498 research outputs found

    Research on the Application of “Heterogeneous Elements” in the Protection and Renewal of Traditional District

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    传统街区展现着城市的传统风貌和地方特色,是城市的性格和魅力所在。目前,传统街区的保护似乎是个老生常谈的话题,但是又好像从来没有被真正的理解,大众对于传统街区价值的认识还是比较混乱,虽然大拆大建的情况有所好转,但是仍然存在,而且出现了另一种趋势,即“拆真建假”。 传统街区是真实生活性街区,文脉延续只是它的附加价值,所以对它的保护更新不能使之停止生长,而要具有前瞻性。对传统街区进行保护更新与新街区设计一样,两者都是在满足实际功能需求的情况下,创造并维护自身特色,而传统街区的特殊性在于多了“文脉延续”这一诉求。基于此,本文提出引入“异质元素”来促进传统街区的更新,这是一种在延续文脉的基础上不断“淘...Traditional district shows the traditional style and local characteristics of the city. Currently, the protection of traditional district seems to be a common theme, but it never seemed to be really appreciated. For public the awareness of the value of traditional district still confusing, although the large-scale reconstruction situation has improved, but still exists. And there is another trend ...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑设计及其理论学号:2522013115178


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    The Impact of Internal Governance Mechanisms on Quality of Accounting Information-An Empirical Study based on A-share Listed Companies in China's Manufacturing

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    公司内部治理机制对会计信息质量有着最直接影响。合理的内部治理机制可以促进监督-激励机制有效地发挥作用,保证会计信息系统的正常运作,向利益相关人提供高质量的会计信息。中国资本市场正处在蓬勃发展阶段,相关法律规章制度也在不断完善中,在中国文化背景下研究公司内部治理机制对会计信息质量的影响对中国资本市场的健康发展有着深刻的意义。 本研究用理论分析和实证研究相结合的方法,以2008年我国制造业中A股上市公司为研究对象,结合股权结构、董事会特征、报酬制度与监事会规模,从整体上研究了我国上市公司内部治理机制对会计信息质量的影响。 本文的第一章概述了研究背景、研究意义、研究方法与研究框架;第二章对公司内...Internal corporate governance mechanisms has a deep and direct impact on the quality of accounting informations.Under the reasonable internal governance mechanisms,the monitoring-incentive mechanism can effectively ensure the operation of the accounting information system,and it can provide high-quality accounting informations to the stakeholders.Since the capital market in China is in boom devel...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752007115112

    A Study on the Effect of China’s Oil Import

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    改革开放二十多年来,我国经济快速发展,人口持续增加,人均收入水平不断提高,石油消费需求大大增加,供求出现巨大缺口,成为我国经济增长的瓶颈。我国于1993年一跃成为石油净进口国,引起国内外的高度关注,在国际油价节节攀升的环境中,我国为石油进口付出的“代价”越来越高;国内石油行业呈现行政性垄断,非国有经济成分缺乏发展空间;石油企业“买涨不买落”的行为使其从中牟利,但社会福利因此受损。于是,人们开始怀疑我国石油进口是否还能促进经济增长,对进口依存度日益提高对经济安全带来潜在的威胁表示担忧。这些问题确实发生在石油进口的各个环节,但不是由石油进口直接引发的,而是由我国特殊的市场环境造成的。文章从理论研究...The issues involving the energy sources became the focal point early in last year. Again, it draws attention during the Fourth Session 10th National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, including oil pricing revolution, oil future transaction, oil lawmaking, oil reserve building and so on. In the final analysis, all of above derive from people’s witness of the ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:20031302

    Strategy of Human Resource Management for Private Enterprises in the Second Business Process

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    中国民营企业历经二十多年的发展,在我国国民经济中占有越来越重要的地位,民营经济的发展也受到越来越多的关注。随着国内、外市场环境和政策环境的变化,一大批成功的民营企业正集体性地走上二次创业的道路,向国际化、现化代、集团化的目标迈进。为了培养企业的核心竞争力,在国际竞争中取得企业的竞争优势,民营企业必须建立适合自身发展的科学、规范的企业管理模式。在这个过程中,他们面临着家族成员退出、委托-代理人机制完善、内部接班人培养、关键人才引进、职能管理理顺等等复杂的问题,归根到底,首要解决的就是人的问题。本文从人力资源战略角度,提出建立适合民营企业二次创业的新型人力资源体系,从而提升民营企业的竞争力。本篇论...Through the development of twenty years, the private enterprises have played more and more important roles in the national economy and being more and more concerned. With the change of policies and market home and abroad, a lot of successful private enterprises are going through the way of second business process and stride forward international, modern and being group. In order to develop the cor...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20011505


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    The evolution of the building skin——Intuitive,clear to vague,hazy

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    建筑表皮在不同的历史时期有不同的定义和形式,但总的趋势是从依附于结构走向独立,在经历了从厚变薄,由实变透后,又向另一个概念上的"厚实"演变。基于半透明建筑表皮具有良好的表现性,研究推断其将成为一大发展趋势,并提出以两种方式去塑造这种表皮。In different periods,building skin has different definition,the status and form are also quite different. In general,the building skin changed from the attached to the structure to the independent. After experiencing a process from thick to thin,opaque to transparent,the building skin began to go to another concept of thick and opaque. This kind of skin is translucent skin. Because of its translucent status,The skin gives us a kind of vague,hazy feeling. The translucent building skin which has two ways to form has superior performance and will become one of the main development trends

    The Research and Design of the Administrative Examination and Approval of Electronic Monitoring System Based on Cloud Computing Technology

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    本文主要探讨如何利用云计算技术改善政府对公众的服务职能及行政效能、节约建设成本、改善相信孤岛、改变管理模式等问题,结合乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区行政审批工作自身特点,研究并设计了乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区行政审批电子监察系统。 本文通过文献查阅、实验与观察、描述性研究等方法,采用云计算相关技术,依据云计算三层结构划分,建设虚拟化、弹性化、服务化的行政审批电子监察云服务系统。该系统的研究与设计是基于云计算虚拟化技术、分布式计算和存储技术、云数据库技术进行开发,系统整体上采用Window+JDK1.5开发系统,基于J2EE技术和SOA架构设计,使整个应用系统构建在先进、高效的技术架构之上,体现先进性、可...This dissertation discusses how to use cloud computing technology to improve government services to the public functions and administrative efficiency , save construction costs, improve believed island, change management and other issues, combined with the Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone, with its own characteristics administrative examination and approval work , study and desig...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223054