68 research outputs found

    Destiny of Popular Literature in the Turning Period——Take Liu Yunruo’s Fate and His Works as an Example

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    一直以来,通俗文学得不到文坛主流的关注,没有文坛话语权,建国后更是由于为政治服务的文艺政策而暂时退出了文学舞台,直到改革开放后通俗文学才再度复兴。尽管由于市民阅读的需要通俗文学牢牢占据着文学市场的销量宝座,优秀的作家作品却很难产生,这与文坛长久以来对其的歧视与忽视不无关联。通俗文学自身承担着对广大普通民众进行文学熏陶及教化的作用,因此提高通俗文学的创作水平应是一个值得关注的问题,而对通俗文学的恰当评价与关注,是使通俗文学繁荣的关键。 刘云若曾是民国时期著名的社会言情小说作家,他作品中中西结合的写作技法、对地域文化的借鉴与发扬、对社会世情的描摹与勾勒以及对“至性人”精神品格的赞扬与推崇都具有很...Popular literature which has no right in the literary field didn’t get the attention of Chinese literary world all the time. After the founding of the PRC, popular literature already quitted the literary scene because the new government advocated the literature and art policy to serve politics. Until Chinese reform and openness, popular literature revived again. Due to the need for public reading,...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国现当代文学学号:1022014115237

    Food Culture:The Food Anthropology Study of Pushan Village

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    改革开放以后,中国农村的经济得到了飞速的发展,尤其在我国东南沿海地区,这里的农民生活水平大幅度提高,农民传统的生产及生活方式发生了巨大的改变,传统的食物及饮食风俗也在不知不觉中变化,甚至有些已经消失殆尽。经济发展能够实现食物的充足供应,也能够带来饮食的多样性,但是经济发展也可能造成传统饮食文化的流失,这需要文化研究者深刻挖掘传统饮食的文化内涵。本文以福建省南靖县下辖的璞山村作为调查对象,运用人类学田野调查方法并参考历史文献资料,竭尽所能记录璞山人的传统饮食情况,以期为闽南传统饮食文化研究提供一个案例,为传统文化的抢救略尽绵薄之力。 全文共分为八章。第一章导论部分介绍本文选题的缘起及选题意义、...After the reform and opening-up policy, China's rural economy has been developed rapidly. Especially in China's southeastern coast, where farmers living standards has been greatly improved ,peasants' traditional production and lifestyle have been changed greatly, the traditional food and diet custom have also been in unconsciously change, and even some have disappeared. Economic development can ac...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院人类学研究所_民族学学号:2882008115234

    Development of interleukin-21 as a therapeutic drug

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    白细胞介素21; (IL-21)是一种具有多效免疫调节活性的细胞因子,参与先天性免疫反应和适应性免疫反应的多个环节,与自身免疫性疾病、肿瘤、病毒感染等疾病的发病过; 程相关。研究表明,在动物模型中通过增强或抑制IL-21的生物学功能对多种疾病具有治疗意义,多项以重组人IL-21为受试药物的临床试验已经开展。本; 文就IL-21的生物学功能,以及IL-21作为生化药物在临床治疗中的研究进展和应用前景进行阐述。Interleukin-21 (IL-21) is a cytokine with broad pleiotropic actions that; plays an important role in both innate and adaptive immune responses.; IL-21 participates in pathogenesis processes of many diseases, such as; autoimmune disease, tumor, virus infections and so on. Enhancing or; inhibiting the activity of IL-21 has shown to have certain therapeutic; effects in animal models of a wide range of diseases. Various clinical; trials using recombinant human IL-21 as drug candidates are on-going; towards the development of IL-21 as a therapeutic drug. This article; reviewed the biological function and research progress and application; prospect of IL-21 as a biochemical drug in clinical treatment

    Image Salient Object Detection by Construction of Background-based Distribution Spaces

