外睾类吸虫(Exorchissp.)、斜睾类吸虫(Plagiorchissp.)、侧殖类吸虫(Asymphylodorasp.)、背孔类吸虫(Notocotylussp.)和盾盘类吸虫(Aspidogastersp.)等6种吸虫的幼虫期,且阳性钉螺只感染一种吸虫幼虫期,并对各吸虫幼虫期进...Oncomelania hupensis is the intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum. Snail collection is the basic part of parasite research and it is important for biological control of snails. Surveys on snails were made in Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. The results showed prevalence, sex ratio, shell index and larval trematode species of snails were different in seven sampling sites. Six speci...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_动物学学号:2162007015379

    The Study of the reform of Postal Savings Bank of China

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    中国邮政储蓄银行于2007年3月20日正式成立。由此,中国邮政金融业务从单纯的吸收个人储蓄存款转存人行赚取利差收入迈上开展多功能金融服务的新路。但从改革伊始,该企业在战略匹配上就存在着严重的问题,既定的战略目标在执行中与组织架构、企业文化、人力资源等政策有着较大的冲突,导致邮储银行一成立,就在经营、管控、发展等方面受到了极大的束缚,制约了企业的科学、良性发展,导致战略无法得到良好的执行。本文针对中国邮政储蓄银行改革,结合厦门邮政金融的具体实例,对该企业从成立到经营过程中由于战略不匹配遇到的各项问题进行分析。同时还针对该企业的组织结构、企业文化、人力资源管理及内部控制等方面进行一些探讨,为中国邮...Since the PSBC(Post Saving Bank of China) was established in March,20th,2007, the financial business of China Post was changed from single interest-earning model to multi-financial service model, and gets tremendous development .But At the beginning of the establishment, it has to face a serious problem of strategic matching . The policies, such as organizational structure and corporation culture ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792006115146


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    采用不连续的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,结合组织特异性染色和酶谱区带活性扫描技术,对家鸡的心、肝、肾、脾、胸肌、睾丸、卵巢、脑、眼晶体共9种组织器官的酯酶同工进行了测定,发现不同组织器官酯酶同工酶均有分布,呈现广谱性,但谱带模式又各不相同,具有很明显的组织器官特异性。酯酶谱带活性与各组织器官所执行的功能相吻合,说明酯酶在调节组织器官代谢中发挥重要作用。The discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE )with the tissue speciFcity satining and zymogram band activity scanning techniques was used to detect the esterase isozymes of heart,liver,kideny,spleen,breaest,testis,ovary,brain and eyes of cbicken.The results show that the esterase isozyme was in all the tissuse and organs studied and had the wide ranging distribution.However,the zymogram pattern of every tissue and organ was diFFerent,i.e.it had the obvious tissue and/or organ speciFicity.The activity of the esterase bands had a close correspon- dence with the Function which the tissue and/or orgon had caried out,which demonstated that the esterases played an important role in the regulation of the metabolisms of tissues and organ


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