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    图像显著性物体检测旨在提取和分割图像场景中的最引人关注的物体或区域,已广泛应用于计算机视觉相关的多个领域,如场景理解、目标检测与识别、图像分割和图像编辑等,逐渐成为研究的焦点。本文利用图像块的统计特征,建立了基于背景分布的度量空间,提出了一种新颖的自底向上的基于该空间构建的显著性物体检测算法。本文算法的主要创新点如下: 第一,本文首次提出利用背景分布空间来计算图像块的显著性。利用背景先验和图像边界的连通性,本文将边界图像块分为四组。通过对这些图像块集合进行特征分解,本文建立了四个背景分布空间来对图像背景进行建模。在每个空间中,图像块的显著性被定义为其远离分布主体的程度。通过对欧氏距离、l1范...Salient object detection aims to detect and segment objects or regions those receive great attention of human in natural scenes. This topic has attracted a lot of focused research, because it helps computer harness complex vision problems and results in many applications in the field of computer vision, such as scene understanding, object detection and recognition, image segmentation and image edi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电路与系统学号:2312013115310


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    本课题利用密度泛函理论计算,在分子尺度上研究了Zigzag边结构和Armchair边结构上的半焦-NO反应机理。同时讨论了C-O单键官能团以及分子边结构对半焦-NO反应的影响。在本文中建立了4条可能的反应路径,这些反应路径阐明了半焦局部结构与NO分子反应的化学过程以及反应过程中分子体系总能的变化情况。结果表明,半焦-NO反应的化学过程可以归纳为四个阶段:半焦边结构的活化,NO分子的化学吸附,异构化反应,以及气体分子的释放。其中半焦分子活化步骤以及释放CO或CO2分子的步骤是半焦-NO反应的控制步骤。而处于热力学有利过程之前的高能垒的半焦分子活化步骤是主要的控制步骤。根据半焦分子活化步骤的反应能垒,4条反应路径由易到难的顺序为:2b(带C-O单键官能团的Armchair边结构与NO的反应),1b(带C-O单键官能团的Zigzag边结构与NO的反应),2a(不带C-O单键官能团的Armchair边结构与NO的反应),1a(不带C-O单键官能团的Zigzag边结构与NO的反应)。NO分子的化学吸附能够放出大量的热量并供后续步骤利用。C-O单键官能团能够通过降低半焦分子活化步骤的能垒而使得反应路径更容易进行,进而促进半焦-NO反应。另一方面,在C-O单键官能团由于可以作为CO2分子前驱体的一部分而对CO2的释放有较高的选择性,本文中的C-O单键官能团均以CO2的形式释放。而且CO2的释放总是在半焦边结构上生成两个新的活性位点,这进一步促进了后续步骤的反应。Armchair边结构和Zigzag边结构的相对优势需是情况而定。Armchair边结构比起Zigzag半结构更容易脱氢活化,也更容易释放CO或CO2分子;但是NO分子在Zigzag边结构上化学吸附放出的热量要远大于在Armchair边结构上的吸附。;The reaction mechanism between char and nitric oxide (NO) on zigzag and armchair edge structures was studied, on molecular scale, based on density functional theory (DFT). The influence of C-O single bond group and edge structure on NO-Char reaction were studied. Four possible pathways were established to illustrate the chemical processes and the variation of the total energy of the molecular structures. The results show that, in NO-char reaction, there are four stages which include the activation of the char surface, the chemisorption of NO molecules, the isomerization reactions, and the release of gas molecules. The activation step and the steps which release carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are control steps in NO-char reaction. Where the activation step, which takes place before the thermodynamically favorable process, is the primary control step. Based on the reaction barriers of the activation steps, the priority of the pathways can be ranked from easy to hard as 2b (reaction between NO and armchair edge with C-O), 1b (reaction between NO and zigzag edge with C-O), 2a (reaction between NO and armchair edge without C-O), 1a (reaction between NO and zigzag edge without C-O). The exothermic chemisorption of NO molecules can release a great deal of energy which can be used by the subsequent reactions. The Carbon-Oxygen single bond groups (C-O single bond groups) could promote the NO-char reaction by lowering the barrier of activation. On the other hand, the C-O single bond group can favor the production of CO2 since it can be considered as a part of the precursor of CO2 molecule. In this work, all C-O single bond groups are released on the form of CO2 molecule. The release of CO2 always leave two new active sites on the edge structures of char, which further promote the subsequent steps. The superiorities of armchair and zigzag structures depend on the situation. The armchair edge is easier to activate (via dehydrogenation) and release CO or CO2 than zigzag edge, while chemisorption of NO on zigzag edge releases much more energy than that on armchair edge.</p

    The Anticipatory Processing of Lexical Phonology in Speech Comprehension and its Underlying Cognitive Mechanisms

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    在口语理解的过程中,听者会通过信息输入和个人的先验知识对即将出现的内容做出假设,并提前激活词汇的表征信息,从而实现快速理解并与说话者进行后续交流。例如,基于语义和词汇知识的自上而下语音预期,是帮助听者高效地感知理解口语信号的一个重要加工机制,这在噪声等特殊场景中尤为重要。预期在言语理解中的地位已经被大家普遍认同,但有些方面依旧存在争议。其中,目前研究者争论的一个热点问题是,听者能否在句子理解的过程中预先激活即将出现的词汇的语音信息,以及词汇的语音为什么会被激活?具体而言,口语理解中的语音预激活(如果存在的话)是自动产生的、还是被策略性、灵活性调控的? 本研究采用眼动技术,利用视觉情境范式的变式探讨了口语理解过程中词汇语音的预激活及支持其预激活的认知机制。实验 1a、1b 探讨口语理解中是否存在语音信息的预激活。被试在听句子的同时,在电脑屏幕上会看到两个字(一个是“关键字”,另一个是“干扰字”);屏幕上的“关键字”与句中的目标字完全一样(目标字)、只有声调相同(声调相同字)、只有读音相同(同音字)、或者音形义都无关(无关字);“干扰字”与句中目标字的音形义都无关。实验 1a 的任务是判断屏幕上的“字”在刚刚听到的句子中是否出现过(目标判断任务);实验1b 的任务是判断屏幕上的“字的读音”在刚刚听到的句子中是否出现过(读音判断任务)。实验 1a 的结果发现:在听觉目标字出现前,1)相比于无关字,被试对目标字产生注视偏好,表明对目标字产生了预期;2)被试有 100 ms 时间窗对同音字和声调相同字产生注视偏好,但由于此效应只出现在单个统计分析时间窗、不能排除是随机效应,因此实验 1a 的结果不能为语音预期提供确定的实验支持。采取与实验 1a 完全相同的实验材料,我们招募另一批被试参与了实验 1b,实验任务由目标判断变为读音判断、同时对判断速度提出要求。实验 1b 的结果发现:1)重复了以往研究和实验 1a 中的词汇预期效应; 2)在听觉目标出现前,被试在连续 300 ms 的时间窗内(连续三个统计分析时间窗)对同音字产生预期性注视,证明词汇的预期可以到达语音表征的水平。实验 2 的目的是进一步采取更严格的实验设计,探讨口语理解过程中语音预激活的认知机制,即语音表征的预激活是否具有灵活性。实验中同一批被试执行两种不同的任务,包括目标判断任务和读音判断任务。实验 2 结果发现,词汇语音的预激活是灵活、策略性的,可以根据不同的任务需求进行调节;在听觉目标出现前,被试只有在执行读音判断任务时,才会对同音字产生注视偏好。结果支持语音预激活的策略性加工机制。 总之,本研究结果表明,在口语理解过程中,确实在有些任务场景中会出现语音表征的预激活;但是,语音表征的预激活并不是完全自动的、而是具有策略性和灵活性。这一研究结果不仅有助于我们更深刻地理解口语理解的认知机理,而且为我们将来进一步探索语音预期灵活性的神经基础和干预提升技术奠定了基础


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    The Comparative Study of Vulnerability between Perspectives of Ecology and Anthropology Specialties

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    脆弱性研究是近十来年环境科学研究的一个热点。脆弱性指自然或社会文化系统容易受到损害的程度,人类社会文化系统具有内在的脆弱性,自然灾害、文化冲突、制度变迁等都会随时导致人类社会脆弱性的发生。面对当前的环境变化,人类文化尚处在一个适应的过程中,各子系统是一个高暴露状态,所以,相关的适应性研究还需要深入。The research of vulnerability is a hot-spot in environment research during the last ten years.Vulnerability refers to the extent of the potential damage that the nature or social cultural system may face.The social cultural system has an inner vulnerability.Natural disaster,cultural conflict,the change of system and so on could lead to vulnerability at any time.Facing the environmental change,the human culture is still in the process of adapting.Each sub-system is in a high exposure status.Therefore,the relevant research should be in-depth.国家自然科学基金项目“环境变化下的城市海岸带脆弱性综合评价研究”(编号:40701059